how did you get axel to hold those weapons(where did the weapons come from)? and where do you get those costumes? that was hilarious
that is awsome, but he said that it blew up afterwards......
sorry, i wasn't trying to advertise, i was just wanting you guys to talk about it, and if you wanted it, I provided a site where you could buy it......that was all
look, square's cell phone games have never failed, if they made any, but some cell phone games have gotten attension to veiwers, like the God of War cell phone game, and dirge lost episode, so I think it will be in that catagory of popularity and fun! besides, you never watched the trailer, now did you.......
it is kinda good
I found a game that allows you to create a rpg! i found a link to buy the game and a link to show you a dimonstration! (EDITED FOR ADVERTISING) you can also make assesories for your characters, your own battle system (turn based or action rpg based), landscapes, and more! this game is very old, and i don't know if anyone has made a tread like this, but excuse me for i have only been in these forums for 4 days!
that was awsome!
Man, am i the only one here who likes kingdom hearts: coded? you guys are so mean to mobile phones! lol
this is the best out of all three!
I want this game so badly, but i don't have a psp, so i will get a very used one just to buy it! the ironic thing is that it is not my favorite of the three, kingdom hearts: 358/2 days is........
I am putting hope into this game! I can not wait for this game to come out! This will be awsome!
Look, i want it! i hope it does come to the US and i hope it comes with a great start/finish! I am into puzzle games like this, and this does interest me alot! I do like kingdom hearts: 358/2 days better than this, but i can't wait for this one! please don't hurt me.....
Pwn all who sees all, and khows all and stuff! pwn when i say so and do so, and stuff. pwn when the lord commands to pwn, and pwn when i have flying pigs around me doing an irish dance. I shall pwn who disobeys me or the Lord says me to pwn. I pwn, i pwn, pwn all, I pwn MYSELF! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn, and shuv it! i give thanks to the dude at blizzard who made this word, thow he sall go to heaven for his own sake! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn, shalll pwn all! double triple quaddruple pwn all! I love to pwn! the commanding pwnage bible, says to: pwn and that is all! mods mods mods! they love to pwn people like u spammers, so why don't you guys start pwning tham for the reasons they pwn us! together we shall rule! pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn pwn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0101010100001010111111010010101010001010111110101111010101010101010 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! the end!
when someone finds a picture of this game, a picture of gameplay or trailer, post it here! thank you for your cooperation.....
When someone finds a picture of this game, a picture of gameplay or trailer, i would like you to post it here! thank you for your cooperation....
woops, sorry! please close this....
can someone tell me what the "create game" RAW code is for kingdom hearts 2: final mix plus. i want to play it, with a codebreaker!
can you help me hack something..... can you help me hack the KEYMAP file in lotro (lord of the rings online)? tell me how to do simple hacks, and please tell me which program to use to open it (i used wordpad to open it and it looked easy to hack =} )...
how do you guys think it willl be wants it comes out. what are you predictions about the game, and what do you guys think the game is about? I think it will be surrounding everything besides the main characters. like it is about the after effects of the fights that happened in the other worlds. I also think that it will surround mickey's life in general, so that way we understand what he went through to protect secrets from sora!
how do you set it up to play in japeneze. i thought it was permanently english dubbed vioces?