Sorry for the inconvenience, but there's been an error. The error? You're looking for something that doesn't exist. We can't explain it, but whatever it was has disappeared and may never be seen again. Some say it may have never existed at all.... We know, creepy. Wait... you're not trying to find secret content, are you? You better not be.
This is all a woman has to do to get a job.
So this thread is basically a lame copy of the other thread about drawing KHV members?
The real challenge is to come on your parents. Until you have completed that, your congratulations is on hold.
This has to be a coincidence. I was actually about to use that Masamune icon before I chose this one.
No need. I found the ones I was looking for. Crap, it was edited by the mod squad, but I found them basically.
You can if you want. Don't think my post history goes back that far. Or yours for that matter. Best you can do is look at your subscribed threads.
You're a terrible liar. If I could, I would find the post I made where I started all this. But I'm banned of course.
Please, if it weren't for me, you two would still be posting in the SoT with Kurapika, Raijuu and the other losers there. I was meant to make more people curious about this forum, but it seems I only attracted Akaz who led Laria here with his ''charms''
This image would be nice if I didn't already use it months ago. Find something new yeah? As for Laria, nah. It's cool.
I was the one who brought the two most hated and annoying members to this forum. Me excluded. You guys should be thanking me.
Looks like the cold calculating Akaz has a warm soothing heart after all. A sign that you're spending too much time in this place.
Please tell me you spelled "stereotypical" as "atereotypucal" by accident.
What the hell does mfw mean? Just type the words you lazy betch.
So your dream basically told you that he's a pussy?
A picture I took from my phone. I have more, but they're much more obscene. Spoiler
It seems only a few understood what I meant. Perhaps I should have made the thread's title to ''What I have been doing this past month'' But I tried not to be too subtle.
I went to Texas for two weeks with a companion of mine. She and I stayed at Dallas in a hotel with only one bed since we wanted to save money from getting a room with two beds.
I did no such thing. All I did was tell a joke. Not my fault people are too uptight and not carefree like me.
You kiddin' me? This is just getting good.