Little miss smiley face ^^
It doesn't sound like your too trusted,Or your parents are a bit strict-At least your reading and not out vandalizing cars or anything-They should...
Breaking Dawn Blockee.
He's a shape-shifter? His subconscious mind only chooses to be a wolf? Yeah People at my old school mouthed off too-Anyways Meyer didnt actually...
Innt?....anyways-I started Breaking Dawn 2 hours ago,im on page 148 and I was left saying ''WTF?!''....Bella,Edward and the 'thing '-Its actually...
Garden Man o_o
Knows of peoples conditions when it comes to parties I guess XP
Ryoku looked away automatically-''Sorry...'' he trailed off,looking at the large French dooor at the end of the room...''Um.....Are you sure you are feeling okay?''....
Fuuck time difference-Lets pretend it doesnt exist?? Problem solved!!!! lol
Em...its hard to explain....Its kinda high pitched but deep at the same time-Kinda like somebody trying to stop themselves from laughing while...
Oh,um there is one picture,Im looking up at the camera but the Pic is edited to show the contrast between light and Dark,You will know it when you...
You know when your reading and you visualize the characters and their surrounding environment,Question Who did you visualize and on what book?? It is said that the mind fills in gaps,such as appearance when it comes to reading-So tell the world!! An Example is that when I'm reading the Twilight saga,I always imagine 'Edward' as that Vampire Guy in the Evanescence music Video for 'Call Me When Your Sober' and For 'Alice' I always Imagine Dakota Fanning dressed as 'Jane' in New Moon for some No spamming please,im not in the mood-And nither is anyone else really.
Has noted that I wear Black skinny jeans XD
Ryoku was shocked-He elbowed Riku in the rips,making it look playful but he really wanted to hurt him,Her looked at Tomoyo and sighed ''Of course...'' he looked back at Miteta.
Yup-You super sonically hyper thingy,you! ^^
Likes a blue Hedgehog.
Thank you-Im glad I dont look like an Indian and more so that you dont! xD and Thank you,most of the pictures in my new album are edited-but...
Ryoku smiled although he was still nauseated,he walked over to Miteta-Ignoring the burn of everyone's eyes and he knelt down beside her and whispered into her ear with his ice cold lips-''What's up Miteta?-You gave is all quite a scare..." his voice was thick with amusement.