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  1. Sebax
    Using khvids mobile on my phone for the first time. Will format later.

    Stratana "yii"ed following getting Lexi's number. "O-M-G! Do you have a boyfriemd? Because if not, we so need to get you one. You seem so cool and pretty... Not like some of the dweebs here." Stratana took Lexi's hands in her own, "Er- What was your name again?" Stratana asked. She couldn't remember if it had been said or if she'¢ iven her own. "You probably know who I am, but in case you don't Stratana Aria."

    Sebastian laughed at the cake bit. He almost wondered if her mom was like her and if so, if she in turn was like his dad. Meaning, starting with a fas metabolism that eventually broke down. His dad was truthfully portly, but he hadn't seem him in months; maybe mom had gotten him to lose weight.

    "I think girls usually kill for what you have." He knew from experiance. Girls usually wanted his body, just not in the usual boy girl way.

    "Genetics are at work here, but they'll slow don soon, I think. Ever worry about that? I can't wait. I workout like crazy and it would be nice to put on a little muscle."
    Post by: Sebax, May 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    Stratana Aria
    It was the first compliment since coming to camp. "Sexy". Granted, it came from a girl, but it still made her feel better than she could ever imagine, especially since she felt ten times heavier than she actually was; plus, it wasn't exactly like Lexi meant it that way. "Oh my God! You are probably my new best friend!" She gave a squee accompanied by a tighter squeeze to her body. "When we get back to land, we so have to get each other's phone numbers! Maybe we can go shopping together or something! It is the summer and I totally need a new bikini... maybe a one piece this time." She talked a mile a minute until she paused and said the last part dismally, loosening her grip. "But if you say that I'm not fat... maybe I'm not. I still have to, like, totally go to a gym once I get back. We can go together there to, 'cuz if you don't mind me saying so, ♫Looks like someone has a little case of underarm jiggles.♫" She toyed harmlessly. She really did mean for to be friends with this girl, but her bluntness came into use even when she didn't mean to. "We'll get you started on some skullcrushers that'll tighten those triceps right up." She giggled, but then added, depressed, "I'll probably have to run a hundred miles before my thighs stop wobbling." And she gave her upper thigh a tiny slap; no rippling effect showed from underneath the tight fitting jeans though.
    "You know what, screw it!" She whipped out her pink cellphone that was bedazzled all-over with rhinestones. "I'm giving you my number now. 555-5309. What's yours?" Her bright big eyes stared into Lexi's with a comfortable warmth.
    Sebastian Sonata
    "I personally don't enjoy life-threatening situations either, so forest fires aren't exactly a walk in the park for me either." He turned her face back towards him by guiding her chin to the center lightly with his hand. "But it looks like everyone's here." He smiled. "When they said there were people dead or missing, I figured there'd be a body count, but so far, no names have come up. Sure, there have been people I haven't seen, but that's a lot of people I probably just haven't noticed in the crowd yet. I'm sure they're buzzing around somewhere." He paused. "Pardon me if this is too personal a question but, you have a really nice slim figure. Genetics or diet?" He indicated to his own generally thin frame with a laugh to show that he was on equal grounds of the question. "For me: both. I have a fast metabolism and I just don't eat that much." He gave such a kick in his joy that he accidentally scraped the toe of his shoe up Natalie's right calf. The shock of the sudden under-the-table interaction sent a jolt of wamrth up his leg and into his face, almost causing him to blush. He was about to apologize right on the spot and say he didn't mean to do that.
    Post by: Sebax, May 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    Stratana Aria​
    Location:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Volatile<>OOC: Short post for now. My family is going to dinner in 5 minutes.​

    Stratana murmured a meek "thank you..." in the tiniest voice she didn't even know she had. Not many people were kind to her, as she was rarely kind to others; at her current state, she never expected anyone to look at her ever again. "But... I am fat... look at my belly." An she pointed at her slight protrusion barely filling out her small tube top. "No guy will ever find me attractive" She sniffed. "Again!" She wailed and collapsed onto Lexi, wrapping her arms tightly around her, squeezing her tightly with strength she didn't mean to use.
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Enthused<>OOC:​
    Sebastian looked Natalie up and down. She was rather slim, like him, he noticed, and seemed to be wearing a very hip outfit with a blue Zebra pattern on one part of the top. "Full of awesome." He repeated calmly, chewing his food and closing his eyes. "So, are you aiming to be like a cute version of blue zebra today?" He flirted humorously. He opened his eyes and met hers, giving her a coy wink.
    Post by: Sebax, May 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    Location: Ferry<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    Sebastian shrugged at Natalie's startled question. "I watch the show when I can, because I like the novelty of it. To answer your question though, I liked the last doctor more; especially when he met William Shakespeare, which was so much awesome!" He noticed Natalie's pen that she was showing him. "Wow, you're a real die hard fan, huh? Personally, I geek out over stuff like Pokemon and Jak and Daxter more." His eyes trailed her over. She had to be at least a little younger, as she had a more youthful appearance about her, but all the same seemed mature for her age. By sheer instinct though, he was starting to feel a little warm inside as he started to think of this girl as a little more attractive than before.
    Stratana Aria​
    Location: Ferry<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Horrible<>OOC:​
    Stratana ate until she was sick, which happened to be the halfway point of the more than generous supply she'd taken. Seeing how much she'd stuffed away forced her into tears once she realized the horrible thing she'd done. "I'm going...I'm going to be..." She barely whispered, massaging her aching stomach, and upon realizing how much of it there was, she screamed "FAAAAA-HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA-T!" She bellowed and whimpered. "I have a food baby...." She whined to herself as she slammed her head down on the table, sobbing to herself, and not particularly caring who saw her. She felt like the button on her jeans was fighting a losing battle, and she knew exactly who to blame for it all. ... Who was it? She searched her mind for a scapegoat. She could find none, and this only made her sob all the more; she was the only one to blame for the accumulating flab. In her head, she was much larger than she was, and felt like if she tried to get up, she might have a wider stance and stand the risk of falling down never to be able to sit up on her own power again. Of course, two days of unhealthiness was hardly capable of doing that much; she was just particularly more rotund in the stomach, and not by much.
    She froze once more. She realized that everytime she sobbed, her body was shaking, only making her realize just how flabby and unattractive she felt. She didn't even realize how tightly her chest was pressing up against the table, moving it a little and causing her chest to squeeze in closer, looking fuller.
    Meanwhile, Sean took no notice as he set Jenna down off his neck and looked the girl right in the eyes. "How about you go find Erik? Or tell that b- umm.. Emalynn that you want her to feel better. James. There's also James. Please."
    "Okay!" And Jenna ran off with glee while Sean let out a powerful breath of relief.
    Post by: Sebax, May 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sebax
    Base slammed right into Dumbo's right rear leg when prompted to give the little guy an encouraging shove to possible greatness. He took his Keyblade in arms and disbanded it to the nether beforehand, but as he heaved his spare frame into leathery skin, he thought of that line he'd thought of earlier.

    "Heave ho! Let's go!" He began to chant, and thought that maybe if he gave the others a rhythm to follow, they could combine their strength, rather than just randomly disperse it on the pachyderm's back flanks. "Heave ho! Let's go!" He wanted to believe that the impossible was possible, because he'd seen a fair share of impossible things so far; these fellow Keyblade wielders felt like an extension of the odd life he'd found, but was comfortable in. It was odd, how, even though he was still mostly antisocial, just how much a part of the group he'd become in such a short time.
    Post by: Sebax, May 3, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Sebax
    Stratana Aria
    Location: Ferry<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    All that food. Stratana could only stare at it with tearful eyes, a growling stomach, and a complex that made her feel like she might fall through the floor. After they'd settled onto the ferry, Stratana immediately changed into her own clothes, and found to her dismay that the button to her favorite jeans was for once a hassle to clip. Not helpful. Even that little brat from earlier had said "Will she sink us?" to Sean when they stepped on the ferry. Stratana grimaced as she saw former camper after former camper load up their plates with spicy hot sausages, fresh donuts smothered in chocolate, and even steamy onigiri. The more she smelled and the more she saw, the louder her stomach growled, but she stood resolute; she wouldn't even bother to get a tray. She would just sit there until she'd finished nibbling on a tiny pineapple square; she was eating it slow so she would think it was satisfying, which was a trick she'd used many times before to keep her trim figure.
    Her eyes kept returning to the buffet though, and her stomach wouldn't shut up. A thin trickle of sweat rolled down her forehead as she remained conflicted; sweet meaty smells filling her nostrils. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, gurgle-gurgle, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick guuuuuuuuuuurgle "FIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!" Stratana tossed aside her pineapple square and made a mad dash for the buffet, loading her tray up with everything she could get her mitts on. By the time she'd reached the end of the line, her plate was a massive mound of food without enough room for an extra jelly donut, which she bit onto to hold onto it as she carried her stash.
    In her madness, she had accumulated the sum, but once hunger insanity settled down and she saw her possessions, she once again freaked, but for a different reason. She could tell she needed help; mentally. Her eyes scanned the room: Alexandra: hadn't they bunked together? At least she would be a familiar face. Stratana rushed over to the table being shared by Alexandra, Natalie, and Sebastian and set the plate down with a heavy, but not shattering, crash on the table. The stack of food was almost on eye level with its seated onlookers, and she felt awful about it.
    'I'm going to stand here until I get tired and sick of seeing it....AAAGGGGGGH!' She sat down in a flash and started munching away, nearly like a wild animal; she'd lost all sense of control.
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: Ferry<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    Sebastian fiddled with his fork at the breakfast table. He'd asked to talk to that girl he'd met before the bus, just because he was tired of not having someone to talk to, and she seemed interested, if, albeit, a little intimidated with him. It was the very least he could do to socialize that he attempted to be goofy.
    "Exterminate! Exterminate!" He donned a robot voice and twirled his fork around like a Dalek's laser at his nose level. It was probably stupid, but it was the first thing that popped into his head while toying around with the utensil. His breakfast was relatively light. Not much like Stratana's who had just sat down and wolfed down her own food like a starved wolf. 'What was going on with that girl? Was this some sort of way to cope with the fire tragedy?' Sebastian thought. 'If this is her coping mechanism, she must have had a pretty easy life... either that or all the weight goes straight into her...' Sebastian snapped out of the thought before he was sure his eyes would trail lower than Stratana's face.
    He looked Natalie in the eyes and coughed nervously, setting his fork down onto his plate. Meanwhile, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sean being plagued by a tiny cute parasite with its arms latched around his neck. Oddly enough though, Sean seemed to not be bothered by it. 'He did have an awfully thick neck...' Sebastian thought.
    Post by: Sebax, May 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sebax
    Stratana Aria​
    Stratana let loose an "oof" after Elisa bumped into her. 'Ewwww, gross. I felt her boniness...' She shuddered at the thought. Granted, she'd gained a little bit of weight at camp, but on any other day, she considered herself far above the puny skinny, emancipated girls that were so flat chested it was pitiful. "Did a breeze just hit me?" She said with a cruelly lightened tone. Her recent belly issue had cause her need for making others feel bad all the more prevalent.
    "That was really mean, chubby." Jenna said from the other side of Sean; squished a little bit against the window since Stratana had sat down.​
    Stratana felt like she gained forty pounds from ingesting one statement. The world around her grew cold, and she wanted desperately to try and cover up her mentally expanding belly, but truthfully, she had little more than a tiny layer settled at the bottom of her once firm abs, and her thighs were slightly more rotund; a mix of starving and binging had thrown her metabolism for a loop, but she was still comparably the same as before.
    Sebastian Sonata​
    She waved at him. She actually waved at him. Elisa had waved at him! Sebastian's heart nearly burst with just a simple gesture. He found himself just gawking at her, then realized he had promised something else. He turned back to Natalie. Natalie looked at him and smiled. "We can talk, but I'm already sitting with my clumsy friend Lexi..." She said apologetically. "So yeah... Sorry. Though, we could exchange phone numbers and talk that way for the rest of the summer if you want?"
    "Alright." Sebastian snatched his cell phone out of his bag, which he'd gotten while Tucker was in the hospital, and showed Natalie his number for her to take down.
    Post by: Sebax, May 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sebax
    Stratana Aria & Sean Fugue​
    Location: Bus<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Uncomfortable <>OOC: Fixing this post up. Posting Sebastian first so HoT can post.​
    Stratana rushed into the flood of bodies that were all pressing to get inside the narrow bus doorway, only to find herself left with nowhere to sit. That was, until she spotted one partially empty seat... right where Sean was sitting with Jenna. It was a tiny space unsuitable for half a person, but it was a seat, and as Stratana did not want to change buses, she choked back the resentment and made her way towards Sean and Jenna.
    She didn't ask, as she just sort of sat. She was narrow so there was no need in her mind to- Erk! She froze when she realized she felt like she was feeling more seat underneath her than she usually did. Was it what Jenna said getting under her skin or was it actually her? Was she just asking this because what Jenna had said actually did get under her skin? This last question could be answered in the positive. However, she would likely never touch red velvet cake ever again.
    Thrashing about in the seat, Stratana tried to sit in such a way that made her feel less than twice her actual size, but no comfortable position could be found.
    On Sean's side of the struggle, his wide shoulders proved to be a disadvantage, as he had to try to shrink himself down in the middle; finding it impossible, he just sighed.
    Meanwhile, Sean quickly pacified Jenna's giggles with his hand when the younger girl decided to say, "Ha! Look at her belly flab ji-MMMPH!"
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Sebastian eyed the girl curiously. She'd stuttered a "H-Hi" at him, and her sweet but blushing face made for stirring combination. She wasn't exactly Elisa, but she unexpectedly made Sebastian's heart do a flip inside his chest. "Hi." Things were tense; best to make a peace offering. "Want to talk during the bus ride?" He'd go on either way, but if she said yes, then he'd be glad to go through with his offer. She was... kind of cute. Maybe they had something in common?
    Post by: Sebax, May 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sebax
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: Bus stop<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    Sebastian lowered his bag onto the ground and took a deep breath in and out. Last night had been trying, but the new day offered new opportunities. His spectator nature caused him to see in others what they might think as these "opportunities", and really tried to put themselves in their shoes. After that fire, one parent at least had to find out from someone sneaking a cell phone (Some just couldn't part), and no doubt someone was happy to be going home, and someone would be happy to have them back. Family really got to Sebastian; hit him in the heart strings and played a lovely tune until his fingers curled backwards.
    Hell, there was even one younger looking girl there. Had to be fourteen or fifteen. She had sort of sandy-colored hair and seemed shorter than himself; tiny little thing. Besides that though, Sebastian noticed nothing else about her; he'd turned away within an instant of seeing her. All he could think about was home and how much he wanted to get there.
    It'd been awhile since he'd seen his city flat; when not at Fortissimo Academy Sebastian lived on his own, and just the way he liked it. He could play music as freely as he wished, and some local cafe's were his favorite places to get some excellent Hot Chocolate. The beverage though often made him drowsy; a big cup with whipped cream was sure to knock him clean out every time. Now that he thought of sweet things, he gave a second glance over to that girl he had yet to notice before, and his eyes stared at hers, while he tried to read them from afar.
    Post by: Sebax, May 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sebax
    Day Three

    Stratana Aria​
    Location: Bus stop<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC: Find all the Pokepuns!​
    Stratana awoke for her pokemon nightmare drowsy and in a ghastly mood. She swore: that t-shirt had to be like some kind of nostalgia-inducing jinx. This idea was double-teamed by the fact she had worn the shirt to bed. Rushing to remove it from her person, she didn't even leave her bed before the article fell limp to the floor, stretched out and lightly toasted. It was only when she discovered that she had partially exposed herself in her shared room that Stratana made an awkward face; she really hoped that no one in the cabin would think she was trying to attract them! Even though there was Alexandra, who was also a girl, Stratana knew nothing about her, but before she could find out if anyone had seen her or was even awake, she covered herself up with the shirt again and made a dash for the restroom. Taking a quick shower, she was forced to redress in the same clothes she had shed before the shower; she'd taken care to at least hang them up, even the mismatched undergarments.
    Back in Pokemon style, Pikachu's face was once again returned to its horizontal rack; it's face much wider than it had been before she received it. Of course, she couldn't leave without her bag, so she made an attempt to visit Cabin D in the off chance that her bag had been left there. She'd braved the weary walk to fortunately find the prize, and all at once took it in arms. Words could not describe how happy she was to have back her own clothes. Throwing the bag over her shoulders, she headed for the predetermined bus stop, and did the only thing she could do: wait with a small patch of assorted little mucks called campers.
    A little girl, probably 13, from another cabin (when the cabins were alphabetical), was there, and she kept looking over at Stratana with curious eyes. Stratana couldn't decide if she enjoyed the attention or was creeped out by the younger girl's stare.
    "Hey, kid. Admiring? Ha! Who knows, someday you might be lucky enough to look like me." Stratana flipped her light, almost pink, hair to the side confidently .
    "I was just thinking: weren't you a little less chubby when you came to camp? Your belly looks flabbier." Said Jenna, even going to far as to prod Stratana's slightly distended stomach. Stratana wanted to go berserk, but couldn't help but give into the shock that there was a chance the girl was right. Between Stratana's normally unhealthy diet (Maybe that midnight snack raid last night was a bad idea?) and all the stress she'd been under since coming to camp, maybe she had lost a little bit of tone. But the little girl poking at her exposed belly and causing her to realize just how soft and distended it had gotten (Not really much, but some) in such a short amount of time was too much for her not to get hot under the collar.
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: Bus stop<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    Sebastian awoke, grabbed his book, his bag, and quickly showered before heading out the Cabin 1 door with all post haste. He didn't want to miss the bus that would be taking him home; safety. He had yet to see Elisa or Alice since last night, and he wondered who had survived and who might have perished. Right about now, he cursed his empathy as he felt a prickling sensation in his toes, and he felt the heat of flames lightly on his skin. He hoped no one had met such an awful fate, but with such a large group and so many injuries, would even the people in the hospital survive? He tried to put it out of his mind as he reached the bus stop just in time to hear: "Weren't you a little less chubby?" Coming from a young girl not too far from where he stood. When he looked over, he saw Jenna, wide eyed, poking Stratana in the belly with her index finger. 'This isn't going to end well...' Sebastian thought dismally.
    Sean Fugue​
    Location: Bus stop<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood:<>OOC:​
    Sean awoke drowsily to find himself alone in his cabin. He didn't freak though, since an interlude of sleep had dulled his senses and removed the fear last night ha produced; quite the opposite stood to fact: he had spent so long in Fight or Flight Mode that he was utterly drained. He didn't shower, he didn't change, he just went out, ripe as a week old rancid steak that had been slightly braised, grabbing his bag along the way. Down at the bus stop, he found that one super busty girl (It was odd how he remembered people) he'd helped the other day knocking Jenna over with a brutal shove; there was a maniacal expression on the older girl's face, and Sean could almost swear he could only see whites in her eyes, and fangs in her mouth. The illusion of seeing the temper take a form soon passed, and he found himself coming very close over Stratana, standing between her and Jenna.
    "Is there a problem?" He asked, crossing his muscular arms.
    "YOU! You're the reason I'll be wearing sweatpants for the rest of my life!" Stratana sobbed as she meekly punched Sean in the abs. The only one hurt as a result was Stratana with a sprained wrist as she nursed her hand while walking away, sobbing as before.
    "What did you say?" Sean tossed the question over his shoulder before he helped Jenna back to her feet the next moment; being pushed onto her back had turned Jenna into something of a helpless turtle, except with a backpack instead of a shell weighing her down and forcing her facing up.
    "Nuthin'..." Jenna lied.​
    Sean shook his head. He hoped Erik would show up soon. He was starting to get to the point where he wanted to dump this kid off the first chance he got. For a thirteen year old, Jenna was a little oblivious, and that was something to say, coming from Sean's point of view.
    Post by: Sebax, May 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sebax
    Stratana Aria
    Location: Cabin 1<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Asleep<>OOC: Dream sequence under construction.

    Sean Fugue​
    Location: Cabin 1<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Put on the spot<>OOC:​

    Sean moved to Cabin 1 with Jenna in tow, who refused to leave his side as they walked the path between the grand loft and there. They even took to the same room of Cabin 1, and as they settled into adjacent bunks, Jenna spoke up.

    "I won't sleep until I have a song. Tonight has been... pretty scary." The young girl had difficulty admitting that last part, obviously.

    "I don't know if right now is the time." Sean lied; he had no arguments for singing except that he was tired.

    "Buuuu-" Jenna starte whining.

    "Argh! No buts, please; no whining! Fine!" Sean gave in and went out searching through some of the open doors of Cabin 1. He had a song in mind, but he needed a bit of instrumentation. Nearby, he found Sebastian, whom he recognized normally as a patzy for pranking, but that wasn't what Sean had in mind.

    "Hey! Seb!" Sean called out. It was getting close to 1, so this had to be quick.

    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: Cabin 1<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Confused and tired<>OOC:​
    Sebastian had been reading "Don Quixote", a new read for him, when Sean came into his chosen room in Cabin 1, and stood to attention when he heard his name partially called. He saw Sean, beckoning to him in the doorway.
    "Yeah?" He answered back.
    "You play guitar right?" Sean inquired quickly.
    "Know "Carry on" by "Fun."?"
    "I think so."
    "Pick up that guitar over there, so this one can get to sleep." Sean ordered; more a mirror of his old self. Sebastian disliked this, but obliged for the younger in attendance.
    So Sebastian took up the guitar r, and Sean sang. "Carry on", 'strangely really necessary for the moment' Sebastian thought to himself as he played the chords with his long dexterous fingers. Once they had finished the song, the guitar was returned to its spot, Jenna settled in and fell asleep, leaving Sean to do the same; and he did. Sean had even fallen asleep in his day clothes, having been so tired.
    As Sebastian walked off, changing before nestling into his own nook for sleep, he thought of how much even the people were changing; Sean almost seemed to care. This was inescapably odd to him. Soon though, sleep found him at last, after the trying day.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax
    Stratana Aria​
    Location:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: <>OOC: I accidentally posted three of these forms that I usually do for all my characters. ;~;​

    Stratana had bustled towards the circle as fast as she could manage. All along as she walked through the camp, it felt like something was watching her; she was, at times, right. A sparrow that had been dislocated by the fire and driven towards camp had taken interest to the bright yellow coloring on her shirt, but generally stayed put as Stratana made her way closer and closer to safety. Cold winds blew across her bare stomach and up her shirt, sending her into an all out freeze.

    It wasn't long before she found civilization where everyone else had gathered. As soon as she passed into the door, a young man flew to her side with an offering of a blanket. Glad to be warm and dry, she took it without a word, more out of shock than rudeness this time, and scarcely noticed as the boy seemed to not care; he was too busy admiring others things about her. As soon as she was covered, she looked around and tried to find Tucker or the others in her Cabin, just as she heard her's named and told they would be put into group 1. 'Group 1 for what?' Stratana wondered. Carelessly and half-awake, she cuddled into the blanket and looked about it; big mistake.

    What she noticed about it sent her into a frightfully bad mood and made a vein on her forehead pulse with agitation. Right there, on the back of the blanket, was a poke'ball. 'Can't escape from this Haunter- I MEAN- Haunted Nightmare!' She cried on the inside.

    Maybe... she could. They probably weren't going back to their cabins anytime soon, so, with heavy burdened legs, she wandered with the rest to Cabin 1, chose a room, (One already occupied by that one blue haired chick) and stretched out on a bed there and bundled herself into a cocoon. "What? CATERPIE is evolving!" Said the Dex in her head, but she didn't care. She just wanted to sleep; soon, she found it. "JIGGLPUFF used SI-" 'SHUDDUP!' Stratana dreamt herself throwing a Pokedex across an open field, standing in a patch of tall grass.
    In her dream, she huffed and puffed following her chucking the tiny device, only to find herself being beset by a swarm of dream Weedles. Dream Stratana screamed as her Pokemon nightmare began, lasting until morning. Outwardly, this caused her body to kick and trash about throughout the evening.
    Sean Fugue​
    Location:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Reluctant Hero<>OOC:​
    When Erik directed them inside, Sean heaved to his feet and tried to stay steady. He had barely made it a few feet forward when a tiny hand grabbed his left mitt. Sean looked down in momentary surprise to see Jenna latched onto him, almost looking like she'd tie her legs around his leg if she could muster up the strength.
    "Awww, that is so cute." Said the EMT from earlier, as she packed up her things, headed to the next emergency. "Looks like you have yourself a Guardian angel, there kiddo." She gave a wink of one of her two vibrantly misty blue eyes before departing, leaving Sean speechless ever since Jenna had attached herself to him.
    "I'm still scared; you're like the incredible Hulk, or Thor, so I'm sticking with the Hero." Jenna stated nonchalantly. 'Hero'. Between his assholic pranks and asinine attempts at whoring around, Sean had never heard the word directed at him. Still... if this kid needed a hero, and really thought that about him, why not take up the mantle.
    "You got it. You have yourself... a Guardian angel." Sean muttered, disbelieving such words were coming out of his mouth. Something had changed within him when he sprang to catch Jenna as she fell.
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location:<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Half-dead<>OOC:​
    Wiping the vomit from his lips, Sebastian followed the others indoors. With an outwardly blank expression, inside he was tearing himself apart. It wasn't who he could see, because what worried him was who he couldn't. Sebastian accepted a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate as he wrapped the former over his shoulders. Deep circles had appeared under his eyes, and his skin had gone deathly pale, even feeling lighter, if that was possible.
    His skin was crawling as he thought back at how crazy everything had gotten all so suddenly. Now there was something about going home? Sebastian sighed in relief as this idea sounded like best he could dream for. It wasn't the best last year send-off, but at least the safety of dispersing would bring a faster recovery to the tragedy that had just occurred. Sebastian just wondered about Shouta in the meantime... he hadn't seen him yet, but others he had seen were being rushed to the Westerfields hospital.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax
    The wording is directly influenced by Jayn's video, which I keep watching again and again. I can't wait to see more like them... heh...hehehe...

    Anyhow, I created this image to fulfill the dark desire to do so following revealing Alice's death. Whadya thinks?

    To go along with it, a list of some of the little foreshadowings having to do with Alice's demise:

    1. Requiem is the biggest and most obvious one, probably. A Requiem is a funeral dirge, but this fact was covered up by Alice's gothic style and flair.
    2. Brumal is the shortest day of the year; Winter solstice. I knew Alice would only last about a day, and a very short day. Not only this, but Winter is commonly a symbol of death and the cold anxiety Alice feels.
    3. You might recall a little conversation between Emalynn and Alice concerning the Scavenger Hunt. Alice joked "I'm probably going to die." This is a commonly used phrase to denote a person has very limited capability in their ability to perform in a certain task; in Alice's case, it was meant to be far more literal.
    4. Alice's finding the matchstick. At that point, I knew Alice would die by fire; Jayn had been rather secretive about the mode up until the day we did the scavenger hunt. Little did I know, the matchstick would serve as the direct mode of her death, because at first, the matchstick she found was used; I changed it when Jayn suggested I should, since it would be the easiest way to start the fire. This was an allusion to "The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Anderson. Here is a short film that tells the story as well. In the story, the young girl is abused and lonely, but wishes to see a love she has lost.
    5. The bear. The bear was a way so that Alice would die, and not Noëlle, as they were in the same spot when the fire started. Simply, the bear blocked the latter's path so that the former could not be reached.
    6. Many other things, such as her interacting with many other characters in a short amount of time, her not being officially given a cabin, and her journal being left in the same cabin. Now, I want to make one point perfectly clear: you now know it's there; doesn't mean your character(s) do(es). ;p
    I loved creating and molding the tragedy of Alice. And yes, her first name is directly taken from the Lewis Carroll story; I'm reading the story right now for the first time, but I've been familiar with many of its elements seemingly forever. I can also now tell you that the friend who I modelled a little of Alice after was a friend of mine who died suddenly of a brain aneurysm last year, two years after we had a falling out and never spoke during that time. The day I heard her name and the word "died", my life changed forever. Many of her musical influences are the girl's, while her nightly terrors and feeling like a freak and being aware of why is me. I wanted Alice to have a meaningful, passionate death that was not only brilliant in a literary vein, many thanks being to Jayn, but I wanted Alice to be a composite of many different things, so many could relate to her. Just because we know many characters are likely doomed because Jayn is leading this, this does not mean the characters cannot be latched onto. I have grown to like all of the other characters, and I will do what I can to ensure that you all grow attached to mine.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    Sean Fugue​
    Location: Circle<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Lost<>OOC:​

    Sean hailed over one of the nearby EMTs, realizing in the dire situation that Erik's suggestion was spot on. They may have lived through the fire, but Sean felt like he could just keel over at any moment; with as big as he was, he worried twice as much about tiny Jenna's lungs. As the EMT rushed over, Sean gave a mighty hack that resulted in some heavily peppered mucus erupting from his mouth and landing in a sizeable wad at his feet.

    "That's KOFF KOFF! kinda gross..." Jenna stated matter-of-factly with a hazy tone. This was all she could manage to say before an oxygen mask was attached to her face by the EMT as she breathed in sharply with the flood of airborne nourishment.

    Sean would have chuckled if every fiber of his being wasn't screaming out in pain. Soon enough, this burning feeling in all his many prominent muscles was sedated to a degree when he too was brought fresh oxygen. That was the problem with being big: when your muscles hurt, your muscles HURT!

    "You know, you kids are real lucky." Said the female EMT working on them. She was a young, beautiful and resplendent blond, with big juicy cupid's bow lips and a model's face and body, but for the first time ever, Sean cared more about something else than getting himself laid. He cared more about Jenna surviving this ordeal; they were out of the literal woods, but that's all they were out of as far as "woods" were noted.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax
    Sean coughed, unable to speak for a minute.

    "Don't call him "Meathead"! He saved me, Erik!" Small Jenna protested. Unfortunately, her reply sent her into a similar fits of hacking.

    Sean backed away. He had done that... hadn't he? He wasn't really in charge of anything as far as mental capacity had been considered, but still, his feet had taken him and Jenna there. Though, he could say nothing for either Emalynn or James, and so Sean could only shake his head heavily at Erik. "No." He finally said.

    Sebastian began retching nearby, the smoke and heat affecting his system to go absolutely haywire. Regrettably on his part, this happened just as Samantha dashed in, and happened to be in the general direction of her feet.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sebax
    Sebax Club​
    Location: Thick of the fire<>Clothes<>Song The song fits quite nicely for everyone, actually<>Mood: Fearful for life<>OOC: One status for all with a similar plight.​

    Alice stood there, frozen to the spot, as fire blazed around her and she faced the back of a tremendous beast. The monster wasn't looking at her though, it was staring at Noey! Alice had to act, and while it wasn't the brightest idea, she took up a rock in her hand and threw it with all her strength at the bear. As soon as she had done this, she hoped it had diverted its attention long enough for Noelle to get away. She tried to circumvent around the bear, but all at once, a burning log crashed down in front of her with a wild thrash! She stared at its blazing bark for a moment as she made her way to the other side of the encircling blaze, finding just one path open to her. She took it with all due speed.

    She didn't know how far the fire went or how quickly it was burning, but she knew she had to get out of there soon; at her height, smoke was getting more easily into her lungs to the point she had to run headlong and nearly blind, coughing and hacking all the way. She didn't hear any munching of any sort to accent the crackling wood all around her, but the latter sound was so overbearing, Alice couldn't be sure if her attack had taken effect.

    Veering right, she came into a clearing of grass with trees all around; most of them were ablaze, and it lit up her eyes with the most terrifying and spectacular brilliance. It was almost as bright and as warm as day... But she saw no way out just yet.

    Just then, she felt a prick on her forearm, then another on her leg. She gazed down in alarm as flames started to take to the grass and encompass around her feet. "No!" She screamed out in agony, but the pain was too much; too excruciating. She fell, and right into the tongues of fire surrounding her. It wasn't long before they embodied her, and swallowed her whole as she closed her tearful eyes. The warmth of day had come for her, so maybe there was peace in that. No more hurt. No more her.

    "Fire!" Shouted Jenna from the treetops. "Fire!" She reiterated as she clamored down, lost her footing and found herself falling past branch after branch, feet from the ground. When she was sure gravity would have her before the flames did, a pair of massive forearms broke her fall and she blindly felt herself rushing forward. When she opened her eyes, there was Sean, speeding through thickets of branches; charging without thought. Already, he had a few scratches here and there as branches hit his huge frame, but still he pressed on, carrying Jenna all the way until he found himself to a clearing with a fire, but a bonfire; manmade. They had made it back to camp, and it was only then that Sean let Jenna down to run on her own. Apparently, in their trek, they had already wandered back closer to the camp. 'Lucky kid' Sean thought of Jenna's chosen directions.

    "Don't run to the cabins just yet, unless the fire gets closer. Stay where there's a lot of dirt." He commanded. "I'm going to stay with you, don't worry." He said, even though he worried too.

    Meanwhile, Sebastian had been separated from Shouta and damned himself for having chosen to do so. It was just that he wanted to be by himself, but now Shouta was probably all alone! He thought about his grevious sins equal to betrayal as he closed in on the camp. There, he saw Sean comforting Jenna, who was sobbing madly. "Erik. KOFF. Emalynn, and James." Her sweet child voice could only manage names that spoke strongly with love. Were those tears in Sean's eyes? Amidst the chaos, Sebastian could only see things getting worse.

    For Stratana, she rushed as she head for a nearby river. Panicking and not knowing which way to go, at least the fire was not encroaching too close to the waterside. She chose the way it was flowing, remembering a body of water somewhere within the camp. Sure enough, that was where she found herself; back in camp and close to the showers once again. She broke down and tried to catch her breath. She had been running purely on adrenaline, and without any thought popping into her head. She only thought of how thankful she was for still being alive and how much she missed the time she'd been stuck in the peaceful shower, of all things. Things had gotten far too crazy for comfort.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sebax
    Sean Fugue​
    Location: Woods, with Jenna<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Worrisome<>OOC: Sean is going through some dramatic changes here. xD I know how these things can suddenly come up by being a big brother by a difference of 11 years. To a girl much like Jenna.​

    "Searching high!" Jenna called from the bushels low on a taller tree that Sean had helped her into. "You search low, because now you're shorter." She climbed higher into the tree, much to the precaution of Sean on the ground.

    "Hey! You said you wouldn't go any higher!" Sean was getting angry and gruff-voiced because the oath had been a spit-handshake. According to Sean, you didn't spit into your hand, shake hands with another person who had and not take that seriously. But Jenna couldn't or wouldn't hear him as she climbed up the higher branches, eventually reaching a point where she could see over the treetops of many other trees, and could see a great deal of mixed deciduous and coniferous canopy around.

    "Wow..." The view was spectacular to the child as she took it all in.

    Meanwhile, down on the ground, Sean could only help but dig through some dirt that looked like it had been recently upturned near the base of the tree, as he sweat bullets over Jenna. If something happened to that kid, he didn't care about what Erik would do to him, he only cared about what he'd do to himself...
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax

    Alice Requiem​
    Location: Woods<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Half-here half-there<>OOC: Remake Banner made by me after Jayn had shown me a better pic.​

    I'm sorry things have been so bad for you, Alice...But it gets better. It really does. You'll never know how much better it'll get until you get there, yeah? I think you'll find someone. Love isn't everything, but we're all entitled to it. Who knows? Maybe by the end of camp you'll have found a special sweetheart.

    "Yeah, sure. If I don't squash him first." Alice muttered with an equally playful grin. Noëlle was such a good friend that Alice was delighted when she heard Shit...I doubt it, got a light? Actually, she did!

    "Will this help? I know most use real lighters are mechanical, but a flame's a flame right?" Alice dug into her pocket and dug out the match she'd found. She handed the match over to her cigarette holding friend and chuckled.

    "I've never smoked. God, I'm such a virgin in some many ways, it's not even funny. Especially the big one. Ugh." She put her hands on her hips and tried to strike a goofy sexy model pose. "You'd think I'd have guys crawling for the whole "Amazon" sort of thing. Maybe even a little bit of an underwater fantasy to go with it." She stuck her tongue out, when she realized what had spurred the water fetish too. To say she was entirely a virgin wasn't true. Her first, what would she call them, "Encounters", were in a nearby river, and with a boy that frequently kept popping up inside her head. Of course, there was a reason why nothing further had happened; Alice didn't know what, but there was a reason.

    "I know love isn't everything, Noey, but for once, I want to feel that passion; I want to know what it feels like to have the heat inside my heart." Here she was just waxing poetic, as her eyes grew wide and dreamy. She collapsed backwards into a bush, closing her eyes to relax. She didn't want to fall asleep though. Like Noe was going to be able to pull her back to camp? She giggled at the thought.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax
    Alice Requiem​
    Location: Following Noey back to the circle<>Clothes<>Song {}Song 2<>Mood: Calming down<>OOC: I keep posting Noey because the e in her name has to be copy and pasted from somewhere else, or my browser jumps somewhere else if I type it manually. XD​
    Alice covered her quivering lip with one hand. She knew she was being ridiculous, but with Noëlle speaking to her, she made it to her feet, her calves trembling underneath her. "Thank you for offering Noëlle; you're such a good friend. I'm so sorry, everyone; I just can't stand the outside after dark. I'll be better once I go inside. I'll see you all later." Alice smiled meekly, ironically talking down to each and every one of them. "I'll go with you, Noey!" She nodded down towards her friend.

    She looked down at the confidante and smiled weakly, every muscle in her body aching from fear fatigue. "What do you want to know? You know from before how much night gets to me..." She paused. "But I suppose that was the first time you ever saw it outside. Noey, I'm really sorry, but you know, that was all real; I wasn't faking one bit of it. It really hurts to be out here. I can't wait until morning!" She sighed heavily. The one time in recent memory where she had been outside at night and had no symptoms of her eradication of sanity... it was here, but not with Noey.

    "Imagine the most scary thing you can picture, besides walking through the dark with a pale giant who's wearing bulbasaur shirt, and make it a daily habit. That's a lot what my life is like, Noey. It's gotten worse in the past few years, with heartbreaks, name callings, and other stresses. I keep falling in love, but no one ever falls in love with me. No guy wants a girl who can step on them, and no one at Fortissimo I know is even close to my height. There are sometimes when I really do feel like a freak, like everyone calls me. Some don't here; at least, they don't say it outright. But they'll probably say it later after the way I had a mental break down back there." Alice was calming down by giving her statements to Noey; it really got a lot off her chest. Maybe Noëlle didn't know it, but Alice did; every moment she had someone to ease her saved her life from herself[Song]. It was only when she heard Sophie's remark in the distance about Alexandra that Alice started to get a little woozy and toppled, nearly on Noëlle.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax
    Stratana Aria​
    Stratana heard Pierce stuttering behind her. Normally, she'd be livid with the girl since she'd broken so many bubble rules earlier by linking arms with her. On the other hand, Tucker was cute; even enough for Stratana to add a little more bounce to her step. "Oh! Don't worry, Dearie." Stratana turned and threw Pierce a wink and a peace sign. "We're on the lookout!"
    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: East Woods<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Elated<>OOC:​
    The night was pressing, and the woods were intimidating, but something about Bryan's leadership inspired Sebastian to think happy instead of sad. He thought of this more as an adventure rather than a camp activity, and also that with Bryan, they might win. Sebastian listened to Bryan split up Group E and felt comfortable with the decision. Sebastian had spent the day with Shouta and other at the beach, so it wasn't like either was a stranger to the other. "You ready to go?" Sebastian led the way, the same Bryan had directed, crunching through the leaves with confidence, as if pan flutes choirs were carrying his feet along.
    Sean Fugue​
    Location: West Woods<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Defense Mode<>OOC: Just clarifying: I was writing this scenario before I learned of the rule of finding. I could not delete the cuteness, so, in turn, I switched things around and the change actually helped. But Jenna did NOT add a NERF gun to the Cabin D Inventory.​
    These last words of Erik's stuck in Sean's head even the ten minutes after that it took for him and Jenna to trek their way towards the direction Sean had let the younger pick. "Jug-head". Sean didn't know if he liked the title or hated it; wasn't sure if it was a nod to his strength and ability to defend Jenna, or a slam on his intelligence. Would Erik had even trusted Sean with Jenna if the moody counselor questioned either? The guy seemed to dote upon the youngest girl of the cabin but that wasn't why Sean had offered to guard her either; he didn't need anyone's good graces. What he thought was: This was a little dangerous and she was little to an extreme. When someone or something is little to an extreme, Sean figured something big to an extreme had to be there to balance things out.
    Still, maybe this was a bit of a mistake as sprightly Jenna had cumbersome Sean beat in speed by a long shot. It was a chore just to keep the kid by his side. "Hang on!" He called out as Jenna neared a five feet distance from him; his massive arm crushing a weak limb of a tree to make room for his wide frame.
    "Gotta catch me! OOH! What's that?" Jenna giggled and then was awe struck as she noticed a NERF gun nestled high in the trees. "I want it!" In no time at all, she'd started climbing the tree.
    "Hang on I said!" Sean called out again, and by the time he had cleared a path, he was staring down the business end of a large NERF gun nearly as big as the little girl holding it with a sweetly impish smile. "Don't even think about i-" Poink! Sean was shot in the forehead with a NERF foam arrow that stuck to his forehead for a moment before. "Now... you're in trouble." Sean said with delighted hubris as he raised his arms above his head and charged after Jenna.
    "Uh oh!" Jenna threw into a fit of giggles and abandoned the weapon in the woods as she dashed off with Sean clamoring behind her, brandishing his "claws" and softly bumping her on the head with his "paws", causing her to giggle more each time.
    Alice Requiem​
    Location:Southern Woods, Group C<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Fearful<>OOC:​

    "Who was last keeping an eye on her??" Alice, already panicked, was in an all out frenzy over the disappearance of Alexandra. "I'm not putting the blame on anyone, but who at least last saw her and when?" She tried to hide behind Noëlle, but given the height difference, this looked extremely ridiculous. It wasn't that she was acting overtly childish, but her fear was exemplary. "It's the hour of the wolf, and I don't wanna..." lyrics popped into Alice's head that caused her to break down onto her knees, her feet facing in opposite directions. Why did she have to feel this way? She worried about everyone around her judging her, but this choking feeling; she had no air. Her chest was completely still to her as she sobbed. She fell into a fetal position as the winds howled through the trees much louder for her than possible, her senses overcharged beyond her control. There on the lowly ground though, she found her first prize of the night: A matchstick. Wonderful. Alice stuffed it into her pant pocket, even though it seemed useless, because she thought it seemed novel to find a matchstick in the woods; maybe it had blown here all the way from a roadside? Why not? It was a light little thing, she created the pun in her head to calm her nerves.

    She half-expected for someone to heave her onto her feet and tell her to stop being a baby; it would be insult to injury. She hurt so much, all over from the overdose of suffocating night. She yearned for morning, as though it would never come.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home