"Obtismustprime sit next to Megatron" hahaha Date at the movies girl- "Honey I want some treats" Boy- "But I just ask you for some"
My life is like the sky Forever it reaches Everywhere Even into someone’s heart But there’s always that day When it starts to rain When my heart is broken When my heartbeat stops Then as I slowly open my eyes I see you (you) Time just stops My sky always turns COLORFUL (colorful) You painted my rainbow You stopped my rain My rainbow shines the BRIGHTEST like your smile Everything has a color Never will my life be dark Only when you fly to Another sky But when I cry My tears aren’t clear They aren’t mixed with FEAR They have a rainbow Now when it rains I’m happy Because the raindrops Remind me of You Rain is the PAIN The rainbow are the MEMORIES A poem I made from my obsession with RAINBOWS
I <3 chris brown My favorite song would be Kiss Kiss
5 colours in her hair- Mcfly
I <3 the music video Obviously- Mcfly
So I thought- Flyleaf
Broken Wings- Flyleaf
Yuna stood up. "No sports?! How are we going to stay fit? Or train?" she complained
I'd love to live in New Jersey then in the middle of no where *COUGH ARIZONA COUGH*
OOC: OMG! thank you Yuna sat quietly as the assembly started
OOC: I know it was so cool when ichigo (xenny) was here too.
Awwww me dont want u to leave T-T
OOC: OOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I have enough.....this is getting on my nerves.
Yuna sat down as her anger boiled inside her. "That little...." she said and calmed down. "Don't get angry it might break (the seal).." she thought as she quietly sat. OOC: im getting really annoyed
"Help with what?" Yuna said suspiciously. She went up to Lucario and grabbed him by the neck." You don't want to be dead do you? Tell me!" she said with an angry tone. She was quite annoyed with him. ooc: brb
AWWWW!!! Imma miss you T-T I hope you get happy soon! bye bye
" It may have to do with this wierd feeling...come on!" Yuna said as she got up and walked up to both of them. "Hey may we sit here?" she asked
OOC: But YOU can't say it....omg the PERSON that is that character has to say it... Yuna then waited for the assembly to start
"If he does anything I am seriously gonna kill him!." she said.Yuna saw Gohan with Itachi."Gohan and Itachi? never thought they were even friends..." Yuna thought. OOC: You should seriosuly read the rules again
A feeling stirred with yuna making her uncomfortable."Anna...somethings gonna happen i know it. I bet you its that brat." Yuna said as she looked for him. "Talking about him where is he?!" she said