Enjoy your bans
Well then, I'll be sure to come by and visit so we could hang out awkwardly since we hardly know each other.
Charlotte, NC, to be precise.
My female companion said it would be a good idea to say this to you all. So here you go. She and I are going to North Carolina for two weeks as well. Smell you guys later
I've never played DMC2 or 3 so this will be a nice collection to buy someday. I just hope Capcom doesn't go crazy with their trophies like they did in Street Fighter 4. A game like this needs some fun trophies to add replay value.
Every time I think of Kelly, I think of a hilarious story about her that someone told me about. It's a secret, but that's all I'll say.
After looking through some of your started threads, you talk about nothing but yourself. How about you make a blog and spare us your thoughts on pointless subjects?
I wouldn't tell my past self anything.
They're stalling because they know that they have to start working on KH3 immediately after it's released. It's not a bad plan, really.
You're sad people are intimate with each other while you stand watching all alone?
Betch, I'm the assistant manager, I tell people to clean up the messes people like you make. And your job is to give us money, sit down and shut the hell up while watching the movie. If I see you sneak in some snacks, I'll exile you and your chips from this theater for life.
Then you'll have to clean up the mess yourself because I'm sure not cleaning it.
If I were your father, you'll be the reason I drink.
Trying to make sense out of something as stupid as christianity was your first mistake.
I've never seen this thread before. Really, I haven't.
I like the gif in your signature. Reminds me about my ex who recommended me that movie because she looked just like the girl with short black hair. She's not on my mind much for various reasons, but that film will always remind me about the great memories I had with her. I'm not going to thank you, but I do appreciate it.
I never asked for these stupid pins. Give them to some other losers who actually want them.
I'm willing to bet many people didn't understand what I posted.
It needs to absorb processors 17 and 18 first to become perfect.