I dream about black rain, twilight rain, and auroral rain. And many other things, but they're currently lost in memory.
"Fortress" was supposed to be FFXII, as in the third picture in your post there are the ghost-type monsters that are found in the game and Judge Gabranth in the first.
I miss how Donald was able to use the same spells as Sora and not limited to just the main four. Him casting Aeroga on everyone and Graviga/Thundaga on the Heartless helps a lot.
"Whatever. Might as well check anyway. It wouldn't be the first time this was a false alarm." With that Omega walked to the elevator. Stepping through the clear membrane, the elevator was called up. "Enjoy your life," he said to her before he went in. Or what's left of it, he thought. While in the elevator, he let loose the Ultima that was within the blade. The entire top of the tower became engulfed by an explosion of pure destructive magic. As it shook the tower, Omega chuckled.
Quick question, for 0033FEC8 000000XX, would 03 be the equivalent of Critical Mode in terms of difficulty seeing as 00 is Beginner, 01 is Standard, and 02 is Proud?
Spoiler There's only this screenshot that came with his announcement.
It's probably more like the Armor of the Master: it's Master Xehanort's Keyblade Armor moving on it's own. Since armor itself has no heart and "no heart" is an anagram of Xehanort without the "x", No Heart is a fitting name. If I'm correct, Roxas could use the Keyblade because he had some of Sora's memories that remembers using the Keyblade which in turn gives Roxas the ability to use the Keyblade even without a heart. Xion simply stole the ability from Roxas during her time with him. And if that's the case, then that should also apply to Xemnas. But since nothing hints about him remembering his previous use of the Keyblade, he cannot. So really he should be able to, but he can't since he doesn't remember and so he lost it, as Umiyuri Papaeyra said.
Realizing who she was, or more like who was possessing her, Omega remarked back. "And since when did you start to believe that I actually thought you died? It makes a good excuse for your...'disappearance', shall we say?" He suppressed most of the rage that was let loose and returned to his calmer self, but still very pissed off. "You were supposed to guard Shinryu from anyone who would disturb him. But instead you ran off after being defeated by both the Menhirrim and a group of wandering l'Cie," he reminded her as he strolled around the apex. Masamune had been drawn at this point. The blade had an eerie, yet beautiful green glow to it as an Ultima spell had been infused within it only moments before. The tower shook once again, harder this time. "Guess it's gonna start all over again," Omega complained with a sigh. Guys...I really need you here right now. If Shinryu truly is awake...then everything... he thought to himself.
1. This happened during the start of KH1, IIRC. Mickey went to find the reason why all these worlds were disappearing and found and entered a Corridor of Darkness in Traverse Town that led to the Realm of Darkness. He found the Kingdom Key D there sometime later. Spoiler This is found out in Coded, I believe. 2. Maleficent simply found Hollow Bastion in its ruined state and made it her base of operations. And Stitch probably never returned to Deep Space due to the hyperdrive blasting him off somewhere in BBS and his world most likely gone in KH1. Since he flew off somewhere, he might've escaped the mass Heartless invasion. 3. The Realm of Darkness is HUGE. Also with the fact that Aqua wanders aimlessly there, Sora, Riku and Mickey don't spend much time there to actually run into her. Aqua only met Ansem the Wise in Blank Points by sheer luck. Sora and Riku are considered to be on the shore across from them at the end of KH2. 4. Terra-Xehanort sent her there. It was in stated in one of his new reports in KH1FM. 5. Something to do with Ven's heart getting healed by Sora's when Sora was born. If it's not this, then the question should really be: Why does Sora have the same face as Vanitas? 6. Roxas looks like Ven because when Sora lost his heart, either Ven's physical traits or his memories of them passed onto Roxas and giving him that shape instead of Sora's. 7. Ansem the Wise simply got in their way of their research. They thought he was a fool for commanding them to end it and so they banished him there, though it might've been their Nobodies that did that, I don't recall. Org. XIII was simply formed to both continue the research and to gain their hearts back. 8. You find his Heartless machine that he mentioned in his reports in one of the portals in End of the World. There's no such thing as artificial Nobodies, unless you count Xion, but she was made by Vexen in his Replica project that included the Riku Replica IIRC. 9. Heartless are the hearts of people who succumbed to the darkness in their hearts and are essentially darkness themselves. Anyone with darkness in their hearts can become Heartless if they allow themselves to let it take them. Combined with below, that's why they're in such low number at the time of BBS. 10. They don't, unless summoned by a very powerful entity, someone with control over darkness, someone with a strong darkness in their hearts, or simply whoever is the strongest at the moment. Maleficent, Ansem the Wise's apprentices, Master Xehanort, Riku for a short time, Saix about once or twice, etc. 11. Their worlds collapsed from the Heartless invasions, mainly caused by Maleficent. She most likely captured them during those invasions. 12. They simply found them. Xigbar's seen talking to Zexion about finding Marluxia and about finding new recruits in KH2FM. 13. "Lost in oblivion" simply means that whoever enters will not find anything (i.e. the Room of Awakening) and will become lost since every room looks exactly the same, unless it's Aqua of course. The Organization only found it because it is in the Realm of In-between, uninhabited, and Xemnas had a feeling that he would find his other friend (Ven) there. 14. Sora, Riku, Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Ansem the Wise, and the Organization can be seen as intruders of the castle and therefore would be "lost in oblivion". Sora at this time also wasn't fully complete as Roxas hasn't returned to him yet and therefore didn't have a full heart (and that BBS wasn't in development at the time). Ven wouldn't rot because he's not dead. There's also no concept of death in KH, so there's always a way to revive someone, somehow. Roxas' head started to hurt partly because of that and because he was in very close proximity to Sora, since he wasn't moved to the Mansion yet IIRC. 15. The room where Ven currently is inside Castle Oblivion. 16. Namine, for the most part, LOOKS like Kairi. The blonde hair may be because it was adopted from Ven maybe? Sora's, Ven's, and Kairi's hearts were bonded together before he released them and created the two Nobodies. 17. Xion, being Roxas' replica, has no physical relation to Terra or Aqua. Ven would be the only other choice besides Roxas. 18. Either the legend was told long before BBS, or the story of BBS was somehow passed from world to world. 19. "Birth by Sleep" refers to Blank Points in which Sora will save everyone who had their lives ruined by Ansem the Wise and Xehanort and are waiting for him to do so. Spoiler (Specifically Axel, Roxas, Xion, Ven, Terra, Aqua, and Namine as stated in Coded's ending and hinted in Blank Points). 20. Going by what was stated in the question, he didn't have a face until Ven's heart was mended by Sora's, hence the mask. Regarding the questions that could be answered by the Ansem Reports, it wouldn't make much sense if they were shown in cutscenes in BBS as it happened within the 10 year gap between it and KH1 but leaning more towards KH1. Aqua and Ven are MIA and Terra-Xehanort remembers nothing about his life and being a Keyblade Master. Braig might as well have pulled the strings.
Yeah, Sora's experience is still one. It just becomes a cosmetic change after killing a boss. Do bosses force a level up?
This only prevents experience gain from normal enemies, not bosses. I just leveled up twice from the second Darkside battle.
And just for fun:
The roar from below came from beneath the tower itself. Although Omega has heard countless monster roars in his life, there was only one that actually instilled fear in him. This was that roar. And it screamed of vengeance. "Do you have ANY IDEA what you've DONE?!!" he screamed at her. Although he wasn't exactly sure how she or someone else managed to do undo the seal, a mix of pure rage and fear swelled within him nonetheless.
I believe that it's safe to assume that a universal experience mod hasn't been made? Or some other code that can prevent any experience gain? I wanna go for a level 1 run, but any mandatory battle prevents this.
Omega's gaze strikes over to Jenny from her mentioning of Ultima. "You're right. They won't reach Cocoon. PSICOM already reported their location to the Sanctum yesterday and plans to hit them with a preemptive strike," he begins to explain, "The l'Cie army is an army of magic, barely any physical capability. It's useless against the Sanctum in this day and age. They've been preparing for this since the last attack on Cocoon and have since then developed manadrive armor that generates a constant Reflect effect. Only high-powered stuff like Ultima and Meteor can pierce it. None of the Crystal L'Cie are capable of that kind of power. They have no idea what they're getting into." He starts to eye her suspiciously. "By the way...who are you? Really?" he calmly demands. In preparation of a quick draw, he sets a hand over the hilt of Masamune.
"Last I checked, I was created as a l'Cie. You already know that, don't you Ult-" He caught himself before finishing the sentence. It was her sudden change in tone that put him off guard. You're just like her: Ultima. It's been a while since you were awake, hasn't it? he thought to himself. At the top of the tower he landed in an open area of the apex and sets Jenny on the floor. "Now, where are they..." he said as he walked over to peer over the tower's edge. A small flash of reflected light could be seen far off in the distance near Cocoon. The Crystal L'Cie army would reach the crystal tower soon, but were still a ways off from it. Omega breathed out a sigh of annoyance and disappointment. "There they go off without me," he complained. But he quickly changes his attitude to a more positive one. "Oh well. They'll all die in the attack anyway. This probably was the better choice. I wonder what's going on with Cid right now..." He looked over to Jenny. "You know, if your head hurts, you'll have to deal with it. I'm not a Medic." Omega continues to observe the l'Cie army. Boredom starts to sink in. Now to wait for Lightning and Snow to get here. Too bad there's no fal'Cie or a normal l'Cie around so that they could summon an Eidolon.
"Right now you're just bait for the others," Omega replied, "Otherwise it would've been up to the fal'Cie Dahaka to decide what to do with you. But he's dead, so it's up to Titan." Having already reached the tower, he circled his way to the top to scout the interior tiers. Her tears glimmered in the sunlight as he checked on her condition. "What are you crying about? You weren't the one who woke up alone after 500 years into a world forsaken of human life while unable to accept that your dream of watching everyone die or becoming Cie'th actually happened at the time you dreamt it." Forgotten emotions and memories of that time stirred within him. His hatred towards the fal'Cie, the stillness and silence of wandering the world alone, killing his now Cie'th friends with some as the Undying, the disappointment of seeing his siblings still in stasis for so long, etc. "Damn you fal'Cie..." he muttered under his breath.
Taejin's Tower was in sight. It wouldn't be too long before he reached it. Suddenly from below, a Zirnitra caught their scent and began to chase after them. Omega briefly turned his head to have a look at it. "Pestilence..." he said quietly to himself. Banish once again builds up in his previously injured hand. "Hang on," he tells Jenny. The wyvern's roar pierces the sky as Omega stops to aim the spell at the creature. His last words to the creature: "To the silent beyond." The blast of dark magic fired from his palm, moving like a missile. It hits the Zirnitra dead center in its mouth, stunning it from the impact and ripping a hole in the fabric of space to suck the creature in atom by atom. It tried to fight against the pull but it was a futile effort. The rift soon sealed once the Zirnitra's very existence disappeared into the Void. "Imagine this: I was going to hit both you and your camera with that earlier," he says to her, "Now imagine what would happen if someone unable to control his or herself with that kind of power targets Habara. Or Oerba. Or Eden. Or any other city on Gran Pulse or Cocoon." A short pause is taken to give her time to envision that horror. "Be grateful I'm not one of those people." He continues on to the top of the rebuilt tower.
The bullet went straight through Omega's hand, ending his dualcasting of Drain and Vile Exploitation, but not before the last of it healed the gun injury. "Well, that was fast," he remarked. A slight hint of annoyance could be heard as he spoke. He took a look at Jenny and could see that she was pretty out of it. Comatose maybe, but not dead. Ryou making a dash at him caught his eye. With Blood Sword, he blocked the attack with a disarming blow that followed with four deep, rapid slashes across his opponent's chest and a blast of Ruinga fired from the sword's tip. After a deep sigh of disappointment, he slumps Jenny over his shoulder and rises high into the air. "It's about time I headed back," he tells them, "I'm taking the girl. If you want her back then come get her. While you're at it, go visit 'Dahaka's Grave'. It's the least you can do after murdering him all those years ago." Omega then looks at Snow and Lightning in the eye. "You two should know where." Leaving them with that, he heads back towards Taejin's Tower.
Omega was taken by surprise. He never expected them to react this fast. Even then, it was all boring to him. Mya's gunblade only went through his clothes, as she hit a part of his body that had already become crystal. The chain's grip grew tighter around the arm, increasing blood loss. "Enough of this!" he yelled as he casted Stopga, canceling everyone's current actions including his own. He freed his arm from the chain and examined it. "Damn. I'm bleeding pretty bad..." Omega backhanded Mya out of the way as he turned to face Snow and Lightning. He quickly answered, "You two really don't remember seeing a wounded man with a half-bandaged face in Oerba a day or two before you went 'missing'?" The burning camera soon caught his eye. I was going to banish that to the Void, but that works. Blood started to trickle down his injured arm under his clothes, reminding him to take care of it immediately. "No more time for games, l'Cie," he began while unsheathing Blood Sword. In a red streak of his blade, he dashed towards Akira to strike through her. He continued past Akira and grabbed Jenny by her head and faced everyone, holding her in front of him. "Have fun watching your apprentices suffer," he finished. Soon, Omega repeatedly takes turns casting Drain on Jenny and attacking everyone with Vile Exploitation, making Jenny get a near double dose of her life drained out of her. More pain for me means more pain for all of you.