Omega walked out into view and past everyone to get to Snow. On the way there, he noticed the kid he almost vaporized the head off was still alive and walking towards the group. When he reached Snow he stood next to Lightning and looked on with her at Snow's current state. Everything's starting to go to hell. If she could turn Snow to crystal, what's stopping her to do the same with Lightning? He had to get everyone out, even by force if situation called for it. "Run," he whispered to Lightning, "Take everyone and get out of here." Shinryu looked at Omega as he went past. It looked like he was up to something, but couldn't quite put a finger on it. Then Jaden's movements caught his eye along with Mia's. Seeing everyone else's attacks bounce off from before, he deemed any others a waste of energy. With a quick decision, he blocked Jaden off with his lance before he could actually land a blow. There was nothing he could do about Mia, though, as she was already in the air when he was doing this.
Shinryu readied his lance to thrust straight downward and impale his target. To attack a fal'Cie, he's sure to get obliterated, but it doesn't matter to him. If he had never become a l'Cie and took the form of a dragon, he would've died centuries ago if not longer. As he landed into the stone floor, Shinryu deeply impaled his weapon into it, narrowly missing both Jenny, Lightning, and the others. From there, he stood up and threw off Omega's coat. He might have underestimated how cold it was in this elevation, as he's only wearing old, ragged clothes, but he could deal with it. The boy grabbed his spear and pulled it out of the floor, swinging it overhead and into his battle stance. For a moment, he glanced over his shoulder at Lightning and the others before refocusing onto Jenny until a familiar voice called out. "Grr..." he snarled. Omega took a bit of offense to Lightning's words, since he isn't human himself. "A 'creature who poses as a human,' you say?" Omega called out from his hiding spot, carefully not letting his anger be released with his words. His brand lightly glowed as his eyes once again became an unnaturally cold blue. "Tell me, Lightning, would that include me as well?" he continued. The recently crystallized arm resonated with strong magical power in preparation for anything to come. Already knowing their strength, he figured that was all he needed.
OOC: No, it's all to himself. He's answering as if he was talking to her. But if you want her to hear him, you can.
Omega reappeared behind the elevator and out of everyone's sight, but a bit out of breath. "I thought I was going to be back at the Void for a second there. Wait, what-?" He listened in on Mya's short burst of anger. When she finished, he leaned his back against the elevator and thought of a response. "What we want? What we want is the destruction of Cocoon. But if you're talking individually, what I want has nothing to do with Cocoon or it's inevitable demise. The place can rot for all I care," he answered the first question to himself quietly. "As for all of you? You're all at the bidding of a fal'Cie now. Sure, you'll start realizing that you're losing control of your fate, but it's not like any of you ever had total control of it from the start," he continued.
17 .
Just as Omega was about to retaliate, his vision blurred for a moment. He shut his eyes tight in hope to correct his vision. When he opened them, Mithridates was gone and everything went back as usual. It's as if the Cie'th was never there in the first place. Omega sighed and facepalmed. "That's what I get for being around Cie'th when they're having a moment..." he muttered, "I might as well go back on top and see what everyone's doing. I can't risk losing another arm or leg if I just leave." As a shortcut Omega casts Warp, a weaker and slightly modified form of Banish, on himself to near-instantly transport himself back to the apex. A l'Cie losing their...what?! A second ago, when Jenny appeared, Shinryu wondered if she was l'Cie as well but her actions of extracting crystals from l'Cie showed she was far from it. Dahaka wasn't the only fal'Cie around. Making up his mind he takes hold of his lance in an attack position and, like a true dragoon, attacks Jenny with Jump in hope for her to drop the crystal.
When the elevator reached the top and the melody ended, the whole tower immediately became silent. Not even the monsters on the ground floor dared to take a step. "What is this?" Omega questioned. From behind, a near silent dash in the air caught his attention and quickly turned around. Nothing. Something's stalking me. A flyer. And it's fast. Out of nowhere multiple bolts of lightning homed in on him from all directions, but he dodge rolled forward in time to evade them. He faced his attacker: a blueish-black, six-winged Cie'th. "Mithridates?! Didn't Lightning already get rid of you?!" An Undying was the last thing he wanted to meet because, in someway or another, they almost always find a way back to the world of the living. Great, a magic battle. It's fights like these when I really wish I wasn't alone.
The elevator reached its destination. Shinryu walked out and observed the chaos with an emotionless stare. The man fitting Omega's description was getting something pulled out of him and the woman he also described was helping to free the man. The others kids there, most likely to be l'Cie, were either attacking Dahaka or this other female l'Cie. Off to the side of everything was a man having a smoke. Things haven't changed at all. People are still fighting over nothing and dying in the process. For a second, he thought he felt eyes staring at him. His grip on his lance tightened.
Why am I going back to the tower? Omega thought to himself as he walked away from a recently felled wyvern and entered the structure's interior. Shinryu stepped through the thin membrane at the top of the ramp and called down the elevator. Hearing someone walking in, he turned to see who it was. Omega looked at Shinryu for a moment. He only had one thing to say to him: "As long as you're prepared for a fight against some l'Cie and a fal'Cie, I won't stop you." Continuing on he noticed from their cries that the Cie'th were acting up more than usual. Was it because of all the events both taking place and currently in motion? Whatever the reason, it's nothing too important; it's only Cie'th. They're just something for Omega to absorb when the time comes. When Omega said "fal'Cie" Shinryu clearly knew he meant Dahaka. There was no other fal'Cie that resided here but him. As for the warning about several l'Cie, he grew a bit hesitant about his decision to go. Now that he's human again there was no magic to use against them or to protect himself with. All he had was physical ability. Would that be enough? Even with that in mind he brought himself together and proceeded on to the top.
As the pain in his arm subsided, Omega's body was still shaking. "It's been a long time...since I felt this bad," he said weakly between breaths. When he recovered from the shock, he took off the glove on his right hand and saw small veins of crystal nearly covering his entire wrist. "Nearly the entire arm this time. At this rate, I'll be back to sleep by tomorrow." Omega was lost on what to do now. He left the fight and was punished for it. To return to the fight or continue on observing from a distance? He gazed up at the tower's peak and into the sky. "Ultima, you dream of the future. Where do I go from here?" The silence inside the tower was getting to Shinryu. What was getting to him even more was the far off echoes of the Cie'th in the upper tiers. He faintly remembers a general rule about Cie'th that someone (he doesn't recall who) told him when he was younger: "The cries of Cie'th are sounds you never forget. Listen too long and madness will follow." Madness wasn't too far off now. He was really considering to go up top just to escape the noise. At least the melody of the elevator will calm him down a bit.
Flying to the steepe, Omega wasn't very far from the tower before his right arm stiffened and was overcome with pain. He grabbed his forearm, only to feel something like rock than flesh. Not now... He fell to the ground below and trudged his way over to the cliffside to lean against it. "Dammit...what am I doing wrong...? It never grows this fast unless I'm..." he said through his teeth weakly. "How am I straying from my Focus? Is it them? Those new l'Cie and their Focus that's a threat?" he continued. Omega looked back angrily at the tower. An impulse told him to simply become Omega Weapon and raze the tower to the ground with everyone in it, but his conscience suppressed the thought. I better not be making a mistake...
brb rolling up the spamzone
Melt some sugar and drink it while its hot.
Omega lowered his arm after Odin fell. A look into his eyes would show his disappointment. He was unimpressed at both their strength, as he considered the severity of his injuries as nothing a simple Potion can fix. With that he decided to leave. "I've done my part in this. You guys can take it from here," he told Cid. Soon after he spoke, Omega headed off towards the Archylte Steepe.
OOC: Didn't like the Zantetsuken thing and was meaning to replace it for sometime. Oh, and bump. BIC: Omega staggered back a bit from Lightning's attacks, but he stood his ground against them. "I know very well when to back down," he replied to Lightning, "My question is: Do you?" The brand over his eye glowed a bit more intense; he was tapping even more strength from his Weapon self. Omega raised a palm toward Lightning and Odin. "To paraphrase what you said to a boy long ago..." he continued. Bright, yellow light pulsed into his hand. "'Here in an instant, gone in a flash.'" Without warning and aiming solely for Odin he retaliated back with Light Pillar, unleashing a stream of highly damaging light in an instant.
Account/Blue Name: Purification My motto will always say "Graxe" to let people know who I am.
Omega timed a downward strike in order to clash blades with Odin, stopping the flurry of blows. He flipped over Lightning and Odin's twin swords to drop kick the Eidolon in the face in order for him to drop the weapon. "Although short, it was nice to see you again after all this time," he spoke to the Eidolon while putting away Blood Sword. Ignoring Lightning for the moment while walking over to the Eidolon, he picked up the connected blades from the ground and split it into two swords. "You know how this battle will end, Odin."
Omega brushed off Odin's Thundaga and quickly turned around to deflect the backstab. He watched Protect and Haste take their effect. "Don't forget what all l'Cie are capable of doing, Lightning," he told her while casting Dispelga on everyone on the apex to remove any and all beneficial magic effects. Following that, Omega attacked back with four, fast diagonal strikes, an upper slash, and finished with a downward swing.
When Odin appeared, Omega stopped caring if he was watched by Cid and Freyja or not. He only caught a small glimpse of Odin before he and Lightning crashed to the ground, but that was all he needed. Just as they hit the ground, he took off straight up into the air while taking hold of Lightning in his arms. Just like when Shiva appeared, he whispered to Lightning, "By the grace of Etro, let thunder herald your arrival. Come forth, sunderer of falsehood." As soon as he said that he stopped ascending and began freefalling headfirst while slowly spiraling. His grip around Lightning tightened. He continued on, "A name in blood, a pact of truth. Odin shall rise, his bond eternal and unyielding!" Right before they slammed into the ground, he ducked his head in to avoid actual collision for himself. Omega let Lightning go after that. He flipped over and snapped his fingers, immediately closing the rift. "Two Eidolons in one day. How my luck has changed," he commented with a grin as he drew out Blood Sword, as he needed to repair his body, and pointed it at Odin, "What are you waiting for? Attack."
He took a step back. The attack barely missed as it burned a rip in Omega's shirt, revealing some of his body that had already turned crystal. "Enter the place where time stands still; the place where dimensions and worlds clash and become one..." he began. For a counter, he shot Banish into the ground between himself and Grey, tearing open a rift in dimensions that sucked the air, the light, the dust, etc. Anything nearby was sent into the Void. "The Void beckons. Answer its call."