As the wheel came flying at him, he simply smiled at their attack. "Has that much time passed that the two of you have forgotten who you're dealing with?" Omega asked the sisters casually. He strolled towards the spinning wheel knowing full well that the Eidolon will think twice about attacking him, even under the commands of their summoner. " you need another reminder?" he threatened, preparing both swords for a cross slash. The magic within the swords grew more intense and engulfed most of their respective blade in light.
The cat was hit by a large cart inside the store and died instantly. It was not fried and eaten.
No one coerced you to tell a story about a cat's death that soon haunted a store that has fish.
According to one of my teachers, it's not really about how they have to pay for insurance and pension, but more about the fact that they lose the ability to bargain and negotiate for better working conditions. This bill also affects state workers as well as teachers, though the police and firemen are exempt from this. It just that teachers are being more vocal about it. I also heard that Wisconsin's a guinea pig on this and that it's a Republican thing.
When Jenny left, Omega took a short moment to recollect all that he learned of Etro: Her inability to create any fal'Cie or l'Cie, her passing through the Door and becoming the Goddess of Death, her bringing chaos into the world, her connection to the Eidolons, etc. The Eidolons are messengers of Etro. What others could she have there in the world of the dead? Speaking of Eidolons, Snow summoning Shiva caught Omega's attention. As if reciting from both memory and reflex, he chanted the following during the summoning: "By the grace of Etro, twin rulers arise from your icy thrones. Come forth, sisters of Winter wastes. A name in blood, a pact of ice. Shiva shall rise, her bond eternal and unyielding." He then readied both weapons and gave a cold stare at the sisters. A battle with an Eidolon was but a game to him, but even so he takes it seriously. "A loss is a loss. You can never take it back," he would say. And he has never lost a battle to an Eidolon once. "Make the first move," Omega calmly told them, infusing Ultima into the blade of Masamune and Flare into the other blade.
"Don't be foolish. No fal'Cie could die from that at even half their strength," Omega told Mya from seeing her reaction. Resting one blade on his shoulder, he walked over to Jenny and Noah and looked down at the newly made l'Cie. "And what I meant by that, boy, was..." he began to say to Noah before directing his attention to Jenny, " made another l'Cie? I don't have anything against it, by the way. Just a bit surprised." He chose not to answer Noah's other question and turned to the heroes. She must be planning to get their apprentices as well or at least ones who're here. That's fine by me. "If you're after those other kids, I'll gladly hold off Snow and Lightning. Would that be alright with you?" Omega asked Jenny.
As Omega neared the peak, the sounds of the battle grew fiercer. Dahaka's tail also became clearer as well. There you are. Now with his target in sight, he increased his speed. Right as he flew past Dakaka's tail, he made a single, clean swing through a weak point in the fal'Cie's tail with the Blood Sword. Omega then flipped over Dahaka and hovered over the group. He pointed Masamune at the fal'Cie, calling down a rain of three comets onto it. After that Omega gently landed between the heroes and Jenny, glancing over to her. "Another one?" he complained upon seeing Noah. Shinryu nodded at Omega's instructions. He took hold of the Dragoon Lance and stared at it with a reminiscing look. Though only using it for a year, having his hands on it again brought back all his memories and experience using it.
Make the X-Blade and open her door. Or forcefully bond yourself with her. Whatever works.
The fal'Cie. He remembered them quite clearly. Some even died by his hand simply because they were in his way. The fal'Cie that resided here used to be Dahaka, but he was nowhere to be seen at the moment. Shinryu looked down sighed. So much time has passed, he didn't know anything about the world anymore. For example, who or what was this Lightning? Very soon, Dahaka's roar echoed from outside. He looked around to see where it came from. Upon noticing Dahaka, Omega returned to reality. "He's at the top," he said. Then he turned to Shinryu and handed him the Dragoon Lance. "Take it. You still remember how to use it, right?" he asked, "I'm going back up. Stay here. If you see a girl with pink hair and a gunblade or a guy in tan trenchcoat wearing a hat, go with them. Don't wait for me." With that, he left Shinryu and took off for the front exit. Even with all of their manpower, Lightning and Snow stand no chance against two fal'Cie. Besides, I need them alive. A little fight with them wouldn't hurt, though. As soon as he got outside, drawing both Masamune and Blood Sword, he looked up at the apex and flew towards it.
Did Repeat repeat 'repeat' repeatedly in repetition?
Elevator's gone. I just missed them then. Omega thought to himself. He and Shinryu stopped over by the stairs with the missing elevator. While there, he looked up towards the apex. "My, do they have no idea what they got themselves into," he commented. When they got to the ground floor, he found this place vaguely familiar. There was just something about all the engravings, the lights, the monsters, and even that soundboard that seemed to have no end. As they took a pause by the stairs, Shinryu stared at Omega's face. He always had this calm, serious look on him, but his eyes showed a glimmer of ferocity. Something monstrous and fierce that he's been holding back. The brand over his eye didn't help much to cover it up. He jerked his head in question at Omega's comment. He felt the boy's eyes gazing at him. "Rampant fal'Cie. And that's never good. There should be another one somewhere..." he answered, turning his head toward Shinryu. I can't take him with me or he'll become just like me. Nor can I let Cid get his hands on him or he'll end up returning to his old state. No...he needs to be with someone who knows what it's like and what it means to be human. Someone to give him that chance I'll never have. He took his eyes off Shinryu as his mind continued to wander. In a dream during his crystal sleep, he recalls seeing a boy who looked just like Shinryu. He didn't catch the name, but he remembered that the other boy was with Lightning. "Lightning..." he whispered to himself. The answer was very clear now.
I'm sorry, but you've seemed to reach the fourth wall. Please turn around and try again.
Kingdom Hearts isn't sitting in the Realm of Darkness or anywhere. If it was, do you know how easy it would be to obtain it, χ-Blade/Keyblades or not? We already know that there are two reported versions of Kingdom Hearts: one made by hearts of men and one made by hearts of worlds. The former HAS to be made artificially and through force, as seen with Xemnas, and it is unknown how many hearts are needed for it to be complete. In order for the latter to be complete, the hearts of EVERY world must come together. In KH1, the Heartless, under the command of Xehanort's Heartless, tried to do this by force by swallowing the hearts of the worlds in darkness. This would be the reason why Kingdom Hearts is in the Realm of Darkness or very close to it in the first place. And since it was made through force but not yet complete, closing the Door and locking it would restore the worlds taken by the Heartless. The only time we've ever seen Kingdom Hearts in its complete form is when Master Xehanort summoned it in the Keyblade Graveyard. It was stated in one of his reports (7, I think) that when the χ-Blade is about to be forged, Kingdom Hearts will show itself as the "perfect and complete union of ALL the worlds' hearts". Because of this, it can be assumed that it is the purest and most naturally occurring Kingdom Hearts, which only appears when the χ-Blade is about to be made due to its ties with the weapon (And also probably because whoever makes the χ-Blade is deemed worthy enough to open Kingdom Hearts). So if someone wants Kingdom Hearts they would either have to continually collect hearts for years, plan a way to take the hearts of every single world, or take a risk and make either the χ-Blade from two hearts of pure light and darkness, both of which are of adequate and equal strength and therefore extremely rare, or a Keyblade of heart from seven hearts of pure light, which is just as rare as getting the two hearts for the χ-Blade. But even if one made a Keyblade of heart, there's still the trouble of getting Kingdom Hearts so the one can open the door while with the χ-Blade Kingdom Hearts will always be there. The Door was opened. Xehanort's Heartless just forced it open a little by calling upon the darkness within Kingdom Hearts before getting overwhelmed by the light within Kingdom Hearts. And see the end of the first part above. Back on topic, 'tis just another Heartless, just one never seen before. It's importance is that of the Trickmaster. Or the Stealth Sneak. Or the Behemoth in Hollow Bastion. It must be defeated to move on or else it will wreck havoc elsewhere (Like there's much to wreck havoc on in the Realm of Darkness).
I will not come in your direction, thank you.
That's because it's only shown in a cutscene after the credits.
What are the digits for Mickey's weapon mod code on the front page? I tried 01E0, but got a Trick Ghost instead of Star Seeker.
I'd give it to the next person.
The platinum-haired boy was sitting alone in the dark chamber. He was freezing the entire time he was down there. When Omega called his name, his eyes perked up. Omega recognized the boy's eyes. He knelt down and examined the boy. Huh. Your brand's gone. That means you're... A small smile came to his lips with that thought. Other than the large scar on his chest from the lance wound and his brand gone, there was nothing strange. He takes off his coat and places it over Shinryu. "You must be freezing. Come on, let's get you out of here," he said in a caring tone. Shinryu was confused. He knew the man, but the name couldn't reach him. All that he remembered was that the man was his enemy. Whatever his reasons though, Shinryu obliged. He couldn't wait to get out of here. After being a dragon for such a long time being on two legs again took a bit of getting used to, but it was manageable. As they headed over to the lift, Omega looked again at the back of Shinryu's neck. It's odd not seeing his brand there anymore. He's human, that's what matters now. Before they went up, he grabbed the Dragoon Lance that was on the ground with them.