"Um, sure..." Katie mumbled.
Katie was about to open her mouth but she saw Zack walk in. "So did you find your wallet?" she asked.
Yeah, pretty much ^^
"I don't know... But I sure wish so"
Not their real names, but their called by the countries they come from.
People, who are called by their countries.
Katie sighed and rested her head on the table.
It's an anime. link. Really funny xD
"I'm in a music school few mails from this town." Katie said and sat down. "You think the guys are coming back soon?"
I've been watching Hetalia.
'kay .
Yes, ofcorse ^^
Yes. link. The episodes are only five minutes.
*giggles* Hetalia is funny. Do you watch it?
Oh, I meant that day...
Stop going? What do you mean stop going? I just haven't been able to go to the computer lately...
Yeah... .
Beast... .
"I'm the worse in the class in history. And math probably..." Katie mumbled
You don't have to, but you can ofcorse. I just thought that people would appreaciate if I would see who would fit with who the best. I looked at everyones wants and personalities and counted "points" XD Bic: Katie turned to Laila. "So, uh. What school do you go to?"