Made 2 new versions. One w/out a blurred background and another where some of it is blurred but not all of it. Still experimenting, so yeah, keep the CnC coming.
Alright, good. Just keep the lighting there 'cause it looks perfect right there.
That's what I did but I guess PS decided to be a bi-atch and squish it anyway XDDDD lmao. Anyway, nice avatar collection. It's just the third... do you resize you stocks when making an avi?
HELL YEAH! xD btw, I need you opinion on something else:
hey did you get the pm I sent you?
alll right =D posted it in a thread btw, with text. ;O I see, so you're having an artist's block eh?
Trust me, I would've gotten a better C4D that matched the colours if I could fine one with those dang colors. >.< EDIT made a 2nd version w/ Abstract C4D that better complements the tag (kinda). :3 (Also faded the sharpening done on the last layer)
Street Fighter IV?! you crazy gurl XDDD
yeah. I also really wanna get Street Fighter IV (also like the art design there =D)
that's cool, although I'm only into a couple of racing games. Some are just overrated XP
You dad's a gamer? If you're gonna get a PS3, then you should get PoP as one of your firsts to get since the game is epic (the art design is...
who's "our" PS3????
gah's only on PS3 and 360 -.-''
V2 CnCyeahwhatever. XP
and I don't mean alcohol xD tried blurring the bg to try and add some depth to it. :P don't say that it's too bright, 'cause that's part of the composition. (If it is bright. xD) Also added a shade to the right so it doesn't blend with the clippiing mask too much. V2 V3 CnC appreciated.
What I do is get a AVI converter program and convert all my AVI files into WMV files. (It's better that way and it keeps the same quality as did in AVI format. =D)
The 3rd one is the best out of all of them due to the warm colours. =D It makes a great stock too, depending on how you use it. xD
it's pretty epic. I love the game, you should totally buy it. (especially if you're into Assassin's Creed =D) The ending is also really raw.(...
lol that sucks..... XP Do you have the new Prince Of Persia game?