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  1. Krown
  2. Krown
    Profile Post

    ​'Sup Claw? c:

    ​'Sup Claw? c:
    Profile Post by Krown for ClawtheCyclops113, Jun 8, 2012
  3. Krown
  4. Krown
    ​Sure, that'll be fine.
    ​'Dem Americans be crazy.
    Post by: Krown, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Krown
    ​I like it. Team America?
    Post by: Krown, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Krown
    ​If it's not too late, would you care to have Ichigo team up with Spider-Man?
    Post by: Krown, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Krown
    Awesome. I'm so excited for this release, even though I won't be able to play it on it's release.
    Post by: Krown, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Krown
    ​Would anyone like to team up with Spiderman for the tournament?
    Post by: Krown, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Krown
    ~~An Area Near The Arena~~

    Leaning against a tree - mask half off - was a young hero, wearing red tights that resembled a spider. He was munching on a hotdog. Which seemed to be the only thing he recognized after waking up in this strange world. The teenage boy didn't bother to go exploring; his head hurt too much. "At least this place seems to be more peaceful than New York." The spider-resembling boy sat down, and then stretched his legs along the grass, closing his hidden eyes. "No more Doc Ock, no more Vulture... no more Sandman... the way I like it..." And with that, he drifted off to sleep, with his hands behind his head.

    Several minutes later, his rest was disturbed by a loud voice. Enthralled, Spider-Man listened, and took notice of the appearing-out-of-nowhere arena.
    After the announcement, Spider-Man clapped his hands over his head enthusiastically. "Great speech! Great speech!" He shouted, half sarcastically. Pulling the rest of his mask over his face, Spider-Man was off. Shooting his webbing into the empty air, swinging towards the arena.

    ​OOC: Since I am not able to post, due to being rushed, Kokoa, (Outer) Moka, (Inner) Moka, Tsukune, Dead Master, Hulk, and anyone else that I may be forgetting, are also heading to the arena.
    Post by: Krown, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Krown
    ​Bye, Excasr. Good luck with those tests.
    Post by: Krown, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Departure Hall
  11. Krown
  12. Krown
  13. Krown
  14. Krown
    The Sliced Broccoli
    Post by: Krown, Jun 2, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Krown
  16. Krown
    ​Hi. What are you up to?
    Profile Post by Krown for Sora's Apprentice, Jun 1, 2012
  17. Krown
    ​Eh, that's not that late. For me anyways...
    Post by: Krown, May 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Krown
  19. Krown
  20. Krown