how's everything going guys. i got thrown out of books-a-million like 30 minutes ago.i laughed my butt off. this is not looking good.kira is on a killing spree.
graxe is dead,shades is the number one suspected person.amber her self said she wasn't kira,but i don't know. ICSP,he is freaking me out right now so.but i think kira is a person who is least suspected.because the best kira,is a kira that is not suspected.
who is the least suspected person right now?
amber,i'm watching you,always watching you. @_@ remeber that.
my bad.sheesh.
i don't think amber could be kira,she's just to nice and innocent.not an acacusetian?(sp)
hello everybody.
no,not like you at all.
that what i'm doing too,but i'm playing halo3
so,does anybody have any leads yet?
*goes into hiding*
i'm playing,don't fotget me.
so is it just one,or two kiras this time?
Spoiler light killed L
who was cin beating up?
that you been smoking some good stuff.
i wear a size three shoe
i'm getting tired of waiting.when is ICSP getting on?
not manly,smexy.