*pours apple jiuce in pool* here drink this! *licks lollipop*
*eats rainbow lollipop* YUMMY!!!!! lookie a rainbow :3
yea rite! uuggghhhh men xP
HAHAHA I certainly can swim! *puts on this tank top* Bye imma go get some lollipops
*pushes wacko into pool* ahahahaha *points* hahahaha omg what a laugh *goes to chair an tans
Gah *swims to the side and gets out* thanks for the help -_-"
Hey help me *continues to drown* help me!
Ok? *swims and drowns* aahhhh help me plz! hel-*drowns and sinks to the bottom of the pool*
Stop and Stare- one republic
Oh shoot *rubs stomach* gah that hurt and sry bout that wacko XD
Id like to join *changes into swimsuits* *JUMPS INTO POOL* CANNONBALL!
If u eat my rainbow lollipop i will kill you :3 *smiles and skips* what a wonderful rainbow
Its my cuppycake no touchy! lucky u didnt eat my RAINBOW lollipop xP
HELLO! welcome to kh-vids Read the rules Post A lot And have fun Hope to see you around If u need help just ask me well pm me ^^
Hey thats my cupcake *punches* gets cupcake yummmy ^^ Bubblegum
Geez! your making a wreck! Hurry and clean up....*starts to pick up the tables* geez
I know oooohhh CUPCAKES!!! ^Im sorry but u look delicious *bite* yummm
awww so cute *steals lollipop* MINE!
Me but when i read it the covers to it kind of scared me -_- but now i dont read it anymore