The gold and black will just make it look tacky due to the green effects XD besides, that blue is my fave color :P
holy **** you're right. O___O
new wallpaper I made. CnC? :S
if he adds more, then he'll probably **** up the tag :/ It's best off as it is in V2 IMO. I might post it later in the Graphics section :S
imo, you're best one is the last one. very sexy, loving the colors, brightness and contrast the composition is nice, but since you're still working out on this, I suggest you experiment with different compositions and styles until you get what works best. :) That's all I got for my CnC xD another thing, what throws me off about the text in the last one is it's a bit blurry imo. O_o
nice job dude, 2nd one looks better imo. no CnC from me this time. xD wanna see a new wallpaper I made? :3
go ahead dude, shoot. XD
who gives a s*** on what kind of render it is? as long as it's not choppy, a render is good imo. Anyways, the tag is nice, though the flow is a bit messy,examples are the effects kind of make the flow a bit messy, although I do understand you're experimenting with styles, so keep on experimenting. ;o
Holy s*** O_O Lavos has the same b-day as me, but I'm a year older than him xD
oh, sucks for you. HA HA. XD jkjk
The new ones are a nice touch, especially the 9th, 10th, and 11th ones but the 8th, 9th, and 11th ones could use maybe a brightness adjustment if it doesn't mess it up. (they are 'somewhat' dull.) But still, I gotta give you kudos for the awesome manga coloring. *gives kudos
Thanks Misty. You rock at manga colouring. <3
I'm liking the colors and concept in this, but that black pentool at the very right seems a bit uneeded for the tag though, and also get rid of that bright circle/c4d thing in the very upper right, that's also unneeded.
about the avatar, could you lower the file size a bit??(can't use it right now -.-') seems really good right now IMO
erase the pentooling on her nose and pentooling on the shadow from her nose and it's all good. =D
oh, and also, Happy New Year Misty =D
sure thing dude ^_^ btw Happy New Year