And owl called Elena. Named after his mother.
Katie loved the song and she started smiling while still singing ofcorse.
Katie was quiet. Roy stepped in the owlery. "Elena!" he yelled and his owl flew on his shoulder. "I need you to take this to my mother." he said to her. The owl gently bit him telling that she understood. Roy watched Elena fly away and he smiled. He loved animals. Maybe not animals like the rat he had found. But most animals he though were sweet and innocent. I don't want to complain but I think you erased Roy's pet D:
Katie opened her mouth and started singing: "Come up to meet ya, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are." Roy heard that the band had started playing. He put his book down and listened to them play.
Katie couldn't help but facepalm Zack. "Sure." Roy mumbled. OOC: Could you edit Roy's history, pwease? When Roy was a child, if he misbehaved he was always punished. Roy actually used to be a really cheery and happy child but his father didn't like that. He used to always punish him if he had acted too 'cheery' or just broken a rule or something. Sometimes he made his servants beat him up and throw him in a dungeon for some days without food. Sometimes it could of been something worse. Even though both of Roy's parents where wizards he was forced to go to muggle school before he went to Hogwarts. He was bullied there and got beaten up too. Once he told about it for his father and he got punished for being weak. The last time he used to hurt him was the worst time. Once when his father was very angry at Roy he pulled out his wand and said; "Crucio" When Roy's mother heard about this they got into a huge fight. Roy's mother loved Roy and was always there for him when he had been hurt of bullied in school. When Roy's mother got into a car accident Roy started to hate his father 'cause he was certain that his father had caused this. After his mother made it she and Roy moved away from Roy's father and left him live alone in his mansion. When Roy started Hogwarts his mother had to move back to the mansion with her husband because there had such a small amount of money anymore. The next summer Roy had to stay in the mansion but he hardly even saw his father. Roy's father was crazy and when Roy was in second grade of Hogwarts he got an owl telling him his father was sent to Azkaban.
Katie breathed heavily and waited for everyone to start the song. OOC: I know that song is from coldplay, but since the singers are female I took a version were a female actually sings this xD
Roy turned his head towards Zack and gave out a sad smile. "You should be polite. Maybe then, you wouldn't get detention so much." And again he continued walking.
"Sorry, I haven't got any." Katie said to Dan. "And we can sing if you want." she said to Laila
As Katie, Dee and Zack were walking away from the owlery they bumped in to Roy. For a second it looked like Roy was going to give them detention, but then he just continued walking to the owlery without saying a word to them.
Katie was jogging towards the park. When she reached the others she was huffing quite fast. "Here you go..." she said giving everyone some paper where had been written the notes.
Sure, no problem ^^
OOC: Why do you want the all the female's to sing so badly? Why don't you want any of the male members to sing BIC: "Hey, mom!" Katie yelled when she got home. "Hey, honey. Lunch is ready." her mom answered. "That'll have to wait. I met some guys in the park and we're gonna form a band." she said cheerfully running upstairs to her room. "A band? This really isn't like you. Usually you're jus-..." "I know-" Katie said after grabbing the notes and kissing her mother on the cheek. "Usually I'm just sitting alone in a bench too shy to talk to anyone. Well I'll see you later! Ciao!" she yelled to her and ran outside.
OOC: >.< Ofcorse. I always mess those up. I come from Finland you see... And even though I'm one of the best in my class in English, I still have some mistakes Dx BIC: "Anyone else want to send a letter?" Katie asked "I don't like how the owls stare at me all the time..." she said blushing a bit. Roy got up and he felt like writing a letter home. "Hey mom, how are things going? It's the first school day now, and I've already had to give detention and take points away from some kids. Nothing huge has happened though. Just wanted to check in. Well take care. Love: Roy." He rubbed his head once and walked outside of the common room towards the owlery looking a bit different then usual. He didn't even notice some kids messing around in the hall's.
OOC: Katie doesn't play any other instrument well then the guitar... BIC: "'Kay" she said and started jogging towards her house.
Katie leaded the kids to the owlery. "Tadah! Here we are!" she said.
It's okay. Anyone can forget about an RP they joined.
You haven't posted anything in the RP "Teenaged love" in about three weeks. Are you gonna continue RPing there or will you just quit?
I just picked someone randomly...
I say ten just because I'm bored... And I like watching people die slowly :3
I watched the whole video... Not proud of it though...