It probaly would've looked better if you could see his demon hand more clearly. (I actually thought it was fine since I already that was coming...
He's basically right, silly ps3 fanboys. >:l Although I don't really give a **** since I got both, and I think both are pretty sweetish. :P Besides, if they don't have Halo, they've Microsoft's got a bunch of other exclusives, and, based on some multi-platforms, Microsoft's got a better selection (Example: the GTA IV PS3 glitches >:l) Although PS3's has it's good share of games too IMO.
either remove the border or blend in more of that left side, that's all I gotta say. :P
I'm liking the vibe of your idea dude XD It does feel like an sunset afternoon. Maybe add the clouds behind the lighting so that it looks like...
That's hawt, Sprinkles. Misty was right about switching to just one color variation. 8D
V2 is better, since like you said, V1's right side is all messed up. V2 has a better concentrated flow and, I'm getting a feeling that it's...
V2 the best it's got the best flow and feel to it. Also, I'm liking the strange coloration used in this tag. Also, IRON FIST FTW. 8D
I actually think the brightness is great. congratulations, sprinkles, you've just might've found your right style! XD The only critique I have is try experimenting with different fonts. (FONTS! not the way you place text,FONTS, 'cause text placement is perfect xD)
I really like this one, RiS :) All you gotta do is color it and you're good ^_^ (just don't mess up on that part) The coloring will help see things more clearly since it looks a bit cluttered right now :D
lol, ironically, I'm having that same feeling too XD
If you colored this yourself, then great job. ^_^
The 3rd one is very blurry. You should try making more changes to make it look a bit more original since I hardly see any editing done in each, just crop and resizing, and maybe some minor filters. Experiment. btw, could I get the stock for the 1st one? It's very nice. :)
Well, you should've said that before! XD Go ahead, do as you may please :3
It's pretty decent, although the light behind her is a bit overused and something should be done about that textury effect on the left side. And...
Or when you get more then 300 posts and been here for more than 5 months then you could get it. I think it could be better without that lightning thing on the right IMO. Nice flow and effects btw. I've seen this stock so many times already, that I'm gonna have to say can I have it XD lol
Yup sure. ^_^
lol, that's your username for KHI. xD All I gotta say is that the flow seems good, but there's some of those lines and brushes in the middle that seem a little crooked. Other than that, nice job.
KH2 is way better than Re:CoM KH2 has the same amount of good voice actors as does Re:CoM(well, except Kairi and DiZ which is what really pissed me off since I wanted to hear Christopher Lee's voice! DX) Another thing is that Re:CoM gets a little repetitive after a while because of the card system, rooms, worlds, etc.(except the bosses which are probably the only non-repetitive thing in the game) KH2 is more original and is still fun even if you beat the game once.
Well, I always thought the shadow is the concept of your soul and such. But if you put it that way....then my shadow would possibly be my "hidden power" if that makes sense. @__@
Tetsuya did say that the game will be more about the spirit than the heart. Also, another explanation is that the heartless did not exist at that time, since I believe there was no kingdom hearts opened yet, unless Xehanort opened or created it as seen in the secret ending. So far, there is no information about the Unbirths. My guess is that they are simply of the corrupted spirit that were a similar concept to the heartless.