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  1. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    I'm okayh.

    I'm okayh.
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Johnny Bravo, Jul 13, 2009
  2. In explicit Angst
  3. In explicit Angst
    I did a lot of work looking at peoples personalities and wants and came up with this:

    For Katie, Dan would be the best.

    For Lizzie, Zack would be the best.

    For Hope, Roy would be the best.

    For Annjalean, Roy and Zack would be the best.

    For Roy, Laila would be the best.

    For Zack, Lizzie and Annyalean would be the best.

    For Dan, Katie would be the best.

    For Seth, Laila would be the best.

    I don't have time to Rp anymore sorry.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. In explicit Angst
  5. In explicit Angst
    Roxas saw one of the newest members come.
    "Sorry, there's no food in here..." Roxas said to her.

    Xinia took her hood off and walked next to one of the walls and stared at it for a moment. Then she nodded her head and turned to Roxas
    "Have you tried here?" she said and kicked one part off the wall. Her foot went through it. She peeked in it and saw a couple bags of chips.
    "Wonder who hid these here." she said and opened one.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. In explicit Angst
    Ooc: I'll add her to the list... Oh and the video isn't available in my country Dx

    Katie listened Laila play and after she was done Katie smiled shyly.
    "You play really well" she said.
    "I'm Katie by the way."
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst
    "Yeah, sure." Katie said but didn't really want Zack to see where she lived.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. In explicit Angst
    Ooc: Hmm, can Laila play the bass or drums, 'cause Roy can play the piano/keyboards? And I can make Katie ask her to join...

    Bic: "We really would only need a drum player anymore. Those are the most important. We can ofcorse have other instrument too, but the most important once are usually guitar, drums and vocals." Katie said.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
    R-riku? Riku? RIKU?!?! I HATE RIKU! KILL THAT *****!
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. In explicit Angst
  11. In explicit Angst
    "I don't really want to think about it..." Katie said getting a bit annoyed seeing his perfect report card.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. In explicit Angst
    "Sorry, I just have a very 'strong grip'" he said (Ooc: Was that what Marge said in the third movie Dx)

    McGonagall turned to them once again. "Roy, be more careful with the rat, please." she said and continued walking away.

    "Yes, ofcorse professor. But I really need to go to my History of Magic lesson. I'll give you your rat at your detention today, Hugo..." he said and walked away too. He quickly went to the Gryffindor common room. He left his bag there and walked to the boys dormitory. He dug up his owls cage and did a spell so the rat couldn't squeeze true the cages bars or bite it open. He put the rat in it and left the cage next to his bed. Then he ran off for his lesson.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. In explicit Angst
    Alrighty! You're in ^^

    Katie sat down and held the guitar next to her stomach and shyly put her fingers to the right place. She was about to start singing when she peeked at the two males. She felt her face blushing a bit. Man, she was way too shy to sing even in front of them. She was about to put the guitar on the ground but shook her head. She had to do this. It would of been stupid to run off now. She closed her eyes and began playing the intro of the song; Disenchanted. She actually sang really well she was just way too shy and had too low confident to say it her self. Because she was playing the song with her eyes closed she almost forgot she that Dan and Zack where there. She stood up and sang it like she was alone in her room picturing being on stage. She shook her head in the "But where did you run to?" part and almost wanted to throw the guitar out of her hands when she sang the last "This never meant nothing to ya." part after remembering some unwanted memories but she sang the whole song and then sat down again and opened her eyes.
    "So... Um... How did I do?"
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. In explicit Angst
    Okay, sorry to hear that. I'll take your name off of Xemnas and Xaldin...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    ^^ .

    ^^ .
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for MadDoctorMaddie, Jul 12, 2009
  16. In explicit Angst
  17. In explicit Angst
  18. In explicit Angst
    "Hmm... I don't really know..."
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. In explicit Angst
    "This rat has been running around freely biting people and disturbing class's. I will give it back to him at his detention today and of the waking in the wall-" Roy said and gave out a smirk. "Something looked wrong with it. Like it's brains stopped or something. I just gave it a wack to get it going again.

    "You really should be a bit more gentle to the rat, but confiscaiting it was the right thing to do if it's been hurting other students. Now I have to hurry to the second years. Someone accidentaly aimed his partner in one of the spells..." she said and quickly walked away.

    Ooc: Ugh, can't be her really well Dx
    And the original version was stupid.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. In explicit Angst
    As Katie peeked at Zack's report card she felt an urge to burst into tears. Her report card wasn't even near his. Her best grade was B- (I'm not sure how it really goes, in Finland it's like 4-10 Dx) and forst was D. Oh wait. She could find a bit worse number in History.
    "Damn, I suck." she said after showing Zack her grades.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home