I'm going to the city right now. D':
Nah. I'm just going to laze around and do nothing. c:
Aw, that's too bad. At least camps aren't so bad, sometimes. What is the camp you are going to in August?
That's cool. Any plans for the summer?
W-welcome, C-Cody. You seem like a fun guy. Have fun!~ ♥
Exactly! ;D Sounds good.
Welcome! Have fun.~
Hey, Adam. I just finally tested the file that Rienzel sent me at the beginning of this month. Do I just report my experience in VMs or PMs?
I can't decide what I want my avatar to be. :o And I honestly don't know why I am invisible, you little stalker, you. c; I'll go and fix it...
Taking a break is probably the smart thing to do. I hope you come back to us. Take care.~
Lookin' good in the green, bro.
Much too long. I have been rather busy lately; life has been hectic, so to speak. How 'bout yourself? Life has been good?
I will not know who I am.
The way I like it. So, how are far you in R+V?
Should I be frightened?
Well, you taste kinky.
That information could have been helpful, earlier. Now, I am going to have to eat you.
I took your advice; I ate them all. But now I have a belly ache. ;__;