Lily Strosek "Yes, it's me." Lily let out a smile, despite the pain she was in. "Thoma, I'm sorry, I've finally remembered. You're my driver; the holder of a "Strosek", the plug for the Silver Cross." She coughed up some blood. "You are not going to die, nor do you have to kill anyone, anymore" Lily's cute face turned serious. "Even if it's just this once, I'll definitely find a way to save you!~" She smiled once more, and then she raised her arm. "REACTOR DRIVE!" Her current clothes disappeared, she was completely naked. But only for a brief three seconds. She then reappeared with new clothes on, it she was wearing her Engage Suit. "You'll be okay, Thoma. REACTOR ENGAGE." And with that, she disappeared into the inside of Thoma's body. Inside, Lily grabbed Silver Cross. "Silver Cross, terminate self-defense mechanism. Switch over to Strosek active control. Return sight and hearing to normal." And with that, Thoma's sight and hearing returned to normal. "Zero Drive, commence emergency termination. Release all armaments. Active antigens." Lily smiled, she knew that she saved Thoma. "I'll save you from Exclips-" She had fainted.
Is this it? EDIT: nope
>_> which one is that?
There is no pink, anymore, if I am seeing correctly. And my stupid post templates aren't working. It's frustrating. I hope it's fixed.
Lily Strosek Tears started flowing in Lily's eyes, blood spurting out of her mouth. "I can not change my fate. I must go through with this." She gasped for air. "Silver Cross, STOP!" She looked into Thoma's eyes, hoping he'd recognize her. "Thoma...? Thoma?!"
Pfft. Who needs sleep? I will post right now.
Really? Then you're finished your entire year? Or just until a holiday?
Lily Strosek "Thank you..." Was the last thing Lily had said before teleporting over to Thoma's position. As Lily was falling, her bracelet spoke. "COMMENCING DIRECT CONNECTION. LINKAGE SYSTEM ACTIVATED." Lily then reached out, towards Thoma. "Thoma! It's me, Lily!" She had grabbed a hold of him, hoping that he'd respond and recognize her. OOC: This new update makes it really frustrating for an iPod user (myself) to post.
Daxa, dearest. What ever happened to our post templates? ;~;
Post that in the thread, so Misty can fix it.
I prefer Tahoma.
The only thing I dislike is my lack of my post templates. We just have to get used to this.
Same. I can't use any of my post templates, due to me using my iPod. :'c
Nothing much, really. Yourself? EDIT: btw, I like your AMV!
Sounds good! My post templates won't work on my iPod anymore. ;~;
Mine don't even show up. Spoiler I am deeply saddened. :'c
Done. I have to leave now, so I can't reply to you right away. Ikr? :D
Oh geez, I forgot to post. I'll do it upon my return for ye olde church.
You were reading 'love'.