Karina willed the darkness to infuse itself into her already dark keyblade before chucking it, like she was attempting to rid herself of it. Being a keyblade however after striking the parasite cage, her keyblade simply teleported back, and the dark energy slamming into her was almost overwhelming. Karina grit her teeth as she dropped to one knee, staring at the enemy with anger. This was to end now, then she could deal with her own darkness. Karina uses strike raid
Tinarah was grasping at words that would not come as Illiana walked off. She wanted to stop the girl from doing something stupid, but Chrys and Take had already tried, Tinarah doubted that she would have any better luck with it. She couldn't help but just stare after the girl as she walked away, even as Chrys spoke to her. The name Chrys used caught Tinarah off guard. She found the one for her brother entertaining, but had not anticipated a nickname of her own, nor did she know if she liked it. Either way, it was no use arguing about it at that moment. "Huh? Yeah, um... follow me, I will take you there." Tinarah was lost in thought. She didn't know how she would react if Chrono had run off to join the other side, but going off by herself to talk to the very people who had a habit of kidnapping, it didn't seem like a wise idea to her. Climbing over the fence, Tinarah took in the familiar view of the playground. It was exactly how she remembered it. Tinarah would often hide here when her father was being too overbearing at home. While some went to sit on the swings, Tinarah crawled under the play structure to her personal hideout underneath. The man with them made a comment on her hide out and Tinarah scowled slightly. "I didn't have any better ideas, sorry. This was just where I used to hide from people when I was little when I wanted to be alone." Tinarah ran her fingers over the decrepit wood of the structure as she peered out, watching Chrono fill Gladio in on what they knew of Gigas. He was the best to do it after all since he would know the most, but Tinarah still felt his explanation lacking a bit. "We know a little more about them. Though if you want detail, ask Chrys. As for information on Gigas, you can ask Chrono a little more. We don't know a ton, but we know that they are hiding things, big enough things worth killing over. And it might have to do what we came here to get in order to help up stop those others master from doing any more harm than he already has." Tinarah clarified. She didn't know exactly what information Gladio needed but at least she could start by pointing him in the right direction of people to start asking.
"As long as I have to. I won't let it break me." Karina stated as she tried to rein it all in getting a handle on herself a bit better. Still it was around her but she was managing to deal with it alright, if barely. She let her darkness channel into her keyblade as she dashed forward using a move that Vincent had taught her, what seemed like ages ago. She then slashed at the cage in front of her, hitting it six times. With each strike both her own darkness and it's poison shed off, all of it absorbing back into Karina, the poison taking a new form, not that she needed it, but it felt good none the less. This whole magic thing had become a little more of a close companion in her walk with Lea, and while she still wasn't great with it, she could appreciate the use of it. Karina flexed her fingers, watching sparks dance with the darkness, far too defining of who she was for her liking. Clenching her fist Karina quieted them. "Lets just finish this before it can get worse." Karina uses Splatter Combo
Karina winced at the backlash of the darkness that was inflicting her. "Fine. I am fine." She called over to Kel. She wasn't quite ready to fully embrace the darkness, and that only made it harder on her. The fight within to keep control made her shaky as she tried her hardest to focus on the battle ahead of them. That on top of the damage she was taking from the enemy didn't really leave her in a good spot. The tendrils of darkness lashed out once more as they struck the cage, green energy being extracted from it as some of Karina's wounds closed over. "This isn't right Kel..." Karina couldn't however admit how scared she was of whatever had come over her. Karina uses drain.
So Koa was here. Tinarah gave Illiana a look to check if she was alright. She said she would be able to handle it, but Tinarah still couldn't help but worry a bit as she turned back to Gladio and his wry comments. "There is no secret base, but I know somewhere a bit further from town square where we can lay low and talk." She mainly wanted to get out of hiding in alleyways. She had enough bad experiences with them that it didn't bring her any comfort to stay and chat in one. It would also give her, and possibly Chrono, the advantage on the situation if this man turned out to be not who he lead on to be. If he was enemy more than a friend. Bringing conversations to a place of their choosing gave them at least some control over the situation. "I am guessing that there is security patrolling all area's and it is a matter of time before they look down this ally and find our chat suspicious, follow me and I can take us somewhere further away." Tinarah offered, waiting to see if everyone would follow before leading the way.
Well that attitude changed fast, Illiana backed off of her as Gladio said his name. Tinarah rolled her eyes as the girl went from assuming the worst, to not caring as much. When Gladio asked about what their issue was with Gigas, Tinarah wanted to go on a list of what that was, she knew that she shouldn't. She didn't know how much the council was watching, but Tinarah wanted more than anything, to become a master. If she went into everything then they would just think she is whining again. "Those kids you were talking about, we aren't a fan of them ourselves. And the company has something that would be beneficial to our purpose." She stated. "And I don't want to see those things take over our- this lovely city," Tinarah tried to correct herself before it became too obvious that she was from here. This man didn't need to know it, and Illiana seemed to be keeping it under wraps herself.
"I doubt it." Karina responded through gritted teeth before mumbling "found it" as her tendrils of darkness all returned to her, wrapping around her body closely, forming almost an armour shape around her. She then turned her attention towards the creature, her dark mist moving before her as she dashed forward. Streaks of black were left in her trail as Karina jumped into the air, coming down on the creature from multiple angles. Before she was done, she jumped back and planted her keyblade into the ground columns of dark energy burst from the ground where she had previously landed from her attacks, bombarding the creature on all sides once more. There was a slight burning in her skin, like this energy was eating away at her, but she was also stronger for it. She needed this, so would have to deal with it and move on. Karina used Dark Aura
As Chrono run up, Tinarah knew that he was right and she desummoned her keyblade. She knew it was stupid and she could cause a scene, but Tinarah found herself momentarily distracted. Finally she tore her eyes away just as Take walked up to them. "I don't know Take. I am just... I am scared. I know I shouldn't be. We are going towards our mark of mastery, I should have a better handle on things, but I don't. We just have to be prepared for anything. Maybe he won't use them, but what if Ardyn arms others with it. Those don't look easy to beat." She pointed out. Their keyblades would only do so much against a thick layer of metal. As they spoke there was another voice beside her. Turning Tinarah stared up at the larger man who observed them. She didn't know what to think of the man who was judging them already, trying to decide if he could be trusted. He seemed to be doing the same for them already, and he seemed to know about the keyblade. Tinarah turned and eyed her team for a moment trying to judge what they might be thinking what they should do. There wasn't much else to do however so she shrugged and followed, keeping an eye on him in the large crowd. Luckily he was large enough for her to see easily. "Just who are you anyways?" She asked as she got closer.
As everything happened around them and acid filled the area, Karina eyes the kids. Not just the ones that were stranded in the cages, she also looked to the two boys that were formerly beside her.all of this was just stupid, she had enough. Summoning her keyblade, darkness began to pour from it, cloaking her in a similar dark mist. Karina couldn't honestly say she knew what was happening to her but she was feeling particularly violent at the moment, enough so that she wanted to make sure she could inflict the most damage possible. Tendrils of darkness flared out from her, prodding at the parasite cage. Karina's eyes fell on a weak spot and Karina smiled a wicked smile. "There...." She whispered. Karina uses magnify
Chrys knew the boy, of course he was a chaser, but turned to continue the conversation with Chrono, leaving Tinarah to talk to Illiana. She couldn't help but smile however as she overheard Chrys call her brother "stopwatch." It was a fitting name for him after all. "Good as long as you can handle seeing him again then we should be fine." The next problem was, she wasn't sure if she could handle what they were to face now, especially as she watched the timer tick down to zero. A silence fell over the crowd, followed by... nothing. The awkward muttering of patrons filled the air momentarily, before a shadow seemed to fill the sky. Tinarah kept her eyes peeled, was her world about to fall too? She had seen no heartless since arriving, but this wasn't right. Before she could investigate further a large hand of a shadowy creature reached down, as a wall of ice rose around them. Summoning her keyblade Tinarah prepared for an attack. "Watch out! Away from the-" Her words trailed off as Tinarah pushed her way towards the stage. She hardly had time to reach it before something flew from the sky slaying the heartless, followed by a voice that stirred her to the core. Tinarah found herself near the front of the stage as the mech opened and the man responsible for much of her past misery stepped out. She didn't even register the tears that slowly leaked from her eyes as she stared at him with years of suppressed hate. "No.... we can't let them bring these here. They will destroy everything." She whispered having no trust for Gigas. "Ardyn... or the Light Chaser gets their hands on these, what then?" She continued to question under her breath.
Karina is unequipping Berserk and equipping Lucky Lucky (50/50 AP) Karina is unequipping Soldier and Equipping Dark Knight Karina is equipping Splatter Combo, Drain, Poison Edge, Magnify, Zantetsuken, Strike Raid, and Dark Aura Karina is using the Auto Aura to start off in dark aura
"It is the center of town, don't worry about it. I doubt they would charge for something in a public area." Tinarah waved off the concern that Take had about pricing. She wasn't too worried about that part of things, what they would find when they got here however, Tinarah wasn't sure abut that. As they walked into town, no one paid attention to them, thankfully, but as Tinarah looked around she wasn't sure about things as she looked towards the stage and saw something worse. "Hey Chrono, over there." Tinarah jerked her chin towards the man who had dragged their mothers body away, threatening Chrono. He hadn't changed a bit. She couldn't help but be astonished that he hadn't changed a bit since last time she saw him, but in the end she knew it was her that really changed above all else. Her eyes however were drawn to something else. "Hey Chrys, is he familiar to you?" She glanced at the blue haired boy. She thought she might have seen him before, but wasn't entirely sure. "Illiana if the Chasers are here, will you be able to handle seeing your brother again?" She added trying to just make sure that everyone was aware of the situation and engaged to some extent.
They weren't dumb, of course they wouldn't split up if they didn't have to. Even if the Chasers weren't here, there was no part of this scenario that seemed okay to Tinarah, just being here in general. Either way she hoped that Fost was right and that they were more here to observe them than to actually do anything about this situation. Things were already going to be difficult in their own respect, she didn't need this too. "Thanks for the advice." It wasn't much but at least he tried to be of some help, and Tinarah could appreciate that to some extent. She then turned and looked around as a low, familiar, rumbling sound filled their air, causing her to look up. "Well it looks like we found a starting point." She pointed up to the airship with the ad on it. Seeing the name of the company again, filled Tinarah with a sort of anger and sorrow that she had nearly forgotten. "It should at least give us an idea what they are up to now." Tinarah tried to suppress the emotions, not showing them to anyone as she stared at the ship a moment longer, hardly able to force her feet to carry her further.
It was up to Lakoda to tell him what she wished. As much as Everette wanted to jump in and say something to defend her, it wasn't his decision to make, this was something she would have to face herself. Conrad tried to defend Lakoda, but Everette doubted it was a sufficent answer. As long as it kept him off their backs for a while however he would be happy. Everette felt Lakoda squeezing his hand and held her firm, not willing to let go, not when she was clearly so shaken still over this entire ordeal. "Perhaps I can make a mirrored copy of myself to follow this voice next time it is heard. We can spy on it from a safe distance and there will be no harm done, but perhaps a chance to glimpse what this is." It wasn't a full plan, but it was at least a start of one, and they always needed a starting place. Information was good, but at times it could be ill remembered, getting a little information themselves would also prove beneficial to their goals.
As Karina went to get up, Arctus fell on her, wisely clamming up before she punched him square in the jaw for what he was going to say. At least he offered her a hand up afterwards, which Karina took, squeezing his hand extra hard to make sure he was aware she knew where he had been heading with the comment and that she didn't appreciate it. However before she said anything else to him, Karina glanced over and saw Beuce up and talking with the kids. "Oh thank goodness your awake." She said before she realized the words came out of her mouth. Instantly Karina turned away and tried to think of something else to say or do. She could go help Kaida or whatever she was doing, but honestly Karina just wanted to sit there for a moment and see her friends again. However that moment wasn't long to last as she heard the kid that was following them before starting to do something, that Beuce and the other had done for her not long before. Marching up behind Faust, she put a hand on his shoulder, trying to spin him away from Sora. "What the hell do you think you are doing. These aren't toys to be handed out. Do you know how much crap we have to constantly go through because we are the so called "chosen ones" trying to give that responsibility to a kid isn't going to help, unless your goal is to give him a life of weird creatures attacking him and trouble at every turn. Are you crazy? I don't know how you got one yourself, but think before you do something so stupid." Karina then smacked the back of Faust's head, barely paying Sora any mind.
Tinarah had answered her communicator just moments after Illiana, and only rolled her eyes at what Fost was telling them. Tinarah trusted Chrys, maybe more than she should, but she didn't worry too much about Chrys running off with Take. She didn't seem particularly thrilled to be with this group, more there out of necessity, probably not an act. And knowing the small amount Tinarah did about the Light Chaser, he didn't seem to be one to forgive easily, given what he had done to Gero, and the numerous attempts to kill Stamatis, and how he used her to do it. She didn't think he would take Chrys back even if she brought him Take, and Chrys wasn't an idiot, she could figure that out for herself. She couldn't object to Illiana's question though about what to do now. Part of Tinarah figured that Fost would make them figure it out for themselves, but if he was willing to answer, Tinarah would be willing to hear it. "By that she means Ardyn, you know the guy who nearly killed Torrin, showed up and was taunting us. It was our best guess about what he was going on about." Tinarah clarified as to not have Fost immediately be suspicious of Chrys. All this talking however was making her anxious. The longer they stood around the more chance that whoever was here, likely working against them, would succeed. Maybe if they started towards their goal, then the Chasers, or whoever was here would be forced after them and away from the other implication. "We should probably walk and talk, there is still a bit of a distance to where we need to go." She advised before continuing to walk while listening for Fost's reply.
"God damn it!" Tinarah cursed, a rare thing for her as she stared at the spot that Ardyn had been standing in. She was sick of this guy, these riddles. She wanted to know what was being planned. She wanted to be sure that her father was okay, but they had a mission and heading there might only be bringing the issue to her father. Her keyblade dissipated from her hand as she for a moment looked defeated, before looking back towards the exit of the alleyway. With a sigh she started walking out of the ally towards where she last remembered the building of that company was. "Lets just go before we bring too much trouble to this world." She knew the longer they were there, the more likely trouble would follow them, and by the sounds of it, some already had. It made Tinarah think, and look back at Chrys. "Knowing him, he is trying to get under our skin, don't worry about it." She didn't know if the girl would, but from what Tinarah could read about Chrys, it might bother her to some extent, but letting it would only give him more power.
Without thinking a keyblade appeared in Tinarah's hand. She wasn't going to deal with him again, she wouldn't watch any of her friends get hurt. They had to look for the Orichalcum, but now Tinarah worried more for their father. Ardyn clearly knew about their lives and Tinarah didn't put it past him to know more that she had ever shared. "Stay away from him. Stay away from us!" Tinarah took a step closer. She was stronger than the last time they had met, but it didn't mean that they could defeat him. Still she had to do something. "Why are you here? Answer me!" Tinarah had now pushed her way in front of her friends and stood facing Ardyn down, ready for whatever he through her way. She would do what she had to, to protect her friends and complete this job.
Karina rolled her eyes at Castur and Ananta as they lectured her about the hard truth that Karina stated to the boy. She didn't argue but didn't really try and stop the way things were going. After a moment they began walking out, Riku being as much of a hot head than her. Before she could reply to him however, the floor opened up and they fell through and she landed flat on her back. Slowly though Karina picked herself up and looked to Riku. "You should fear the darkness. It is a hole you don't want to get lost down." She warned, her heart hurting as she thought of the dark path that lead to the loss of her keyblade.
Twirling her ring around her finger, Karina contemplated the question. "We are a group of wielders called SOS, and then there is Faust the Magician apparently, I can't actually tell you who he is, he just started to follow us for some reason or other. I can't really tell you. Maybe desperate for companions. Anyways not the point. If you want to find your friends, the best bet is to meet back in the main mouth. After all I do happen to have some friends that are in here, I was looking for them, but they are stronger than a wannabe like you. I am sure they can find your friends just fine." Karina assured him, in the most friendly manner she could muster, which wasn't very friendly at all. "Come on lets stop wasting our time now."