This has already been mentioned, but Chie Satonaka x Soap = Choap I like the sound of it.
And you couldn't of just given me a heart at the beginning, instead of beating me up? xD
"Maxime in Latine facere, actu." /used google translate; 98% chance this sentence was incorrect
How could you? D:
It was you? *steps back*
I hope you understand my pain. I was so close to achieving it, but then some hot-shot named 'Sora' beat me up and locked it away. :/
Yes, yes, yes! I am no longer a nobody. This way was much more simple than trying to achieve Kingdom Hearts.
Gasp. May I borrow one? I feel that I shall exlode sooner or later.
Well, hello there. Excuse me, but I had no idea you were invincible. What's your secret?
Apprentice!! Nuuuu! Come back to me, pls! :'c
His insanity is going off the charts. It'll destroy us all. :o
Silly Apprentice, Star has always been insane. lol jk
Haha, he certainly has. c; I'm still laughing a bit.
Oh. Something happen, whilst my absence?
Haha, it's just like him to. xD
Moka and Tsukune walked down the shore of the hot-sanded beach, holding hands like a couple would. "Hey, Tsukune?" "Hm, what is it?" Moka looked at her feet, then back to Tsukune. "I miss Kurumu and Yukari-chan..." "I miss them too. It has been a while." Tsukune stopped which made Moka also stop, since their hands were connected to one another's. "Hey, why don't you call them over? I'm sure Kurumu would be able to fly the both of them over here. Besides, they like a good party." Moka brushed her well kept, pink hair out of her eye. "That's a great idea, Tsukune!" Moka snagged her cell phone out of an imaginary pocket, out of her sky blue colored swimsuit. She dialed Kurumu's phone and only after two rings, Kurumu had answered her phone. "Hey, Kurumu..."
That's the one. Star tell you about it?
It has a nice ring to it, too.
Exactly. Or to change it up a bit, we can have it in a different language. Like Latin for example; "Fortitudo."
Two days ago I became a staff member on another forum, if that counts.