Ooc: You should go ask that in the code section... Bic: Katie had been quiet and when Zack asked a question from her she didn't first realize that it was mean for her. "Oh! I'll take you there!" Katie said quickly and stared walking towards the toilets.
Next tuesday D:
I like this. It could use something else too, but it's pretty cool. Hetalia rocks ^^
Katie noticed the heartless. She summoned her Sais and destroyed some of them.
27 I guess...
"Sure" Katie said for them both and started walking towards the shop.
My sister is on our computer and I'm on my dads and he doesn't have msn. Sorry...
Ooc: Noticed that... Bic: Katie was sitting in a limousine. She was used for Roy taking her to places with it, but she always forgot how fancy the car was. "We have arrived." the driver said and opened the doors for Roy and Katie. "Wow, look at this place!" Katie said when she saw her new school. "Yes, indeed. It is a very good college." "And it's so huge!" Roy smiled and kissed Katie's forehead. "Relax, it is a school."
After they had played the song a couple of times, Katie's throat started to hurt a bit. "Um, can we have a break? I'm quickly gonna go to the near by shop and by something. Does anyone need anything?" she asked.
STOP IT WITH THE LOL! I'll come maybe later...
... When will we start?
"Oh yeah, that sucks." Katie said and frowned.
You lost! You weren't supposed to say lol for an hour!
Roy walked a bit closer to them and leaned on a three. "Okay let's start!" Katie said cheerfully but still blushing a bit. Ooc: I'm gonna change Roy's appearance...
Forum Name: In explicit angst Name: Katie Fiara Age: Turns 16 October 11th (Has nothing to do with your character. I just didn't want her to bee too young but not too old. And my birthday is october 11th so that's why she's 16 then xD) Sport team: Thought of starting football but decided to try baseball with Roy. Creativity/Action choices: Art and drama. Science classes: Biology and chemistry. Second language: French. History: Katie has always been a very shy person. She has been bullied and used when she was younger so she finds it hard to trust anyone. She has seen it all. Warm smile and compliments. But when she starts trusting someone they use her and tell all her secrets around the school. But she has started to learn. Usually she sees from the eyes, what the person wants from her. But even if the eyes look friendly she is shy and is afraid of opening up. She met Roy when she was once bullied in her neighborhood. Roy defended her. He even got a scar on his face doing that. Since then Roy has been like a big brother to Katie and he's been the only person she really trust. Hobbies: Soccer, drama and guitar. Personality: She is very friendly, gentle, romantic, sweet, and shy. But she can be tough if she needs to. Looks: http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc255/carly-san/anime/ANIME-13.jpg Forum Name: In explicit angst Name: Roy Clayper Age: 17 Sport team: Baseball. Creativity/Action choices: Art and 'army type stuff'. Science classes: Astronomy and physics. Second language: Latin History: Comes from a wealthy family but liked to run off sometimes. He might of even been an whole night outside in a park. Sometimes he was in Katie's house. Roy is very protective of Katie and she's just like a little sister to her. Hobbies: Baseball and piano. Personality: Serious and quiet from the outside but if you get to know him he can be sweet and fun. He is a bit cocky and sarcastic and he is very protective. Looks: http://api.ning.com/files/qHKQHnjxy...fY4Nu*qas2ideYXYDSGCy8EK4pB3vS/AnimeGuy18.jpg
"Maybe we could practice that one a couple of times. We still had some mistakes." she said blushing when everyone was looking at them.
"We should maybe go to the common room." Katie said as Roy passed them and was walking in front of them.
"So what now? Same song, or will we try something new?"
I'm going to say three.
Katie ended the song smiling and turned to the others. "That was great." she said happily. "Their pretty good." Roy said to his self quietly.