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  1. Sebax
    Base swung at the creatures spindly ankles, but to no avail. So next, he jumped up and swung at its bottom most hinge joints: it's knees. He gave a wide sweeping motion with his keyblade before landing amongst the others. Something about the sheer size of this Heartless scared him, but he knew he had to fight.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    Just posted, si esto me ayudate.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    Stratana rolled in the last remnants of her sleep to find the very edge of the bed, and fell with a heavy thump onto the floor, face forward. Begrudgingly, she rose to her feet by supporting herself on the bedside table where her fingers met with a small slip of parchment that had been left there. Stratana read it and read the side note that gave the sender: Lexi. 'Uh oh... breakfast.' As tired and hungry as she was, Stratana did not favor the idea of pigging out any time soon. She rolled the paper between her fingers, trying to think of what to do. Her tummy said go, but her slightly protruding belly said no. When she took the side of the bothersome belly, the tummy offered a loud rebuttal by forcing Stratana to double over with growling hunger pains. "Ohhh..." She tried to fight it, but found the effort no use. She dressed in a thin but form-hiding sweater along with a pair of plain sweatpants. Oddly enough, she'd never owned such clothing, but did not question it as she jumped into them to head downstairs.

    It wasn't long before she spotted Lexi, and the oddest thing happened when she saw her... she wasn't as painfully hungry as she'd been up in the room... the realization of this somewhat unsettled her as to what reason there could be, as she couldn't find one.

    Sebastian awoke with a warm impression still about his middle, as though he was enwrapped for the better part of the evening. "That dream..." He thought back. So vivid. But it made sense. He never really knew Alice's parents, because she just talked about them, so he knew their names. His mind had created voices to suit them, and his memory of the fire had brought his subconscious to the idea Alice had perished by fire. But... why did it have to be a dream. He hung his head as he sat in his bed, feeling the worst he'd ever felt. He wanted so much for it to have been real... for her to be okay.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    Working on a post currently.

    EDIT: Nevermind.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sebax
    Alice Requiem​
    Location: Hospital<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Hurt<>OOC:​

    Alice blinked. First one eye, then the other in a mismatched sequence that lacked all synchronization. It was the typical way in which many of the human race find themselves awakening from a comatose state; very different than the portrayal in movies where a person suddenly wakes up and lovey-dovey scenes occur. For Alice, the process was slow, as she felt like she had an exterior skeleton on parts of her body while others felt like they were rubbery and itchy. The one similarity between her life and the scenes of melodramatic movies was in fact one key element: Love. As Alice finally awoke, feeling her chest expand, within the confines of a medical gauze wrap casing, and fall while her lungs started to make their presence and function known, she tried to look around but could not quite seem to be able to move her neck. This was because her neck was held in place by a brace, connected to a bed that she happened to be lying in. She didn't have to look around to know there were people in the room, and soon, she heard voices.
    "Paul...? Paul? Paul! I think- I think she's" A female voice she recognized as her mother's, but in absolute hysterics. "Quick! Get the Doctor! A nurse! Somebody!" Alice closed her eyes. This was all so confusing. In the blackness, she felt warm lips press up against the small area of forehead that was not covered in medical patch-up tape. She knew those lips; she knew their signature. Her mother was really there.
    "Mom...?" Alice choked out, not quite realizing it was her that spoke. Her voice was hoarse and muffled. How long had she not used her voice?
    "My baby!" It was so heartfelt it was nearly laughable, but as the elder Requiem sobbed, she wrapped her arms round her child as much as machine wiring and covers could allow. "MybabyIthoughtIlostyouthankGodyou''re okay..." Dauna Requiem's sweetly soprano, matronly voice broke with sobs as she babbled with incoherence beffiting of the moment. Alice heard footsteps. She opened her eyes to see a bright light peering down at her. Behind the source of it, a tiny silvery pen, was a shadowy blur that was but an outline of a person, but was certainly not here mother.
    "I'll go get Dr. Gram right away." Said a young male voice she didn't recognize dictated to someone she couldn't turn to see. "You're an incredibly lucky little lady." She felt the words were directed at her. It was funny; it'd had been years since anyone had called her "little" save for hurtful irony.
    "Don't worry, honey, the Doctors are going to take good care of you." She heard her father's wizened voice. To Alice, he'd always sounded like that one actor... oh... who was he? Her mind was in a fog. Liam Neeson! That was it. The times she'd pointed it out to him made her giggle, but not now, because it hurt to breath, let alone laugh, she remained prostrate. He never believed her, but she knew she was right. But his voice was always "Daddy" and it always brought her comfort. She expelled the air in her lungs; one good breath while others were insufficient.
    "We're going home to take care of you once you've healed enough for you to leave." Dauna followed Paul. "You're safe now, sweetie. We love you so much. We were so scared when we heard about the fire and that you were missing."
    "Luckily the firefighters found you in the woods. You'd suffered severe burns all across your bod-" He was interrupted.
    "Please, Paul, she's been through enough. She knows what happened." Her voice was quick, but not reprimanding.
    "Right. Well, they rushed you to the paramedics and then you were brought here. Your mother and I have been coming here everyday to check in on you for the past couple of days. You're mother has pretty much been living in that chair over there... but you probably can't see that just yet." Dad was right. All Alice could see was a small span of bubble styrofoam tiles that made up the ceiling and the corners of certain machines she assumed must have been keeping her alive. And she thought of her Mom's determination. Other Mom's cared for their children, but Mom's like hers were practically parasites that fed on love, happiness and safety, without trying to take those things away, but rather, create the opportunities for them.
    "When we get home... Can we call Sebastian to make sure he's okay..." Alice croaked. It was terrifying to realize just how horrible she sounded. It felt like words were sandpaper to her throat and breathing was a four letter word to the base of her jaw. "There were so many others in the fire... but there's something I have to tell you, Sebastian..." She broke the flow of her speech as though she were addressing Sebastian, rather than mentioning him. She knew it too. She tried to correct herself by saying his name over and over again. "Sebastian...Sebastian... Sebastian... I have to tell Sebastian..."
    "Sebastian..." was the last he heard, before waking up in a fright. A beautifully constructed dream it had been, but Sebastian knew as he tried to fall back asleep, that it was nothing more. "Gone..." He said one last time before dozing back off.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sebax
    Brick analogies could have met for either one of them. Sebastian and Stratana let out simultaneous "What's?" in unison, while in two different rooms, but for very different reasons. While Sebastian was met with grief, Stratana was met with melting pleasure. Separately, they had their own issues to deal with.​
    Stratana Aria​
    Location: Bentley Grove Inn<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Confused<>OOC: You know what the song is without clicking it; click it anyway.​
    Stratana murmured her "What?" Before her lips were smooshed together by Lexi pressing against them. It was spectacular. All the time she'd ever been kissed, and now it felt like this was her first kiss all over again. It felt so unhindered, right. Tentatively, she laid back with the kiss and closed her eyes. Releasing herself from the kiss, she looked up at Lexi, and the last sight she saw that evening was of Lexi's eyes staring back into hers as Stratana's eyes fluttered into a closed state. She fell soundly asleep, thoroughly exhausted from the day's events and consequences. "Sleep... here..." She managed to mutter before losing consciousness to the stern master Sandman.

    Sebastian Sonata​
    Location: Bentley Grove Inn<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Lost<>OOC: Listen to the song while you read this. And as of now, all three of my Characters are asleep.​
    Sebastian, meanwhile, was trying to join the words "Alice" and "Gone" in the same sentence with proper cognizance, but all the same found himself incapable. He didn't want to tell Natalie what Alice meant to him: How Alice had been his first kiss in his first summer at camp; how she'd been the first girl he'd fooled around with the next after that; how they saw each other every summer afterwards until the last when a mutual want to go further prompted an eventual shyness on Sebastian's part. Instantly his mind raced back. They were standing in the shallows of the river... Sebastian was standing there in black boxers and black socks...and Alice was standing, up to her ankles in water, ...standing... in less... she'd looked so beautiful there as the moon kissed her pale skin and gave it a glow as the water trickled around them both. He'd tried to move closer to her... to feel her closer than he'd ever felt her before... but his current state of virginity spoke for the fate of that evening.

    And Alice never held it against him; she was always just as kind... just as forgiving, but Sebastian's words to her grew less frequent that last summer until no words were passed at all. Was it because she'd been so much taller than him that he felt anxious that night? He couldn't answer for himself, since the blood in his heart began to boil. "Gone..." He said aloud. It was then that he silently snapped and fell backward, his consciousness broken as he passed out from initial shock. His breathing was easily apparent and unfettered, but the suddenness of it was certainly without warning.
    Post by: Sebax, May 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sebax
    Friends. Why didn't that feel good while it felt comforting? Stratana bit her lip. "Okay, that's fine with me. I could really use a friend." She had a sudden vision of herself meeting lips with Lexi and this stimuli was the force that brought her to the reaction of trying to pull back her hands. Unfortunately, as she tried to pull away, she gripped Lexi's wrists back mistake, pulling the girl closer to herself. She didn't mean to make it happen when those sweet soft lips met her own, but it happened; and she didn't pull away from that. 'Why?...'

    "I am crazy. Madder than a Hatter and jumpier than a March Hare. But at the same time feeling as sleepy as a Dormouse..." He laughed and nestled on top the sheets. He didn't dare go below the sheets; there were limits. Going under the sheets would raise the temperature radiation by sufficient degrees and rose the chances of making contact with Natalie's legs dangerously high. "Are you quite tired yet? Also..." He chuckled. "You've probably been getting the Doctor Who references, but "Alice in Wonderland" isn't as likely. Perhaps. But I like the actual book. I read it for the first time with a real Alice." He gave a thought.

    "Have you seen a girl who's rather much taller than anyone else? Black hair, haunting expressions?" He inquired. He hadn't seen Alice since they left for the woods that night, and he was beginning to fear the worst.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sebax
    Stratana Aria
    "I'm sorry." Stratana whimpered a heartfelt apology, which is a hard involuntary action for one lacking a heart in the first place. "I felt like I've been close to you before, or someone like you, and I lost it... I can't explain it." She paused and wrenched her wrists in each hand. "Listen... I'm sorry for what I said before. I don't know how to put it. You seem like a nice person, and I'll be honest, for once in my life, I usually squash nice beneath my toes and enjoy the creamy feel under my feet. But right now... you called me "Sexy" when no one else would look at me and I know you didn't save my life on purpose, or something like that, I dunno how to put it. You saved everyone by being really smart and brave... and I could never do that. I don't usually talk like this." She bowed her head, tears flooding down her face. "I always play head games! And after nearly dying twice, I don't WANT TO ANYMORE!" Her voice lost all consistency and became a screeching typhoon of pain. Her words were lost in sobs at that point as she continued. "I don't want to be a monster anymore. I'm sorry... that I hurt you." Her voice had decrescendoed to near oblivion as her level became piantissimo and tortured.

    'I am done with my Graceless Heart, tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart.'

    "I'm not so great at word stuff, okay?" She thrashed her pillow with one combined fist before she launched her face into its silky cover and pneumatic plushness.

    "Ummm... Okay... if you're offering and don't mind." Sebastian slowly rose to feet, unsure if to take up Natalie's offer or not. In the end, his desire for comfort won out. He laid beside her, not too close, but close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of her. "I don't know about you, but I think this is a good idea to stick close. I haven't told anyone else, but this place's gooey atmosphere makes me feel like I'll turn around at any moment and find myself in a mirror, covered in black sharpie tally marks."
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sebax
    'Lexi really does look cute in pink...' Bah! What was she thinking? She totally was not going to start checking out her roommate out of sheer curiousity! Soooo not happening. So why were her eyes drawn to Lexi's rear curvature when the blue haired, robe adorned creature bent over ever so slightly to lay out her clothes? She instantly looked away as soon as she took it in. "So, uh, Lexi, do you usually do, like, Lesbian stuff?" It was the dumbest and most blatantly insulting question imaginable for the moment, but she didn't mean for it to be; she just wanted to know more.

    Sebastian was about to say something when a loud roar interrupted his train of thought. It was deep, long and drawn out, much like a booming snore. In fact, it was a snore; one Sebastian had adapted to sleep through as he had to share a cabin with Sean Fugue one summer. It rattled and shook a vase on an endtable close to a cookie-topped end table. "Well... this might not be very pleasant..." He tried to sleep in his own bed, but it rattled as the sound of Sean's snore rattled the walls. There was no way he'd be able to sleep up against that particular wall. Getting up out of bed, he placed his hands on his hips as he faced his predicament. Maybe there was a chair... or the floor?

    Sebastian stretched out on the hardwood floor that smell of almond-covered chocolate. Hardwood floor, however, was not the most comfortable of surfaces, so he struggled to find a comfortable place as he twisted and turned, right in the view of Natalie.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sebax
    "There we go. Anyway, you seem a bit freaked out, is there a problem with me being a lesbian?"


    "Ummmm..." The extended ellipse spoke more than words could. "I'm okay with it. I've had loads of homo friends!" She lied, even using a slur unwittingly, until she realized her folly. "Oh! I'm sorry. Uh, they call themselves homos, so I'm used to that." She hoped her lies weren't transparent. In fact, this was the first time Stratana had ever started worrying about lying to begin with. A strange stirring was occurring inside her as an image of Lexi and her kissing flashed into her eyes, causing her to audibly meep.
    Sebastian fell back with the hug, but quickly recovered his balance. He slowly patted the happy Natalie on the back with an awkward mix of pride and confusion. "Umm... it was no problem. It seemed to mean a lot to you, so I had to give it a try." He continued to pat as she gave a sudden jump and wound up patting her squarely in the posterior. His face flushed right with embarrassment an he retracted his hand entirely from anywhere near her back. "Okay... I'm really sorry... I did not mean to do that."
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sebax
    "I wouldn't mind it if you helped me." He thought to this, 'Well, no mysteries there whether she likes me or not', as she went into the bathroom, presumably to get changed. Sebastian walked to where she'd hurled the pen like device and gave it a brief look over before she came back out.

    "Sorry I wasn't paying attention, I just kinda freaked when you mentioned my sonic..." Her words were apparently cut off by what he was doing. He'd managed to get the small device working again.

    "Sorry. I just thought you might want this back. Just because something you love seems gone, it never really is. Sometimes it just takes a little patience and a little effort." He bestowed the device back to Natalie with a noble gesticulation.

    Wait... those last two names... those were... "You've dated girls before?" Stratana tried to hide her disbelief. As much as she wanted to call Lexi out, because what Lexi was was exactly what Stratana had openly mocked her whole life. She didn't know what to do. Lexi had saved her life earlier! She was so occupied in thought, not a usual train for her to ride, she hardly took notice as she painted her bare thigh Oceania Blue where a tear in her jeans ha revealed the flesh below.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax
    Stratana threw her soaked bag off her back and onto a stretched of taffy-looking rubbery carpet. Digging past the barely touched clothes, she glanced over her cupid's brew before pulling out a couple of bottles of nail polish. Blue for me, pink for her; we can match! She squeed with glee as she handed Lexi the Pink bottle and hopped into one of the beds, tucking her legs underneath her rump as she sat. She readjusted her tube top as it sank down a little with her jumping around, and immediately set to work about her nails. "So, you never did get a chance to answer my question about having a boy friend. Have someone at home maybe? I don't. Between you and me, I usually tend to have "toys" compared to actual romances." She confessed with a sly smirk.

    Sebastian made sure Natalie was settled into her own bed before taking his own. "I don't mind one bit. In fact, you're the one who should be suspicious of my offer. Teenage boys usually don't open their rooms up to pretty young girls without dubious intention. I however, am a bit more mature than all that. I actually do care you're hurt." He checked over her arm lightly, careful not to touch it too much, but prodding here and there lightly with his fingertips. He wasn't a real doctor, but he knew anatomy pretty well. He smiled. "Probably just a hairline fracture; just don't put any weight down on it, or lift anything heavy, and it should heal on its own." With that said, Sebastian locked the door and left the lights on. He grabbed one of a pair of Chocolatey bathrobes and changed out of his wet suit before settling into bed. Right as he passed by her, he tossed Natalie the other bathrobe. "Hadn't thought of this, but sleeping in wet clothes won't do your system any favors. I'd help you with the arm problem and all..but you know. Modesty and those sorts of things." Sebastian joked before he hopped right into bed and covered up. But maybe he would stay up just a little bit longer... he tried to think of a reason not to, but instead he did wind up venturing over to Natalie's bed, to sit on the edge of it. "Ever travel through time with that Sonic Screwdriver?" He asked audibly.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax
    Had this in storage forever. Finally, I get to say: They all died. The funny thing is, I want to have a little fun. So here it is, a little bonus non-canon read: [Reader Discretion advised]

    Sebastian lurched forward. The gas had taken his lungs and his sense of self away. He looked down upon all the carnage that had once been the going party, and now was the gone party. He chuckled lightly. Normally, seeing so many dead bodies would not content him and make him feel like laughing; rather it would have reviled him. But now... the toxic effects of the gas had change him physically and mentally. He was no longer the young man he once was. He was more twisted, with stark white hair that stood on end, and his eyes had taken a crimson glow at the irises. Stepping methodically, he approached Natalie's mangled corpse locked with a terrified expression that had been her last. Her once sickly sweet eyes bore only tragic "Why"s and Sebastian only grinned an tsked at the unfortunate circumstance.

    He took one of his feet, decorated in a worn out suit shoe, and lightly touched Natalie's face with the pad of it. He moved her head by this method while the yellow fog twirled around him in engulfing billows. "Such a sweet girl." He said bittersweetly, as he chuckled. "Did you go and have yourself a lapse of judgement now?" He mocked the corpse further by lowering himself close to the ground and whispered in her useless ear, "This is what you get for trusting those hormonal teenage boys. It's his fault you came here." He began to cackle. The remanent of Sebastian cackled, anyway. So little was left in appearance or personality. He let loose in the cackling, exploding into a maniacal laugh without cessation. "Pity he never did get to try you, my Dear." And the next target of his shoe was from her chest down to her belly button, where he pressed lightly and put his weight right on the spot. He bent over to rest his elbow on the knee of the bent leg in a pose of conquest. "Oh well... to the victors the spoils I suppose..." He chuckled a little more. He bent down... and licked her face. From underneath her jaw to her eyelid, and he slowly savored the taste of her cold, motionless skin. "I'm going to enjoy this..."

    It was at that same moment that Sean tried his best to stand, as he stood just above the pair. "I think.. KOFF! You should back away..."

    "Oh? And why's that Lucky?" Sebastian prodded at Sean as he leapt to his feet in a sprightly manner. "If you wanna share her, I'm fine by that, but it looks like this lovely midnight air isn't taking to you so well!" And he laughed and laughed.

    Sean knew he didn't have much time left. So he offered no one liners as he pulled his arms back, straight out, and clashed them together on a surprised Sebastian's skull. With Sean's prodigious strength, the effect was similar as to a sledgehammer to a watermelon as bits of gooey brain matter and gore splattered around. Sebastian's limp and headless body fell to the ground, as did Sean's only moments after it.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    Stratana followed her friend in suit, all the way up to the room they'd received. 'Oh my God!' Pink taffy decor littered the room everywhere from the bedsheets to the curtains to the wallpaper. "Ugh! All this candy!" Stratana's stomach gurgled again. But it was settled when she realized her current source of strength. Lexi had saved her life recently, along with making her feel less insecure; maybe she could complain a little less and thank someone for a change? "Ummm... Lexi..." She rubbed her arm, but upon realizing how much she could dig into her arms with her fingers, she put her hands to her side. "I just wanted to say 'Thank you', for earlier... when you saved my life. Besides that... you've been really kind, and I haven't had to pay you or anything; which is odd because no one really seems to like me here. If you want, we can st in my bed and paint our nails, or talk. You know, real friend stuff... that I don't usually get." Stratana was really opening up. Not just to Lexi, but to herself. It was that empty spot in her that she was feeding before, and now she didn't really feel the need to fill it anymore with munchables.

    Sebastian was concerned about Natalie's arm. "You shouldn't bunk alone with that arm like that. I'm getting my room now; if you don't want to visit the clinic or don't want to sleep alone in a room, then I'm sure I can take a chair or something if there's one bed. You've had quite a day, and I think you could use some fandom talk to help you feel better, huh?" He expounded his worriment, at last taking on a British accent for the last part that he said, "Trust me, I'm a Doctor." Upon that, he turned and received a room from Cane, who actually kind of reminded him of himself, in a bit of a creepy, mutually lankiness sort of way.

    Once up in the room, he settled into one of the two beds that had been designed around the general theme of the room: Chocolate Chip cookies. He lifted one of the brown sheets adorned with plush chocolate-shaded bumps and fluffed up a cylinrical cookie pillow. He didn't know if Natalie would take his suggestion, but he hoped he would... he agreed with Jenna how odd this whole circumstance and setting was. He wanted to keep his friends close, and his enemies far away; not his usual policy, but still...
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax
    Sean rubbed his head. He'd kept getting light headed, but he had managed to stop the bleeding himself. Grunting from how sore he was, he lumbered onto the inn to crash into a easy chair that smelt like a lemon meringue pie. He hated the species of pie with a passion, so he moved. Caramel. Too sugary; he moved. Dark chocolate...hmmmm... he melted into the fine leather seating and took in the inn lobby. "Fancy place." Sean said aloud. In a moment, Jenna crashed into him to startle him.

    "This place smells like sweets. Are the innkeepers going to eat me?" She said with a perturbed expression.
    Sean sighed. "If they do: I'll go first. The months it takes them to finish me off will give you more than enough time to escape." Sean joked with Jenna's worries, making their ridiculousness dissipate, and causing her to go into a fit of giggles before taking a curvy butterscotch-coloured ladder chair.

    "Wow, Sean. That's actually kind of creative; in a disturbing way." Sebastian had taken the Meringue perfumed chair nearby. He hated to admit it, but things looked too sweet to him to not be bitter, but he held in his suspicions. 'Why look a gift horse in the mouth.'

    “Cute, buttercup.” Sean returned to Sebastian. Sean then got up and began to carouse towards the desk. Asking for a room from the youthful innkeeper, he started to head towards his room when Jenna stopped him.

    "You're not going alone with that nasty cut!" Jenna indicated to the scrape on the right side of his head."I'm going to look after you; I went into the clinic and... I didn't trust it. I don't trust here either; which is why you have to make good on that hero promise!" Jenna was two-for-two in demands, her stern gaze melting Sean like butter.

    "Fine!" Sean knew Jenna was crazy, but he'd put up with it for now. Once they were up in the room, which had been, to Sean's grief, centered around Lemon Meringue pie, the pair of them settled into opposite beds, and Sean found sleep despite his bumps and bruises. He hadn't changed in a whole day now... tomorrow would have to be a shower morning.


    "Lexi! Hold me down! Everything smells like candy to me! And I can't take it!" Stratana collapsed in the lobby as her legs gave way to the gurgling in her stomach. Nearly certifiably insane from all the sun exposure, it was questionable how much reality was in her perception of scent. Her stomach growled loudly and she doubled over, breathing in the fresh air of the sweetly scented room. But just as she pictured herself enjoying a chocolate bar, she also pictured herself as a ball of fat unable to move. "I don't want to weigh a ton! I'm too pretty!" She was close to insanity between her wont for candy and her need not to be thick.
    Post by: Sebax, May 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sebax
    Academy Lounge Dorms Information Desk

    Hello? Is this thing on? Oh darn it, this thing never works properly for me why do I even- Oh, wait, I think it's going through! Hello there! Welcome to the fantastic world of Pokémon! Er- what’s that? You’ve been here before…? Oh dear, this is rather embarrassing. And you over there, you’ve never been? Oh! Well then, Welcome! … But you all who know so much already… after being so familiarized with the idea, it was taken into account that you may not want to return for a visit. Most regrettable. It’s a good thing that Professor Pine (Hero of Time), Professor Cyprus (Sebax) and I went to the trouble of collaborating to put in as much as possible to make this experience as new as possible! This will be unlike any Pokémon experience you've ever had, but still hold true to the original as much as possible.

    Now then, let’s get you familiarized with the idea and the campus of the PokAcademy. As the name implies, it’s a school, which was made to accommodate trainers from every region to learn how to train and raise their Pokémon to the best of their ability. It functions basically the same as a rather large College. In fact, some who have attended, as the school was made a few years ago in the story, have compared the school to its own little community! Wonderful! You’ll attend classes on your own time, as there are few teachers and mostly books that are sold in the bookshop that educate on many different Pokémon topics. We’ll start off basic for now, but the more you learn, the more you unlock in the book shop. Who knows, your Pokémon might even benefit by you cracking open a book every now and again. Hehe Ahem… Anyhow, that brings us to our next subject: Pokémon.

    You’ll start off with one Pokémon at first. At orientation on the first day, there will be one of each of Pokémon from the starter choices from every game you know and love. This includes one of each of: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Pilup, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Pikachu, and Eevee. Oh! But I’m getting ahead of myself. Just keep in mind that in the world which Pokémon you pick is pivotal to your progression in the world, and that people will often determine an opinion of you by the Pokémon you have on hand. Your Pokémon will allow you to: Battle others, catch new Pokémon in field exams, and will be your companion through the school year. You're only allowed to have six on hand, plus two in your dorm room and all other Pokémon after that will have to be stored in your PC. Pokémon level up, evolve, battle, and interact, why there are no limits to what you can accomplish with Pokémon at your side!

    So what will you do? Ready to sign up for a fun filled school year? Orientation starts soon, so don't be late, or you may wind up like a certain young man I knew who could never quite wake up on time for anything! HAHAHAHA! But all the same, he wound up just as well with his Pokémon, and I'm sure you will too. Happy training! Oh... well this is bothersome. How do you click this thing o-~End Transmission


    I can add to and delete rules as such becomes necessary. Due to the many systems involved with PA, there are different sets of rules for each system. These rules will usually be explained in the story, but will be given a permanent and fully-detailed home in the Information Desk.

    *Time- You will be lead from event to event to suit the scheduling of all involved.

    *General Rules- Follow normal KHV RP rules.

    *Dorms- When the time comes, Dorms will be like Pokémon Centers in the games. It is in these dorms that you pick your team on your PC and it is also where you will primarily be ending your days when the times come. Dorms will be assigned on a later date, and will be at random; you may be rooming with one of your own characters, but the point is to force you to bond with another player's character more.

    *PP- Do not harm other players nor other player Pokémon without their explicit approval. No one is killed, and this goes the same for the Pokémon, save for when a Pokémon dies to set the stage for an upcoming chapter. Only I have the power to set this up. The same goes for stealing Pokémon, however, you can get permission from the owners out of the RP, but you have to both clear it with a Professor. But do NOT Power play as your roommate, ever.

    *End Day- Once prompted it's time to head to bed, you will have 24 hours after I post a end day prompt to make your End Day post. This is simply put as your character goes to their dorm/temporary place of rest and goes to sleep. This is to promote character interactions between roommates. As actually sleeping is an in-game school rule and not an RP one, you are free to break it for story purposes, but know that your character(s) will face discipline should they break school rules; if rule-breaking should be the case, at least notify that it is your end day post. If you do not post an end day, you may be subject to loss of certain upcoming rewards.

    *Battles and - Battles and Trading between players will be strictly limited to events that will be announced ahead of time. For Battles in general, your Pokémon level up according to how often you use them in battle, which can be worked on in the Gym, but the Gym closes at night. The stats are based off of existing Data canon to the games. You have to battle Pokémon to catch them during field exams.
    *Trading- You cannot trade with your own characters, save for circumstances where you clear it with me ahead of time.

    *Walking Pokémon- You will be allowed ONE walking Pokémon at a time. In order to verify which one you choose, you must notify me beforehand so that I can keep track. A Walking Pokémon is rarely seen in their ball, and is the Trainer's constant companion throughout any particular adventure.

    *Surrendering Pokémon- There are times when all Pokémon will be taken away by some circumstance so that Trainers have to think for themselves and rely totally on only each other. Walking Pokémon may or may not be taken away. All events of this are final, and will only be used as necessary.

    *Education and Books- As this is a school, various subjects will be taught to the trainers. They and you will be tested during certain events depending on how much they read the given material and how much they learn.

    *Catching Pokémon- Before every field exam, which occur frequently, your character(s) will be given a select amount of normal Pokéballs in order to catch the creatures set up. You must weaken the opponent in order to catch them, but causing them to faint does not make them disappear. If you catch them fainted, you must bring them to the Pokécenter in order to use them. Everything is story-driven, so think of field exams as an essay that you will be individually graded on. If I particularly like your catch post, certain perks may be given, so give these posts your all especially.

    Name: (First Middle Last; Names from all RL countries are allowed, just please, nothing overly complicated.)
    Username: (Self-explanatory, and it's so everyone else can know who you are from the cast list.)
    Gender: (Tell me, are you a Boy or a Girl?)
    Character sheet: (Determines what you will encounter: Black or White; Any other colors are not permissible, as they are reserved for special characters. e.g. Golden is just for Professors.)
    Age: (11-19)
    Region of Origin: (Born in only.)
    Favorite Pokemon: (Just one; Please, be honest, there's no connection with a giveaway event, it's just for your character to go on, but no legendaries.)
    Prefered Type: (What Type of Pokemon do you prefer? Will heavily influence your collection, but not limit indefinitely. You can have two.)
    Idol: ([B]Game[/B] protagonist or champion. Who does your character think is the greatest?)
    Appearance: ● (High Quality only. Zerochan offers good pics, but you can get them from anywhere you choose. Please, no OBVIOUS Anime' canon characters. E.G., anyone from Pokemon, Naruto, Ichigo, etc... And please, for the sake of easy copy and paste, please hyperlink your image into the dot symbol given)
    Height: (Sometimes pics give this attribute too little credence to the actual idea. This is important for the visual media included in this RP.)

    • [​IMG]
      Name: Prof. Caeser Cade Cyprus
      Username: Sebax
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: Golden
      Age: 41
      Region of Origin: Kanto
      Favorite Pokemon: Vulpix
      Prefered Type: Fire
      Idol: Prof. Oak
      Height: 6'5"
      Studies: Behavior and Habitat

      Name: Prof. Pym Paisley Pine
      Username: Eleven
      Gender: Girl
      Character sheet: Golden
      Age: 20
      Region of Origin: Unova
      Favorite Pokemon: Gothorita
      Preferred Type: No Preference. (Just for Profs. and non trainers.)
      Idol: Professor Juniper
      Height: 5'5"
      Studies: Medicine and History

      Name: Prof. Yvette Yew
      Username: Myst
      Gender: Woman
      Character sheet: Golden
      Age: 27
      Region of Origin: Orre
      Favorite Pokemon: Snorunt
      Prefered Type: Ice
      Idol: Prof. Oak
      Height: 5'4''
      Studies: Evolution and Breeding

    • Name: Suzanna Kai
      Username: Eleven
      Gender: Female
      Character sheet: Black
      Age: 15
      Region of Origin: Unova
      Favorite Pokemon: Espeon
      Prefered Type: Psychic and Electric
      Idol: Rosa, Nate, Cynthia, Hilda, Hilbert, N
      Height: 5'4"

      Name: Logan Kai
      Username: Eleven
      Gender: Male
      Character sheet: White
      Age: 17
      Region of Origin: Unova
      Favorite Pokemon: Mightyena
      Prefered Type: Dark and Water
      Idol: N, Hugh, Alder
      Height: 5'11"

      Name: Gray Hunter
      Username: Master of Keyblades
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: Black
      Age: 15
      Region of Origin: Unova
      Favorite Pokemon: Samurott
      Prefered Type: Fighting and Water
      Idol: Hibert and Red
      Height: 5"10

      Name: Alex Rose
      Username: Master of Keyblades
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: White
      Age: 16
      Region of Origin: Shinnoh
      Favorite Pokemon: Infernape
      Prefered Type: Fire and Flying
      Idol: Green, Nate,
      Height: 5"7

      Name: Topaz Nyoko
      Username: Myst
      Gender: Girl
      Character Sheet Black
      Age 16
      Region of Origin: Hoenn, specifically Fortree City
      Favorite Pokemon: Eevee
      Preferred Type: Steel
      Idol: Platinum
      Height: 5'8''

      Name: Diopside Verde
      Username: Myst
      Gender: Boy
      Character Sheet: White
      Age: 16
      Region of Origin: Kanto
      Favorite Pokemon: Cacturne
      Preferred Type: Bug
      Idol: Elite Four member Aaron
      Height: 5'10''

      Name: Melody Avery Jackson
      Username: FloodofTwilight34
      Gender: Girl
      Character Sheet: Black
      Age: 14
      Region of Origin: Almia
      Favorite Pokemon: Pachirisu
      Preferred Type: Water and Steel
      Idol: Steven
      Height: 4'11"

      Name: Joshua Lux Indipendente
      Username: FloodofTwilight34
      Gender: Boy
      Character: White
      Age: 14
      Region of Origin: Hoenn
      Favorite Pokemon: Dragonair
      Preferred Type: Dark and Dragon
      Idol: Drake
      Height: 5'3"

      Name: Markus Dean Friedland
      Username: tale_wind
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: White
      Age: 18
      Region of Origin: Sinnoh (Celestic Town)
      Favorite Pokémon: Staravia
      Preferred Type: Ground, Normal
      Idols: Sidney, Cynthia, Morty
      Appearance: ●
      Height: 6’1”

      Name: Equitas Miano
      Username: Hexin
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: Black
      Age: 17
      Region of Origin: Johto
      Favorite Pokemon: Squirtle
      Prefered Type: Ghost water
      Idol: Red and Blue
      Height: 5’8

      Name: Garett Michael Hart
      Username: Clavis
      Gender: Boy
      Character sheet: White
      Age: 18
      Region of Origin: Hoenn
      Favorite Pokemon: Blaziken
      Prefered Type: Fire and Fighting
      Idol: Red
      Appearance: ●
      Height: 6'0"

      Name: Amethyst Azula
      Username: Myst
      Gender: Girl
      Character Sheet: White
      Age: 13
      Region of Origin: Orre
      Favorite Pokemon: Milotic
      Prefered Type: Water
      Idol: Wallace
      Height: 5'0

    Created 5/11/13 with the assistance of HoT; worked on through the entirety of the day.
    All images were made by myself, with images taken from several sources. It was all made using Microsoft Powerpoint of all things!
    There[/url] aren't any Trainers yet? Oh dear! Who am I going to give all these Pokédexes to now!? Quick! To the Bicy- Oh... Not the time for that now...hmph
    Professor Oak Monologue By- Sebax; Reviewed By- Eleven
    Thread by: Sebax, May 11, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sebax


    I need somewhere to put an OC form while I'm still working on the RP it's meant for. It needs to keep the khv formatting, so I couldn't put it anywhere else.

    Name: Prof. Pym Paisley Pine
    Username: Eleven
    Gender: Girl
    Character sheet: Golden
    Age: 20
    Region of Origin: Unova
    Favorite Pokemon: Gothita
    Prefered Type: No Preference. (Just for Profs. and non trainers.)
    Idol: Professor Juniper
    Height: 5'5"

    Name: Prof. Caeser Cade Cyprus
    Username: Sebax
    Gender: Boy
    Character sheet: Golden
    Age: 41
    Region of Origin: Kanto
    Favorite Pokemon: Vulpix
    Prefered Type: Fire
    Idol: Prof. Oak
    Thread by: Sebax, May 11, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  18. Sebax
    Esses Club Music

    "Stratana, I know you're afraid. I am too. So much has gone awry lately that I can't help but be scared!" Tears welled up in her eyes. "But listen, we can't give up! Not for anything! This is only just beginning, and we can make it out. I promise you, we'll make it out together. Just please... Don't cry. I don't like to see people cry." She smiled at her and gave her a quick hug of reassurance. Stratana didn't want to see Lexi cry either, so she gave her a tiny kiss on the cheek, tasting the salty tang that had dripped from Lexi's eyes on her lips.

    "I think people are separating and heading towards town. What are we going to do?"

    Natalie clung to Sebastian's arm. "I'm really glad you and I are together and didn't get separated, Sebastian." She was so warm. He hung on every word.

    Sebastian sighed heavily. "I heard the name "Lightbrooke". I know that place; I spent a summer there." It was odd though, because right now he felt like he'd fallen off the face of the Earth. "We'd better stick together; you might even want to see if we can stick with Lexi. You've mentioned how much you value her."

    "You're not going to mind if I tag with you, will you?" Came a voice from behind, and Sebastian turned to see Sean with a slightly comforted Jenna in toe.

    He bent down to her level and said, "You should go talk to some others or have some time by yourself. Just don't leave the sight of the group." And so Jenna walked off, not in any particular hurry to leave Sean's side.

    "I don't mind; do you, Nat?"
    Post by: Sebax, May 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax
    Stranded? Sebastian wrapped an arm around Natalie to help warm her up, while Stratana clung tightly to Lexi. Jenna was sobbing into Sean's shirt, and all looked bleak for this small group within the larger group.

    Stratana felt so vulnerable out in the dark and lonely area. "Lexi... you always make things better; make things better now." She demanded without her senses, making her sound like a child. "I'm really afraid." She sobbed into Lexi's shoulders, and in her strife, gave Lexi's shoulder a flurry of barely noticable kisses.

    Sebastian looked to Natalie whom he held close. "Words can't describe how glad I am to have someone to hold right now." He was fighting off tears with little success, rubbing Natalie's back lightly and giving her forehead tender kisses. "Try the fact it's you I'm holding"Speecj" , and I fel even better after that."

    Sean hushed Jenna's tears. That was all he could do, and it proved to yield little more to the creepy silence that was all surrounding, even with others talking.

    "Sean... are we gonna die?"

    "Not you." He replied as serious as could be, but even he had to fight off a flood . "Hero. Remember?
    Post by: Sebax, May 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax
    "Okay, what's up with you? I want the truth, and I want it now, Stratana." Lexi was serious now. This made Stratana turn beet red with embarrassment, especially as Natalie and Sebastian soon followed into the same small space.

    "Isn't it obvious he wants you?" She murmured. "The whole desperate boy air he's giving is-"

    "Palpable." Sebastian finished Stratana's sentence. "The same thing is happening with you. You seem a little "Jealous"."

    Stratana seethed with rage. "Fine! I'm jealous of Alex, and I'm in love with Lexi, alright?!"

    Sebastian nodded. This was unexpected, to be sure. He'd only been playing when he tried to suggest Stratana was acting out of jealousy. To find out she had taken a very different route in life seemed... welcomingly strange. "Be that as it may, I think we should go into the cabin. Natalie has been wanting to talk to you, Lexi." And just like that, he ushered the three others into the cabin he'd seen them leave.

    Stratana sulked back in. "I didn't know I was being that obviou-"


    Post by: Sebax, May 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home