college is AWESOME!
what did me,a dead person,miss.
nope. *runs away*
last post! well i hope my death helped you guys.catch kira for me and kill him,so i can beat him/her up in hell.
i just accused trogdor and then committed suicide.i'm dead.
f*** this I ACCUSE TROGDOR.*commits suicide*
about ten now. edit: nine,he has nine.
we can mourn after we catch and rape this kira
*does awesome maxwell smart moves and dodges lazers*
GO! GO! GO! *enters the cookie vault with rifle locked and loaded and laser sight on* *shoots one camera* one camera down.
someone post list,NOW!
holy sh*t. kira,you bast***,i'll kill you.
yeah,kittykatt accused me and i passed.
*is decked out in SWAT gear* goimez,blow it.
do i need to write your name in my death note?
this is what will happen to all the dead that talk
something funny look at profile pic
that's me fool.
stop f****** posting,your f-ing dead >_<
i'm not looking forward to it either.