Most of the time at my grandparents house, the pool table was used as another decoration table and I was like wtf?! xD
a pool table?! I wanna go.... XDDD My grandparents used to have a pool table but had a termites infestation. ):'s the inside of the house...just big and empty? xD
Um, give details....? XD
oh. O.O *looks at the emphasis used on the word HUGE xD how HUGE?
Well....I'm going to have a family party, then I'm going to my friend's house since he's having a party over there too xD
I'm doing good. =D Can't wait for 2009.....xD
hallo. =D How are you?
You have officially WHORED this style. XD Yeah, the lighting is off, gotta work on that. There is also a lot of negative space, which could be easily filled in with effects that enhance the flow and composition in this tag. Overall, it's pretty hawt.
This looks nice right now. Very professional. (It was a good thing to add that raven watermark to the lower right corner to fill in that empty space. =D) But if it is supposed to be very old, then maybe you should add a torn/burnt paper texure or coffee bag texture to make it look more aged and worned out? :S
I could read it just fine too... :/ But it is very dark, you need some lighting. Right now it just feels boxed in. (If that made sense :P) Also ,doesn't have much more flow, you should make more effects similar to the one near Jack's hand to get a better flow.