I would like MP Rage Upgrading Stonera- Stonega Thundara- Thundaga I have 21 points to spend 10- MP 5- HP 3-AP 3- Defense
As Karina listened to what was happening in the next area, she heard Castur and at first she was upset, but it was probably just him trying to get himself out of a situation. Either way that didn't work from what she could hear. She was tempted to summon her keyblade as she peered around the corner. Castur seemed to be in trouble. She should step in but it could get her in trouble as well, she hesitated and that hesitation was enough for Silver to step in. Karina kept herself hidden as she listened a little more before slowly starting to skirt away from the area before she could too get caught, returning to the group expecting Castur to be close behind. If he wasn't then she would return and help, but for now she didn't need in theory. Silver was likely delivering Castur back here at any moment.
Tinarah understood why Take was upset. She could admit being a bit upset. That being said trying to squeeze in behind Chrys didn't sound all that fun either. "We can be eyes on the ground. Easier to blend in and keep an eye out anyways." Tinarah tried to make it sound not as bad for Take but he still might not take it well. Either way they had little choice on the matter unless they wanted to be crammed and still unable to do much. She looked between those who were getting ready to go then back to Take. "Perhaps there is something else useful we could do?" She asked hoping that Gladio would have some sort of answer, if not, well they would need to figure out what to do on their own. With the Chasers running around, perhaps it would be safer for Take if he wasn't in the core of the action. After all they didn't have Torrin here to bail them out this time.
With Chrys ready to go and the mech coming around the corner, Tinarah started to store up her magic for a bigger blast. She waited patiently as it rounded the corner. The moment the mech came into sight, Tinarah blasted with a large amount of electrical energy. The mech paused for a moment and then the light on the front flashed red and the machine kept moving forward. "Crap. That didn't work, back up plan." Tinarah panicked for a moment. She had to do something and fast. It was going to alert the other people if she wasn't careful. She reached down far into her power and pulled up everything she had, all the ice that she carried deep down. She knew that it lingered there, for that was her well of magic. She stuck out her arm and let the ice blast out. This time with the blast she managed to freeze it's feet in place. She then poured more of her magical energy into her keyblade which she had now summoned to her hand. With an upward arc she sent a blast of magic that formed as energy arcing at the mech, causing the held down machine to fall backwards. "Your turn." Tinarah panted between deep breaths. She had exerted a lot of her magic all in a short period to make this work and her chest burned with just the energy she had expended. At least now it was Chrys's turn and she could catch her breath while Chrys finished off the job, or at least she hoped. Her eyes were always scanning at the same time. She didn't dare relax, not when she didn't know what that red light meant for them. Had it got off a signal to others that it was being attacked? She hoped that she had done her job fast enough that it had not, but there was no knowing for sure. If Chrys worked fast enough, even if it did they might be able to get out of there before anyone else noticed.
Karina looked at at Jim she just shrugged. "The idiot that walked off was playing with the controls and we got a little lost." Karina stated as a good way of explaining things, or at least it was the best way that she could tell him what it was. She still wanted an answer to her question, but when Ignis spoke up, Karina stood up. She didn't say anything to the other girl as she joked, but instead just put down her sponge. "I am going to find Castur." She stated to those in the area as she began to walk away. She didn't want to deal with this, not at all. Following the general direction that Castur went, she tried to track him down, for no other reason than to be anywhere but in the kitchen cleaning dishes. Before she could even see Castur, she heard a voice speaking about cabin boys minding their own business and she stopped in her tracks. From where she stood she tried to keep out of sight around the corner while listening to discover what was going to happen with whoever was caught. She didn't know if there was more cabin boys or if it was Castur, but depending on the outcome would depend on how she would deal with things.
Of course they would be put to work doing chores, and of course it was the dishes. Karina took a seat beside Jim as she rotated the sponge in her hand for a moment, the sound of a plate shattering echoing in her mind, followed by her fathers voice. "You can't even clean a simple plate, you insolent child! Get back in the kitchen, that place must be spotless by morning or else." She knew what happened the following day, and sure one of the small scars on her back reflected that, which one though, she couldn't say anymore. She never did have the patience for dishes. Every time she thought they were clean she would put them to the side only for them to dry with crumbs or residue still stuck to them. Not good wife material if you were to ask her father. She didn't wish to remember these things and would have rather walked away from it all, but staring at where Silver disappeared, she decided she didn't want to deal with more trouble, "So how did you end up on this ship?" Karina tried to be somewhat friendly as she picked up some of the dishes and started to scrub them, not thinking too hard about what she was doing, instead trying to figure out where they were and how to get away from here and to Olympus. Perhaps this Jimbo character would at least have some insight on where they were and possible suggestions on how to steal a ship of their own so they could get where they were heading.
They started to split off to capture the mechs and Tinarah had to stop and consider it. Chrys and Take weren't allowed to be left together, so that only left two options of for groups. Thinking through each and what her brother and Chrys were like Tinarah looked to the other girl. "I guess it would be easiest if you and I pair off, and let the boys go together." She shrugged. She didn't dislike Chrys, but she was more comfortable with both Take and her brother. That being said she didn't really know how well her brother and Chrys would get along, so it seemed like the most logical solution. Waiting in the ambush spot Tinarah let some of her magic flow through her, and created small sparks on her finger tips. Thunder magic wasn't her strong suite but she was capable of doing it and was using this as a sort of warm up. "Do you think you can drive the mech if I take it down. I think I can stun it long enough to deal with the driver at the very least but I have never had to try and pilot something like this before." There wasn't much for travel in the other realm and before she left she was too young to even think about it. As the light flashed by though she didn't have time to discuss too much more as she charged a bolt of energy in her hand and waited for the right moment to strike, nodding to Chrys making she that she was ready as well.
"And you wouldn't survive on mine. The moment you started spouting such crap you would have been a lot worse off than a knee to the groin." Karina retorted as she turned to leave the area. "I don't think lying to the captain and waiting to get caught is anymore helpful than just being straight up with what happened and our intentions on wanting to continue traveling. As far as I am aware that is a pretty straight forward concept, but what would I know." She rolled her eyes at Castur. She was mad and bitter but it wasn't about being brought onto this ship. She could care less that she had to do some dirty work until they got dropped off somewhere to just simply get another ship. She was mostly bitter about how Castur was acting. He was always a bit of a dick, but during the big battle where he joined her to help her friends, and their trip back here, she thought that there was something there, a friendship maybe. Now however she was starting to feel like it was a useless hope, much like many of her friendships she thought she was building. Like how she hadn't had time to talk to Beuce much after finding him, and when she did talk to him, he still felt like he had to repay her from the kindness she was repaying. It hurt more than Karina wanted to admit. Either way some work, whatever it was, was sure to take her mind off of such things. She watched as Aux attempted to dress the part, but Karina didn't see the use in that. She was fine the way that she was, and unless this Silver person was going to force something on her, she wouldn't bother trying to fit in. It was only a temporary arrangement anyways.
Oh she was going to strangle him, he was in so much trouble she was going to throttle him. As Castur continued to talk, Karina tried to keep herself from wrapping her hands around his throat and choking the air from his lungs. Everything he was saying was a load of crap, and trying to get them out of trouble, or whatever he was doing wasn't going to work with him talking like a god damn idiot. As soon as he was done Ignis called him out, and with her conversing with the captain, that left Karina free to deal with Castur. "What in Kingdom Hearts name was that. Cabin girl?! And you kidding me. Save the sob stories and your stupid excuses I don't think it matters if we were civilians, pirates, or the god damn military, my guess is they made up their mind about us before dragging us on this damn thing, no thanks to you. You don't get to unload your mistakes on other people and pretend that everything is fine and you are so good and holy because you aren't. And I am not here to claim I am. I at least am aware that I am all sorts of messed up but at least I admit it. Grow a pair of balls and own up to your own mistakes." Karina called Castur out before she noticed Ignis starting to walk back to them for a moment, speaking in a low voice. "I doubt we are on their good side either way. This isn't that old man in the whale. I guess we just see what comes up, and as long as this idiot doesn't do anything else stupid I doubt it could get any worse." She replied to Ignis while signaling to Castur. "Though I really don't think they had any business knowing our names." She shot out at Ignis really quickly glaring at the girl. She had chosen not to share the information and it bothered her immensely that other people made the decision for her instead of letting her decision be her decision.
Well so much for talking to Ignis, because as soon as Karina tried they got jostled again, and she nearly lost her balance. Before she had fully recovered the door was pulled open to reveal some weird abomination of a creature standing before them. Karina gritted her teeth as she got up and straightened herself out. She could already tell how much she would hate this guy as he spoke to them. Before Karina could make a retort that was sure to pick a fight, another voice spoke up stopping the creature. However she then demanded answers to a very stupid question, which Kel offered her the best answer they got. "Does it bloody matter who we are? If you don't want us here, we just have to figure out how to make this hunk of junk fly again and we will be out of your hair." Karina wasn't intimidated by the woman or the creature, she instead just glared at them for asking stupid questions. She would be more than happy to leave if they didn't want them there, it wasn't were they were heading anyways, but knowing their luck it wouldn't turn out like that.
Karina leaned back on the wall of the ship, staring Castur down while he spoke with Kel. "Why I chose yo use another name is none of your business. I wasn't hiding it as much as not giving it to you guys so you wouldn't be an asshole and ignore my request not to go by it." Karina shot back. It wasn't that she actually minded telling him the reason, but the way he was speaking was already getting on her nerves again and she couldn't help but snap at him. "And while we might not need a big group, I would have liked to spend more time with the majority of my friends, but I guess that is something that you wouldn't know about, would you." It was a cheap shot but she didn't care. Karina then moved next to Ignis. "I wouldn't bother trying to tell him anything, he won't listen." She huffed before looking at the other girl and made a weak attempt at being civil with someone. "Nice to see you again by the way." It was then that the boat started to lose air and Karina let out a long sigh. "You just had to mess with it, didn't you. If I die, I am haunting you, you know that right." She glared before bracing herself for whatever was to come next.
Finally Tinarah decided to emerge from where she had been sitting under the wooden jungle-gym. "So if I am understanding this correctly we need to go scout of routes and take three down on route to take them for ourselves. Three mages means each of us will work on one. Unless you planned to take one out yourself." She addressed Gladio. "Though due to certain circumstances we need to be close together, preferably no one on their own." She mainly was worried about leaving Take on his own, but she didn't want to say it out loud. First off, she didn't want Take feeling lesser for her saying such thing, even though it was mere formality around him being one of the seven. The other being that she didn't want Gladio to know that there was anything special about Take. It would bring up too many questions that shouldn't need to be dealt with. "Either way I am ready to go whenever." The quicker they could deal with, the less trouble their gather would be in, in theory.
As the whale suddenly jerked again, Karina flew into Aux and cursed slightly. There was far worse people to bump into, at least Morimer wasn't here, but she still thought it wasn't the best. Karina grit her teeth as she tried to push away only to be hit by Casur, which sent them all flying into the boat. Sighing Karina put all her strength behind her as she shoved them away. "Get off of me." She snapped at everyone around before observing what was going on, including Castur's banter. "Oh shut up Arctus. And no I will not call you otherwise, especially when you bring that up." She snapped at him, hating to hear them still making fun of the slip up. Yes she cared about her appearance, but she didn't think that was a bad thing, not after what she had been coming off of. at least was able to do something useful as he cast Gravity so that they could all stand. "So no inclination of where we are supposed to go. Great. And once again we are separated from everyone else. That is precisely what we need. I know I am a dick and all, but I had been wanting to you know, say hello to some other people." Karina paced around with her arms folded. "Wonder where we will end up next."
The mice kept talking about their situation, but Karina was only half paying attention while she mostly just wanted to speak with Kaida for a moment before things became unsettling again, like they were bound to knowing this group. "Yeah, I just... noticed them when we came to help with the battle I didn't know how else to thank you." She admitted rubbing the back of her neck. It was clear these types of social interactions were not something Karina was familiar or comfortable with. Kaida then gave her a little carving in return. Karina stared at it for a long time just taking in the gift she had just received. Her eyes darted back to Beuce, touching the necklace from him, another gift she had received. "Thank you. It is nice. We don't actually keep cats in my world, dogs are of more use in the military, but honestly I think I like it better this way. It isn't like what I am used to, a change and I think...." Karina pondered for a moment. "Change is good for me right now." Suddenly the whale suddenly shook and Karina fumbled, nearly dropping the carving, catching it only at the last second. She quickly shoved in in the pouch with her keychains and looked to the others. "I guess catching up will have to wait a little bit longer." She muttered as she looked to the boats getting on the closest one as quick as she could before there was another Atlantica experience.
Karina nearly forgot about the mice as they popped up and started talking, but Karina's eyes were on Kaida and what she was tossing Beuce. As she watched her eyes caught the glimmer of Beuce's necklace and Karina found herself staring. She had kind of wondered if he would take it off the moment she wasn't looking. They never really did finish their conversation that was interrupted by the king and from there communication between them seemed minimal. It warmed her heart and calmed the darkness to see him wearing it, and it burning in the minimal light provided for them in this chamber. After what seemed like nearly a minute, Karina realized that she was staring and quickly looked away, embarrassed. Did Beuce notice her stare? She hoped it wouldn't scare him off more before she turned towards Kaida, and reached into her pockets. "I know finding Olympus is important. Shiro told us that was where we were originally to meet you, but I don't know how to get there. Mr. Secret-Keyblade-Master might though." Karina jerked her head towards Caster. "But before we go too far, I... Um..." Karina was at a loss for words again. "I got something for you." She blurted out before presenting two pins. The first was a pin that kind of looked like a panda. "I noticed that you had a bunch of pins on your bag, so I picked these up. This one is for stepping up and supporting me, helping get my keyblade back and stuff." She tried to explain, not really sure how to hold a civil conversation if she was being honest. She then held out the second pin, this one appearing to be a mountain with a sun behind it. "And this one is as an apology for that dumb ass who wiped blood on your jacket."
"You don't know exactly how much we know." Tinarah had been dealing with them far too long, her brother longer. Gladio seemed to be making a lot of assumptions and she wasn't fond of it but as Take got excited to help with the plan, Tinarah backed down. With a sigh she summoned a small spark to flash across her fingers. "I can provide backup for Take." She said giving her friend a wink. This would be his first real chance to experiment with his new well of magic. Tinarah tried to keep a supportive smile on her face, but her stomach was turning with all of what was happening here. She kept glancing back and forth between Gladio and the street. Was this the what they were working on that got their mother killed. She couldn't help but wonder what was going on with the company. "Hey Chrono, did you get anything that might help in your notes?" She asked hoping that maybe there was not only more information but also give them more time before having to deal with that situation.
Karina didn't manage to get far before the was an arm around her. At first she was readying her fist to punch whoever it was assaulting her, that was until she realized the touch was more gentle, just holding her close. Karina was tense through it, not sure what she thought about his touch. Normally she didn't like being touched by anyone, it often didn't come with pleasant outcomes, but this was different. Kel stepped back and Karina was silent for a long moment before stepping away. "Thanks... but don't do that again." She seemed to be more calm now, but she still didn't want to encourage the behavior. "We should just find a way out of here." She added before continuing to wander.
Karina reached out after Aux for a moment before giving up quickly after. She didn't know how to swim in the darkness and despite his resentment, she knew that Aux did. She just wanted saving from the darkness consuming her, she was admittedly, scare of it. Making it submit, Kel made it sound so easy, but the only semblance of control that she had managed to get was when she was lashing out with the darkness, quelling it wasn't nearly as simple. Shaking Karina pushed herself back to her feet, darkness still leaking from her as she just looked at Kel, almost sad and destitute. "Thanks but that just might be part of my problem." She admitted. She tried to face so much on her own, tried to deal with things as much as she could without dragging others down. She had not realized that she was only dragging herself down in the process. She needed to learn to control this, but she couldn't expect Kel to understand, or anyone really. Perhaps Aux, but besides him she didn't think a single other soul in the group understood the depth of the darkness that she faced. "I am just glad to see everyone here and alive. Lets try and keep it that way." Karina muttered as she wandered away from the battle, trying to keep herself walking tall, but mostly failing at it.
Karina grit her teeth and shook her head. "No not really." She snapped as she tried desperately to reign in the darkness. But Kel's questions just seemed stupid and was making her more annoyed, which only added fuel to the fire. Her hands shook as she braced herself on the ground. Then Aux approached and he didn't seem to help either. "It wasn't a choice." She snapped at him. She wasn't asking for this she was just frustrated and inadvertently opened her heart to darkness. "I know I could have. I have done such things in the past, now shut the hell up, you aren't helping." Karina lashed out swinging her fist towards Aux trying to get him to back off so that she could try and calm her thoughts and pull herself out of the hole in which she was falling into.
"We know him. Same guy who shot a friend out of the sky... brought up that he knows more than he should, taunted us. Yeah we are familiar." Tinarah said in a bitter voice as she looked towards the direction of her old home. She stared off for a moment before peering back out at Gladio. "We said we would talk. But we don't know you. We don't know anything right now, you expect us to just follow you like it is nothing? Yes Gigas is horrible but I have seen too damn much to just follow you into a trap." Tinarah glared back out. "Speaking of, you don't even know us, what makes you think this is a good idea?" She could see the discomfort on her own friends faces at this entire situation, she wasn't going to encourage it until they got a few more answers. "How about we start with exactly who you are and what brought you here before discovering the mechs, why is it any of your business anyways?"