lmao thank you <3
I like these, but like Laplace said, some of these need a tad bit more lighting. Gee, idk, can you make me something porn st- I mean, Megan Fox-ish? XD Also...*looks at title.....Are you trying to tell me something I'm supposed to know? xD
These are all colored very nicely, especially the last one. Very sexy. :3 It would be nice if you added a nice symbol to fill in that empty space for Namine, but it doesn't matter really, <3 If you know how to color manga scans...that means you can color a Xigbar scan for me! hoodie or no hoodie! XDDDD lolz
didn't vector the coke can though XD. (The coke can was a render I got off of PR)
Yes, I must always remember the rule of thirds...and I actually had to recorrect the placement of this before but I guess it should need a 20 more pixels to the left. I'll try it out. Thanks. And yes. I did make those buildings. I thought it went well with the design of the coke can. (The way it was kinda vector-ish XDDDDD lol)
Yeah, most of the time, I hold the shift key while resizing but I'll try out that image size out. Thanks. ^_^
I'm stealing this one. Some of these, like the one I just stole and the one you're using have excellent lighting and contrast, as well as others. But they need something to WOW them, since some of these are a bit simplistic.
Photoshop :3
Yessums your avatars hot. ;o Pretty cool, and I agree, your newest one in the album isn't that good. I still want the japanese guy avatar so...
Yeah, I should upload a version without that extra sharpened layer I added >.< I tried text, and it killed the tag, so I just left it with no text. =/ Meh? change what exactly? * is confused if this is a grammar error @___@
Yeah she is hilarious, from her music video Hot 'N Cold to her faceplant at some awards show she's hilarious. Exactly what I meant about her attitude before. =D
Very nice, especially the third one. (I mean the japanese guy.) I want that avi badly 8D The new one could use a bit of a touch of something,...
You're right, a more realistic setting or surroundings would give it more flavor... I'll try into that tomorrow when I get some sleep. Thanks for the CnC Lady Beaux.
1) is my new avi hawt? xD and 2)http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd97/bleachfan412/sigs/StrawberryGirl-3.png does it look stretched nao?
WTF?! The only goo vibe I would see Jesse Mccartney as Zuko is when Zuko's hair is all down and cool and stuff. But.... *imagines Jesse Mccartney with a ponytail Ew D:
OMFG YESSS!!!! 8DDDD *high fives I agree with every single thing you say about her. She's ****ing HAWT. I love her music, and she does seem like a cool person to talk to. :3
http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd97/bleachfan412/sigs/StrawberryGirl-2.png Does that look stretched??
fine then good riddance! >:B jkjk see ya later Renegade.
True, if you have multiple personalities, then you would experience black-outs and it that change of emotion wouldn't happen so sudden. So yeah, what you're experiencing are called 'mood swings' or something like that. :/
Thousand Foot Krutch's songs are pretty good (some of them) but Skillet's songs are beast 8DDDD