ummmmm......ask kh kid or evilman when they come....
lets try to stay on topic guys!
just want to let you guys know that they are coming out with a new ps2 in early '08 so that might lead to are advantage.....
I think we might be close. It might be the proccessor because the pc solves problems differently than a ps2 does. We need a way to change that......
I am guessing that it is the proccessor or something. The pc solves problems differently from the way the ps2 does.
have we figured out what was wrong with the riku code already?
Hey, can one of you guys post How to dump your BIOS because I can't get to the site's forums for some reason (it is to slow...)
ok, thanks!
I don't have aim so I can't, though I want too, because you are a good pal :) anyway, to the subject, Will dumping my BIOS cause glitches in my Ps2 or what?
on page 361 of this thread, lol
DjC: the digits are "0137"
ok, thanks! And kh kid, I am sorry for acting like an inmature kid, I need to grow up!
also, how do you play kingdom hearts 2 final mix with japanese voices?
yah, test the codes that we send to each other. report what happened in the game!
Hey Guys, how did Cloudstrife252 play a jap. game on his english emu. did he use a jap. BIOS or did he use swap magic or what?
Anyway, did they use a japanese BIOS or a swap magic swap in their ps2 emulators to play jap. games?
Hey dude, about earlier, I was the one would didn't know anything, not khkid....... Anyway....idk, sorry
Thanks man!
thanks, but I need it for RAW format, not ar max.....
yah, I looked at it, and khkid was right.......I am SOOOOOOORRRRRRY, so please forgive!