stop posting,your dead.
well i'm sure kira has killed plenty,just ICSP hasn't notified anybody about it cause well,he's not on.
coolness.tomorrow is my first day at college.
what have i missed?
hey everybody,whats going on?
i'm here people.
yeah,and i was surprised that they didn't say 'L,did you know,gods of death,love apples' lol
i was thinking that too.why leave just repliku letters and not anyone else.but i can't say much,need more evidence.
true,i forgot about that.
yes,that is why i ask.kira has to know their real first name,and their username.
*raises hand* who knows ?? ????,graxe,carbunklegem and heartless_vice pretty well in this thread?
dirty mouth.clean it with orbit gum. it keeps it clean,no matter what.
then i think we can assume taht this kira,hasn't been before.judging from the way the people died and the people that have died.unless they changed how they kill.
yeah,it was boring over there,so i came back.
well,i'm off to moniter the staff intro threads.tell me if anybody dies.
i must have missed his then,cause i looked.even though i'm not kira.
it's not that easy pyro.kira needs their first name and username to kill them.the reason amber dies so quickly is well,her first name is her username.gintathebest died cause she came in here shouting out her name.and coco has her name posted in the staff intro thread.
coco,don't take this personely buti think your the next victim.
hello my people.
i don't know what round you posted in last but,we haven't changed since yesterday.