Stratana AriaLocation: Circle, Group B<>Clothes Top Bottom<>Song<>Mood: Stiff<>OOC: I pick each song to meet each situation. For a better reading experiance when reading my posts, feel free to listen to the songs when they're available. =D A pikachu shirt? Really?! That was the only article of clothing that was available to her when she went to the lost & found to be distributed temporary clothing. Not only was did it have a Pikachu on it, it also was six sizes too small by her calculations, exaggerated of course, but not too far from the truth; a good deal of her midriff showed where the shirt was occupied trying to contain the rest of her. Not to mention the ripped up raggedy jeans and the bra and panties that itched like cra- "RAHHHHH! I LOOK LIKE A POKE'HOOKER!' She yelled in rage inside her own mind. Not to mention it put the theme song right in the forefront of her- Oh no... "Ohhh! You're my best friend, in a world we must defend!" Somehow the choir from "It's a Small World After All" had gotten hold of the intro to that childhood cartoon and given it a go, giving her a personal performance. "Poke'mon! OH! you're so true" Rang inside her head as she joined her group in the circle, coming a little late because Kevin had sent her to the Lost & Found sometime during breakfast, and she had just finished jogging off what she excessively ate when two straight meals had been missed. "Our courage will pull us through!" Stratana joined her group and was noticed everyone else's flashlights. "CHARMANDER used FLASH!" 'SHUT UP, MEMORIES!' She screamed on the inside, but on the outside, she was a serene as could be, if not a little apathetic. "Do I get one? What did I miss?" She asked anyone in the group; they all looked young and she didn't quite know who was the counselor. Sean FugueLocation: Circle, Group D<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Determined<>OOC: Sean heard everything from the rules to the guidelines and smirked. Anyone who tried to deal Erik with a spray of paint would get decked... or would he help them purely for the sake it was Erik. Sean sighed. He'd help Erik, because that would be helping himself. He'd also brought along his favourite bag of tricks for his very lovely camper "friends"; this caused his smirk to grow even more devilish. But the kid... maybe he'd look out for the kid in his group. For some reason, her cuteness and purity was enough to infect even his narrow mind to think happy instead of horny thoughts; plus, she was a little young for him. "Listen, I know you don't like me much, but don't worry: I'll make sure nothing out there hurts you." Sean vowed solemnly, a rare hat for him to wear. Jenna looked up at Sean with a cheerful expression. "Thank you! Don't worry though, I don't have any food for bears." Given he just swore to protect the girl, Sean decided against prodding fear into her by stating "In some sense, kid, you're food to a bear." He would have said it, probably even wished it, if it had been Emalynn to say it. Alice RequiemLocation: Circle, Group C<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC: Alice took her flashlight and clicked it on and off, just to make sure it worked. She was already starting to feel on edge, like she never had before; her raven hair was practically standing! Her teeth chattered even though she wasn't cold, and she tried to stay to the group as much as possible. She felt completely awful, and she knew it was ridiculous! Why couldn't she get it out of her head? Just then, she spotted another girl that had much in common with herself in one way. After lunch, Alice had slipped on another shirt she'd brought and slipped into some leggings for maximum mobility. The shirt itself was green and sported a happy little face of a Bulbasaur on it. This other girl was wearing a shirt with Pikachu on it! Although... the other girl was bit more endowed than Alice was, and her shirt was smaller, so it kind of stretched, giving Pikachu a much wider head, and didn't cover all of her stomach. What an odd girl... wasn't she going to catch a cold? She also didn't quite know if the girl's belly looked a little distended or if it just looked normal compared to her concave one. For a few moments, Alice struggled with whether or not to approach the girl, but eventually did and wound up saying, "Hey! We're matching!" Directing to their similar fashion sense. To which Stratana only returned a contemptuous glare. The crueler of the two would soon be paid back though as Alice sank back dejectedly to her group. "Spearow used LEER, and it's very effective!" 'DAMNIT! SHUT IT I SAID!' Sebastian SonataLocation:Circle, Group E<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Transfixed<>OOC: "Let's get freaky!" Sebastian heard Elisa say, and his expression on the inside felt like the Nirvana Squiggly face. He shook it out of his head soon though, because he knew he was taking it out of context. He had to focus. Scavenger hunts were like sports, and Sebastian detested athletics with a passion, especially outdoor ones. He'd stick close to his group and try to be as useful as possible. He thought back to how he'd helped Alice get her necklace, and he wondered at the same time if she still had it and where she was... Sebastian gave a look around and found her, as she was hard to miss. She seemed to be talking to that Stratana girl happily pointing at both their shirts. Whatever happened between them, Alice didn't seem to enjoy it, as he watched her sulk back to Group C. Sebastian felt bad for Alice; she'd always been so nice to him, ever since they first met...
Base blinked at Beuce's last remark. In an odd way, it made a lot of sense. Base himself had already gone down the rabbit hole a little bit too far to say: "Oh that? That's completely ridiculous!" So what he actually said went more along the lines of support of the Flying idea. "Frankly, Beatification...No...wait...I'll have it... Oh Fine! Beuce, has a point. It's not exactly like we're normal by their standards, I'm sure." This part he said in a low whisper. Yen Sid had warned him about meddling in other worlds, save for one that he kept close. By his side, Base had a blue satchel with a golden eighth note embedded on the opening flap, which was closed. "Capacious Caprice" , he called it, for a very special purpose. Even Jim had seemed to get into the belief of it now; but Base still had reserves and wanted to at least see some stunt. Would that mean he'd be trying to shove the poor little big Elephant off of the platform while chanting "Heave Ho, let's go"? Not a chance. Timothy's little speech had cut him deep personally, again going back to his pariah status at times back home on Theate.
^What he said. I'll edit my page.
Alice viewed Emalynn with scrutiny. Something about the girl told her Emalynn was forcing something back, so she figured that maybe she was bothering her somehow. Alice was superb at being able to tell a truth from a lie, and this girl was lying in her mannerisms, but when Emalynn gave a return of "Just as excited as everyone else in this room." While she gestured to the rest of the Mess Hall, Alice couldn't stifle a giggle. 'Okay, so a stick in the mud, but not totally.' Alice thought to herself. "I have things pretty bad though. Nighttime sets me on an automatic Standby Mode, so, yeah, I won't be of much use during the Hunt, but I still want to try." It was her perseverance that defined her, especially since she'd have probably taken her own life years ago if not for the fact; she grew from her sorrows and pains. "I don't want to be seen as "Useless". I care about people, even though generally they're pretty deplorable." Such was her response, as she finished off her eggs solemnly, thinking of all the times she had been called useless. "We'll call you when we need a cat out of a tree, Ginormica." Came to mind instantly.
Stratana AriaLocation: Washroom, circle<>Clothes (See previous post)<>Song<>Mood: Nervous<>OOC: If there's a problem with bringing in Kevin, tell me and I'll alter the post. Stratana listened to what Emalynn had to say and frowned on the inside; she didn't really know if this girl took her seriously, and maybe she didn't have such an asset as she thought. Oh well, she'd take what she could get. For now, she had to get something to wear besides a towel, but Emalynn left before she could send her to fetch something/one for such a purpose. She gulped. Stuck again, to a degree. But the mix of hunger and wanting desperately to get out of the washroom at last pressed her to go out into broad daylight with nothing but a towel and searchful eyes. She clung the beach towel tighter than ever; not a single glimmer of her could become visible at any time. Fortunately, she happened to see Kevin out in the circle, and despite her not wanting to go somewhere so much in plain view, having kept to the trees for the most part, Kevin, no matter how eternally perky, was her only hope of getting somewhere. "Oh! Um, sorry, Hey! Soooo-" Stratana giggled nervously, "I happened to lose my bag... and I kind of... don't have any actual clothes." Alice Requiem Location: Mess Hall<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Elated<>OOC: Alice became acquainted with the others she had sat with, and gave her own name sometime before most of them departed for the beach. For the most part though, she'd been eating too much to directly socialize. Nibbling away at her croissant, Alice turned to Emalynn and thought it best to start a conversation. "Excited as much as I am for the scavenger hunt tonight?" Alice asked with a little bit of sarcasm in her voice. She made out like she was about to sob and made a goofy "sad" face. "I'm probably going to die." She laughed aloud. Scavenger hunts had not always panned out well for her. It was a mix of the fact it was during the night and thereby easy to frighten outside; she tolerated the night inside, but outside was rarely seen under the moon, and the fact everything was usually on the ground and she was usually further than anyone else from it. There was one year she found a necklace hanging on a tree limb that only she could reach, as if it were meant for her. In fact, she wore it that very day: a little golden chain with a dangling white-silver pendent in the shape of a rabbit foot. Alice thought for a moment... Sebastian had pointed it out to her. The memories of that night... A dreamy appearance had come to her face and she shook it off as she waited for Emalynn answer by gobbling up some forkfuls of scrambled eggs.
Stratana AriaLocation:Bath house Washroom<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Plotting<>OOC: Sorry for the short post; I'm half awake right now; headed to bed."Does this huge musclehead happen to be named Sean?" Emalynn asked, then she continued, "Because if he is, then you're in luck. He's assigned to my cabin. Cabin D." 'D for Dick!' Stratana snapped and insult inside her head. This fortune was certainly going to be to her advantage, because her revenge didn't need to depend on her retrieving her bag during it; she could just probably get Emalynn's help in getting that job done. "What do you say?" Stratana extended out one hand for Emalynn to take. "Partners for now?" She asked interestedly.
Base felt conflicted, for at once, he wanted to agree with or at least support Timothy's hypothesis. At the same time though, he couldn't help but snicker to himself until Jim Crow started, well, ... crowing. "I seen a needle that winked its eye, but I be done seen 'bout everything, when I see I an elephant fly." The notion spurred Base to continue it. "I heard a fireside chat; I saw a baseball bat, and I just laughed 'til I thought I'd die." Base related a few of his own spontaneous turns of phrases, turning nouns into verbs and such. Really, to him, the idea seemed ludicrous, but still, there was some matter of credence to it. He just didn't know, but at least he was enjoying himself while Jim Crow laughed at Timothy's expense. "Ninth wonder of the universe" and "What brought you down is going to lift you up" Timothy had said, and this honestly made him felt touched; he'd been brought down for his music before, but every time he sank, music would rise him back up further than he'd fallen, and every single time. It was his lifeblood and he was really great at it, which he'd proven time and time again. Base understood Dumbo, but he also understood Jim. So, he had to ask himself such a question as: 'Which one do I understand more? Not to mention past statements he hadn't thought to reply to. Like on the matter of someone named rain, Base merely uttered, "Basically, I just got here before you did." And it wasn't far from the truth. But it slightly unnerved him the opposite stranger's name was basically one vowel off from sounding like his own. Somewhere, Base thought, this might prompt a direction error.
Chapter 2: I really like Tyson and the sound of this "Leonidas" character. Right now, I'm reading through "Alice in Wonderland", and my mind kept racing back to that story. Not just because of the name Alice, but how much this story makes literal sense, but just how wonderfully and artistically it doesn't at times. It doesn't seem contrived or cliched, though there's plenty of availability of that from the subject matter you wrote about; it had a very believable flow, like you could understand the characters' situations. You understand their lore and Alice's wants, and Tyson's understanding, but there's such an undertone in Clair's confusion and Tyson's visual duality. Chapter 3: When I started the Chapter, I was thinking, "Well, I have something to critisize about" Like the fact I found Leonidas at first so much the opposite of what I described for the Second chapter. And then... you completely turn the tables; I was legitamately deceived and this seriously impressed me. Now, Leonidas seems interesting because it looks like there's a such a humor around him that I think I may be able to relate to personally. Overall: I'm sorry I put this off for so long, but I'm glad I read it when I did. I feel much better after learning about something bad, and reading a good story helped ease tensions with myself.
Stratana AriaLocation: Bath house Wash room<>Clothes<>Mood: Vengeful<>OOC: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"- Arabian Proverb During the hand-off and formalities on the part of Emalynn, Stratana had managed to unbind herself from the tight squeeze of the tub walls, with her hips red and a sore down to the bone. She took the towel from behind the curtain and set to tying it around herself at the chest level. While Emalynn spoke, Stratana tried to breathe with the tiny towel attached to her; due to her... somewhat exaggerated proportions, all he towels at home were much larger, and so, this felt odd. The odder she felt, the more she became enraged. She knew exactly who to blame for her grief. Herself for neglecting to get a towel herself? Of course not. Sean. Stratana clenched her teeth at the thought of his face. Somehow, he would pay, but for now, she needed to find out how. Quickly, Stratana chased after Emalynn, pinning her beach towel at the point of most pressure to keep it from falling... 'or maybe even flying'... off. "I need to find someone, Emalynn. Do you know a huge musclehead about as big as a train with brown hair? Kind of sounds a little Irish." She inquired, facing Emalynn from behind her, and looking into the mirror as well. Stratana hoped Emalynn would know of him and possibly even his whereabouts. Of course, she wasn't going after him right now, but what she had in mind took intricate planning; a level only achievable by a.) a criminal mastermind or b.) a super bitchy teenage girl.
Sebby Club Song Stratana AriaLocation: Shower<>Mood: Dazed<>OOC: FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! >.< What year is it?? Posted with help from Cookiie, Thanks! Stratana was suddenly awoken by the constant whirring of a nearby hairdryer. A bit of a cosmetologist (What was perfection without knowing how to do it?) herself, Stratana then instantly realized wherever the sound was coming from, it was close. The more Stratana felt constricted the more she wanted to cry out, barring all chances of humiliation! "HELP!" She screamed with a horrible and unworldly, bone-chilling disparity. She attempted to move, seeing the door across the room clearly as the shower curtain had been set to the far end; quickly, she grabbed hold of it and pulled it to her side so she would be covered...somewhat. OH GOD! So Embarrassing! Here Stratana flushed red and dearly hoped it was a girl to open the door... or was that just as potentially bad? She caught herself then; she couldn't start worrying because then she'd start sweating, and that was the cause of this whole mess! Just then, she jumped slightly as a brown-haired girl popped her head into the fortunately unlocked door. "What's going on in here?" She had asked, apparently having gone to investigate the cry. Stratana felt like sobbing. She'd tried to get up, but swiftly realized that sleeping in the narrow porcelain coffin had gradually caused her hips to sink into the sides, forcing her down from below the waist to be planted to the tub. All at once, the fact not only made her self-conscious about her hips, but also was a great matter of inconvenience. "My bag." Was all she could muster up in words. "Towel." Came soon with its likewise curt partner, "Please...?" [/url]Sebastian SonataLocation: Cabin E<>Clothes<>Mood:<>OOC: Sebastian awoke following Elisa's departure. Admittedly, he was a pretty heavy sleeper; many had joked he could sleep through a bomb and other such uncreative heavy sleeper issued cliches. All the same, he proceeded in a normal morning routine and headed for breakfast. He only took what he needed: an english muffin spattered thick with Peanut butter, a glass of milk, some grape juice, and a larger portion of eggs for protein. That would do fine for right now- Oh no, wait, an orange was added when he spotted a basket full of them. 'Oranges', his favorite fruit, 'The food that was so awesome, it was personally pre-sliced by nature.' This all in hand, Sebastian spotted Shouta along with Alice and Elisa all near the same table. Wanting to join his cabin, Sebastian made his way over there and took a seat, thinking it was reserved for Cabin E. He tried ignore both the girls, but found the task trying; one memory of Alice kept popping into his mind and made the end of his lip curl up with a joyous purpose over the reminiscence. On the other side, Elisa was currently playing with Sebastian's heart without knowing it, and this made things very awkward on his end. Sean FugueLocation: Cabin D, Mess Hall<>Clothes<>Mood: <>OOC: When I re-edited this, I saw what I wrote when I stopped. I couldn't erase it, so I'm putting it here. Because while I did, my family lost a good friend, and life became a little bit crazier for people that I care about. "(I can't write anymore right now.)", just following the words "bacon bits" of all things. Sean was awoken by Erik's prompting, and as soon as his eyes were open, he rolled out of bed and landed flat on the ground. Waking himself up in his own way, Sean first performed 20 pushups followed by 15 burpees, finishing the last one on his feet. Energized and raring to get some fuel in the tank, Sean left Cabin E with one intent: Mess Hall, which had a sub-objective: food, which, in turn, had a demand: a lot. In a flash, Cartloads of the following were heaved and shovelled onto his plate, which eventually accumulated to two plates: Eggs, bacon, sausage, Canadian bacon, toast, "cwusants", waffles, pancakes, twice the bacon, a leftover splat of spaghetti, bacon bits, a breakfast burrito, and more bacon. Both plates crowded a plate where he balanced at least four full glasses of whole milk and one of Pepsi-Cola with a single banana to the side. With his tray full, Sean picked a table to gorge himself while staying alone; uncool stares were uncool. Thus, bite by monstruous bite, Sean chomped away like no tomorrow. [/url]Alice RequiemLocation: Cabin C, Mess hall<>Clothes on left<>Mood: Hungry<>OOC: Alice managed to arise on the sole energy of her biological clock. Morning brought with it the end of distress for her, so it had always stood to reason to make the mornings much longer than the evenings. In the wee hours of the morning, she came to the use of her feet and gave a lengthy, wide stanced stretch with an impressive wingspan, banishing the effects of her nightly terrors forever; or, at least, it gave the pleasure of feeling that way in every muscle of her body. Every muscle quivered, but none quivered quite as much as the lining of her tall, narrow-waisted midsection; skipping dinner had taken its toll over the night. Still, she was happy to be rid of the cold blanket of night, so there was nothing to upset about currently. he merely hummed a happy tune from a movie she'd seen as a child, "Singin' in the rain" to celebrate the fact it was a very Good Morning. The thought provoked more thoughts that made her chuckle as she made her way out the door of Cabin C. That particular oldie was worlds away from what her tastes most sank into: horror. She loved the macabre, but detested its Mistress, Nyx; Grimness had dealt its blade where love of the effects created a fear of their usage on her own person. Arriving at the Mess Hall, she set to work working up her appetite with a creme brulee rip-off (Mostly just lightly toasted Jell-O brand Custard), a croissant with strawberry jam filling, and a stack of thick, fluffy pancakes that she drizzled in fine Canadian Maple syrup and doused in chocolate chips and whipped cream. Eggs were added to her accumulating plate, scrambled; her favorite, second being sunny side up. Orange juice and milk, and a juicy red apple accented and completed her meal as she headed for a table she could sit at with other campers. Her plate full to the brim could potentially garnier a stare at her emancipated figure, but the truth was, no meal could compare with breakfast for Alice. Her favorite time of the day also became her favorite meal time, as it was the only time she could possibly eat enough to survive. Each meal afterwards typically diminished by halves as the day pressed onward. Notably, she spotted Shouta and made her way over there, where Alexandria was also standing. "Sorry to interrupt, but mind if I join you?" She inquired, hoping she wasn't getting into anything personal."
Stratana AriaLocation: Shower "bed"<>Clothes..Cough...This is getting rather repetitive.<>Song<>Mood: Asleep<>OOC: OMG! Two people took showers and one of them was Stratana's Counselor! xD I am cracking up right now! x3 I had to post something midsnooze. Personal confession (Since all the other characters are doing it): I sometimes make up words so I don't look pretentious just using big ones. 6.6 Stratana, content to be resting, was glad to be locked in a peaceful slumber. In her dreams, there were stringed instruments all around her autonomously playing a soothingly languid tune that she did not recognize as "Live and Let Die"; not realizing it even though she created the situation, because she was merely playing off her subconscious mind. When the song started to race, she could feel it enthralling her as the sound filled her imagined ears. When it slowed back down, she could hear the soft sprinkling of water accompanying it... how nice. If only she knew that actual sound had pervaded her actual ears, and that, in fact, the sound was coming from next door as Elisa from Cabin E took a shower. The song went on, but the water sprinkling had a termination when Elisa left her shower; but Elisa didn't have to stay in her own, as the neighboring visitor packed up and left to sleep in a nice, cozy bed. Sebastian SonataLocation: Cabin E, Bed<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Sleepy<>OOC: I'm only going to update clothes when they change. Sebastian's confession went off without a hitch. Despite Cupid Brew's popularity, maybe no one in the cabin had it either. The thought was comforting, but incorrect; he just didn't know so at the time. When it came to getting dressed for bed, he took his PJs (See Clothes) and swiftly changed so he could leap into the bunk that he didn't realize Elisa shared the same bunk, just not the same mattress. Comfortable and cozy, Sebastian then had no troubles drifting off into a restful, silent slumber. Alice RequiemLocation: Cabin C, Bed<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Embarrassed <>OOC: Feeling a little like her confession was perceptibly lax and weak by comparison to the others, Alice wanted to try to be herself and be social and try to make herself look not as silly as she saw herself, but she could not seem to stay awake. Night had come, and her nervous condition had sparked up; she had always been told to get medication, but it was just in her nature to not trust any medication she didn't really need. This personal rule went especially for antidepressants. Getting dressed for bed in her cozy plush pajamas, which were custom fit because... well... no store around her carried clothes in her size, apparently; it caused her much aggravation. Normally, she'd sleep in her underwear, as she was a little lazy like that, but seeing as how there was a rather mixed crowd here at camp, she didn't even have to think to decide against it. She washed the black make-up from her eyes and brushed her teeth in the bathroom. Once dressed, she picked a bunk no one else had and pulled a decent-sized, thick black-velvet bounded notebook out of her bag. Every day, she chronicled her life, and did she ever have so much to write about that day! When she was done and had surmised her first camp adventure, she looked for a place to keep her notebook for later, and eventually settled on a little compartment underneath her bunk. All settled, with her bag close and notebook safe for now, she closed her eyes while visions of her musical Idol Avril Lavigne and then that one memory of Sebastian popped into her head. "Just keep holding on" leaked into her mind as she drifted off, into a halcyonic dream of her that peaceful night in the woods, three years ago...
To prove I'm working and not Majora's Masking or Linking, or however you want to transition it. Alice RequiemLocation: Cabin C<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Scared Shiteless <>OOC: "I'll go." Alice blurted out, having taken a spot on the floor, sitting Indian style with her utensils. "Just... let me add the finishing touches..." She added with an air of uncertainty. The truth was, she was already done with hers, but she was having second thoughts about showing the name "Sebastian" with a big heart around it; what if they told him? The thought sent chills down her lengthy spine. Ever since Alice had first met Sebastian, she'd had a growing crush on him, but love was not exactly a seeming availability when you were nearly half a foot taller than your crush; in her mind, it seemed like she'd crush on him, but in a more literal sense. Unable to contain her nerves any longer, she flipped her paper with her eyes glued shut, waiting for the judgement. Her one comfort was Noëlle, whom she knew beyond a doubt she could trust. So, there it was, clear as Crystal: Alice loved Sebastian. Sean hopped into his bed once the girls headed into the restroom. He was dead tired and badly needed a recharge. He'd lost interest in Emalynn anyway... YAWWWN!... okay... maybe that last image that ran through his tired mind was her naked... slowly but surely, he nodded off before Erik even returned. He hated to admit it, but Erik was really starting to intimidate him... like he'd...ever....admit....snore.... Sean began to shake the cabin, or at least, that's how it felt, with his powerful snoring. Meanwhile, Stratana was in a much less comfortable situation. While thoroughly dry by now, she was utterly miserable all the same. Cold, tired, hungry and without a clue on how to fix any of these issues, she started at the tub. No way! She was not spending the night naked in a bathtub! Her pride was soon outweighed by necessity, however, because this was precisely what she did. Even though it wasn't a perfect fit, the room was too small to sleep on the floor. Incredibly uncomfortable on a scale she never thought she'd know, she succumbed to sleep.
Alice ReqiuemLocation: Just outside Mess hall, around 7<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Cautious<>OOC: eing stealthy at 6'3" with stark white skin and wearing a vibrantly blue dress in the early hours of the evening is no simple task. The facts stood thus: she'd missed orientation following a lengthy search of the ferry for her misplaced bag, and had only just arrived on campgrounds because she had to wait for another bus, all to see a mass exodus from the mess hall with contented-looking campers in toe just as she stepped into the camp. 'Great... I missed dinner...' She inwardly groaned as he concave belly gave a growl. Skinny did not sum her up; skin and bones all around, but with boobs though? Yup, that would be a description she could accept. She wasn't bulimic; it was the fact her nervous conditions ate her from the inside out and barely gave her any appetite and took away what she would have ever gained. Minimum appetite be damned, she wanted to get some food before night fell so that she could actually chew and not worry about encroaching uneasiness and ultimate weariness that came along with night itself as her harbinger of despair. The added confusion doubled as she realized everyone must have cabins by now! Miserably, she sank to fall directly onto her backside, her knees pointing at opposite angles, and let go of her bag once they both hit the ground. Her plight wasn't that she was unsocial; it was the fact she didn't want to look like a complete idiot by walking up and asking questions. An idiot and a freak? Not today. Freak. That name had been directed at her more than once; having exaggerated features like being a very tall, snow white bean pole had prompted it. It didn't matter she was pretty, because people saw what they wanted to see. Fortissimo academy was no different. Oh! She hated Sean for being the first to call her Monstro! That was two years ago, and while she was not yet above 5 feet tall, she had still been at the very higher end of it. Silently, she sulked, wondering what to do, when she saw Noëlle! "Noëlle!" She cried out excitedly; she knew she could trust her. She rose to her feet and full height, not wanting to intimidate the other girl by starting off below, then towering. Sean FugueLocation: Cabin D<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Content<>OOC: Sean had wolfed down his dinner with unbelievable bites, his gullet expanded as masses of food were choked down his throat. He loved spaghetti; carbohydrates. He heard Kevin ask the campers about if they were enjoying themselves and tossed out a "No" with a smirk. He received a few collective chuckles from around in response. This only boosted his damaged ego. Later, at the D cabin, Sean settled back into his spot, when he heard [Insert exscript for Hyuge's post here] ... Sean stared on in disbelief. ****. What would he say? Then, it hit him: smoking. He would confess to his smoking habits so, not only would he obviously appear cooler, at least it would also explain to them why he was slightly...okay.... A LOT on edge. He took the sharpie and a piece of offered paper, and so proceeded to doodle, because his writing was horrendous, a lit cigarette with a thin, wavy line of smoke emitting from the lit end. Keeping his picture close to him, he waited for his chance to say with the others what they had to say. Usually, a group activity like this would be so stupid, but Sean wanted to not be seen like he was nothing but trouble... even though for the most part, he was. Sebastian SonataLocation: Cabin E<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Nervous <>OOC: It was simple. Take a sharpie, and jot down a secret. So, why hadn't Sebastian answered Shouta at dinner and instead just focused on his food? Inevitably, Bryan had given them this task once they returned back to Cabin E after dinner, and Sebastian was finding it difficult to brain storm. Confession options: Being a virgin? Despite a few girlfriends in the past, the opportunity had never quite come up. No... there were the two girls, and Sebastian figured it would embarrass himself, them or everyone. Being antisocial? No, he need a secret or something not-so-blatantly obvious. His new crush on Elisa, which was feeling more like a fever than a simple crush. WAIT! NO WAY! Ugh...So... what? Then, it struck him, that advertisement he'd seen about "Cupid's Brew". He'd read into it while reading his favorite blog online (He didn't know the posters name, but he often called her "Princess" just to be nice; he'd left a comment on her blog just earlier when she said how she would also be going to a camp.) and frankly, the notion sickened him. So, he scribbled it down "I don't trust Cupid's Brew" in big, richly calligraphy letters. Bryan had said to share all at once, so he held onto his for now.
Sebastian SonataLocation:Cabin E<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC: For those curious, Alice Requiem will debut at dinner. Sebastian listlessly tossed his own iPhone into the bin provided. In all regards, it had recently turned into a very expensive clock with capabilities as a music player and mini-computer; no one had messaged him or called for months now. He watched Shouta grab what must of been his bass guitar, climbing up to the top bunk he'd picked. Unzipping the case, he took out his instrument. "No one touches her, or I'll kill you. Got it?" 'Really? I understand the devotion to a favored instrument, but are threats suitable for first impressions?' Sebastian thought to himself. This thought was clouded, however, because he continued to watch Elisa every now and again to see what she was doing, sizing her up. He perceived she was incredibly light-framed, much like himself, except Sebastian had a bit more muscle on him. This was an added bonus to him. Talking to her though would prove to be impossible at this point though... maybe at dinner? Well, he'd think about it. Just from his appearance alone, he worried without word that he would be rejected for his being slender. That was always funny to him: girls who could blow away with a strong sudden burst of wind rejecting him for him being light. It was slightly understandable, of course, since it'd always been the case during his lifetime that it was "socially acceptable and/or preferred" for a guy to be big and girl to be tiny. 'Screw it.' Sebastian curtly affirmed to himself. He'd had his heart broken too many times to fall for another girl who was considered "out of his league", even though he worked his ass on(As he had previously not had one suitable enough to work off) and was, in fact, possessed a pleasant face, even if he rarely smiled.
❥Full Name: Alice Brumal Requiem ❥Appearance: ♫ ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Edgar Allan Poe; Tales from the Crypt, The Walking Dead; Saw movies and all scary movies, but especially Saw; Evanescence, Coldplay, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Avril Lavigne (HER IDOL) , Paramore and the like; philosophy; theology. ❥Dislikes: Panic attacks; being so incredibly tall; talking to crushes. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Nightly fits of uncontrollable terror; being called a giant freak; ❥Strengths/Talents: Her mind; writing; can easily notice a lie; writes down her feelings in original songs and poems. ❥Personality: Brooding but social, Alicia is an oddball who sees the horrible monsters everyone is, but still tries to uncover the good that exists. She's looked forward to this summer forever, because she promised herself that this would be the year she finally made herself known to her long-standing crush, Sebastian. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual virgin ❥Favorite Color: Black ❥Instrument(s): piano; her voice, which she models after Lavigne's ❥Crush?: Sebastian Sonata ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: ❥Other: My last character for now. Also, she stands at about 6'3".
Stratana AriaLocation: Shower<>Clothes...? ^^"<>Song<>Mood: Trainquilo <>OOC: Content to have her own time, Stratana needed self-provided tunes in the epic acoustics provided by the separate showering room. "♫They tried to rehab, but I said no, no, no...♫" She dipped down into an unsteady contralto whilst she anointed herself with the provided bar of soap. "Yes, I been blind, but when I come back, you'll know, know, know." A squirt of generic shampoo; just a handful would do. "I ain't got the time," She ventured more into her comfortable Soprano. "But if my Daddy says I'm- ****!" She had dropped the shampoo bottle, which landed with a tubthwunking clunk. Turning the knob of the shower to be a little cooler, since it was then too hot, and that's what she was trying to escape, she bent over to retrieve it and placed it in its respective nook. "Fi-I-iiiine!" She finished the lyric as she scrubbed her scalp with the gel. "They try to make me go to rehab, but I won't go, no, no." Lather, rinse repeat, and nice little conditioning left her feeling like a human being again as she banished the water to stay in their pipes and she tenderly stepped outside the shower and onto her clothes. Dripping all over, the cloth below her was instantly drenched with actual water, rather than just damp with sweat. Much to her dismay, she found she had neglected to check the currently barren towel rack. 'That's fine, I'll just take something out of my -' It dawned on her with a convulsive nervous twitch. Then, she screamed in spoilt discomfort as she recognized she didn't have her bag! Sebastian SonataLocation:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Lovey-dovey<>OOC: Sebastian made eye contact with the girl, Elisa, and remained speechless as everything happened around him. Someone had punched his stomach and filled his legs with tacks and insects. It was the fact that the very epitome of the girl of her dreams had just apparently started bunking with him. All he could do was stare at Elisa with a nervous expression, and to his perception, she hardly looked nervous; she radiated with a perfect glow instead. Sebastian was a hopeless romantic; yes. He had fallen in love, and unrequited love at that nearly without breaks; yes. But never, never had he experienced the euphoria that came with her presence. All sound became a dull, far off murmur, and the center of his known universe was sitting on a bunk bed. Sean FugueLocation: Cabin D<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Riled<>OOC: Is it okay if eventually tension ease with Sean? He's a bad boy, but not necessarily a bad guy. The aim is for him to change. I'm not copying Erik, btw, I'm setting up an equal ground; I had already planned for him to smoke, so this was a happy accident. Man, he needed a cigarette. Pulling himself apart on the inside with insecurities, Sean sat on his bunk, facing away from everyone else and clasping his hands tightly around each other. He never went long without his wisp-tendrilled security blanket as he had gone today, and the past few occurrences made it feel all the more needed. He rubbed his arm nervously without realizing, and started to hyperventilate...without realizing it. Then, what was that(?), no food!? With such solidity and girth, it should have been obvious that, basically, Sean never stopped eating. So, as a matter of fact, he treated food like a religion as well as exercise, and meal times were three-times-a-day Sunday Masses. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and St. Patrick's Day were religious holidays, but not in the typical fashion. All berating and no food made Sean a very pissed boy... but he was so racked out of his mind from his first battle with withdrawal, he couldn't find the energy to move.
Sean FugueLocation: Outside Cabin D<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Bruised ego<>OOC: You hate him! You really hate him! =D I-I'm so happy!Sean only harrumphed at Emalynn's retorts; she was pretty, but if she had attitude, then there was no point in trying to get close to her. 'Kinda chubby anyway...' he thought to himself. Crossing his own arms to make himself appear bigger, Sean scowled, and was about to reply with some four letter words when Erik grabbed him by his neck; Sean usually saw himself as unmovable, given his size and weight class, so frankly, he was shocked speechless as he was dragged out of the cabin. This was all unusual to him, actually! His truthfully handsome features coupled with his "manly" physique typically made girls squirm at the sight of him, and guys wouldn't touch him for fear of a diet of teeth. "Mixed cabins are a privilege and I won't stand for language like that in mine, regardless of girls being around." He heard himself get chewed out. 'Okay, so the Counselor's not so cool. Big deal.' He listened to the rest of what Erik had to say and gritted his teeth as he tried to feign enthusiasm. "Sorry, Chief, won't happen again. Just messing around with the ladies is all." Sean dusted off his hands and stared Erik down with a toothy smile. Sure, Erik was big, but so was Sean; he'd take into account that Erik was surprisingly strong, but if the same thing happened again, Erik would be dozing off, of this Sean was certain. "I've done it before boy. I will most certainly do it again. Take your pick." Erik had evidently finished his threat, so Sean tried to make it clear that "I'll be a good boy... Sir." The last word left a bad taste in his mouth, but he really didn't want to bunk with horses. Sebastian SonataLocation: Cabin E<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Hungry<>OOC: Kudos to whoever gets the "Chamfort" reference.Sebastian was glad to be greeted so warmly by a familiar. Hey, Bryan even said he was glad to have him in his cabin. Better yet, Bryan had answered Sebastian's question with what seemed like an expression that hinted Chambers was hungry too. Sebastian lightly chuckled. "Yeah, we head out to the mess hall around 5:30," he replied, as Sebastian watched him moving some of the other stuff around, "You can head out of here whenever you'd like, but I gotta stick around to greet the others." "Good to know, but I'll probably stick around to see who I'll be at least tolerating for now." Sebastian joked somewhat depressingly, as his somewhat anti-social nature was no big secret; in fact, it somehow classified him as a "freak" for some reason... Not that Sebastian particularly cared for public opinion. In his own opinion, he shared the view with Nicolas Chamfort on "Public Opinion": "It was usually wrong." Picking a bunk though, he thought, he should wait on, even though it seemed an obvious choice. He was happy on the bottom bunk or top -He didn't get why people prefered one or the other, since he was stationary in slumber- so it was fine by him if people got their preference rather than be stuck uncomfortable. So, he set to reorganizing his bag.
Sean grunted when the foot was placed on his back. Shortly thereafter, he grinned. "Sit down if you like, Erik. It takes a lot to stop me. Oh, and no homo." He felt it compulsory to use the derogatory term so he could place himself as far away from it as possible. That was one thing about him: he was a complete and absolute homophobe; he just didn't like the concept, so in turn, everyone who did like the concept had to be mentally inferior. "65...66....67...." He huffed, the reps starting only now to get a little tiring, as he'd done push-ups earlier that day, and the heat persisted. "Oh, and hey, Emalynn? 71...72... Did you want to be in cabin D? Huh, did you 78... want the D?" He went there with a smirk, which was admittedly charming. Sure, he knew the counselor was right there, but in his own mind, he figured, 'Well, he's a guy too, right?' In short time, he quickened his pace and polished off his set with ease. Jumping to his feet, he gave a little bit of a jump in the air and and landed heavily, rattling the cabin a little. He perspired a little, so he wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt, revealing his sturdy midsection. The feeling of being pumped rushed through his veins as he met with Emalynn's eyes, his shirt mostly brought to his face before he covered back up. He licked his lips half for the sake of clearing away salty sweat from his lips, and half to send a message to Emalynn subtly. He even raised both his eyebrows while meeting with her eyes to cement his point. Stratana realizes she's stuck in the shower. Nothing for Sebastian yet.
Sean FugueLocation:Circle, Cabin D<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC: Setting down both the packs, Sean sat and listened with half an ounce of interest to what it was Kevin had to say; the marshmallows didn't hurt his attention span either. Waiting until all announcements were over, he received his letter with a smirk. His immature mind connected Cabin D with something more vulgar, and not only that, but his mind started to run through pranks already, with the card barely in his hand for two minutes. Thinking to himself, he mindlessly picked up both the bags he had brought with him to that spot; including Stratana's... Making his way to his designated cabin, Sean opened it to see two persons; one of which was a girl. Sean eyed her up and down from behind subtly, and then looked to the other person. He had just come in to here "Emalynn" being said, and added gruffly, "Sean. 'Sup?" Settling in, he tossed both bags to the floor and surveyed the bunks; not too bad, but they looked a little short for him, and there was no way he'd be doing top bunk. Pretentiously, he made a place for himself on one of the lower bunks within the room by throwing one bag, his own, on top of the bed, and the other, Stratana's under it; without realizing he was tossing around technically stolen goods. 'First matter of business', he thought to himself, finding an open area on the floor, he fell face forward and caught himself with his hands before faceplanting into the wooden boards, "I gotta do my evening exercises." He advised, and immediately set to work on push-ups, counting upwards as he rapidly performed rep after rep. His usual target was 100 per set, which was of little bother to him to perform. Already, he had passed 20 and was quickly counting up. Stratana AriaLocation:Circle, Cabin B<>Clothes; soaked version of what was originally worn<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC: Stratana waited with nervous ambition as the groups departed, leaving few enough people to dare to pick up her letter. She took it without so much as budging her rotator cuffs in any given direction. Why did she have to sweat so much during hot weather!? A third party might have argued: Karma, but Stratana was not quite well aware of her cruel nature. With her letter in hand, it only took a quick glance to get the clue she was in Cabin B. However, all that was irrelevant as she booked it for the showers, since she knew where she was headed afterwards. She was in such a rush, she had completely forgotten she wasn't weighed down with her backpack. A year of Fortissimo's Music camp had taught her where the showers would be, but she had not been in the mood to guess her cabin later. All the same, the path there was generally, and thankfully clear as she stormed into the female shower section. Finding an empty stall right away, she stripped out of her damp, clingy clothing and hopped right into a shower. While she was in a rush to be cleansed, she had not lost her senses though, as she stood off to the side and away from the range of the shower head as she turned the water on at full force. Words could not describe her serenity as she bathed in the steadily streaming water jet. She could have stayed in there all night, if she hadn't been so tired. 'Better make this quick...' She set to work as she felt her muscles still feeling jell-oey from earlier. Sebastian SonataLocation:Circle, Cabin E<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Content<>OOC: For those realizing that Sebastian thinks a lot: this is no accident. A handful of marshmallows squished in his grasp, Sebastian coolly took his letter with the "Cabin E" below his name. Faintly, Sebastian chuckled at heart; this had been his cabin his first year, and so it appeared he was going out the way he came. What's more, he saw the name "Bryan Chambers" under "Counselor", and noted the fact he was sharing the cabin with two girls. Both of these facts were ones Sebastian had not quite a clear idea of what he precisely thought about either. Bryan Chambers had always been something of a compatriot and one of the spare few Sebastian could really talk to at camp; another person included Bryan's younger sister, Noëlle. As for the girls, it wasn't the first time he was bunking with the opposite sex, but sometimes things could get awkward. Usually, this would be in the way of barbed compliments he wasn't certain if they were meant to be more barb or compliment; such as it was duly and frequently noted he was a handsome head on top of narrow shoulders and a slight frame. Of course, he'd bulked up some since last summer, but only by a few pounds, and all that hard work in his only favored sport, Weight training (He didn't have to socialize in a gym unless he wanted; no necessary contact.), had done little more than to make him much less bony and more normal in size. At any given rate though, despite his tone, he was still rather svelte. Whistling the piping part of the bridge from "Send me on my way", he made his familiar way toward Cabin E as he contemplated. Now that he had carelessly dug up the tune from the farthest reaches in his mind, he couldn't get it out of his head, but this was not unfortunate; the tune pumped him up and got him excited to finally being settled in camp, or at least soon enough he would be. Then there was just the Treasure hunt to deal with. Sebastian had secretly wished he'd have been sharing a cabin with Sean again this year, because Sebastian knew full well how cruelly the bulky jock could manage himself in competitions. On the other hand, Sebastian didn't think he'd miss the pranks Sean always liked to play on those most available to him; his cabin-mates. Eventually, he reached Cabin E, and taking in its unchanged appearance, Sebastian entered the cabin, swinging his bag to the floor as soon as he entered. Sure enough, there was Bryan. He was seriously beginning to reconsider applying for a Counselor position, so that he could step from student to adviser following his next year. The camp fed his imagination, so frankly, he'd miss it; even if Kevin was a little "campy" about the camp introductions. "Hey, Bryan; long-time-no-see." Sebastian noted to the pre-arrived tenant. "Now that you're a part in charge, do you know the time when we eat?" Sebastian asked leisurely, this being the first thing on his mind while he was ravenous, as his stomach did front flips. Just because he was thin did not mean he didn't eat; that was his fast metabolism at work. Plus, Sebastian wanted to skip the formalities of Counselor-Camper introductions; it was strange how people who knew someone else years felt the need to introduce themselves once they counseled the other person for the first time.
Well, Jayn, I liked your Love Tracker so much, I decided to implement something similar for all of mine. :3 Theirs all will be different, but Base's will be most similar to yours by comparison. Here's how it goes: (P.S, why the extremes? I dislike low ceilings.) Stratana- Is one helluva biyotch, so her temper is her major attribute. Here's her Anger-Meter: Calm- Right before the storm. Upset- Is upset, but keeps it bottled and totally hidden. Bothered- A little noticeably ticked; she'll make it known she's angry. Furious- One tick away from the boom, Stratana's really visibly on edge. She might be too upset to even speak. APES#!t- RUUUUUUUUUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Sebastian- The Romantic, his tracks his affections. Here's Sebastian's Love-Meter: Normal- Take it as it is. Enamored- Sebastian is close to a loved one, and is happy with being close. HOLY COW!- Sebastian is directly involved with shared romantic feelings and is acting on them. X.x- Sebastian is totally Heartbroken and needs time to recover. Sean- An uncontrollable force of unbridled testosterone, his sexual urgency tracked here. I have yet to design it, but no worries, just because its sexual doesn't mean the bar is going to be of anything dirty. I just haven't had time. Appeased- He doesn't need anything relating to sexual pleasure. Turned on- He's thinking about it; probably won't act on it...probably. Wonting- He's one thought away from acting like a misbehaved Chihuahua. Aw Yeah!- He's there to seal the deal, and it's mutual wants meeting situational favor.