Don't trust those who say:
Is that a threat?
Damn it our plan is fooled. Flee
Well I can't cheat now while everyone sees us talking about it. I have to wait until they all forget
Wow, Kel was even dumber than she first though. Karina let out a sigh and a shake of her head as Kel came to the realization that he had followed her for no reason at all. To make matters worse, Karina could see two out of place ships starting to approach the world. Well there was the people she claimed to be looking for. Since she couldn't use that as an excuse anymore, Karina supposed she had to go back. Turning around, Karina went towards the oncoming ships, only to see Beuce already walking towards theirs and calling out. For a moment it felt like her heart did something strange and Karina didn't know what to do with it. She stood there for a moment as he got closer to the boat trying to sort out what it was, then realized how stupid she was being. She hated the confusion and awkwardness and she was going to fix it. Karina started marching directly towards Beuce, determination in her eyes as she grabbed his glass arm, not hard enough to damage it but hard enough to make it clear she was trying to get him to follow. "We need to talk." She stated bluntly sounding almost annoyed.
If I posted and then tale posted locking the thread I could in theory win. Also there is nothing saying we can't make jokes about cheating. We wouldn't stoop to that level, but we can joke
Karina hated to admit it, but Kel managed to sneak up on her and startle her while she was lost in thought. "If we are lucky, no one." Karina responded with a tone that seemed like she was trying to make it abundantly clear to Kel that she wasn't actually looking for company, she was just off wandering by her self. Now she didn't know if she would have to be more blunt and spell it out for him or not, but she hoped she didn't. She knew that Kel was doing this in an innocent way, but she couldn't help but find herself annoyed by it all. She needed to figure things out and she didn't think Kel would be of much help in that realm. "So what brings you along?" She added thinking it was possible that there was a reason for this and it didn't just exist to bother her.
It seemed that Ignis wanted to stay behind, and honestly Karina couldn't care less about it. If the girl needed to go, then so be it, everyone had their reasons to be places and if her reasons didn't align with what they were doing then so be it. Karina didn't bother with goodbyes or anything of the sorts, but waited quietly until the departures were said and done. Karina was just glad to get to where they needed to finally be, no more side trips. That being said if everyone else made it here too, which she expected them to, it would mean facing something that had been on her mind and she wasn't sure if she was fond of that idea. Without thinking about it, Karina grabbed her necklace as she stepped out of the vessel and onto the streets of what seemed to be a bustling town. Everyone seemed to be talking and whispering about some tournament coming up, that could be interesting, but first they would need to find the others. "I am going to head around town, see if any of the other groups made it yet. See you guys in a bit. I will head towards wherever this so called tournament is being held when I find people." Karina called out as she turned around and began to walk towards an area that seemed to be a market of some sort, not giving time for people to respond as she began to run her fingers through her hair. "Perhaps being told who to love really is the easiest way. I don't understand this." Karina mumbled to herself as she tried to sort through her emotions again before she did run into others, or more specifically Beuce. Part of her really wanted to see him again, but part of her dreaded it. It would mean really facing whatever it was that made her feel awkward around him, and less brash, and she didn't know if she was ready for that yet.
Yes it is, and Thank you Garrett. Some of those staff files made my day though.
Okay bringing up those puns again is a great birthday gift. I love them so much. They were so terrible and great.
You fool, don't you know everyone is already your enemy. You have no friends or allies.
You are welcome. Am I your friend now? c:
They managed to deal with the situation on time, but now there was the matter of escaping and there was a bit of an issue with the ship. Karina watched Aux summon his glider and Jim suggested that they just push. As big as Aux was, Karina knew that he wouldn't be that much help, but Kel on the other hand. He might have been a skinny ass kid, but he could be useful at times. "Hey Aux let me on for a minute and get me close." Karina instructed not giving him a choice as she hopped on the back of his glider, getting ready to push off. "Hey Kel! Lets show them what we can do!" She called to Kel, hoping he would pick up what she was saying as she prepared herself, letting her power aura shine as she got ready to not just push, but kick to boat out of the portal and to safety.
Karina uses a combo for 8 hits then mushu will blast the shit out of that tail and hopefully kill it.
Karina used a combo (8 hits, don't ask me again Krowley) And mushu does his thing.
Mushu exists another round. Karina uses a combo on tail 5
God's. I like that. Mwahahaha
Damn my only weakness, other staff members
Karina summons mushu