"Speed's not everything. Cactuars are a good example," he replied. Just ignoring Grey for a moment, he looked to see if Dahaka was still here. Great...it's gone. Omega brought his attention back to Grey. "Anyway, weren't you going to do something?" he asked, putting his left arm behind his back. His right arm charged up with Banish.
Nope. Just an random thought.
Omega sheathed Masamune and went Sentinel as he heard Grey coming in his direction. As the sword was dropping down on him, he made a quick dash backwards to evade the blow and lunged forward to thrust his arm into Grey's chest. Planning ahead, should that attack fail, he quickly changed back to Commando and prepared to blast the new l'Cie with Ruinja, firing a small bolt of magic that detonates into an explosion larger than Ruinga so that it can release five Ruin spells at the launched target. "Don't let becoming a l'Cie get to your head. All that means is that I can beat you down harder than before." he told Grey. Then again, the vice versa also holds true...
There is a world within a world within a world. Reaching the innermost world will only lead to the outside. Don't ask.
"Tch," Omega scoffed when Cid interfered, "And it was just getting fun." His bloodlust subsided, but his brand and eyes were still glowing faintly. "Cid," he blatantly greeted, "Now that you're here, would you mind informing me about that fal'Cie girl sometime today? That'd be great." Not having seen Cid like this he observed his comrade's crystalline transformation, taking note of any changes and powers that appeared. After that, his stare wandered all around the tower. There was a small crater or two from the Meteor spells and some large blackened areas on the ground from the Ultima castings. One section of the railing that circled the apex was missing, no doubt to the Wave Cannon. Alright, maybe I overdid it a little... Other than that, everyone survived and that's all that really mattered. He continued, "Or would you like to tell me now instead? Her real name at least."
IIRC, he says something along the lines of not being able to give Sora anything else other than his hatred towards Xehanort.
Well, this the one when you first go see him before and after the fight. [video=youtube;OHt1u1PZR7Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHt1u1PZR7Q[/video]
I don't feel your pain as I forgot how that chamber was like.
"Finally..." Omega said with relief after hearing Jenny's words and the annoying tug on his arm gone. He let go of Noah by slamming him into the ground. With his meteor about to hit the tower, he lunged at it and with one swing of the Masamune it split in two and exploded before impact. As the branding came, he used it as the perfect opportunity to strike down the remaining l'Cie. Still tapping into his inner power, as his eyes were still an icy blue, Omega was able to triplecast Ultima. The first was for Snow, the second for Lightning, and the third for Ryden. He smiled as the spells detonated.
As neither of his arms have fully crystallized yet, blood began to drip down his arm. But seeing as he was sucking the life out of someone, Omega felt no pain. "You again? You know you're only making it worse, right? The more you wound me, the more I'll have to siphon out of this kid. Go on, tighten your grip and watch him suffer more than he needs to," he taunted Grey, "Or would you like to take his place?"
Getting hit by Thundaga caused Omega to flinch very subtly, but other than that he was still standing fine. "Funny how you say that, considering that I'm the only one here with an eternal Focus," he calmly replied to Lightning. Although he appeared calm, he was beginning to grow irritated and impatient. How much longer must I keep up this charade? Hurry up and make the rest into l'Cie already. Out of reflex, he grabbed the ankle from the incoming kick with his free hand. "Would you still stand...if I absorbed your entire life for my own health?" he asked Noah as his grip grew tighter. Omega began his Drain barrage, slowly sucking out the boy's life to restore his own. He had no intention of killing Noah, but to simply overload his body with enough pain to disable him for a time.
Omega brushed off the shockwave. "I judge a hero based upon their actions and the consequences of their actions. You want to be a hero? Now's a good time to start, seeing as you haven't made a very good impression," he answered sternly.
"My entire existence is to destroy. To protect through the use of destruction. It does not matter to me if one lives and another dies. Death simply happens; I only make it come sooner," Omega replied to Noah. He looked at Noah with a cold, piercing gaze and soon turned to the sky to see the meteor coming down. "You want to play with meteors, boy?" he rhetorically asked. Pointing Masamune into the air, a bolt of magic fired into the sky directly above Noah. Omega continued, "Then let's play with meteors." A second meteor came crashing down, though carefully aimed to only hit Noah and no one else. He wasn't so sure about Noah's impulse casting of the same spell, though.
Omega sighed. He let Snow go and kicked Lightning away. "This world never changes. Even when even when every human on the planet died off, nothing changed," he cynically remarked. The brand covering his eye glowed. Omega was tapping into the powers of the monster inside him. "Maybe I should just destroy this world after all..." His free hand began to illuminate with a supernatural light. One could feel the power emanating from it. "Tell me something: Will you change the world? Or will you change yourself?" he asked them. When he opened his hand all light was absorbed into it, similar to Flare earlier. "Will you live in harmony with the planet? Or..." His eyes changed color to an icy blue, which reflected the light from his arm. "Will you turn your back on the planet and walk another path?" He took a few steps away from everyone and aimed his charged hand at them his main targets. "Wave Cannon: 5% Power," he said. In an instant a Mega Flare-like laser of concentrated energy fired straight out of his palm and went through Lightning, Snow, Shiva, and anything else in its path for about 10 seconds. Standing ground against it only ensured deeper wounds.
No sign of Gilgamesh's EX Bursts? [video=youtube;l5r11b-eFtk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5r11b-eFtk[/video] [video=youtube;5YABd827Q9M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YABd827Q9M[/video]
"Oh please." Omega countered Ryden's attack with a simple kick in the ribs. "Use you head for once, will you? Plan your attack; be ready for any situation that may arise. Rushing in unprepared only increases your chances of death. Besides, if you can't take down a Long Gui while it's standing, even with a team, what makes you think you can take me down?" Reverting back to Commando, he casted Flare on Ryden with a snap of his fingers. "Goodbye."
"Where else to get a Cocoon blade but Cocoon itself? It was lying in the Gardens of Edenhall during my visit of the world. I'd already passed through Oerba. While there I saw you mistake me for a refugee. No one could've noticed that I was a l'Cie. My brand was covered in bandages as a safeguard. But enough of that," he replied. All the while, Lightning was digging into his side. He really didn't mind. It was futile to even try to shatter his entire torso. "There's no use in trying, Lightning. Or should I call you by your real name-" he asked Lightning, waiting to see if he hit a nerve. He sheathed Blood Sword back into the scabbard on his back seeing that he didn't need to use it to heal at the moment. "You should really go back to the first floor. Someone's waiting for the two of you," he advised. In a yellow flash, Omega became Sentinel. Defensive maneuvers, activated.
The ball of ice struck Omega in the face and the back attack only hit crystal, though barely, but all of that did not phase him. His only response was faint glimmer of rage that appeared in his eyes. Not even turning to see his attacker, Omega slammed Blood Sword's pommel into Akira's skull. Returning attention to Snow, he crossed both arms over his head and sliced an X into the air as he swung downward, unleashing both Ultima and Flare in intersecting blade beams at Snow and Shiva. Using that attack as a distraction for the three, he dashed towards Lightning while she casted Thundaga and elbowed her in the gut only to spin around her to blast her point blank in back of her head with a Ruinga. Using the magic's explosion as a propelling agent, Omega used Lightning's back as a stepping stone and leaped high into the air to land back-to-back with Snow. There he rested Masamune on his shoulder, the blade's edge aimed directly as Snow's neck. "You recognize this sword, don't you? Former owner was PSICOM Director Rosch, if the memories of my dream are correct," he informed. The fighting going on top of the tower grew fainter as Shinryu blocked out all of the noise. Boredom grew. Omega said, "Don't wait for me," and to go with these two other people, but how long would it be until they actually appeared? All he could really do is wait.
Is that Calcobrena and Ultima as new summons in the third screenshot?