I like turtles. :D
dude, how do you make the quality in your videos so amazing?( And I specifically mean the KH cutscenes 'cause I've been tying to do that forever...
lmfao I just got an invite for an anti-misty group XD Want me to join in as a spy? xD jkjk
You know, they might just kill Riku in a tragic way in the sequel, you just never know. Though, I woul like for Sora to kiss Kairi in a more 'I love you' rather than 'reunited' sort of way if that made sense. XP
nice tags dude. Also, thanks for the watch on D-A :P
Better, and the text is to the left of his body, and says "Come" lol. Could use some color variation and maybe experiment with the font choice.
I don't remember her being THIS hot or I'm confusing her with another Ellen. XD Remove the typo or smoothen it, that's all I got to say. XP
From the looks of it, she was using brushes. But yeah, there's no flow, composition, and the stock doesn't really match well with these 2-D effects. Work using tutorials, like Misty said.
This is good. I like the critique and the idea with splatters/blood thing was a good concept. But the text should be smoother IMO.
Lavos - The colors and flow of the tag are prety good. The bright composition and colourful lighting are also a very nice addition which is something I don't see why people are complaining about the brightness. Perfecto. Harlequin - This one almost got my first place vote. It was a good thing to add that negative space on the left since it makes everything seem so much calmer and organized than just no negative space with a cluster of crappy effects. The stock is also pretty, I liked what you did with that mirror effect though. Reptar - Hey, you tried but it's still not good for your first sig. Next time, don't use those lines, it completely messes up the tag. Also, add some more coloration although for this one it's okay for your first try. Good attempt.
FG..... how 'bout the idea I said before about the rising sun thing? XD
lmao I was just gonna ask for that stock. XD I like them, simple and cute, but the quality on Noctis is bugging me seriously. favorite has gotta be the FFX one 2nd version. (stock for that one plz?) Also, if you need FFVersusXIII stocks, ask me. I can get some from my video editor thing. XD (and it gets it at decently good quality)
lol nvr mind for the avi stock
Also, I was suggesting some text like some japanese symbols or something since there are japanese symbols floating around him as you can see. xD...
one more question, can I have the stock you're using for your avi? I've been looking all over for that stock! xD
right...are you Axel 000? XD
Yeah Yup uh-huh xD
really, who? besides Mike XD I wish it were colder in FL. Wanna trade places? o_O
It's not cold here in Florida, though I wish it was. -_-
I'll give you the stock with the ****ty girl Misty <3 STOCK ^See what I mean XD Anyways, I've commented on this before, and the bg is SMEX while I prefer V1 due to my taste in colors. XP