Third one is the best imo. It's got a nice feel of fruity colors The rest are just too basic. :P
That can also work. :) XD
I have decided. My name shall be STITCH.
If I were a monkey, I wouldn't even be on the internet right now, just eating a banana. :3 So, uh, NOOO XD OMFG YES XD LOL
NO....that's just....NO. You have no idea how much I'm getting annoyed by these silly nickelodeon cartoon references XD lmao
Tch, that name still sucks! and I think that would a YGO: TAS reference! D:<
NNNNNO! and stop making spongebob references....I hate that character.....-.-
That makes me sound sexy O_O
I'm sorry, but that will only work for a limited time and a limited time only.
I expect more creativity than just these plain ol' names D:<
excuse me?! I'm a boy. XD LOL
I WOULD LIKE ONE D:< but go ahead, nickname me. :3 @Spirit: NO. T.T
I still eat cookies out of the jar. @___@
10 years ago I was 4 years old. :/ (That's right, I'm gonna be 16 THIS YEAR 8DDDD)
4 bahaha. < that was just being random and not getting enough sleep XP
catfightcatfightcatfightcatfightCATFIGHTCATFIGHTCATFIGHT that is all.
Vanilla w/ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough :3
Aiden - One Love
7/10 6/10 6/10 meh my brain isn't on right now :/
Indeed sir. v.v