Karina rolled her eyes on this boy as they approached. She flicked her wrist and summoned her own keyblade. "Hate to tell ya kid, but you are not that special, and we are not spying on you. How, tall, dark, and broody, over here knows... your name? I don't know but he does and it isn't because we are spying. We are just looking for a way out of here, so calm down." Karina approached him, taking a swipe at him just to knock the keyblade out of his hand in order to prove he wasn't as strong as he was. "We are looking for a way out of here, so if you want to follow, go ahead, but you don't have to. If you want to keep punching the wall, be my guest, I could care less if you die in here."
Karina only gave Aux a vicious smile as he called her out for chewing him out. "awe come on, isn't that all you are good for?" She knew perfectly well that that wasn't true, but she always had fun with his reactions. She guessed maybe that was why Arctus always did it to her. Before the conversation could go any further there was a voice and Karina looked to their left. "Yep, always left, let's check it out." She had hardly noticed the new addition to their group, but as long as he kept quiet and out of the way, Karina didn't care if he followed them around.
Karina waved Ananta off with her excuses. She didn't want to keep talking about this and neither did Arctus apparently. He clearly wasn't familiar with the typical conversations of her and Ananta, but Karina certainly wouldn't still be on this when they left, not unless someone brought it back up again. She was trying to live by the motto "move on", she wasn't going to dwell on it once the conversation was over, there was no point in it. "Yeah yeah, don't worry about me." Arctus then started directing them and Karina followed behind for as he chose the direction, giving Aux a knowing smile when Arctus said to go left. He then continued however, causing Karina to shake her head slightly at him and his comment with that wry smile of his. "Do you want to go. I bet I could take you down." She challenged. "But do you really think going further into this thing will help? We could go back and, you know, wait until it opens its mouth again, stab its gums until it has no other choice. I just came in here to assess who was here, but I don't think going deeper is going to get us out. I could lead you back out of here if you wanted." She suggested, but Arctus was no idiot, she figured that he could find his own way out if he wanted to.
Figuring out what to do with her father was also part of figuring out the mission. Either way it wasn't worth arguing, as long as they got the job done then there wouldn't be much of a problem. She could just focus on that for now, anything else that Fost was saying about it was secondary. "Glad you could join us." Tinarah said earnestly to Illiana when she approached. She really did appreciate all the extra support. It wasn't going to be easy, not for her or her brother, and on top of that she couldn't see the mission itself being a walk in the park, the more the better for something like this. Walking through the portal created for them, Tinarah wrinkled her nose at the smell of the city. She had nearly forgotten how bad it could smell. "This smell definitely means we are home." Tinarah corrected her brother. "So... do we go investigate the company first, or... you know..." They discussed it already, but now being in their world it was too real and the pain in Tinarah's heart grew. She glanced down to notice a slight tremble to her hand, she gripped the hem of her shirt to try and make it stop. Everything about this world was too familiar and she had worked so hard on moving on,now she didn't know what to do with it. Either way they didn't want to stay hidden in the ally, that had never turned out for her in the past and she didn't want to try it here.
Karina was flabbergasted as she stared at Ananta. She couldn't even comprehend this. "Wait, wait, wait, hold up. I don't actually care what you think of me right now, or my return. Explain to me this please." Karina took a deep breath as she looked between Ananta and Aux. "You can put up with my crap for how long now and still tried to desperately be my friend. But when Aux at least tried to hide his snide remarks and slips ups you cry? I don't get this? Seriously woman what is wrong with your hormones?" Karina snapped at her. "I decided to trust him because you guys decided to trust him and he has watched my back during the last world, so there is some trust earned. And I am not saying that you have to get along, gods knows I wanted to punch and still do sometimes but I don't cry about it." Karina snapped before marching off Left again.
Tinarah just looked at Take for a moment and sighed. "Besides the fact that I am older... well both of us are runaways." Tinarah admitted rubbing the back of her neck. "It won't go over particularly well with our father I am sure. It would just be.... easier. I know it is bad, but... I don't know, maybe we should, but how do we tell that to my father?" She questioned as she looked towards Take and Chrono. She wasn't going to force her opinions on them, but she hoped they would understand. "As for the keyblade....We are already sneaking into our house, I don't want to feel like we are breaking into our own house as well." This was weird, it was all weird and she didn't know how to justify it anymore. Tinarah looked over her shoulder looking for the rest of her group, hoping they would just hurry up so she could go, waiting was making her anxious.
Glancing back for a moment at Ananta, Karina shook her head. "Oh geez, I was making a shot at Arctus not you, don't get yourself too worked up about it." She hated to see Ananta cry, it was pathetic, and then it would mean she would have to pretend to understand emotions and comfort her, and none of that sounded like fun to Karina. She then shot Aux a glare. "Because I didn't feel like it." She stated bluntly before looking at their choices. "Alright mister big shot, if you are so snarky, then why don't you choose the direction next time."
"You know as well as I do if it was that easy, mom would still be alive." Tinarah pointed out, looking to her brother, not hiding her doubts about this. While she didn't want to talk to much about what she was thinking, she knew with a look that her brother would understand her thought process. "You still have a key right? You could just wait until dad is at work or something?" She suggested wondering if things in the house would even still be the same, it could be helpful to have more information. That being said it might also just be worth it to go straight to the source. Who know what might have changed with the company since their mother died, it might not even be relevant anymore. More they talked about this, the more anxious she got, Tinarah just started to hope that they would get their stuff together and just go. Force herself to do it instead of just thinking about it.
"Glad you are finally learning." Karina added with a bit of a smile as she continued to look at their options. "And if you are that hungry then we better get moving and find a way out of this place. That or you could just stop being a big baby and suck it up like a real man." She suggested randomly pointing to the left path. "I once heard that good adventurers go left, so why not?" She suggested listening to the banter between Castur and Aux. "Don't worry no one will be fighting anyone right now. After all, clearly Arctus is too weak to be bothered to fight." She added just giving them a bad time, not wanting to wait too long. "So are you coming or what?" She asked as she entered the left hall.
As they walked into the next room, there was signs of other life which wasn't quite who Karina wanted to see. Aux had started listing who he met when he noticed the group and didn't seem pleased, but tried to hide it. "No, no, you're right, dammit is right." She corrected Aux as she glanced at Ananta then at Castur. "Well you aren't dead Arctus, so that is something." She stated rather dismissively as she looked around. She was still a little confused and didn't want to face whatever was happening here. "So do you know who else is here, who is alive?" She added surveying their path choices quickly.
Of course he was pretty much ignore her completely. She was not surprised at all about this, instead just trying to keep herself busy, figuring out what they could do since Chrono was the one talking with Fost. She looked over to her brother when he commented that he didn't know his way back either. "I wasn't too with it when Choma originally found me." Tinarah admitted, not that she thought that he would care. At least he would help them get there. "I guess as soon as Illiana gets back, we will be good to head out. Chrono, any suggestions where to start?" Tinarah pondered. She had an idea where the people they were looking for were, but if they wanted to gather information first, she didn't know which would be best. She glanced at Fost for just a moment, but he was still being dismissive, so she forced herself to be the same way, barely paying attention for the time being. It hurt a bit, but she was doing better.
Walking forward it was a matter of time before Aux followed after her. Karina shook her head before looking towards him. "Already gave up on them?" She laughed a bit. "Lets go. I am going to the right, see what is down there, follow or not your choice but I know that you don't care for people, but who knows who you will find out beyond there." Karina stated before waving him off to follow if he wanted. Karina wondered back to those who she left back in the chamber, but she needed to figure out where everyone else was. She wanted, no needed, to know who was still safe. She hadn't seen a lot of them since the battle and she couldn't help but worry.
"So you are saying that there is others like us in there? Alright lets go." Standing up and dusting herself off Karina stepped away from Beuce. "Hey, um.... take care of him while I am gone, okay?" She quickly asked looking at the still passed out Beuce. She didn't know what to do to help him, but maybe if she managed to find the others one of them would have an idea. "Luna if you know anything that could help, that would be great, but I am going in to survey who all made it here." She informed the girl before turning and walking into the tunnel system.
This was ridiculous. They were sending them on their own without help of a master, up against a well trained organized large group of people. While that was hard enough on its own to deal with, when the slightest slip could lead to someone being dispatched to kill their father, she didn't know how well a small group of young adults could do. But Tinarah didn't argue, she wanted to prove herself worth being a master too much. She wanted to change this crappy situation. The situation with the council, the hurt Fost was carrying with him, the problems with the Light Chaser. He was after her friends after all, she couldn't care less what he did to her anymore, but she wouldn't let him get at Aria or Take, they both meant too much to her. She wanted to go back and fix the situation in the other realm, and she couldn't do that as scared little Tinarah. She needed to be better, she could be better if she tried. She didn't want to see her father though, if she sent him here she would have to explain... everything and that was not a conversation she wanted to have. Tinarah looked to her brother. "I guess we will do what we have to." Tinarah then looked to the others who offered to come. Illiana walked out before Tinarah could thank her, she could only guess that Illiana was coming because she didn't want to go with those who were calling her out. Then Take offered, followed by Chrys, who seemed to be suggesting Take did come. While Tinarah was happy Chrys trusted them enough to come along with them, she was sad that she didn't want Take to come. Tinarah actually was scared that Take would take her advice, but thankfully he didn't. "I would appreciate both of your help." Tinarah nodded, keeping to herself how relieved she was that Take was coming with them. "And I apologize in advance for any complications that might arise from being there. It seems that Chrono and I were involved in something before we even knew what a keyblade was." She smiled slightly, just enough to show that she wasn't resentful about that, she was just felt bad about some of the stuff she had a feeling they would be walking into, first off being the missing persons reports she had a feeling they would be faced with, since not one, both both her and her brother ran away.
Aux stood there dumbfounded as Ignis raced in. "What... Why are people going into the whale?!" "They went to find my boy Pinocchio!" Geppetto replied from his sip. "I volunteered to fix your boats while I waited their safe return. Judging by your clothes, I'd say those kids from earlier were your friends." Aux looked at the tunnel. "Of course they did... Hey old timer! Any of them had blonde hair?" Geppetto nodded. "Two of them actually... And my name is Geppetto. Nice to meet you." Surprised that he could stay so well mannered in his situation, Aux gave a little two finger salute back. "Ditto." "I've warned Pinocchio about traveling in there.. He said there were strange creatures from there earlier. " Aux scratched the back of his head. He wasn't sure if it was best to wait or venture off. Most people had already left except for one of them with silver hair. "So why aren't you going after them?" he asked Faust.
Tinarah started to look a little concerned as she looked to her brother. "Chrono what was mom researching that got her killed?" At the time Tinarah was too young to care, but she knew that Chrono was looking into it though. "If we go. If we do this are we putting our father in danger. I know Chrono. I know that they threatened to kill me and dad if you told anyone what they were doing, if we march in there, and they recognize you, are we going to harm dad in doing so?" She didn't care what the council had to say about her fears, her family meant more, even if she didn't want to see him like this. She had already lost one parent and seemed to be pushed away by who she had thought of as family. She couldn't lose more. Tinarah turned back to the council to explain the situation. She doubted they would care but maybe they would. "I am not sure if this is related, but my mother was looking into something sketchy that some company was doing. When I was a child, that research lead to her murder. I found Chrono and her dead body right before they came back. Chrono managed to hide me, but they saw him and threatened to kill me and my father if he ever told anyone about any of this. I am not worried about myself, after all I don't think they would recognize me, but my father is still on that world and he isn't a fighter. I don't want our actions to cost him his life." She stated to the council in hopes something would come of this. Hoping they would have a solution for that problem.
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At Aux's loud voice, Karina began to stir, slowly pushing herself up while trying to figure out just what had happened. They left the grotto, said goodbye to Sebastian. Then they were swimming, and then.... a whale? What had happened with the whale? Karina put her hand down to try and get up when she realized that whatever this was was slightly soft and squishy. And then there was another unfamiliar voice. Rubbing the back of her head, Karina cleared her mind and made her eyes to focus as she looked at what was around them, not much. There was a small Cricket though now poking Luna. "We aren't here to help you find this thing you are looking for, but we need to get out of here, so if you want to come with us, we might run into him on along the way. I am not however sidetracking for this. We have somewhere we aught to be." Karina stated before kneeling next to Beuce, tapping his face. "Hey princess, wake up."
After breakfast had wrapped up, Tinarah had help lead Stamatis down to the meeting room, trying to even help him to his seat, but once in the room, he refused her help, hobbling on his own two feet to his chair. Tinarah scanned the room looking to the other masters trying to figure out what this was all about, but no clue could be seen on their faces. They were probably being sent out again, but for what reason? Slowly everyone trickled in the room and the meeting got underway. How it started however was not what Tinarah expected. Mark of Mastery? Her eyes flashed to Stamatis, then to Fost. Fost words echo'd through her head from what seemed like so long before. "I know we haven't had a lot of time together, but I'm glad I met you, kid. You've really grown up since I first met you and you're really starting to grow into a real keyblade wielder. Hell, if your original master doesn't mind I'd be honored to get an invite to observe your Mark of Mastery exam when you're ready for it." Tinarah looked away again, she knew he didn't have the same mentality as back there. Maybe he would still attend though, maybe he would have a shed of care for her, but chances were that he wouldn't. Tinarah wouldn't get her hopes too high. The conversation switched however, before anyone was to take their Mark of Mastery, they were to head out and find that metal. What Tinarah didn't expect to hear, was the location on it. Unable to hide her shock, Tinarah glanced to her brother to see what he was thinking. She couldn't go back like this. She didn't want to see that world again, and she didn't want to see her father, not after running away and showing back up how she was. He would never believe what happened. What was worse was that it was mandatory for them to go. Tinarah wanted to protest but what they said before about this being part of proving who was ready for a Mark of Mastery, she knew she couldn't. If she did it would only prove how weak she was, not how strong that she could be. Tinarah glanced to Stamatis, searching for support before looking down at her hands. She didn't know what would happen upon going back, but she had to try, besides Torrin seemed to be in the same boat, and it made Tinarah feel slightly better that she was handling this better than he was, even though he was a prince of the realm and she was just some runaway.