Search Results

  1. Sebax
    OOC: Cyprus is 6'5" according to the first post. How tall is Markus? The whole point of his height is to set him up as seemingly more powerful than the students. Also, working on this quickly so it will not have the usual pictures except the Objectives, and the "e" will be missing from every "Pokemon". I'll add this in afterwords.
    "Wait a moment!" Cyprus shouted out to the newly arrived Markus as he had slipped under the radar while he was preoccupied with the presence of Diopside. "You can't-" He stormed over to the student, unabated by their similar height; he was the Dean after all, and much older. He would speak sternly to the student, but... it wasn't really the boy's fault; this Cyprus realized. Well, being late was Markus' fault, but not the absence of knowledge on the honorees picking first. Just as he made it half way there, he caught Logan and Suzanna out of the corner of his eye, along with their apparent Pokmon.

    The image that stood out was the notably different Pikachu. "Another Shiny Start-Oof!" In his surprise, Cyprus lost some of his customary grace and wound up tripping himself in mid-step. He fell to the floor on his rear, almost having landed on a Turtwig. Dazed from the fall and slightly befuddled, he looked into the turtle pokmon's eyes as it stared back into his. This went on for a little bit longer than it should have before Professor Cyprus leaped to his feet and dusted himself off. "Well, as it would appear the honorees have selected their Pokmon, I suppose you are also free to." Cyprus said to the student without looking at him. "I will ask that in the future, you try to make it on time to events such as this so you can hear the instructions before rushing in. All these other students have been waiting very patiently to pick their Pokmon, you see." Now he looked at Markus. "Ah. Markus Friedland. Now I recognize you. I read your essay as well, and I am frankly surprised that not only were you late, you acted rashly as well. Please, in the future, wait for instructions before acting." He then turned to the others.


    "You may all now pick your starter Pokman." 'Please...please... no more Shinies...' He silently worried to himself as he gave off a more confident air. "Logan, Suzanna, and Topaz, please wait by the door with your Pokman returned to their ball."


    Alex, Gray, Melody, Joshua, and Diopside may now select their Pokemon. Talewind, please, in the future read ALL the posts before posting, if you did not. No strikes will be dealt out as it was an easy fix and actually added to the story, so feel free to post on. Just make one alteration: No one had yet picked out Chimchar and Piplup by the time you posted. I really want to stick to a chronology of posts during events like these, but later on, this will be easier to change. Following the last dealt Pokmon, we will then move onto the Pokmon Center.

    Instructions for those that have picked have been given. Feel free to post a response, but one is not necessary.
    First Choices:
    Post by: Sebax, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    "Isn't that right Eve."

    Cyprus smiled at the mutual connection found in the pair; Topaz and “Eve”. Pokémon collections were the same at PokAcademy as anywhere else when it came to the subject of naming Pokémon. In fact, he had always been in favor of giving nicknames to newly acquired Pokémon, as he noticed it could potentially bring Trainer and Pokémon closer together, but this was not always the case, since some Pokémon either didn’t like the name or the trainer, or most trainers got along just as splendid with Pokémon referred to whatever species the trained participants were.


    “Now that one the honorees have made their selections, you are nearly free to make your decisions as well. When you do, it is highly suggested you meet your Pokémon face to face to ensure the choice you made is what is in the ball. We take great care to organize this monolithic event, but like the presence of Topaz’s Shiny Eevee, there are things about the process that… Oh, how do I put it?; that the left hand doesn’t let the right know it’s doing; using a metaphor to mean: From the catching or transference of Pokémon from other regions, which by the way, Topaz, I believe Eve was, in fact, transferred from another Pokémon Center, there are a plethora of opportunities for misrepresented or misinterpreted information to be exchanged. Each ball was double checked by our resident Librarian, Kohn Huxley; but Kohn likely used a scanner that only gives the species of the Pokémon in any targeted Pokéball, as this has always been the common practice at this ceremony for years. I can certainly tell that will have to change, because although we do not intend to reprimand you or your Pokémon by replacing them merely due to an accident in this particular occurrence, we also do not intend to give anyone any explicit luxuries that make it seem as though we play favorites with our students. As for Shiny Starters, this is a luxury I am not extremely concerned about, and neither should you be; as there are many Shiny Pokémon on the island, I’m absolutely certain everyone here will have acquired at least one “Shiny” before the year is out.” He gave them all a stern look. “You heard Professor Yew earlier, or at least, I hope they did, Professor,” And he bowed briefly towards Yew, “And she gave a certain number. What was it?” He asked in a manner that suggested he did actually know the answer, “Just because the chances are better on the island does not mean every Pokémon you encounter will be a Shiny.” He added as an announcement beside the question to all of the students.

    Lucia, meanwhile, was wandering the room when she came upon a young girl, one of the honorees and the one who had not selected a Pokémon yet. She pressed her nose into the girls palm and rubbed her forehead up against the girl’s hand. Cyprus soon noticed this striving for attention and called his Ninetales back. “Lucia, please, not now; the students have to pick so we can move onto the Pokémon Center… Ah, yes. That reminds me.” He spoke first to Lucia then mostly to himself. “Everyone, following the selection ceremony, we will be going over to the Pokémon Center which you likely spotted across from the Labs as we passed it on our way out the Auditorium; it’s the big green building just in front of the front entrance of the Auditorium, and it faces the square.” He orated. “Dinner for tonight will be provided there along with an opportunity to become more acquainted with your Pokémon.”

    Once finished, he stepped off to the side again and approached Professor Yew, “Yvette, do you know anything about the boy whom has shown up just now?” He said quietly, pointing to the young lad who had just run into the room to see Topaz select Eevee. He was young, so Cyprus guessed he was a student, but then again, he could also be one of the many more youthful-looking aides employed in the Labs. ‘No, he’s not an aide… his garb is certainly one of a trainer. Which one of them is this one? Were there more late students this morning?’ Questions flooded Cyprus’ mind as he scratched Lucia behind her ear while he watched Diopside enter the Starter room. No natural light permeated into the inset room, so Cyprus wondered how the boy would have known to have come to this particular building, let alone this particular room.

    Welcome, Diopside, to PokAcademy. Tale Wind has also joined us, so let's welcome his Markus Friedland when he shows up! Not much has changed for expectations at the moment except that a new player has arrived into the story, who is added to the list of characters that have to wait for Logan and Suzanna to pick. So far, everyone has made claims, so maybe some people should start looking into the info on the one they want. When in doubt, just go to bulbapedia and rip a PokeDex entry from one of the games.
    Post by: Sebax, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    I would like to point out that this was a very drawn-out and evaluated decision. All the same, Eleven, I am most sorry. If nothing else, I can trust that through you my characters will not be forgotten immediately upon my departure from the RP. For that, ahead of time, I thank you.

    Also, I was unsure if I wanted to like your reply, as I did not want to reflect that I relish in depriving Lexi and Natalie. I liked it in appreciation of your caring that I'm leaving the thread.
    Post by: Sebax, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    I regret to inform that due to a hectic schedule of, but not limited to: wrapping up certain schools projects in the 16 Work Days that remain; starting, maintaining, and expanding my RP; writing a Fan-fiction that actually happens to be one of those school projects; setting myself up for College in where I have already been accepted, among other things, I will not be able to participate in Cupid's Brew for the foreseeable future. I am not leaving kh-vids, as I should make this clear, only Cupid's Brew. The reasons be that I crash in school because I stay up to participate in important events; I'm not saying this is a problem that needs to be fixed, rather that it is my own sleeping pattern I should amend by removing CB from the equation.

    My sincerest apologies to Eleven, whom I have been Role-playing most closely with.

    I request but a few things: That I will be alerted when there is a load that goes back to a time when my characters were active. This time span includes events from the very beginning to the fateful truck ride with David. Also, please don't just "unexist" my characters; kill them or do whatever with them, but don't just make them disappear from the continuity. I ask this because I feel I put a great deal of effort in their progression, they at least deserve the right to have a canon ending as well. Don't feel like you need to tell me how my characters wind up, as sincerely, I do not wish to know straight away.

    My Sincerest Apologies and Best Wishes,
    Post by: Sebax, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sebax
    Sebastian followed Natalie out into the bed of the truck, fixed on spending as much time with her as possible. He didn't even notice Sean when he grabbed Natalie's hand tightly and gave her one, lengthened, passionate kiss. A mix of regret over Alice and a fear for his own life pushed him to perform the action, as he closed his eyes to give into the full strength of the kiss.

    Once he pulled back, he looked Natalie directly in her eyes. "I felt like I really needed to do that..." He confessed, half out of breath.

    "Are you kidding me?" Sean mumbled under his breath. He tried to make himself as comfortable as possible on the deeply grooved truck bed, finding it difficult with his surplus of surface area. 'Great... love birds.' He though to himself.

    "Lexi, I just wanted to say:..." She didn't know what words she wanted to say. "Thanks." Stratana didn't know quite what for, but it felt like the right word to supplement for the previous lack of one. "Thanks..." She repeated.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sebax
    Sebastian assisted Natalie into the back on the truck before hopping in himself. He sat in the backseat next to Natalie, and on the other side of her sat Stratana. The crowding had pressed Natalie's hip right into his, and the tension of the moment attracted him to taking Natalie's hand and grasping it firmly. "Don't worry, we'll be fine." He said more to himself than to her.

    Stratana led Lexi into the truck, taking to the back seat. She heard something about an apology for the previous airhead comment. "It's... fine..." She paused for an insufferable time trying to force the words out. "I'm sorry too..."

    Sean hopped into the back bed of the truck with a bound. "Reminds me of my last family reunion. Drunks driving and crowded rides, y'know?" He noted aloud as he squeezed his large frame into a very tight spot, causing some displacement for others. However, Sean didn't care; he wanted to go home.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sebax
    I've enjoyed your story, "Reality Theory", since you started writing it. You're characters possess a nice shared identity and theme while also keeping their own as well. It's nice to find out more about Steel and what he's like, rather than what I can see in KHSOS. I look forward to the summer to see what you truly have to offer.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  8. Sebax
    The explanation of this Game Element can be found in "Game Elements", naturally.


    • Age: 60
      Occupation: Pokémon Professor
      Height: 5'10"

    • Age: 68
      Occupation: Head Librarian
      Height: 5'5"


    • Age: 17
      Occupation: Nurse at the Pokemon Center
      Personality: A younger Nurse Joy, she is a bit of a rebel while still pertaining to the usual Nurse Joy Archetype. She's sweet, kind, and courteous, but moodier than her sisters, has a bit of a gruffer voice, and has one major alteration: she has dyed her hair vibrantly Green. If one looks closely, they will also notice a small pink studded nose-
      piercing in the middle of her left nostril. When playing this character, imagine a punk rock take on Nurse Joy from the Anime and Games. Her signature lines include "Hey. Need your Pokemon patched up?" and "Try not to get them like that again, kay?" She owns an Audino that assists her. This Audino is also an EPC that can only be played when using Nurse Joy. "Avril" is less clumsy than most Audino, has a mixed expression of happy and gloomy, and has a spiked collar around it's neck.
      When to play: Just for when you heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon center. Feel free to chat with her a bit while your inventory heals.

    • Age: 29
      Occupation: Bookshop Owner
      Height: 5'8"
      Personality: Studious and well-learned, James is much more lenient than his boss, the Head Librarian Kohn Huxley. He wants the students to study and know all there is to know about catching, training, and caring for Pokémon. He's a sweet soul who has a little bakery off to the side of his bookstore, which is run by Julia Dickinson. He and Dickinson are romantically involved.
      When to play: When trading in or purchasing books for new lessons. He's usually in the library, but if he's outside, notice will be given.
    Thread by: Sebax, May 15, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  9. Sebax
    Base received a blow that had him seeing stars. "Guess I'll be needing one of thee-" His sentence was cut off when he noticed the same hit that had sent him reeling had knocked Beuce clear out! But Base only had Potion and an Ether in his bag... no Phoenix Down. He would have to heal himself and leave Beuce to recover on his own... if he would. "Hang on!" He shouted as he took a large swig of the Potion he'd pulled out of his blue "Capacious Caprice" satchel.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax
    Here's where you will announce your selections for your starter Pokémon. Simply look at the list to see if a starter is still available, and then make your choice by using the following form:

    I CHOOSE YOU,: (Insert name of starter)
    For the character: (Which character you intend this starter for)
    Nickname: (An optional Nickname for your Pokémon; if no name is given, then leave this blank; all the nameless will be given the name of their species.)
    Genders and Natures have all been assigned to each one at random, and all starters begin at Level 5. Green names signify Grass-types, Red signify Fire-types, and Blue, of course, signify Water-types; Brown indicates a Normal-type and Yellow indicates a Electric-type. If a name is crossed-out, then I'm afraid that particular one is no longer available at this time. Once a Pokémon is selected and first shown in the RP by its owner, then the gender and nature along with their Owner's name beside them and no longer be crossed out (For aesthetics). At this present time, there are only two Shiny Starter Pokémon: Eevee and Pikachu.

    (Gender M=Male; F=Female)*Nature*Species<Nickname, which is optional>- Trainer


    (F)*Sassy*Chikorita<Wurzel>- Melody Jackson
    (M)*Jolly*Mudkip<Juggernaut>- Diopside Verde
    (F)*Lax*Turtwig- Markus Friedland
    (F)*Gentle*Pilup<Glacies>- Joshua Independente
    (M)*Quiet*Oshawott- Logan Kai
    (F)*Bold*Pikachu- Suzanna Kai
    (F)*Lonely*Eevee<Eve>-Topaz Nyoko

    Grass-Types Left: 3
    Water-Types Left: 1
    Fire-Types Left: 4
    Thread by: Sebax, May 15, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  11. Sebax
    OOC: I'm at school right now, but I have read all the posts. What I must say is: SUPERB job. The Professors spoke eloquently and the students are very believable. The bit about Shiny Pokemon appearing more often on the island was one of the better additions, because it really made sense; so it passes as canon for the RP. I will start scripting Professor Cyprus' oration as soon as I can get to my laptop (I have it here at school), and he will have his say before we move onto the Labs where each Pokemon will be handed out. Feel free to post until then. EDIT: Now formatting my scripted post I've been writing all day.


    “Professors Pine and Yew everyone!” Professor Oak garnered more prompted accolades from the students after he spoke his praise of the two previously presenting Professors. “I’m sure you’ll see quite a bit of both Professors you’ve seen today, since they will also help guide you as advisers. At PokAcademy, you’ll notice there is a staff of teachers, but they don’t necessarily teach classes. You see” Professor Oak expounded as he took to Center stage; a gigantic Mudkip with its mouth wide open looked like a very jolly beast fixed on gobbling up the Professor. Here, he was cut off as his microphone went dead. “Er- what now?” He was still speaking in his speaking voice, so his last words barely reached the front row of pneumatic purple-satin seats.


    Professor Cyprus had disabled Oak’s microphone just in the nick of time. “Oh thank goodness; Kohn would have a fit if someone stole his thunder.” He said to himself aloud before he started to briskly, but prestigiously, take to the stage with a Gentlemanly smile. “Thank you ever so much, Professor!” Cyprus’ grand baritone, sophisticated voice projected and bounced off the walls. “That portion is covered later, I’m afraid.”


    Thus, he turned to the audience and gave a slight bow. He greatly stood over the other Professors, so he tried not to scare any of the students with his sudden appearance by humbling himself little to the viewers. “Hello,… everyone.” He stood back up and peered into the darkened audience chamber with distinction. “My name is Professor Cyprus, and I study Pokémon behavior along with natural habitat; I’ve been to nearly every corner of the world. I also happen to be the Dean of the Academy, so whenever you have an extremely taxing crisis, I will help, but I must advise: I am usually very occupied myself.” Here, Lucia came from stage right to return to Cyprus’ side; his constant satellite. Her tail fanned out as she sat, and her glossy white fur blazed with beauty in the spotlight as Squirtle showed back up. (The video was showing a loop of all the starters and had returned to the beginning during the presentation.) He coughed into his fist when he felt Lucia brush up against them, and saw her staring out into the crowd with a warm, but emotionless gaze. Lucia was used to her seeming apathy, but knew better, as he could tell at the moment she was elated by the minute twirls of her second to last right tail and a tiny patter of her rear paw on the floor. To him, she was saying “Hi. I don’t talk much, but I already like you because you seem like nice young people.” To the students, judging by the blank look in her black eyes an her motionless jaw, Cyprus imagined the general interpretation would be, “Now that you are all here, I’m going to wait until you’re asleep, burn your arms and legs, and eat you slowly.” He figured now was the time for an introduction for the matronly Pokémon. “This,” He directed down to Lucia, who looked up at him, “Is my Ninetales: Lucia. She may not look it, but she is very happy to meet you all. She’s a bit of an occasional wanderer, so you’ll probably see her once or twice during any given day around the Font Square. Speaking of which, we should be heading out into the square now to head towards the Labs.” He raised both his hands, palm up to about shoulder length to signal to the students it was time to go. “There’s only a few of you so do not worry about lines; just stick together as a group. The Lab will be the large metallic building on the other side of the Font Square when you leave the building. We will accompany you all.” And he signaled to his fellow Professors to usher students out the doors.

    As they were guided out, Cyprus turned to Oak. “Terribly sorry you can’t stay, Professor.” Cyprus bowed once more, but went deeper in the bow than he had gone before. He stood back up straight before he spoke again. “Will you be flying out by aircraft?”

    Oak laughed. “Oh goodness gracious, no Caesar; and please, for the last time: Samuel.” Oak smiled at the younger Professor, who took the correction in stride; they’d been over this before, and each time Cyprus couldn’t help but say “Professor” or “Sir”. “After all”, Cyprus had concluded once to Lucia, “Professor Oak was the one who is more responsible for this Academy than anyone.”

    “Oh… um… Samuel, how exactly do you plan to return to Kanto?” He asked with interest in the no-so-obvious answer. Oak replied by removing a tiny orb from his belt that he clicked the center button of, causing it to expand into a larger ball recognizable as a standard Pokéball. When the hatch opened, a collection of light energy spouted out to gather on the floor to take shape as a… “Pidgey, Sir?” Indeed, the tiny bird Pokémon was sitting there with a blank expression (Not quite as intelligent in meaning as Lucia’s) on the stage after everyone else had been brought out of the room.

    “Not to worry, Caesar; he I taught him to carry people as he flies.” Oak laughed but quickly deflated. “Or at least, I think this is the right Pidgey… Oh dear.” As Oak then jumped into a panic and fumbled around with his collection of potentially right Pokémon attached to his hip, Cyprus bowed once more and turned to leave.

    Cyprus tried not to sigh too loud as he left, Lucia right at his heels.

    Exiting the Auditorium, the group headed, herded by the Professors, directly for the prescribed building. The Font district was the center hub of activity in the Academy, right beside the school building itself. The Library, the Pokémon Center, the Labs, the Gym, and more could be found in the sphere of the surrounding area, all of which was centered around a small gated square, with a decorated stone fountain in the middle. The walk was brief as everyone was rushed into the Labs with the bright sun shining on their backs; it was drawing close to 56 Degrees Fahrenheit outside, as the brisk fall air pushed a few scattered leaves from the nearby forest across the treeless cobblestone pavement that expanded throughout the whole district.

    Inside the Labs, there were all manners of technological marvels behind glass, but all the students were quickly hustled toward a large, secluded room to the right of the lobby after the main entrance. As the futuristic door shut with a woosh behind them all, everyone found themselves in a room with plain oak flooring, with white and gray striped walls. All around the room were pedestals that stood separate from each other, and each of them supported a pillow of varying colors. Upon these pillows, all of them were green, blue, and red generally, with one being yellow and another being brown, was each a plain Pokéball.


    Cyprus approached the brown pillowed pedestal and took it in his hand. “I imagine everyone can tell me what this is.” He carefully twirled the ball around and raised it up for everyone to see. “And I’m sure there is at least one student who can tell me what’s inside.” He smiled at Topaz and lowered his hand out to the young girl. “Topaz Nyoto, you along Logan and Suzanna Kai have been awarded first picks this year. You tied to win the essay contest, which as of yet had been unprecedented, but all the same, you are permitted to all make your choices. There are over a dozen choices to make, so I please ask you show a little decorum; but I’m sure you three will. You see: I personally read the essays. You all did grand, but everyone, including myself, may have something to learn from this trio.” He nodded, nearly in sync with Lucia below him.

    Just then, Lucia arose to stretch and accidentally bumped Cyprus in the leg, causing him to become off balance and catch himself on the nearby brown-pillowed stand. In the process, the Pokéball he was holding fell to open up on the floor. Much in the same way Pidgey appeared moments before in the auditorium, out popped an Eevee. But not just any Eevee. Lucia gave it an inspective sniff before nuzzling its face in a motherly way. “There shouldn’t have been any Shiny Pokémon in any of the Pokéballs! This has never happened before either!” Cyprus dusted himself off, aghast at presence of the silvery Eevee. He quickly collected himself however. It was, indeed, a happy accident. “Well… I think I know which one will be going first.” He then spoke to the rest, “Once these three have made their choices, you are free to make yours. For now, feel obliged to take a look around; the names of each Pokémon are on a small tag on the pillow they lie on. Also, there is no point in switching the balls; if someone picks from “Chikorita” and opens up a “Treecko”, Chikorita will be found and given to the trainer who chose it.” He advised, choosing to stand off to the side as the room became fair ground.
    The three mentioned trainers should make their choices so everyone can official make their choices. However, every player can make their picks now in the Social Group thread: "Stater Selections"; they just won't be officially mentioned until after Topaz, Suzanna, and Logan pick.
    Anyone who is not Suzanna, Logan, or Topaz are free to do exactly what Cyprus said: Walk around the room and examine the choices.
    Also, general announcement: WHY CYPRUS HAS TWO BANNERS: One is to show when he is speaking to a student group or the whole of the student body; one is to show he is being portrayed more self-reflectively or some other means of posting. It's to help show when something very important is brought up by a Professor to the group. This does not mean just read those pieces; just that it highlights things you REALLY need to know.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax
    "AIRHEAD?!" Stratana raised her voice and stomped the ground in front of Natalie with her foot. "Listen here-!" She started off in a fit but then remembered: "Friend". This was Lexi's friend. She tried to simmer down, gnashing her teeth as she spoke. "Listen... I'm not as dumb as everyone says." She admitted.

    Sebastian raised an eyebrow. This was odd. Once Stratana flew into a tirade, she rarely ever stopped nor ever confessed to be at fault.

    Sean repeatedly had his hand smacked every time he tried to reach for a piece of candy. Jenna's deterring slap to the wrist didn't hurt, but was enough to smack Sean's paws of hands away from the treats. He could have easily have rushed for a snack, but instead, each time, he slowly reached out his hand to see if she'd try it again; and she did. "Okay... I'll bite... What's up?"

    "You big dummy, if you can't figure it out, I'll just let you figure it out yourself." And Jenna left in a huff to look for Emalynn, Erik, or someone else she knew.

    OOC: Yes, I do get tired of using Jenna in almost every Sean post. But she's become something of a character of some importance; a rather prominent NPC. She's free game now though. I apologize for how brief this is, because I am at school atm.
    Post by: Sebax, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax
    Either way, let's go find Lexi and Stratana, then we can all explore the rest of the shop. Sound good?"

    "Sounds good." Sebastian dropped the candy to the floor to make it look like its discarding had been an accident and headed with Natalie in hand to where spotted the two girls who stood side by side. It was funny; with Lexi's electric blue hair and Stratana's strawberry blond locks, they looked like poster-icons for a Cotton Candy brand. He voiced the little observance to Natalie before they came into earshot in an attempt to make her giggle. "Am I right?" He asked following the question, "They look like poster-icons for a Cotton Candy Brand; between the looks of their hair colors side by side." When they approached the pair of girls, Stratana spoke first.

    "You had better been right, Sonata." Stratana crossed her arms under her chest as crossing them over usually posed difficulty. "I love pocky and Lexi apparently likes Minty Muffins." She got the name wrong with ignorance of the fact she did. "Deny a girl strawberry pocky without good reason, and you will know the meaning of pain." She growled enticingly.

    Honestly, it was hard to take her seriously even when upset she sounded like the sort that always seemed about to invite the pizza man in just for showing up and proceed to become well acquainted with each others' hands. "Take a look around, Stratana." In his mind, that phrase should have ended with an audible "Stratana, you airhead", but he restrained himself for Natalie's sake. "What do you see?"

    "Lots of candy. So?"

    "Why is stocking up on candy such a priority when there doesn't seem to be a big population to demand a large supply?" Finally, those Economics lessons were paying off. Sebastian had always been intelligent, but that particular keen observation felt very smart.

    "Um. Creeped out now. Thanks." Stratana began to lock her knees without wanting them too as her stomach sank.
    Post by: Sebax, May 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    Stratana eyed the pocky packs tentatively. She'd watch Lexi pig out a bit and heard her apologize to her, but didn't want to say the reason she hadn't touched a thing was because she knew as soon as she got her hands on the candy, she'd probably start inhaling bits of sweetness in gulps. A picture of herself having to be rolled out of the shop like Violet from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" popped into her head. She questioned whether or not to take one of those favored biscuit sticks (Strawberry... even worse... her favorite!) and was about to when Sebastian caught her hand. "Don't. I usually don't look a gift horse in the mouth, but I'm getting bad vibes from this place. And I don't think I'm the only one..." Sebastian glanced over at Quentin who seemed disenchanted with the free candy offer as much as he was. "Go tell Lexi to not eat anything else, and I'll tell Natalie." He nodded and released his hand, leaving a stunned Stratana behind.

    "Uhhh, Lexi!" Stratana stumbled for a moment and nearly upset a stand of candied hearts with her prominent hips as she headed for where Lexi had gone to see that other pink-haired girl. "Lexi." She grabbed Lexi's wrists. "Don't eat anything else... Sebastian said something that... that I kind of believe myself." Was she going crazy? because she was starting to feel those vibes too... or was that the warm sensation she received from touching Lexi's soft hand with her own.

    Meanwhile, Sebastian approached Natalie. "Nat. Can I call you Nat? Oh! Um..." He tried to ease it on as subtly as possible. "You know how this place has made me uncomfortable for a little while. Well...." He scratched the back of his head. "Strangers with candy is no exception." And he pulled the Lollipop out of her mouth out of fear of what might happen to her if she had it all.
    Post by: Sebax, May 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax
    May 14th, 2013-
    Orientation starts today at 7:00 PM EST!
    Thread by: Sebax, May 14, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  16. Sebax

    Game Elements

    • Objectives are Guidelines that direct certain players or all players towards the next goal while allowing for some character development and interaction. There may be times when following objectives to the letter may yield rewards! Other times, objectives are just opportunities to respond to what's going on around your character(s). But how to tell the difference? That's where Plusle and Minun come in! Plusle will hang out around the banner when a possible reward is most likely by responding to what's going on, an Minun will lounge about when you just need to show us what you're character has to offer on a normal basis.


    • [​IMG]

    • Non-Playable Character (NPC)= A character that only Sebax can control either because they do not live at the Academy or on the island. Sebax is the controller in MOST cases. NPC's can include, but are not limited to: Villians, Visiting Trainers, Wild Pokemon, and
      Everybody Potential Character (EPC)=

    • Many thanks to Eleven for compiling this list.

      PokAcademy Black

      Nidoran (M)

      PokAcademy White

      Nidoran (F)
    Thread by: Sebax, May 14, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  17. Sebax


    Admissions Office Lounge Dorms Information Desk
    “I will not embarrass myself. Not today.” Professor Caesar Cade Cyprus quickly adjusted his jacket backstage in the smaller theater of the Auditorium where the lights were dimmed, while he checked over every inch of his rather imposingly tall 6’5” frame one last time to ensure the fine suit he was dressed in was as absolutely pristine as when he put it on hours before. His sandy brown hair was swept back and blown out, while his keen, crinkled coffee-colored eyes burned with intensity; his strong features bore a look of ambivalence while inside, he was suffering from a slight case of stage fright. He was only visibly startled when a soft muzzle nosed him in his right knee, causing him to instantly see his Ninetales, Lucia, staring up at him with those tender black eyes he could read as well in a silent expression as though she were actually speaking to him. Momentarily beset with worries at the sudden approach, he quickly turned to a lighter expression as he smiled broadly down at Lucia, and patted her nobly-formed white-furred head. “There’s my girl.” He cooed, while his signature sophisticated baritone articulated above par. “Are all the students waiting in the audience?” He looked to see the white ashy vixen give a nod of her slim head, her many, long white tails fanning and waving behind her where she sat. “How many are there?” Cyprus adjusted his collar, checking it in a mirror, raising his defined jaw to get a better look of his elongated, medium-thick neck. He listened intently as one paw patted the floor loudly and with distinction, being Lucia’s to count off the attendance. “Goodness, only seven?” He finished with his adjustment to his satisfaction.

    Frankly, he wasn’t incredibly surprised. PokAcademy was well known as a reserved school suited only for those very willing to succeed in the world. Though they came from many regions, they were usually kept few to keep the population of Pokémon from being upset by the overbearing presence of the town-like Academy. But 7? “Is Professor Oak nearly ready, Lucia?” With this last question, she gave no direct answer, but instead rose to all four of her graceful feet and headed behind the main curtain with the likely intent of searching out such an answer she could not provide. Cyprus tried to put the low count out of his mind; PokAcademy was a school where you didn’t have to attend the whole year’s course in order to pass, but it certainly helped. He hoped silently that more students would show up before long as he flipped the stage lights on in the small theater.

    Calmly, Cyprus walked towards a curtain to look out onto the stage but kept himself back far enough so that he could not see any portion of the darkened seating area. He grasped one leathery hand firmly in the other as he rested them behind him, only just realizing he’d forgotten to put on his gloves. He was not rushed as he let loose his grip and took to his left breast pocket inside his black dress jacket. Inside the silky pocket were two fine gloves that he squeezed his hands into for the extra sense of style he typically preferred. Once again a snout bumped him, this time right behind his knee, from behind. He turned around and took to a knee, facing Lucia directly with brightly intelligent eyes. “Good news about the Professor, Lucia?” It was not odd to him how he referred to Samuel Oak with reverence; Oak always received the formality from the standing Dean of PokAcademy, even though they technically shared similar status in the functioning world. Lucia was used to Cyprus’ respect for the elder Professor as well, because she nodded curtly. Not long after the nod, an older man, though not too far over Cyprus’ 41, walked onto the stage with glee etched on his features. Cyprus’ mouth curled up on one side in a lopsided grin. From where he stood, he could tell that Professor Oak seemed happy to see everyone who had come to PokAcademy.

    “Hello, everyone!” An elated Professor Oak announced to the students he faced in the audience. His eyes were fixed on them with surveying judgment that was both congenial and determined. “I must say that I am very glad I had the opportunity to come see you all personally this year to welcome everyone to PokAcademy.” He sighed heavily, shrugging his white lab coat-covered shoulders. Underneath the open lab coat, he wore a yellow, floral print tropical T-Shirt with khaki shorts below… and it was the middle of autumn. “Last year, I’m certain Professor Cyprus recalls my lack of communication skills when it comes to the use of technology.” Oak gestured toward Cyprus stage right.

    Professor Oak was right… Cyprus did remember, and grimaced at the memory. Apparently one of the Aides under Oak’s tutelage had neglected to follow Cyprus’ dictation that Oak’s lab was to be cleared of all Pokémon before the chat was established. Over a dozen students that day learned what it looked like when a man was nearly engulfed by an adult Muk as Oak had struggled to balance care of feeding the slimy creature and introducing the basics of PokAcademy with his own particular flair… Naturally, all wild and domesticated Grimers and Muks on the island where PokAcademy was located were temporarily relocated to storage inside Pokéballs in the Pokémon Center nearby. Just then, as he looked back, Lucia licked his bare wrist, obviously sensing his tension and trying to ease it; she succeeded, as Cyprus smiled down at the warm-hearted gesture that spoke to Lucia's Gentle nature.

    Meanwhile, Oak continued with his oration. “Now then, I’m sure you’re anxious to know exactly what you’ll be learning this year and what sort of adventures await. Allow me to tell you all that there is a great deal to be learned and a great many adventures to be had!” Oak smiled at the audience as a great big blank black screen descended from the ceiling. Once it had firmly landed and stuck in place, taking up most of the space that had been the back curtain, an image flickered onto it of a bird’s eye view of a small isle. “Now then, I’m sure you’re all quite aware of where this is; you just had an excellent view of it from your plane seats as you flew in yesterday, and there it is again: PokAcademy Island. Now, be sure to pay attention to how I said that: Pock Ah Cad Ah Mi. Not Poke. I find too often the school is given the wrong title in normal, everyday conversations, but all the same: I’m glad it gets talked about at all because it’s very new and very important if we are to increase our education on Pokémon and our mutual existences with them. Once more, that’s “Pock” though, as in a “Pock” mark or… Pocky… delicious, delicious Pocky...” Professor Oak waxed toward a dreamy state as he seemed to start to dream of yogurt-coated biscuit sticks, and right in the middle of his speech. “Oh!” He snapped out of his daze quickly and recovered, much to Cyprus’ relief. “Anyhow, let’s tell you more about the curriculum. That’ll be the job of our very own Professor Cyprus, who has the distinction of being the Academy’s first standing Dean.” He stated rather excitedly, but as he spoke, the image on the large TV screen changed to a looping video showing pictures of all the starter Pokémon that were offered to PokAcademy students on the first day of Orientation. Professor Oak noticed the transition when he looked behind him to see a very large Squirtle towering above him in 2-D. “Oh my! I seem to have muddled up the order of introductions.” Worriedly, Oak took a collection of note cards from his lab coat pocket that had the near to the same thickness as a deck of cards. He flipped through many of them in a rushed and panicked state, only to be relieved when he found the remedy to his predicament. “My apologies everyone! Next up is our resident Pokémon Historian, Professor Pine. She’s rather young, mind you, and not much older than yourselves, but I ask that you offer her the same amount of respect you’d give to an adult; she’s a very bright young girl, and certainly shows promise as a new researcher on the staff. Everyone: Professor Pine!” With showmanship worthy of the big top, Oak swung out his arm to stage left where Professor Pine was located. Unfortunately, his left hand happened to be the one holding the thick set of note cards that flew out of his grip to burst into a scatter on the expansive stage floor. “Oh- Oh dear…” Professor Oak blushed at his bluster, while Lucia tried to calm Cyprus again out of the fit of nerves he was falling into as the white cards blanketed the black wood.

    Listen to the Professors' instructions and introductions, with options to quietly talk to fellow trainers in the audience. Please note: you're really free to do whatever. Just know what you do has consequences in the RP! Also, check in the Social Group soon to understand why there's a Minun by the above banner, and why it'll occasionally be replaced by a Plusle.
    Thread by: Sebax, May 14, 2013, 85 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax
    "We're being kicked out, let's pack up."

    Sebastian snapped back into the now and said a half-enthused "Right." He had already changed into a casual shirt with jeans, and now all that remained was to grab his bag. "Have your Screwdriver and other effects?" He asked to Natalie before headed out the door.

    "Sorry about that, had to tell a friend that we had to leave."

    By this time, Stratana had already packed up and was sitting on the bed, waiting to head out with Lexi. "Okay. Can we walk with them?"


    Her question was answered in the positive as Lexi, Sebastian, Natalie, and herself huddled together. Instinctively, Stratana figured out quickly that Natalie was the friend Lexi had talked about. Was... she a Lesbian too? Probably not best to ask if she did "lesbian stuff" or any other sort of stuff because realizing what she had said before still made her red with embarrassment. Instead, she wanted to take different approach, but Lexi and Natalie were already talking...

    "Where else can we go Nat?"
    "... You're right." Natalie took Sebastian's hand.

    Sebastian grasped Natalie's hand as she took his. He could tell she was certainly apprehensive. Was it because of what he'd said in the room? No. She had mentioned how she was taking deductions from Cane's words also.

    "Keep your eyes and ears open." He directed to everyone. To Stratana in particular he said with some kindness, "You might also want to keep as quiet as possible." Those megaphone speaker poles had diverted his attention earlier to question what they were for. What they reminded him of when he did see them was "V for Vendetta" and the Big Brother-esque totalitarian government instituted that kept London captive in the movie. He half expected Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture to start blasting from the speakers, but that would have been comforting to say the least. This place was so supersweet that a little anarchy would have disrupted the congealed creepiness they seemed to stuck in.
    Post by: Sebax, May 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax
    Base hopped up once more to reach the wobbly knees of the Trickster, which was incredibly taxing, but he felt empowered enough to jump with ease. He felt like he could jump clear over the Trickster and knock its man-faced block off. As he landed, he regrouped and stood next to Beuce. "You got a little something right here", and he pointed to his left cheek where Beuce's displayed a liberal coating of cream. "Let's hope this thing doesn't eat Keyblader cream puffs." He joked lightheartedly. After Shapur's devastating blow, the creature had taken to a rather fiery approach, but with the presence of the Three Caballeros... well, two now... and Dumbo as well as Shapur and Krowley, the battle seemed already won.
    Post by: Sebax, May 14, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sebax
    Reserving a spot in school. Stratana, Sean, and Sebastian join Noelle's group for the Candy Shoppe.
    Post by: Sebax, May 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home