Base watched Dumbo soar like eagle through the comparatively narrow confines of the circus tent. "Jim, you've been here at the circus for awhile, right? Tell me: how much do you think you've seen when you've seen an elephant fly?" He asked in total disbelief of the majesty of the moment. Just then, an idea popped into his head as Dumbo started heading their way, flying lower. It was probably stupid, because he could miss, but something about falling hundreds of what felt like miles to him (But were probably better measured in yards) had cured him of the affliction of the fear of heights. He gave it a running start, as Dumbo drew closer, and he leaped from the platform to land in the Elephant's yellow cap below. He gave a wild yell at the succession, and his surprising show of bravery that even he didn't think he'd ever been able to even draw close to achieving. He'd always been a social outcast and somewhat of a coward. But as he whooped at the top of his lungs, soaring through the air, he felt like he'd just conquered the world. As Dumbo soared around, he eventually caught sight of the others there on the platform. "You guys have to try this!" He shouted to them ecstatically.
"Stratana... Are you okay?" Lexi asked, "Get enough to eat at breakfast or..? Just let me know if you need anything, alright?" And... she... winked at... her. That one little wink caused a bead of sweat to trickle down her back as she tried to think of a response. "I ate too much at breakfast." She lied; she'd barely eaten anything. "Upset stomach." She rubbed her stomach to give the lie credence, but retracted her hand when she discovered how mushy and pliable it was, while rather more plump than large. 'I need to be alone. Maybe with you.' This was the response she thought of, but only crossed one thickened leg over the other. Here again she realized mushiness, so she uncrossed them to realize even more: there was no longer a gap of empty air between her legs. "Lexi, I don't want to be on this train. I don't like feeling chubby and not being able to move." She didn't like feeling chubby period, but she'd never actually admit openly she was starting to describe herself as anything but perfect. Sebastian heard her. "Oh stop you." Then she raised an eyebrow and smiled. "It answers my question pretty well." She seemed to ponder it for a while. "But for now, let me just tell you, that I think the same about you. Although we should hold off. As much as I like you, we can't just rush." "I couldn't agree more. I don't think apologies are necessary for the one little forward act, because my guess is you sort of enjoyed that, judging by your reaction." He gave a wink. "Plus, things will be much slower as you wish. You know how guys work, and as much as I am a nice guy and a smart guy, I'm also a guy; you should know we're working at your pace, and I am completely fine with that. Just don't feel like you have to ask when the time is right." He removed his hand but kept his gaze locked on her eyes. "For now, do you wanna go see Lexi? Haven't talked to her in a while." "I like the sound of the idea if that means you'll be there." He felt like being humorous, and purposefully corny.
I'd have to reread and see if I can remember for that one. xD
Indeed, I think I have. It is one of the old stories I want most to recreate, but for now, I want to finish my current fanfiction before taking on...
"You really want to know what I think?" Sebastian blushed. No one was usually this flirtatious with him, because it was usually him doing hopeless flirting. "I won't lie. I find you attractive. I haven't known you a very long time, and there's even a bit of an age gap." He stepped closer to her. "Still, it's not like your a child and two, it's not like you act like one. Lastly, I suppose I should point out that someone seems to hate us. We've been fighting for our lives quite a bit, as I've said before, and not once have I figured I'd ever find the necessity in this." And he placed his hand just on her waist, and kissed at the nape of her neck. He retracted from the brief, soft kiss to her collarbone and stared her straight in the eyes. "How does that answer suite you?" A slight, lopsided smile appeared on a corner of his recently applied lips. Meanwhile, Stratana was breathing fire. She had to try to remain calm as she shared a cabin with Alex and Lexi, wondering how much they were attracted to one another. Stratana had never had something like she was getting from Lexi, and her ***** mode fully activated to try and fight off this infection. All at the same time, all that rage built up inside her because she was afraid of Lexi being upset at her for blowing up when there was no obvious proof something was going on. On the inside, she wanted to rip Alex's head off, but on the outside, she smiled blandly with flared nostrils. At the same time, she considered just flashing little Alex a looksee of herself. Maybe that would divert some of his attention away from Lexi? Well, it would probably sick him after her. Wasn't that always the case when she'd toyed with men in the past? Something about a thin layer of cloth could really do a male ego some damage, and the removal of it replaced sanity entirely. That was just the top half, which she had used more often to play games with minds. Any further down was usually reserved for actually permitting a game where two players were very much involved. Either head games, both involving very different heads, were usually dull unless minds were completely lost over her. However, now she was losing her mind. She didn't like how her belly had creeped onto the very edge of her lap almost instantly when she sat down, and she didn't like how her thighs filled her the edges of her shorts like a plump souffle fit a bowl. Even her arms had gotten slightly thicker, but most of all, she didn't like Alex. Still... if she even started to feel like her cheeks had plumped up or if a double chin was even starting to form from her recent, but currently abandoned, excess intake, she would make that top of the list in peeces. She hadn't eaten too much at breakfast, but she knew the thing about weight gain was, once it started, things tended to snowball depending on the metabolism. Oddly enough, her's was extremely low, despite her once prominently hip-boned figure. UGH! She just wanted Lexi to kick this guy out... but was that because she didn't like him or she just wanted to be alone with Lexi again? Now, she was starting to get more comfortable to these questions, and the answer came to be obvious when she looked over at Lexi and felt the need to scratch her knee to suppress the feelings coming over her, the knee having nothing to do with it, rather more the burning sensation in her quadriceps.
Emalynn seemed to be playing nice, and this seemed odd to Sean. All the same, given the more recent past, the ancient history seemed irrelevant; they had all been through the same matters, and were put through the same ringer together. Emalynn had asked Jenna a question shortly after they'd pick a place to sit down. The train rattled noisily all around as the cars bumped and knocked. "How have things been for you" And she seemed to be talking to him rather than Jenna this time. It took him some time to think up an answer. Things had been rough, but Emalynn had to already know that. "Still... kind of beat up from the Ferry." He choked. It was odd being in a conversation with someone who despised him a few days ago, but he realized he wasn't quite the same person he was then either. "How have you been?" He asked in reply. Oddly enough, Jenna had stayed quiet the whole time Sean had.
Stratana went on alert mode with Alex around. Was it because she didn't want her newly formed secret to be revealed just yet, ever? Or was she starting to get jealous with Lexi talking to another guy? She figured if it was the second, then she was getting way in over her head, because the first thing that came to mind was: Cupid's Brew. Why would she want to use it on Lexi though? She'd gotten it to have fun and play god with boy toys, not to actually attract someone so she could be happy... did Lexi make her happy? ... yes... a soft and trembling "yes" popped into her mind. She knew she had it in her bag still... what was she going to do? She was going to wait until she saw any clear and, not pleasant...oh! Present danger... in Alex. She watched them both with eagle eyes, waiting for Alex's response. Sean did not enjoy the lecture he was given as the duo of Sean and Jenna stood together in the Dining Car. Conspiracy theory after theory spewed from Jenna's mouth like mad. Not just the Bentley ones either, but dozens of government and even ones about extraterrestrials. Eventually, Sean had had enough. "Right about now, "Danger" is the last thing I want to think about. I need a rest from it!" He shouted louder than he meant to, frightening Jenna in the middle of a story where she claimed to have known someone who knew someone who knew an El Chupacabra. Jenna was on the verge of tears, and immediately after, following clearing his nostrils of hot air, he apologized. But Jenna was still scared even when she said "It's okay." Sebastian took Natalie to a secluded cabin, as the. "So... we're on the train, and I believe you had something to say. Frankly, I'd like to find out what the truth is." He didn't press up against her, he didn't invade her space. The worst he did was give her a sultry stare into her bright big eyes and closed the cabin door behind them.
A month later and I still haven't updated "Based Forward". x.x
Stratana tagged along with Lexi the way down to dinner thinking, 'She kissed me back... And I didn't feel repulsed...' She couldn't stop thinking about it. Did she want to hold her hand? 'Maybe it might feel alrigh-' Lexi grabbed her hand at that moment, and It. Felt. Awesome! Like she was going to melt whenever her fingers wrapped around Lexi's. At breakfast, however, she tried to keep as much distance as possible, while still remaining close to...this girl. Then came the bad news: Basically, a group eviction notice; Cane was kicking them out of the inn. She didn't have much time to groan however, as Lexi dragged her back upstairs to go retrieve their things. At breakfast, she hadn't eaten much, almost as though that empty hole that plagued her stomach had been filled. Up in the room, she gathered up her effects and heaved them onto her back. She felt all wobbly and light-legged; but bloated to. She couldn't get over how crazy her once perfect life had gotten: she wasn't adored for once by everyone, she had to gained at least ten pounds, and now she was in love...? With a girl? Once they were outside, Stratana said quietly, "Lexi... I want you to know, I'm pretty confused right now. I think I have emotions for you that I didn't think were real... but I'm not ready to say "I love you" or anything. Just know... in a short amount of time, just by meeting you, I've fallen harder than I ever have..." Sebastian gathered up his effects and looked at Natalie. "Trains make me uncomfortable. The ferry didn't help." His answers were brief. "Something about this whole "ordeal", for lack of a better term makes me uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, that I feel like asking this:" He closed distance to Natalie so that they were face to face. They were alone in their own room, and he was so close, he could feel her breath on his face. "How do you feel about me?" "Shiii-" "Sean!" Jenna caught him, just following Cane's speech. "take mushrooms." Sean grumbled. "I say good riddance." Jenna whispered into Sean's ear by standing on her tippy toes on top of her chair at the dining table they shared. "I didn't trust this place anyway." Later, up in the room, it took Sean longer to gather up his things sprawled about than it took Jenna to pack up. However, with all that in hand, they ventured out together for the train station. Sean felt his stomach drop. Nothing about this felt right, and he almost sensed that Jenna might have been right all along. These thoughts flooded his mind as he took his spot with the others outside, keeping Jenna close at hand.
Be on the train blows up and/or derails or be there when the town goes crazy? Decisions; decisions.
OOC: (My bus arrives in ten minutes.) EDIT, later @school: I actually did get to fully do it before the bus came, and I got to format it. It's done.) Stratana bit her lip in reply. "I... Well you saved my..." She sighed. "It's not just that. Normally, people hate me; hard to believe I know." She gave a confident flip of her hair, cementing her for the moment as a bit of an airhead, but quickly recovered her credence. "Even when they're nice to me, it's because they want something from me, but you didn't have to do what you did; you didn't just save me, you saved a lot of other people too. I was just a equatorial save." Again, her serious tone was marred a bit. "Then you open up to me, and I realize: I should hate you." Tears started to well up in her eyes. "But I don't, and even though that, like, confuses me, I can't ignore that either. Even though I've known, like forty billion guys, I've never felt like this." She pressed the hands close to her heart, because she could feel it tensing up inside her; a new feeling for too. She looked off in another direction rather than look at Lexi for this next part. "I'd like to say I didn't have sex with at least half those guys, but that's kind of hard to say, because that's all they were after in the first place and I didn't care enough to think any different-" She cut herself off; her tears had choked her throat, and she tossed her head into her pillow, her face wet with salty stings of realization and grief. "Iunno." Was Sebastian's reply. 'You're cute and I like you' would have been his reply if he could manage the words, but he was tired of being called a creep. "I usually tend to care about people, but no one seems to ever care. You seem to care, so helping you out feels right."
She woke up with Lexi's words in a jumped start. She sprang forward on the bed, and stared with grief into Lexi's eyes. She'd been caught. On pure instinct, she wanted to do it, she wanted to do it! She lunged forward with her eyes closed and kissed Lexi directly on the lips. The sensation that followed shocked her lips and filled up her throat with a solid lump of an emotion she'd never felt that oddly felt pleasurable. The spur of the moment action on her part did not result in retraction by her. Instead, she turned her head and mewed in ecstasy as she relaxed her whole body, melting like butter. Sebastian fluffed up one of the pillows to set under Natalie's damaged arm. "Good to know. I'll be heading down to breakfast soon so I'll set you up a plate." He felt a joke from fandom might help her mood. "I'll check to see if they have any fish sticks with custard. Sound good?" He patted the pillow one more time before he left. In no time at all, he was back up in the room with two plates of breakfast food; one for him, and one for her. He set both platters down on a moveable table, placing the glossy table between Natalie on the bed and an ornamented Cookie chair across from her. It was kind of like the last time they were talking; hopefully the inn doesn't flip over, I want to see if this girl's really as interested as she seemed.
Stratana awoke with apprehension Would she wait for Lexi to wake up so she could end her uncomfortable hunger? Or should she just head down to breakfast to see if it was just natural and solved by food? She decided on wait. A funny feeling had developed in her last night she couldn't explain, except that only Lexi brought it on... Why was that? The question rattled Stratana to the core. At one moment, it grossed her out on a moral level, because she'd always looked down on homosexuality; at the same time though, thinking about those gross things Lesbians did that Stratana hate, even things as simple as kissing, Stratana started blushing when the image of kissing Lexi flashed into her mind! No!... er... no?.... ugh... Stratana covered up with her pink, silky blanket. She felt tingly all over and wanted it to stop. What button did she have to press to make it stop!? And when that thought appeared in her head... did she want it to stop...? Slowly, she crept back over to Lexi's bed and laid down again, right besides her and facing her, off to the edge of the bed as much as she could be. All she could do was watch Lexi as she slept and wondered what to do as she felt drowsy, accidentally closing her long lashed eyes as her pink-haired head succumbed to the power of the pillow. Sean woke up ready to tear his room to pieces. The smell of meringue first thing in the morning molested his olfactory senses and made want to upchuck. Management would have an earful, but later, as Jenna was still fast asleep across the room. His mood was a mix of not wanting to wake her up and not wanting to miss breakfast. It was at that same moment the spry little figure stretched out of the sheets. Sean's eyes were momentarily distracted when he found her wearing... Captain America pajamas?? 'How had those even remained dry after the ferry wreck?' Sean thought to himself. But there they were, two piece with a big circle shield across her flat chest. She yawned as she stretched and looked over to Sean with glee. "You wouldn't believe the dream I just had! It was like I was Hansel... or is Gretel the girl and Hansel the boy...?" She trailed off momentarily. "But anyway, there was this big island where we were taken and everything was like can-" Here, she finally realized where she was. "Oh... in my dream there was a witch that tried to eat me. I don't think that actually happened last night..." "No. That's scheduled for 3. "Jenna kills the witch by tossing her into her own oven"." Sean read out of a bedside book that the original text didn't bear any resemblance to what he said. To which Jenna giggled. "C'mon, there's breakfast downstairs. Before I fatten you up on candy and bake you in an oven." He got up and took some damp clothes out of his bag, letting everything else air dry in the room. He switched into a green t-shirt and beige jeans, keeping her bloody, soaked, and crispy socks. Jenna, meanwhile, had decided to switch only the bottoms of her pajamas for Sebastian awoke early to check on his patient. "Sorry to wake you, but One, you were lying on your arm and two, I thought maybe some breakfast will help you heal. Want me to get it for you?" He meant the offering; he had asked the girl to trust him enough to be in the same room with him for the whole of the night. Sebastian was polite, not naive; he knew he probably could have tried something, and wanted to, but he had more respect for the girl than that. Still, it had been hard falling asleep, with her lying so sweetly just across the room. "Natalie, just know I'm willing to do whatever you need in order to feel better." He said with a congenial smile.
Stratana had hated people like Lexi her whole life. What reason had she now to feel as crushed as she did in her heart, which had been forced to feel with the sudden changes it had been brought to witness? Normally, Stratana would leave, probably even ruin Lexi's social life forever, but she could not bring herself to do it. Instead, all that bustled through her head was curiosity and a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach that was hunger. Hell, Stratana even had to urge to kiss h- No! She wouldn't she was just being silly from the lack of necessities throughout the day. She'd feel better tomorrow; or would she. She knew there was only one way to answer her question. She crept over to see if Lexi was asleep, and in seeing that she was, laid down beside her and wondered what was the difference in all the times she'd woken up with men and didn't feel anything, but now she felt giddy and light hearted...-No! She had to get out of that bed before Lexi woke back up, and so she leaped from veritably one side of the room to the other. The bathrobe didn't quite fit her as well as it did for Lxi; more cleavage than she cared to show right now showed prominently and her hips were a tight squeeze in the slim women's bathrobe. Dressed and feeling awkward as all living Hell, Stratana cozied up into bed, wondering if she'd done the right thing. The word "Sexy" came back to mind as she realized even then Lexi had been trying to clue her in. But the word, coming from a girl in such a fashion should have changed meaning entirely, right? The truth was the opposite. She felt now closer to Lexi than she'd ever been to anyone. Was it real friendship? Was it real love? She could not say for sure. These were her last thought trains as another day came to a close for her tired eyes, and she felt her tummy gurgle again in dissatisfaction once more before her world turned to dreams.
Rory. Sounded normal, as she decorated her left pinky nail on top of her bare thigh were a scrape had caused her to lose half a pant leg; and of her favorite jeans! Then Traci and Nina. She splattered blue onto her thigh as she recoiled at the names. They sounded like girl names, and oddly enough, this caught her off guard more than the word "killed" did and immediately pushed the violent record out of her mind to make way for the realization Lexi wasn't probably that much interested exclusively with guys. Instinctively, she pulled the covers over to her side and covered herself up to her neck. She was about to chastise Lexi for what she was when she realized she wouldn't be alive if not for her. "Ummm... when I said "anything" earlier... I want to stress that I don't go that way." It killed her to be considerate, but it was either play nice or go back to feeling horrible and wind up expanding like a balloon exponentially. "I'm alright that you do," She lied as scooched a little distance away, "But I just really want you to know that- EEP!" She hit the edge of the bed and wound up heading backwards until she forced herself forward. Unfortunately, in doing so, she pushed too far and landed with a thump! on her face. It was odd. She tasted wet fabric, but the way she'd fallen made it impossible that it was her own clothes pressing up against her lips. She opened her eyes to realize she'd landed right into Lexi's lap; probably one of the worst places to have wound up. She whipped right back up, wide-eyed and slightly breathless. " that was an accident..." Stratana murmured nervously. She was on the verge of tears. Somehow, for the first time, feeling like she was hurting someone else hurt her too.
Stratana threw her soaked bag off her back and onto a stretched of taffy-looking rubbery carpet. Digging past the barely touched clothes, she glanced over her cupid's brew before pulling out a couple of bottles of nail polish. Blue for me, pink for her; we can match! She squeed with glee as she handed Lexi the Pink bottle and hopped into one of the beds, tucking her legs underneath her rump as she sat. She readjusted her tube top as it sank down a little with her jumping around, and immediately set to work about her nails. "So, you never did get a chance to answer my question about having a boy friend. Have someone at home maybe? I don't. Between you and me, I usually tend to have "toys" compared to actual romances." She confessed with a sly smirk. Sebastian made sure Natalie was settled into her own bed before taking his own. He checked over her arm lightly, careful not to touch it too much, but prodding here and there lightly with his fingertips. He wasn't a real doctor, but he knew anatomy pretty well. He smiled. "Probably just a hairline fracture; just don't put any weight down on it, or lift anything heavy, and it should heal on its own." With that said, Sebastian locked the door and left the lights on. He grabbed one of a pair of Chocolatey bathrobes and changed out of his wet suit before settling into bed. Right as he passed by her, he tossed Natalie the other bathrobe. "Hadn't thought of this, but sleeping in wet clothes won't do your system any favors. I'd help you with the arm problem and all..but you know. Modesty and those sorts of things." Sebastian joked before he hopped right into bed and covered up. Sleep found him after a most painful and at the same time most joyous day.
Sean got up and began to carouse towards the desk. Asking for a room from the youthful innkeeper, he started to head towards his room when Jenna stopped him. "You're not going alone with that nasty cut!" Jenna indicated to the scrape on the right side of his head. "I'm going to look after you; I went into the clinic and... I didn't trust it. I don't trust here either; which is why you have to make good on that hero promise!" Jenna was two-for-two in demands, her stern gaze melting Sean like butter. "Fine!" Sean knew Jenna was crazy, but he'd put up with it for now. Once they were up in the room, which had been, to Sean's grief, centered around Lemon Meringue pie, the pair of them settled into opposite beds, and Sean found sleep despite his bumps and bruises. He hadn't changed in a whole day now... tomorrow would have to be a shower morning. *SEAN IS ASLEEP!* Stratana followed her friend in suit, all the way up to the room they'd received. 'Oh my God!' Pink taffy decor littered the room everywhere from the bedsheets to the curtains to the wallpaper. "Ugh! All this candy!" Stratana's stomach gurgled again. But it was settled when she realized her current source of strength. Lexi had saved her life recently, along with making her feel less insecure; maybe she could complain a little less and thank someone for a change? "Ummm... Lexi..." She rubbed her arm, but upon realizing how much she could dig into her arms with her fingers, she put her hands to her side. "I just wanted to say 'Thank you', for earlier... when you saved my life. Besides that... you've been really kind, and I haven't had to pay you or anything; which is odd because no one really seems to like me here. If you want, we can st in my bed and paint our nails, or talk. You know, real friend stuff... that I don't usually get." Stratana was really opening up. Not just to Lexi, but to herself. It was that empty spot in her that she was feeding before, and now she didn't really feel the need to fill it anymore with munchables. Sebastian was concerned about Natalie's arm. "You shouldn't bunk alone with that arm like that. I'm getting my room now; if you don't want to visit the clinic or don't want to sleep alone in a room, then I'm sure I can take a chair or something if there's one bed. You've had quite a day, and I think you could use some fandom talk to help you feel better, huh?" He expounded his worriment, at last taking on a British accent for the last part that he said, "Trust me, I'm a Doctor." Upon that, he turned and received a room from Cane, who actually kind of reminded him of himself, in a bit of a creepy, mutually lankiness sort of way. Once up in the room, he settled into one of the two beds that had been designed around the general theme of the room: Chocolate Chip cookies. He lifted one of the brown sheets adorned with plush chocolate-shaded bumps and fluffed up a cylinrical cookie pillow. He didn't know if Natalie would take his suggestion, but he hoped he would... he agreed with Jenna how odd this whole circumstance and setting was. He wanted to keep his friends close, and his enemies far away; not his usual policy, but still...
Sean rubbed his head. He'd kept getting light headed, but he had managed to stop the bleeding himself. Grunting from how sore he was, he lumbered onto the inn to crash into a easy chair that smelt like a lemon meringue pie. He hated the species of pie with a passion, so he moved. Caramel. Too sugary; he moved. Dark chocolate...hmmmm... he melted into the fine leather seating and took in the inn lobby. "Fancy place." Sean said aloud. In a moment, Jenna crashed into him to startle him. "This place smells like sweets. Are the innkeepers going to eat me?" She said with a perturbed expression. Sean sighed. "If they do: I'll go first. The months it takes them to finish me off will give you more than enough time to escape." Sean joked with Jenna's worries, making their ridiculousness dissipate, and causing her to go into a fit of giggles before taking a curvy butterscotch-coloured ladder chair. "Wow, Sean. That's actually kind of creative; in a disturbing way." Sebastian had taken the Meringue perfumed chair nearby. He hated to admit it, but things looked too sweet to him to not be bitter, but he held in his suspicions. 'Why look a gift horse in the mouth.' "Lexi! Hold me down! Everything smells like candy to me! And I can't take it!" Stratana collapsed in the lobby as her legs gave way to the gurgling in her stomach. Nearly certifiably insane from all the sun exposure, it was questionable how much reality was in her perception of scent.
❥Full Name: Ariel ❥Appearance: ! ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Fish, long walks on the beach, zigzags, gidgets, gadgets, dinglehoppers, snortblats, humans, ❥Dislikes: Her father, sharks ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Impulsive, tempered, inexperianced, can only swim in the sea. ❥Strengths/Talents: Can talk to fish, the ability to start a random sing-along ❥Personality: Musically inclined, Ariel always wanted to join Fortissimo Academy, but could not, due to her racial ethnicity of being part fish. She yearns to join the students on land with her sweet bubbly personality. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Sea Green ❥Instrument(s): Her voice, may be subject to termination from Sea Witches ❥Crush?: Erik, and yes, Hyuge's. ❥Cupid's Brew?: ❥Availability: Can't do anything with her for at least fifty years ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Bartholomew M. Quint ❥Appearance: ! ❥Age: 47 ❥Likes: Catching Sharks ❥Dislikes: Being eaten alive, ORCA, Amity ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Gets eaten alive, talks funny ❥Strengths/Talents: Catches stuff great ❥Personality: He's a fisherman who's a little off his rocker. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Great White ❥Instrument(s): He can't play, but he can tuna fish. ❥Crush?: The sea ❥Cupid's Brew?: ❥Availability: Sea "Ariel" ❥Other: You have your sea humor; I have mine.
2!♥ Glass. Sebastian faced glass. He'd missed the opportunity to escape when Natalie had rushed into the thick of things as Lexi smashed the window, and the cruelest notion was how attractive it was to watch the younger girl take charge of the situation. But now he figured he was alone with his sole window to the world as it came crashing down around his body with cold consistency. As the cold salt water creeped up under his chin, he tried to get the last of his breaths in as the area below him flooded. He knew it was over, because he'd been too tired to swim, and the water was moving faster. Still, just when everything was starting to go well... and things got even better. Diving through the water, Sean spotted a pair of kicking skinny legs donned in a suit. Without a moment to pause, Sean grabbed Sebastian under and wound up wrapping the young lad under his arm. He was heavy, so Sean could easily dive and was barely making it out himself. Of all the places to wind up, they wound up both on the other side of that glass window before reaching fresh oxygen and the rays of the sun above. They gasped in tandem with each other as fresh oxygen entered their lungs at last. "Well, never expected a bully like you to be my savior." "And I expected a patzy like you to get stuck under the boat when everyone else was getting out." Sean returned. "At least you were close... I was a distance off. Have you seen Jenna?" "Who? And you're bleeding." "Frick." Sean tried to resist the urge to hold his head which had acquired a fancily nasty gash just above the temple. He'd earned it from being knocked against a table in the turnover, but didn't notice it until now, when the adrenaline was settling in. "RAAAAAH! That stings!" Salty tang was creeping into the nerves of his skull. Nothing lethal particularly, but extremely painful. Sebastian guided Sean over to a nearby table where Stratana was also finding comfort. Earlier, Knocked for a loop, Stratana dizzily heard Lexi call out the others to get out and swiftly followed her, a plate of salad smacking her in the face as she clung to a nearby railing. Following out with everyone else, she made it to the surface, and once there, clung onto Lexi with all of her might, but in realizing she bring them both down, she clung to a nearby floating door instead. "So you make me feel better about my weight and you save my life?" Stratana whimpered. "Anything you want, you can have it." She started to cry amidst the devastation, digging her face into the wooden edifice of the door.