speaking of that,where is debra at?
5.we won't make it to 100.staff are just to damn evil.
>_> <_< what?don't look at me.i'm a good boy. ^_^
actually,we did win this once on the night this thread was made.it took us all day to do it too. 3
dang it.oh well then,thank you though.
vex,have you ever played the games. samurai warriors kessen 1 kessen 3 nobunaga's ambition: rise to power
iris-goo goo dolls
yeah,that was very random
1.just go ahead and close before it hits 5000 so someone can make v2
i want hippie back
i'm missing him already.
no. your just a good little girl who follows the rules. this is weird,we said the almost same thing.freaky
everybody look out,df is on.
a perm warning is a warning that doesn't expire.while other warnings expire,depending on the bad thing that you did. my warning was from ctr and it was for Inappropriate post.
*high five* *jk*
me and you,were the bad boys of this place.i haven't got banned yet,but i do have a perm warning.
one of two things needs to happen right now. 1.let us win this last time,then go ahead and close it,or 2.be sore losers and go ahead and close the theard before it reaches 5000 post. 14
that sucks man.how long is your bann
:crashcomp::crashcomp::crashcomp::crashcomp::crashcomp: F****** COMPUTER.
hey,your and hippie,i'll think about it,is that cool with you.