It wasn't really up to him how much help she could be, he was just told what to do. Either way, at least she agreed to come. Like the gentleman he was, Jaycob opened the car door for Danni, and shut it behind her, before taking a seat in the front turning back to look at her. "Don't know what sort of job it is, so we don't know how helpful you will be. A-7 seems to think you are helpful and I have no right to question them. Right now they would like any excuse to throw me in jail. That being said, don't take off that LV bracelet of yours, I was already threatened to be put away for not wearing mine, stuffy bastard. Jaycob continued to complain as they drove and he took a moment more to look through the files. Soon they arrived in front of a small house in the King District. It was plenty big for one person, but not a very showy house by any means. Getting out of the car, he quickly unlocked his own car, a newer model car that was partly electric. It was sleek in design but not too flashy like some of the rich had. It did the job well enough for him. "Wait in the car, I will be out in a minute." With that Jaycob went inside the house to get changed into more normal clothes. Ones that would blend in more to where he was heading. He knew where Spectre tended to hunt this time of day, he ran into her more than once down there. He just hoped that she still did, it had been a year since his last run in with the girl, but if her habits stayed the same, she shouldn't be too hard to catch. When he returned to the car, Jaycob was in jeans and a sweater. He looked a few years younger dressed in his normal clothes, and there was a wallet sticking up slightly out of his back pocket. He also decided to put on his LV bracelet. He didn't need to give anyone an excuse to arrest him during this... whatever it was. As he sat in the driver seat of the car, he tossed Danni and spare phone he carried on him with a gps up that currently showed their current location. "I just need you to keep an eye on that. If it starts to move away from our current location when we are walking around, then we follow it. Also if you have anything of value, tuck it away good or it might get stolen. Lets go." With quick instructions, Jaycob soon set off driving until he arrived at the downtown district and parked his car before starting to walk around closer to the area's he normally ran into Spectre in the past. The only problem was it was also old gang stomping ground, so he would have to be careful. Either way, he hoped that Spectre would take the bate and try to steal the fake wallet with $20, a tracking chip, and a note in it saying: Spectre, I have a job for you. If you want some real money then wait there, I will be there soon.
He didn't even know who this Tiffany person was. Jaycob was sure that it said somewhere in her folder, but he didn't have time to actually read that given how little time he had to get here in general. Either way, it wasn't about that person, so at least he had an answer for that. "No it isn't about... er... Tiffany? Anyways, the A-7 council wants to speak to you, I am just a messenger. Turns out they are low on manpower and are forcing us freaks to help. He gave a pointed look at her LV bracelet. "I don't have the full story, that will come when I bring everyone they told me to. And if you are wondering, yes I am a super human as well. Now I suggest you come with me now and avoid a scene. I don't think A-7 will take no for an answer. We need to stop by my place so I can change and then track down these two. I have ideas on the first one, but the other I don't know where to find them."Jaycob passed Danni the files so she could have a look and hopefully believe him. "The name is Jay by the way. Doubt that will make you trust me anymore, but I know your name, it is only fair. So are you coming or what?"
The girl must have had a rough day, given the way she was pretty much running out of the coffee shop nearly ten minutes after her shift ended. Jaycob felt a little bad for her, especially because he was about to make her day even worse. Why did A-7 want such a normal girl anyways? A cop and criminal he could kind of see the uses of, with or without powers, but a barista? What the hell were they going to get dragged into? Jaycob wasn't sure that he wasn't in over his head, she definitely would be. Either way he was given a job and he had to carry it out. Taking a few steps at a jogging pace, Jaycob caught up to the girl with some ease, though she was wearing headphones, so he doubted calling out to her would do much. He lightly grabbed her shoulder as he pulled out his badge to flash her way. "Sorry to disturb your evening miss... Daniela? I need to have a talk with you, immediately." Jaycob started before motioning to the car that he had arrived in, the driver still waiting for him. "If you would please." The girl was cute, if not a little young, but Jaycob didn't have time to think of that right now, he had to be professional, at least until they were out of the public eye, then he would explain everything.
Jaycob looked through the folders quickly as he somewhat listened to what was being said. As he read it though he spotted something of note. He quickly pulled out his phone and checking the time. "Great talking to you and all, but I got to go. After all, looks like one of your people you want me to find is about to get off work and if I want a hope of catching them, I have to go now. Nice chatting with you boss, but next time I return you better have a hell of a lot more information for me about this assignment. I don't like being left hanging." He stated as he looked at the folders seeing a familiar person. Specter, that was going to be fun. He ran into the girl a few times when he was in the gang, always felt a little sorry for her. She might be a pain to track down, but at least he could try, but first this girl "Daniela" so her sheet stated. Grabbing a ride to the coffee shop, Jaycob anxiously looked at the time as he pulled up. If he was lucky she would change and possibly cash out before going home. There might be time still to catch her. Standing outside the store he looked through the window seeing a girl, matching the picture in the folder still standing at the counter serving a customer. She should have been off by this time he thought, but maybe there was a mistake in the notes. He had time though and could wait it out, so Jaycob found himself leaning against the outside of the building waiting for the girl to come out so he could talk to her without making too big of a scene in the work place. Once he had her on board, he would need to change though. Convincing a barista to talk to a police officer shouldn't be too difficult, convincing a thief on the other hand wouldn't work too well.
Well apparently everyone here was just going to be boring, stuck up and a pain in his ass. That sucked he thought at least someone here would be interesting, but apparently not. "It is not like I am a threat to anyone. Hell the gun that the PD gave me is more dangerous than my powers in terms of hurting people. That being said. I am amazing at everything else." He hated wearing the stupid band that marked him as what he was. It was almost as bad at the tracking anklet that the police tried to give him when he first made the deal with them. That was until they realized that he could mess with him as he pleased just by touching the damn thing. After that they just had guards outside of his house until they decided they could trust them. It was a real pain when it came to bring people over. Jaycob took the mans hand a shook it, even though he didn't want to. "Call me Jay, but if you really want to use my last name, at least use the full thing. Van Rompaye if you please. He corrected before continuing on. "It wasn't that bad of a transition. You talk like I wasn't raised in a proper home as well. Just being in a gang doesn't immediately mean that I had the life I imagine you think I had. Besides people love a hot guy in a uniform, nothing too bad about that. The worst part is simply how boring it is. When they don't have a job for my specialty I am stuck at my desk doing paperwork. I loath the stuff. So please tell me this assignment that you have for me is much more interesting than that. I could use a challenge. Most missions with the PD were easy and incredibly dull, he was just looking forward to something that would actually make him think for once and flex his powers a little more. Deleting porn off his bosses computer was just too easy now, he wanted something harder.
When Jaycob got into the car, he was sorely disappointed. So much for his request. The driver was in his late forties, bald, and Jaycob couldn't guess when the last time he smiled was. Not any time in the last twenty years at least if he had to guess. Even as they drove Jaycob tried to at least drum up some interesting conversation, but the one to two word answers that he was getting, was getting on his nerves. Eventually he was forced to just give up and make sure his hair was perfect for the immaculate entrance that he planned on making. He had no issue finding and tucking away his entrance card before the pulled up to the building. "Well it was great talking to you. See ya." Jaycob stepped of the car, waiting for it to start driving away before saying "asshole." Despite how much he didn't like the ride to the office, it didn't wreck his swagger as he started to approach the door, flashing his card and smoldering at the younger, more attractive guard. That didn't go well either however as the guard only glared at him, and as soon as he passed he could see them lean over to whisper to the other guard. There was a moment that he had to stop and take a deep breath, remind himself that they were just jealous of how awesome he was. That was right, he just intimidated people with how perfect he was, there was no other reason. Entering the building, Jaycob made his way to the front desk. "Hey, looking for the speaker? Mind pointing me in the right direction. Or in the direction of your bedroom if you prefer." The lady at the desk just glared at him and pointed him in the right direction. As he walked away disappointed, he could hear her mumble something about a freak. Jaycob found himself clenching and unclenching his fist as he walked away. He had always hated when people treated him that way.That was why he tried his best to keep his powers hidden. It was what had driven him to the gang in the first place. He supposed most people knew why he was here so they could let him in, meaning they knew what he was, but it still bothered him. That being said, he tried not to show it as he walked towards the place he was supposed to go and grinned as he knocked on the door, calling through it. "The highlight of your day has arrived at last. Hope you're happy!"
What a boring day. Sitting at his desk, Jaycob found himself utterly bored as he flipped a pencil between his fingers. When were they going to do something interesting? It had nearly been a week since his last major assignment. Sure, here and there he was called in to get footage off of security camera's of store owners who didn't want to cooperate. And there was the occasional project for the divisions website just to keep it up to date, but nothing really exciting. This was a waste of both his talents and beauty. "Hey boss, got anything else for me to do?" Jaycob called from his desk only to get a gruff response of no, and told to get back to his paperwork. Sighing heavily, Jaycob just leaned back in his chair, before smiling to himself. Sure he had to be close to hack computers at will, but with a little work he could still do it from his desk, after all, he knew all the holes in this networks security system, and while it was a good system they had in place, he was better. Sliding his chair towards the portion of his desk with his computer, Jaycob quickly pulled out a small usb drive and plugged it into his computer to create his own protection. Once that was in place he continued to gain access to the network. This was made substantially easier by the fact that he was already logged into the network on his work computer. Taking a quick glance around him to make sure that no one was looking over his shoulder, he started hacking the hard way. It had been a while since the last time Jayob had to actually hacked into a computer the proper way, but he learned when he was younger just for fun. If he could do it by touch, he wanted to know how others did it, in case his powers failed him one day, or he needed it in order to get closer to the actual target. It had come in handy many times, just like it was coming in handy now. "Lets see chief, what kind of kinks are you into today?" Jaycob whispered as he started to type commands after accessing his bosses computer. Rapidly tapping on the keyboard he input his commands then shut off his screen as he stood up from his desk. "I'm going to take a piss." He loudly announce before leaving his desk. As he did, Jaycob walked behind his bosses computer, just in time to see the command execute. Two girls in cat ears and tails were climbing all over a man. Jaycob let out an appreciative whistle as he walked by. "Quite the taste in porn you have there. Cat girls, really? Though I do have to admit, that guy is ripped, I would want to bang that too." Oh his boss was fuming. He was going to get it for this one, but there was no way to prove that he did it. "If I were you, I would keep to watching that on private time." He placed his hand on top of his bosses computer and the screen closed down. "I just cleared your history for you. You are welcome. Wouldn't want the higher ups to see what you were doing on company time. After all incognito mode isn't as private as you might think." His boss was about to yell. Jaycob could see the steam coming out of his ears and it was rather amusing, or would be if this didn't guarantee another stack of paper work "Jay, I have had enough of-" Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Jaycob's phone ringing. "Nice talk pops, but I have to take this." Jaycob patted his bosses face as he started to walk off, answering his phone. "Y'ello, Jay here, and what can I do for you?" He asked speaking in his smooth talker tone.
Karina uses Magnify, Melting point, then combos
☉ Username: Aelin ☉ Character Name: Jaycob Van Rompaye ☉ Gender: Male ☉ Sexuality: Bisexual ☉ Age: 28 ☉ Appearance: Bloop ☉ Eye Color/Occuli Color: Eye color (#00e6b8) Occuli color (#99ffeb) ☉ Chosen Path: “I have chosen the path of “Turncoat” ☉ Starting LV: (To be filled out by me after sign-up) ☉ Power: By touching a computer of any kind, he can use the energy in his own body in order to hack into it and gain access. However to do it remotely he needs to get at least to the firewall on his own device ☉ Classification: Artificial ☉ Personality: Jaycob likes to think that he is perfect in every sort of the word. He is attractive, he is smart, he has an awesome skill with computers, and lets face it, who ☉ Short Backstory: At first when Jaycob manifested his abilities, he was labeled a freak. At the time he was top of his class, doing great, popular and everything a boy could want. However when he started realizing his powers and trying to show the other kids, instead of being impressed, they feared him. He tried desperately to gain their approval, but throughout the years failed. Amidst such failures, he did find one group of friends that would take him in. A gang really, but at the time Jaycob had not realized this. They had been nice to him, took him in when no one else would and encouraged his powers. It started as tests on his friends computers, hacking into them, seeing what he could do with this knowledge. Then it turned into pranks, hacking computers of people that pissed him off and doing harmless things. That turned into blackmail, which eventually turned into extortion. Without realizing it, his friends, and his fun and games turned into something much more. Jay found himself in the middle of a criminal organization, a tool of theirs, and he wasn't the first. Apparently it was common for them to send younger members out to find the talented in order to bring them to their side. Still they helped him, they were fun, they made him feel worth something and made him feel powerful. Jay stayed with the group until he was 27, but that was the point that he had had enough. The crimes were getting bigger and he was seeing less of the profit going to him, despite him doing most of the work to get them in there. It was when they wanted to extort a business that employed thousands, and drain them of all their money that he decided that he wanted out. Jay's father worked for the company as one of its executives. Though he didn't talk to his father much at that point, he knew that a hit like that might cause him his job, and Jay never wished that on his family. He tried to convince them to do something else, hit somewhere else, stop the operation, but they refused. He tried to blackmail them, threatening to take all their information to the police, but they believed he didn't have the guts for it. After all, he was as much of a criminal as they were, he would get in just as much trouble. Jay took this as a challenge, walking out with his laptop full of information to turn into the police. In the end, of course, they were right. He was arrested for his deeds with the organization, but with the help of a good lawyer, Jaycob was able to strike a deal. With his knowledge and skills on hacking he could do a lot of good for the police force. In exchange for his freedom, he was to work directly for the police as one of their own, helping in any case that might specifically have to do with cyber crime. Jaycob was good at it, and what was even more surprising was that he enjoyed it. Being an officer helped protect him to some extent from those who wished to harm him after he turncoated, and the job gave him the challenge he needed. It didn't hurt that he could more easily pick up girls, and guys, in a uniform either. ☉ Main Theme: ☉ Battle Theme:
Karina uses Cross Slash on Spire B (and it is magnified from last turn.)
Karina uses fusion limit with Stratos, then combos 3 times because it is stronger than most skill commands. Expert stats.
Aux uses August heat Karina attacks the face with a combo three times
The Titan fell and Karina quickly turned and started to try and hog tie it, keeping it in place. Around others were talking, but she was too focused on the problem at hand to pay any attention at all to the conversation, at least not until she heard mention of more and Beuce starting to shout out orders of where to go. She supposed that made sense, except one thing, it failed to account for the Titan that was before them. "We what are we going to do about ugly here? He is far from dealt from." Karina shouted back as she remained ready to deal with another outburst from the Titan at an moment.
Alright one more thing, achievement points. I am claiming 50 crowns, 5 hp, and accessory ticket.
Karina is buying speed chain, thus obtaining ninja Karina just has pirate
Spending all crowns on speed to get to 50
Did slight edits to my set up here
As much as Karina despised being told what to do, Beuce's plan was actually a solid one. She had a hard time arguing with it, and it played to their strengths. The way he had said it also made it sound more like she was doing a favour for him, instead of a command that she would get in trouble for later. All this made it a bit easier for Karina to swallow as she nodded. "Leave it to us!" She called back just in time to see Jecht flicked from the arena. She was glad that she was not closer to him or else that would have hurt. Running around the arena, Karina found some rope wrapped around a barrel that seemed to be set off to the side for training at some point. She grabbed it and tossed one end to Kel so that he could follow along. "So for once, shall we use our strength in tandem?" She was aware that they tended to make a contest about their strengths. In this instance it would be better to work together, they needed both their combined strength to even stand a chance.
Apparently that was the end of that conversation, because before anything else could happen, their missing party members appeared, followed by another issue. A giant with one eye suddenly appeared and started wrecking the place. "I don't suppose you want me to sit this one out too?" Karina said a bit bitterly towards Beuce as she started trying to figure out what she was supposed to do about something that size. Jecht and Stratos were still down below, and Karina felt like Stratos might need some back up, especially when Jecht seemed to want to continue the fight. Karina couldn't believe it and had a very bad feeling about that. Vaulting over the railing Karina made a three point landing in the arena below, all her bones groaned and ached as she did it. She wished that she wasn't still feeling the effects of the fights before that, but she could push through fine, and she would, she had to. Readying her keyblade she looked at Jecht, then the giant. "Here is your bell right here." Karina said before going to punch him in the face and try and get him to back off. "We have bigger issues than this stupid tournament. Get over yourself."
She missed. How could she miss? Luther now stood behind her taunting her and it just annoyed her more, but she couldn't do much with the sword pointed at her back. She wasn't stupid enough to try and attack now, she knew the limit to her speed, and given what Luther just pulled, he was likely far faster than she was. All she could do was grind her teeth as Luther spoke, then left. Finally Karina could turn back and face Beuce, looking rather annoyed over all. "He betrayed us. Those that Lea left me to lead, he betrayed them. I may not be there with them anymore, but he deserved everything that was coming. I wasn't going to let him sit there smug thinking that just because I had to actually try in all of my battles that he would automatically win. I am not that weak." But apparently she was because she was bested by him so easily and that just made her more frustrated at the situation. "I am not letting him walk away like that next time we see him." Karina stated bluntly before turning back to view the final battle.