"I'm sorry..." she said sadly. She felt really awkward around them and their sad stories. Roy saw that one of the members of the band was staring at him. He gave out a smirk and looked back at her. Ooc: Meh, I changed Roy's font color...
Avy: 8. It's okay. Sig: 9. It need something still.
Yes, okay and I wrote a thing I had thought up some while ago which I hadn't put in his history. Roy's history: If Roy miss behaved he was...
I'm doing okay. And the things which would scare the crap out of him would be really mean and Kitsune should find out about his childhood somehow...
Ooc: If you want to know some stuff witch would truly scare the crap out of him, PM/VM me... Roy sat up when the dark and quiet didn't help his headache. He looked around his suitcase to find some medicine and took it. He looked at Kitsune and fell back on his bed.
I've heard of that kind of place in Finland. I've wanted to go for a long while already, but I have no idea where it is, how much it cost and some other important shit. And my parents don't seem to be so exited of taking me there ;_;
Roy put an pillow over his head and closed his eyes for a moment trying to relax and get the pain away.
"Hey, you shouldn't bee cursing in such a young age." Katie said to Zack. They reached the common room and Katie mumbled the password (What is it, btw?) and stepped in. Roy's class ended and he walked to the Ravenclaw common room. He went to the boys dormitory and without even looking at Kitsune he fell on his bed. He had an headache.
Katie turned her head to Dan. "I'm so sorry. And I thought I was doing bad... My parent haven't divorced or anything but my dad travels a lot. And both my sisters have moved out already. My younger big sister just this summer" she said and looked down a bit. "I sure miss them... But I still meet them every now and then." Katie turned her head back up and smiled a little. She grabbed her right hand with her left one and pulled the sleeve down a bit. She always did that after she got a bit nervous. She heard what Zack said. "Yeah, this is good." Roy walked to the park and sat down on a bench. He saw a couple people coming there with some instruments. "This will be interesting." he thought to his self. Edit: I remembered a couple thing I wanted to add for Katie and Roy. Check it out if you want~~~
No, I was just way to bored after a minute or something xDx
Katie started walked toward the common room. Ooc: Gotta go. I'll probably come back tomorrow or friday~~~
"Hide in the common room in shame? People are looking at as, you know..."
"I-i was joking." Katie said.
"Eh?" Katie stared at Zack like he was mad. "W-w-w-wha-what?" she stuttered.
"Want to run around crazy?" Katie said as a joke.
I got the tickets for Finland's premier! I'm pretty excited about it ^^
"Pasta!" My friend just loves England.
My friend told me about it a little time ago. It's really funny~~~
"Ofcorse, I told about it to Isabella." she said.
Katie gave him a sweet smile. "Yeah, hopefully." she said and blushed a bit. "I'm always really sleepy. It's like a curse in my family." she said giggling a bit.