Good Music Taste...Um,I dont know how to put that into one word xD
Im listening to it too-Its actually on my mp3player,my phone and every mellow CD ive ever made-I just didn't know the name of the song!! ^^
Blue Foundation.
Oh my gosh-I love that song,I downloaded it but I couldn't remember the name!! That is sooo are new song!!! *Hugs and Kisses* Damn your title...
OOC-Its seem,we took over yet another Tread with Miteta and Ryoku.... BIC-Ryoku walked out slowly,unwillingly-He was about to hit Riku...or would it be better to punch Tomoyo? He smiled at the thought ''Bye,Miteta...'' he whispered...
Lets try to have two songs-Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation-Tell me what you think ^^
Dangerously Colourful...
*kisses* I missed you....You know are song? Yeah I kinda fell asleep listening to it before school started,I almost got detention,Thanks for the...
Um....No,Its highly Deep and load-Its Really hard to explain,I sound kinda American-if it helps xD
*Laughs* I love this song,its on my phone...Im surprised any song would make you think of me....Im sorry,I've got to go,I'll be back on tomorrow...
*Sweat Breaks across forehead* Im so stupid!! I accidentally Edited your super sweet user-note to a user-note I was going to post Myself!!! *Hugs...
*Slightly pulls away* Em...I feel the same...*Kisses and hugs tighter*
No,Thank you *Corney Moment then another hug and kiss*
Edward-Lover...I had to mention that
*Hugs and kisses forehead* Your so cool for everything you just said....
Twi-Hardy-Hardy-Harr...(Like the way a pirate would say it xD)
Oh I know-But I,like many people cant be traced very easily....I know its stupid but I kinda trust this site -_- If it was a site like Bebo,it would have been out of the question...
Do you want my honest opinion?? I think that the film makers kinda...ruined...twilight-They have exaggerated stuff like Jacobs appearance to...
Full Name?? D.S.L.B Dylan Stephen Leon Byrne xD I only now realised that all my names have N's in them!! lol