So, I started out my day in Cerulean where I quickly dashed to Vermillion, beat all the trainers east of the city, hopped aboard the SS Anne, whooped everyone aboard with Ben which evolved him into a Charizard before I took on my Rival an creamed him with just one Pokemon. After getting the HM01, I gave it to a Meowth I caught (Cutter; go figure), and I even have a Spearow named Ace for Flying later. Are we permitted to train our HM Slaves outside of Trainer Battles? I just don't like the notion of flying on a Spearow as opposed to a Fearow; doesn't matter. Anyway, beat Lt. Surge, ran through Rock tun- oh... huh... wait.... You need 10 Pokedex entries to get FLASH, right? Well, let's see here: Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Oddish, Gloom, Spearow, Meowth. That's only 7. Yup, I dared to go through Rock Tunnel purely on memory from my last play through of FR. Anyways, I am currently on route to Celadon City, having past through Lavender town, and having that wait until later... or maybe not at all? After all, I don't need a Ghost Pokemon. Wrapping up Day 3, I caught a Male Growlithe and named him Charmion. Soon, I will catch a female Growlithe and name her Eiros. Can we have a Pokemon out of our type purely to aid in catching new Pokemon of our type? Because I had a difficult time catching Charmion with Ben. Ben- Level 41 Charmion- Level 17 View attachment 36155 View attachment 36156 View attachment 36157 View attachment 36158 View attachment 36159 One last thing: I made some badges for regions. View attachment 36160 The Birch Badge Meant for the Hoenn region; based off the distinctive bark of a Birch tree View attachment 36161 The Juniper Badge Meant for the Unova region; based off the berry produced by a Juniper Tree View attachment 36162 The Oak Badge Meant for the Kanto region; based off of an acorn, which is produced by and produces more of Oak trees. Want more? Approve of these.
The figure with the male voice laughed, and the way he laughed, with his raspy voice, it sounded almost like he was pleasantly suffocating. His laughter was abruptly ended however when he looked at he sack his compatriot was carrying. "Kid! Stop!" Quickly, he pulled her into an alley way between two large buildings. The space was tight, but well lit, as the lights in the square flickered on all at once. "There's a hole in that sack!" Said the male. He was tall and limber, with a square head, roughly good features, a roman nose, green eyes and brown hair that was neatly kept under a black golfer's hat, and he looked to be somewhere in his late teens to early twenties. "What?!" Returned Kid incredulously as she checked the bag. It was a limp empty leather bag she'd carted over her shoulder, and it indeed had a sizable hole in it. "I told you we should have put them in Pokeballs first, Billy!" She was roughly about the same height as Billy, only slightly shorter, and had a trim, somewhat pear-shaped figure. She was certainly in her late teens, and had a heart shaped face along with a head of raven hair that flowed lusciously past the bottom of her spine, and the same hat as Billy's adorned her head, but had a bit more of a cosmetic tilt to it. She was rather fetching, and much more graceful in appearance than Billy, but surely had as much roughness to her; it was in her fairy blue eyes. "This is our first mistake collectively, at least that much can be said." Billy remained cool and tossed the sack aside off of Kid's shoulders. At that same moment, an ice beam fell upon them, just glancing Billy's left foot. The sudden attack caught them both off guard. "We don't have any Pokemon and there's one pursuing us!" "I say we make a run for it!" Kid panicked and dashed off ahead of Billy. "There is one thing that can help us." Billy stuck out his right wrist and pointed a wristwatch-like device with a devilish smirk of triumph. He clicked a button on the watch and within moments the Pokemon was carousing around in a confused state. "Kid, don't get too far out!" Billy shouted as he dashed around the corner in pursuit of his ally. Thus, Team Rocket disappeared out of sight.
“Oh! Uh…” Nurse Joy rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Thank you…” Cyprus could tell Joy was stuck for a name. “Joshua.” Cyprus bent in and whispered in Joy’s ear. “Oh! Okay, Joshua! Thanks, Joshua. Here, just let me take your Pokemon, and I can show you all how the Reviver works.” Nurse Joy took Joshua’s contained Piplup and tossed him a peace sign before beckoning the others to the counter. She hopped over it, disregarding the fact she was wearing a skirt, and landed on the other side, where there sat a large machine with a red cross at the head of it against the walls, and there was a panel in the middle of it consisting of six dents that looked about the right size for Pokeballs. Nurse Joy placed Joshua’s Pokeball in the first dent in the upper left corner of the machine before clicking a keyboard key on her Laptop on the counter. “Just give it a min- huh? Error?” She read from the screen as a blue color illuminated her face. Just then, the screen went dead along with all power inside the Pokemon Center. “AHH!” Nurse Joy let out a tiny yelp as the room fell into impenetrable darkness where she couldn’t see anyone and everything was a solid black. “Lucia, stick close.” Was what she heard before her eyes had to suddenly readjust to the light coming from a small pen-sized flashlight. Cyprus was holding it and using it to make sure everyone was in the room. “Is everyone alright?” He asked, patting Lucia who stuck very, very close. ~ Meanwhile, outside, The two figures in the darkness stopped moving when they came face to face with the Professor calling them out. One of the figures looked to the other and they smiled smarmily in unison. “Prepare for trouble…” Said the male voice; a raspy, chain smoker voice with a slight musical quality. “And make it… double.” Said the voice of a female lounge singing temptress sort. Both were dressed in black, and they both stuck to the shadows so everything below their face could not be seen. The tore away at the front of their chests to tear away a meager black square cloth they both had on the front of their shirts. A brazen red “R” glared at Yew together, as the pair began to dash away. They were exceedingly fast and disappeared into the night without even so much as a distant footfall. What could be heard though, was the scurrying of tiny feet and the flapping of wings as a flurry of Pokemon came out of the dark, brushed past Yew and smashed through the front door thanks to a headbutt from a wild Zigzagoon. Shattering glass filled the lobby just as the lights came back on to reveal a collection of wild Pokemon that had abruptly entered the center. In attendance, there was a Purrloin, a Pidgey, and the Zigzagoon that had allowed entry, Sentret, Wurmple, Bidoof, Krikitot, Patrat, and a Lillipup. All of them looked either scared or confrontational, but in the group together, they certainly were a problem. “Quick, everyone, take these!” Nurse Joy threw some empty Pokeballs from bins underneath the counter to all the trainers. She tossed Glacies in her Pokeball to Joshua before ducking underneath the counter. “Catch those Pokemon! They can’t be allowed to run around here! Not with all the problems with the electricity!” A minimum of 3 players must post a match between BOTH their Pokémon and the Pokémon you wound up with for that character. Ideally, everyone involved posts, but since that likely won’t happen and we need to move on, not catching a Pokémon will result in that Pokémon for that player/character will be caught by Joy and sent to a different Pokémon Center. Hope you realize what this means: You don’t post; you don’t get a Pokémon. Cutoff date is July 13th, 2013; more than enough time to post.
It's simple: Take the number of the month you were born in, then the number of the date of your birth. I'm April 4th, so that is 5 and 4. Multiply that, so 5x4=20. Then, add up the letters in your first and last names. Jonathan ****** so that is 14. 14x20=280. #280, Ralts; the Feeling Pokemon. There's another one: Pick a number between 1-100; repeats are fine. Then multiply that by the number of letters in the first and last names of ONE of your characters. The second part for me is a surprise, but I will say that the number I picked was 82. This one you can cheat a little with, but there are certainly limits on what you can do. Please give the name of the character you selected in the post you make. This game does bear relevancy to an event coming up, since I don't want everything to be a slow tutorial thing. Just know: You aren't getting the Pokemon that is the result; not out of this event, anyway. If you have a number above the max number of Pokemon, then delete your last name from the equation. List of Pokemon: Ralts/Gardevoir- Sebax
Audine, my helper, is now a Gloom. It was rather pointless an evolution though, as Ben had no trouble taking the Cascade badge with limited support from Audine. View attachment 36153 View attachment 36154 I am still in Cerulean City, but I won't be for long.
I've barely had any time to really play anything at all, so I'm still in Cerulean leveling up Audine and Ben. Audine is level 16 and I want her to be a Gloom by the end of the night; Ben is level 27, and I'm focusing more on Audine as Ben is support against the gym that is going to give me the most trouble.
Up! Now it's you who mixed up identities, ole chap! ;p Anyway, arrivederci, Ze; hope you can come back to us soon. I will regret not meeting Etrius as soon as I thought.
LOL, sorry if I was a bit too formal. But you're welcome nonetheless.
So I noticed I was being followed by someone I had yet to meet, and then I discover said new follower is an actor/actress (I recognize you are...
In my defense, your avatars both feature a conglomerate of drawn characters, you both have long Usernames, and it was late. Still... soooooooo embarrassed. ^^"
View attachment 36112 In Mt. Moon, I was faced with the hardest decision of my life: A. Kabuto, that I cannot use or B. Omanyte that I cannot use. I picked B. Maybe my Rock Smash slave, but Omanyte can't do much more and I want Silph Co.'s Lapras to be my Surfing slave; Lexi the Lapras. Anyways, cleared Mt. Moon. I rushed far too fast and got my heart chewed up and handed to me when I tried rushing across the bridge in Cerulean to face the Nugget Bridge 5 +1 to get my Oddish Helper. I got my beat down from my rival the first go, and having never visited Cerulean city's Pokemon Center, I had to trek back to Mt. Moon and face two new trainers I managed to miss the first time. Moral of this story? Mega Kick works great on Squirtle. Thanks to the backtrack, I was able to acquire the move for Ben to take down the biggest opponent in my way on my Rival's roster. After he was dealt with, Nugget Bridge was a snap and I got my Audine the Oddish to help me for now. View attachment 36113 After beating my Rival; little git said "CHICKEN BUTT!" Directly after this lineee,...okay, no he did not. He gave me the Fame Checker and went about his merry way. I sort of regret naming my Rival after me, but it was the only name I could think of. xD View attachment 36114 Audine, my Helper Pokemon; took 3 of the 5 Pokeballs I had, because Ben was too strong to get her lower than yellow with his weakest attack, SCRATCH. Currently in Cerulean City (Stuck there since I visited the Pokemon Center there this time around) leveling up Audine to go against Cerulean City Gym, which is the one trouble area left, generally speaking, for my type. I may level her up to a Gloom as she is now level 14, and Ben is level 25! Do I have to release her eventually, or can I keep her in my PC? Well, anyways, that's enough Pokemon Fire Red for one day; end of Day 1. View attachment 36115 View attachment 36116 EDIT: Before heading to bed, I had what I thought was a marvelous idea for the regional badges: Logs of wood/Trees. Oak, Elm, Birch, Rowan, and Juniper to be exact. I'll get to work tomorrow on the looks. Birch would look better as a log, as the bark itself is recognizable, but others will have to be trees.
Sorry, buddy, but I think you might want to rethink this; 1 Phoenix down alone is 1000 munny, and the Ultra potion is the same amount, and you have less than 1000 needed for just one of them. :c Probably not my place, but when I saw the expensive requests, I wanted to see if he had enough, and it turned out, Flood, you don't.
The Prologue worked amazingly; set an excellent scene for which to work on, that transposed well into the first chapter. It was very fast paced, but you get the meat and Potatoes and all that you need to get who is the main character and what is going on; it flows much like a video game. I particularly liked the Katrina girl. The most game-like element of it? Magica is used to kill a few grown men and then it's all like, "Hi, I am Ryuo." "Katrina." Not that the nonchalance is bad; it works. Reading through Chapter 2 now, but I read Skit no. 1 ahead of time and laughed quite a bit. xD EDIT: Read Chapter 2 The more I read, the more I think if the movie "The Princess Bride" was rewritten and set in a different way. It's a very similar, laid back style that is equal parts daring adventure and just awkward enough to be somewhat Romantic; Ryou's comments about the hiding place made me giggle. The skits help. They're like the little bonus comic at the bottom of a comic book page.
While you're updating, Ben is now level 14 and I plan on making him Charmeleon very soon. I won against my Rival on the Route West of Viridian [1] and took on Brock's Junior trainer and won; proven by the dialogue in the second picture. Currently in Pewter City leveling up Ben. May be irrelevant, but I also gave more info on Ben, with such trifles as Nature and Move Set. View attachment 36106 View attachment 36107 View attachment 36110 View attachment 36111 One problem, my game keeps freezing. ;~; UPDATE! Ben the Charmeleon is here! And he managed to get a Boulder badge pretty easily all on his lonesome. View attachment 36108 View attachment 36109 Now headed for Mt. Moon on Route 3, not yet having beat any of the challengers awaiting.
1. Cyprus meets his rival, Sebax 2. Cyprus receives his first Pokemon, Ben the Charmander 3. Cyprus is challenged by Sebax with Squirtle 4. Ben wins with heavy use of Growls and scratches Side notes, Ben is now level 9, knows Ember, and Cyprus received his Pokedex from Professor Oak. View attachment 36102 View attachment 36103 View attachment 36104 View attachment 36105
I'd like to thank you personally, Cat, as Fire-types are very near and dear to my heart. :3
Name: Caesar Cyprus Self Proclaimed Title: The Roaming Flame Username: Sebax Type Chosen: Fire Sprite Picture: If I am correct, HoT is working on a custom-made one from scratch Starter: Charmander HM Slave: Later decided Game Cartridge: Fire Red Emulator Roster: Location: Just started
“Now of course, you’ll want to make sure we’re well supplied on Pokémon food for the ceremo-“ Cyprus was stopped midsentence once he and Nurse Joy reached the entrance by Joy herself. “Ohhh! Look at the cute little Eevee!” She squeed, before leaping at the opportunity to coddle the Eevee she saw in Topaz’s arm. “Can I pet he-? Wait a minute…” Her mood changed in an instant when she examined the creatures paw. “This Pokémon just battled!” Her eyes darted to a scuff mark on the floor. “In the Pokémon Center?? No way! Don’t you realize this is a hospital?” She was near to critical overload, so much that even Cyprus was unsure of how to handle the situation; Lucia was much the same way, as she could handle Cyprus, but did not deal well with calming down strangers outside of her influence. It was apparently worth a try anyway to the Ninetales as Lucia tentatively waltzed over to lick the back of the emerald-haired girl’s hand. The action produced the desired reaction; Nurse Joy was startled enough to come to her senses. “Well… I suppose we should heal up your Pokémon. May I have her? Also, who was the other participant in the battle? Well, I suppose anyone can have their Pokemon healed first; you’ll need to see how the machine works. Any takers?” Joy asked sweetly, putting one hand on one hip that she slanted out. ~ Meanwhile, in the labs: “Stratana, can I have those data tables over here?” Lexi called over to Stratana, her lab partner. Both were young women around the age of twenty seven, and both were scientists that worked in the labs with a special study in the prominence of Shiny Pokémon on the island PokAcademy was located on. Lexi was the more lightly built of the two, with vibrantly blue hair atop her head and a fairer complexion. Lexi sat at the computer at one side of the lab room her and Stratana were working in most of that day. Just earlier, she’d helped Cyprus with surveillance when two students had left early during the Starter give away ceremony, and now she was ready to turn in for the night. All she needed to do was put some data into the computer and- She immediately stopped what she was thinking of when she spotted something unsettling on one camera that caught her eye. “Stratana! Come here quick!” Stratana rushed over with data tables in hand. She was curvier than Lexi, with light pink hair that was wavier only slightly longer, blanketing her shoulders as she bent over slightly to increase her speed. Once over by the computers, she scanned the screens once she saw how intently Lexi was staring in horror at one; she couldn’t pick out which one it was until the same exact purpose caught her own eye. “Lexi… is it looking at us?” Stratana whispered terrified to her partner. What they were both staring at was a detained Haunter inside a Pokéball. The Pokémon itself was a Shiny they had been studying just previously in the day, and as they looked at it, it was staring right back at them; a haunting, Cheshire cat grin stretched its features as the image in full color sat there on the flat screen. “Don’t be silly, Lexi. The cameras are hidden so that the brightest of Pokémon won’t know they are being-“ Lexi tried to calm herself and Stratana at the same time as her nerves burned with anxiety. She was ultimately silenced when the Haunter nodded its head and waved at them! Lexi and Stratana cringed away from the screen, and Lexi pounded the button to change the video stream for that screen entirely on instinct. “I am never studying Ghost Pokémon again after that!” Stratana stifled a tear of fright as she convulsed to get rid of the stillness left in her from the fear pulsating through her. “Ugh! We’re going to have to watch that one, I think. It certainly isn’t coming out of its ball. Ever!” “Yeah, I know what you me- Hey!” Stratana caught sight of the new feed where the Haunter had been, and it was the front doors to the lab. Two silhouettes were dashing out that couldn’t be made out. The flash of movement was so fast, Stratana wasn’t sure if what she saw was real or not. “Hmmm?” Lexi asked half-interested as she hurriedly started crunching numbers into a keyboard from the data tables Stratana had brought over. “Oh… umm… nothing. Probably just the Haunter getting to me. C’mon, I want to get home.” “I’d say “Go ahead of me and I’ll meet you there”, but not after that little show.” Lexi laughed as she typed, trying to make light of the situation. “I’ll wait up, just make sure you hurry; tonight feels way too creepy.” "I hear ya." Lexi gave a little shudder as she typed at light speed. 1 character is needed to come forward to the Pokémon Healer. Minun says he doesn't want to be pushy, but if he didn't have to say something every other post, that'd be great. C'mon guys, you are all excellent story-tellers and I try to give you enough information to look around a bit. Have a character examine the mural on the wall, have them sit down in a chair, talk to someone, anything...please?
Base wandered around in a dark room. It was gritty, from the limited amount of it he could see and smelled the odor of burning fuel on his nostrils. He felt his way around the room, meeting obstruction after obstruction in his way, feeling a creeping sensation of cold trickle up the back of his neck as though an imperceptible monsters was tracing a claw up his spine from his clavicle over and over. "So, tell me, Sebastian Noble, brother, how do you feel you're making out?" Called out a voice from the darkness. Base jumped; it seemed to be coming from all directions all at once, and what's more, it sounded very much familiar. He was still unsure though, as much as he was unsure of his direct surroundings. "Who are you?" Base called back, finding at last on the tips of his fingers a strings of tiny metal beads dangling in mid-air that felt much like a light switch pull. Light permeated the darkness from a single dingy 40 Watt light bulb. Base looked on in fear as what he could see was a room with a black mesh metal flooring and grooved aluminum walls that were coated either in blood or great deals of rust; Base hoped it was rust only. There was really only one simple round wooden table in the middle of the small square room "Hello, Base." This voice was different; a young girl's voice, one more around his age and riddled with authority. "Benny? Who's the other guy?" Base was surprised to hear the voice of his friend. "Base, right now you're subconscious is connected to the book in your bag, and is being animated through the Quest Complex's computers. You're body? Well, we aren't able to track you at all; it's always up to you to tell us where you are." "Funny story. Yen Sid sent me off to a different world after I left Pleasure Island. I met two new people there, who are also Keyblade weilders; Shapur, who is a warrior like you wouldn't believe! He crippled one enormous beast with nearly every hit; and Krowley, who wears a suit and welll, he's pretty powerful too, but very quiet. Later on, we came across someone new like me: Beuce-" "Beuce?" Benny giggled. "Beuce and Base?" "Yeah, I thought the same thing." Base enjoyed the opportunity to laugh freely for once; despite his surroundings. "Say, where exactly am I?" "Like I said, you are in a computer animated room. Your subconscious is locked to this world, so there are a lot of places you'll find you can pop up, even when you're not here. As for the program, well, we called you here this time. We used a program that happened to be availa-" "Who was the guy who called me "brother"?" Base interrupted as the question could no longer be contained. "Hmm?" "Before you came on, there was another voice. Someone asked me how I was and called me their brother; I never had a sibling back on Theate." "Nobody said anything, Base. We were trying to figure out the light animations for that room. It looks like the program was made recently. I'm surprised you're not shocked you're in a computer program right now." "Takes a lot to get to me nowadays." Base took a seat in one of the chairs. On the table, he found a note, and read it, thinking it was likely from those at the controls. ~Hello, Base I'll see you in Pleasure Island on your next visit. Be sure to visit them more often; Benny and the others really seem to miss you. Sincerely, Sonata~ 'Sonata? Who's Sonata?' Base thought to himself as he stuffed the note in the pocket he knew he didn't really have at that particular stretch in time and space. "Hey, Benny, you miss me?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Lots! You really need to visit more." "Maybe I'll crack open the book the next time I find my feet on solid ground. Should check that I'm not needed for anything though. These people I'm with... they seem to be on some kind of mission; I think they know about or of Yen Sid. I think that came up at some point... ugh... I can't remember." "Try not to think about it too much; just visit soon, in the flesh. Everyone really misses you. It was Yen Sid who told us we could contact you this way, and it was Ronnie who just said a couple of hours ago: "Hey, can we call Base now?" And here you are. Lucky you were asleep." "I'm not sure I am asleep... just... between states." "What does that mean?" "If you just saw what I did, you'd answer "I don't really know" just like I'm saying right now in reply." Base thought back. "I saw a bright light after Beuce locked the world we were in." "Like you did here?" "Yeah, a lot like that. It was like the world wanted it to be done, and his Keyblade reacted to it. Then the light swallowed me and the others." "Anything after that?" "Yeah, I woke up here." "Well, be sure to fill us in on how the story fills out when you find time to come back here, because these calls don't work in reverse, and we can only get to you when you aren't awake. Okay?" Base smiled. "Sure thing, Benny." OOC: Just some filler between states to allude to more upcoming elements of Based Forward and cluing everyone into Base's recent past. Also, I'm aware EXP Writer has no effect for me yet.
LOL, Ren, The Tactician. I read this idea in the SOS chat, and I said I'd laugh if Gabi actually went through with it, and so I did; it really was quite a bit of good strategy. Also, Equiping one Pheonix Down, putting the Ether in storage, and replacing said Ether with a purchased Potion for 50 munny.