Can I just lock it right now and win? Is that cheating?
Karina attacks with a combo on tail 5
Karina uses Zantetsuken on tail 5
Lakoda let go of his hand, and Everette stepped back. She could talk for herself, as much as he wanted to protect her, he couldn't always. Listening to Lakoda speak stirred a sort of old anger in him. He had always wanted to track down this hag, and even though they got to now, it still didn't feel like it was soon enough. The idea of talking about it over dinner didn't sit well with him either. Perhaps if it was a private dinner, but a feast meant to celebrate. Shouldn't the mayor celebrate with his people instead of planning with them? "Thank you for the offer, but perhaps the festival best be celebrated with your town instead of talking with us. If there is a quiet place for us to go, we can spend the evening planning, you can go ahead and celebrate with your people, if you so wish to." Everette suggested.
[/color ]Karina couldn't help but roll her eyes at Castur. Of course he would try and make himself sound so hard done by. It wasn't a challenge and yet she still had a retort. "Yeah while we were doing nothing except for dealing with Leo and his crew that came after us. And damn, don't let him get into your head. Those illusion things were inconvenient." She didn't even know how to explain what Leo had done, but she knew even if she did there would be some response putting her down from Castur so she didn't try. "And no, I did not get it confused. But I am sure you would love this thing." She assured Castur before mumbling under her breath, "it will certainly love you."
Karina gave a wave over her shoulder as she walked away. She didn't need them telling her to be careful or not to get lost. She was going to be fine. Karina didn't have the greatest sense of direction but it would be enough to get her back she was certain. After a while of wandering, Karina heard voices and turned the corner and saw not only Castur but Silver as well. "Well Jim will be happy. Now if you are done hiding from the fights, come on and lets get back sooner rather than later. We really should rescue Aux from that robot guy." She didn't really care for Aux that much, it actually gave her some satisfaction to think about the fact that he had to deal with that. But she didn't want to waste time here. They still needed to get to Olympus. Perhaps if they drop Silver with Jim, it would be fine and they could find a way to leave.
[/color ]This wasn't going to be annoying at all. When Karina saw the robot thing run up to them with such energy she wasn't a fan of it already. She would have rather swatted it off a building than deal with it. She watched for a long moment as it spoke with Aux and shook Kel's hand. She was grateful that it didn't attempt to make any physical contact with her at all. At least it seemed to know where Jim was, so at least that was a good thing. While Karina didn't know if they should trust it, she couldn't imagine something so happy working for Leo, so it had to be at least somewhat safe, at least in that regard. As they followed it Aux said something about Castur and that made Karina remember. "Crap right. We still haven't found him. Perhaps I should go look for him while you deal with that." Karina said as they arrived and Jim started to punch Aux, and Aux just sat there and took it.,
"Oh can we stop with this crap already? No matter how many times I hear about it, it won't make us turn on each other. When the traitor comes out we will deal with them then. Until that point they can't be too helpful, lets face it. We are never together and nothing ever goes as planned." Like how this was unplanned, and the entire underwater adventure and the whale were all unplanned. She couldn't see how leaked information will help when there was so many unknowns. "So why don't you take your illusions and idle threats and shove off Leo." Karina stated trying to brush Leo off again.
I have ridden that plenty way back when I was there like 10 years ago
[/color ]It seemed that Aux found a way to break them out of the cages and chains. Through the conversation though, Aux, then Karina seemed to figure out what Leo was doing. Illusions are powerful when someone believes in them, but easy enough to overcome when you don't. Karina was able to stand tall again as Aux and Leo went back and forth, ending with a challenge of her and Kel about their strength. "Yes I am, but at least I don't hide behind illusions. I can at least face it now." Karina stated. Physically weak, she was not but she knew that there was a lot that she had to run through in her mind and in that aspect she was weak. She still feared her father and his judgement and she was still lost, but now she could admit it at least. "Weak or not I am strong enough to face you." Karina faked charging forward, stopping her attack half way to send a small blast of fire at him instead.
"Do you hear yourself talk? Seriously, I can't tell if you can hear how stupid you sound or not." Karina stated as a keyblade went flying for her and she dodged out of the way with ease. He then said something about being born in darkness and Karina rolled her eyes. "And I was born in a military family, and you don't see me leading any great armies. Want to know why? It doesn't matter what you are born into. You just grow up to be who you are meant to be, in your case, a poor, sad, lonely, loser who thinks he can scare people off with empty words." Karina argued back, not noticing the keyblade that somehow managed to come back around. She didn't even question where the chains came from and how they held into the ground so tightly. None of this made sense. It was like he didn't understand the mechanics of the universe so he didn't have to follow them. Unfortunately for Karina, she did understand them so she had to abide by them.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Karina knew that the last time she had done this, it hadn't turned out as well for her as she had hoped. But it was time that Karina tried to control it better and have a firm handle on her own darkness. She began channeling the darkness through her, letting it take form as a visible aura around her, as armour began to encompass her being. Karina had to fight to keep her own rage back and channel the darkness without letting it overtake her. When she was confident that she had done that she looked up at Leo. "You think you are the only one who can walk a dark path and thrive Leo? Try again. And I don't need help from some wannabe to do it. I don't have to turn on the people I care about to embrace the dark past I have walked. You are the weak one for thinking you do. Now stop hiding behind lame traps like the coward you are and have a proper battle." Karina threatened summoning Daunting Renewal to her hand. "No wonder Anora never loved you. You are a hopeless loser." She taunted trying to get Leo worked up enough that he made the first move. If he did, she would be there waiting.
Could he get any more edgy? Like seriously, she thought she was bad, but this? "Yes Aux, yes you can. I think he just surpassed you in terms of edginess. You need to take your title back after all." She stated sarcastically. "Like seriously, he is still talking about a girl no one has cared about for a long time now. Besides look at him, he will never win a fight like that." Karina stated summoning her single keyblade to her hand. She was going to have fun shutting Leo up. One strike on the keyblade in his mouth and his teeth would be gone. "Well Aux, do you want to do the honours, or shall I?"
"We could, I don't know." She didn't know which way would be easier, waiting or searching. She looked to Aux for an opinion, but he seemed not to have one to give, instead just commenting on what she told them. It wasn't a helpful comment either. He asked about Kel, but Karina turned it back to Aux. "What about you? What was your home world like? Do you have anyone special? Kaida maybe." She knew that wasn't a thing but she wanted to see how Aux would react to it. It would be the most entertaining thing that she would be able to get for a while it seemed. 20/20 Finally!
She wasn't looking for pity, and now it felt like she had been and that didn't sit right with Karina. "Nevertheless. Too late to change the past and now I am moving forward... andImightlikeBeucebutIdon'tknowyetandamtryingtofigurethatout." Karina added quickly and quietly at the end of her statement before standing up again pacing once more. "That ******* is taking forever, I hope he hurries up" Whether she was talking about Castur or Leo, she left that up in the air, she just wanted to be doing something. She wouldn't matter fighting, but she wanted to do anything really at this point. 19/20
"Dodged the bullet, only to walk into another one it feels like." Karina sighed. "As I said, girls don't have choices on my home world. I was beaten nearly to death and then all rights I had were removed. Instead of being the wife of a sadist, I was to be a slave of my fathers. If my father trusted that as his right hand, you can imagine how much worse he would be." Karina paced before eventually sitting down near Aux to rest for a moment as time passed by. "If it wasn't for this, I would still be there." Karina held up her keyblade. It gave context why she cared about her keychains so much even after she lost her keyblade. "So I am never going back there, so it is best that I learn a bit about what I am walking into. In case... you know. I don't always want to be alone." And she had learned recently that she didn't always want to be alone. She liked the attention that having companions gave her, and the support they offered. It reminded her of Eric, her brother and only friend. She would never have another brother, but perhaps she would find someone special in a different way. 18/20
"Well that is because it is not a choice. People in my world don't get a choice, especially if you are a woman." Karina seemed to be mulling over his words though. She now understood that marriage had something to do with love, but what love really was, she still wasn't too sure about. In a way they made an oath when they married in her world. But the oath was to honour and respect the man, and the man was to care and provide for the woman. That was it. There was no love in the equation, and as Aux adeptly pointed out, the oath was as much to the families, or even more so the military and the government who ran her world. When Aux asked who she was to assigned, Karina let out a dark laugh. "GIven my father was the general of the army, I have a pretty high and mighty bloodline in my veins. I could only be given to the best, as in my fathers right hand man. Don't get me wrong, he was handsome and strong. The best of the best for his generation, every girl would have thought themselves lucky to have him at their side, if it wasn't for the fact that I knew what he really was. I had heard him in war meetings with my father. Seen him in battle, and when my father was preparing to betroth me to him, I saw how he dealt with his servants." Karina seemed to be almost amused by the thought of him now looking back. "He was a sadist. Strongest fighter because he enjoyed it, inflicting pain on others, and it didn't matter who it was. My father thought that marrying me off to him would keep me in line. Too bad he never had the chance." It was only amusing because she had managed to escape. Kel then pitched in with his own thoughts and Karina was pulled from her state of dark amusement, picturing her father and betrothed face when she rejected him, spitting in his face and threatening to kill herself if she ever had to. They were mortified, and of course it was later she who paid the consequences, not them, but that didn't matter. Karina wanted to desperately ask about the feelings, but she thought better of it. "I just wanted to understand the worlds around me better is all." She lied casually to cover up how much she was trying to sort through her own emotions. 17/20
[/color ]Silence stretched before them for several minutes before Karina took a deep breath and attempted to break the silence again. "What are relationships like on your world? Like marriage and stuff?" Karina finally asked. "From the worlds I have been to, it seems to be different in these worlds than anything I have seen and I don't understand it. We marry for politics. Whoever will benefit what family most and whoever would be the best pair for powerful warriors to ensure the offspring's of those people would also be valuable for the army. That is it. We stay with who we are told to." Or at least most people did. She ran from that destiny and nearly died for it. She wanted to know why other people seemed be with each other for reasons it seemed other than political gain. 16/20
"We can wait a little longer. I am sure he will scream like a little kid if he is actually in trouble. I would rather make a bet that Leo will show up near by and I don't want to seem like I am running." It was something that Karina was having an issue with. She couldn't stand that comment. At least Kel hadn't pushed any further on her almost slip up, though Karina couldn't help but admit it would be nice to have someone's input on it. She just didn't know if she wanted it to be Kel, or if maybe she should just be waiting longer to see what would happen. Either way she didn't want to deal with it now. Maybe she would talk to Beuce the next time she saw him, but knowing her luck something would always come up. She would just have to wait for that as well. It was a strange feeling, these emotions. She had been so shut off from them, so distant from that side of her development, that discovering it now just seemed awkward and she wasn't sure how to approach it. 15/20
3hp= 60 crowns 3AP= 60 crowns 3def= 30 crowns 3res= 30 crowns 3spd= 30 crowns 210 crowns spent leaving me with 0 crowns to my name :( HP= 110 AP= 55 Def= 25 Res= 25 Spd= 20 Here have a little taste of hell. Let it go taught me to never record on Vegas, but it is too late now, you get what you get I will take my 4 crowns and 600 munny please