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  1. Sebax
    Base was slightly dumbfounded. First, there were those musical Heartless he faced when he first encountered Krowley and Shapur. Now,the first foe he'd really be facing in this new world also happened to be musical. "I think this is my kind of fight." He tapped the tongs of his Keyblade on the marble floor slowly, in three quarter time. He was ready to defend himself, and he was willing to egg the symphonic beast on.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 23, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    There will be times, always when resting in the Pokémon Center and sometimes during end days in Dorms, when players will have the opportunity to participate in a few mini-games to have a bit of fun in-between story chapters. This will not only keep things from getting repetitive, but also allow players to gain items and opportunities in the real RP! Keep in mind this: you do still post in the Story thread, as this dream sequence is a part of your Pokémon adventure. Now then, a few easy steps to get us started:

    Take the two Pokémon you came up with during the previous random number game. These Pokémon are the ones your characters will become during the dream sequence. Got that? They become the Pokémon. Just imagine a Mystery Dungeon-like environment, as, since the whole RP is based around the games, this segment is based around those games. You can make either character whichever Pokémon you choose, so long as those are the two you came up with during the RANDOM NUMBERS EVENT! NOT the previous IN STORY event. Once you’ve picked, post in the OOC and state which character is which Pokémon. If you did not participate in the Random Numbers event, then simply state you want to participate and Pokémon will be selected for you. DO NOT POST IN THE THREAD UNTIL I START US OFF, please.

    Now then, here’s how it will work. You’re in a dream, so you have a very loose idea of what is reality. Your characters act like themselves, but they are completely out of the context of what goes on when they are awake, and yes, you are in a mutual dream, so everyone can interact with each other; more on that in a little while. In this dream, being a Pokémon is normal to you (Get into Philosophy with me and I can teach you a few things maybe. xD), so no firsts posts going like “Hey! I’m suddenly a Pokémon! Cool!” which would be like “Hey! I have a keyboard in front of me! Awesome!”; we know you’re a Pokémon, and given the circumstances of the dream, there’s no reason to be surprised. Mutual dream. You are all in the same sphere of reality, and that’s as simple as it gets. I’ll give more specs on the location once we start, but this will change, much like in the online Dream World in the game franchise. I’ll try to keep things contained so that you are forced to interact and work together, because this mini-game is meant to be short (There will be a time limit).

    Since this is the first dream, I’m going to clue you in on what sort of games will be featured over the course of it. The first will be a trivia game which will lead to a puzzle game. How does one script a puzzle game? Leave it to me; it’s simpler than it sounds. During the puzzle game, you’ll have to team up and face challenges in order to move on. At the end, rewards are dealt out to whom I decide is the best story-teller of the group. Unfortunately for myself, I can never be chosen, but since neither of my characters are actual game players, I can live with that. Another note: Professor Cyprus will be the only Professor participating as a mini-game player; Pine and Yew may be brought in at appropriate times, but only after such appearances have been coordinated ahead of time so everything clicks. When we start, your character will be at the base evolutionary stage, or baby stage if you choose to go that far low and your evolutionary family has one (E.g, if you came up with Raichu in the Random numbers event, you’d be Pikachu unless you said you wanted to be Pichu.) The reason for all this is that as we progress through the dreams, you will evolve. Don’t want to evolve? That’s fine too, just script a cancellation. Keep in mind, you’re being graded on creativity and adaptability in the end, so try to get the bonuses!

    Oh man, this really is all complicated. xD When it comes to the games, there will be rewards for solving/completing a stage of a mini-game. Beat every mini-game, and you get really cool stuff, but you must participate in order to be counted for the victory. Remember that time limit? Well, normally it might wind up being three days, but since we’ve been going slowly, I figure 1 week this time around should be fine. That’s the beauty of dreams: there is no time/continuity stringency, since a dream can end whenever. Unfortunately though, if you don’t complete a stage of a game before completion, you don’t get a prize.

    That should about cover it for now. Anyone who did not post an end day post has received a half strike which is the equivalent of force-feeding your Pokémon a non-stop stream of Rare candy; it makes me cry. In the future, please, try not to make me cry. ;~; That all said, I look forward to starting the dream with you all on Saturday, June 22nd, 2013, at 6 O’clock PM EST, as this is also the deadline to sign up for the dream. Have questions? Don’t be shy to ask.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    Base looked first to Karina and Steel as Krowley spoke considering why Vanitas had acted as the masked boy had; Base had to assume Krowley knew who the masked boy was, and that the masked boy was Vanitas. From what Krowley surmised, Base presumed this other masked figure, the darker one, was more odious and manipulative than Base was accustomed to dealing with; even for a boy from a well-populated city. So far, everyone else, including Kel and himself, had been silent as Krowley continued to point out what Base supposed should have been obvious to anyone not coming late to the party, because even he felt like he could wrap his young mind around what Krowley expounded upon. “Makes sense to me.” Base managed to fit in during a pause after Krowley had said “willing to risk their lives to see if I’m right.” “I don’t know if I’m already in that count, but consider me indebted to the cause in whatever way I can be of use.” Base continued, but Krowley continued to speak, no doubt trying to finish the full thought. What the final words said before the blue suited young man darted off for the ballroom doors one last time struck Base deeply; at last, he found someone who understand what was worth fighting for, and Base felt more willing to fight by Krowley’s side more than ever.

    Swiftly, Base caught up to Krowley and another boy, Steel, as the latter asked questions that made nearly no sense to Base, but likely because it involved someone he was not yet acquainted with more than anything else. “You have the blade of Sebastian Noble, Krowley.” Base gave the two others a curt nod as they ran, once the other accompaniment had finished asking questions. Base knew he was waxing poetic and maybe now was not the time for fancy words, but he could not help it. He had faced much worse, cataclysmic events before even arriving in Pachyderm Parade so he was accustomed to the danger, but this… this felt like it was so much bigger than anything Base had previously been a part of. This entire fiasco spoke of repercussions that went on for how long Base didn’t exactly know, all he did know was that this was something much bigger than him. “There are still a lot of things I don’t really know. If I make it out of this alive, someone’s going to have to catch me up.” He chuckled lightly. “Who knows, I might just open up with my own story.” His Keyblade still in hand, Base concentrated on the door leading onwards; the door he felt would lead to many more doors later on. The questions was that he asked himself was: how many will I be opening and where will they all lead? Base turned to Steel. “I hope you’re ready.” He huffed and breathed as harshly as possible; the recent strains and tribulations had certainly increased his athleticism, which was nearly non-existent all throughout his previous life. All so many changes, and all so many changes for the better still.

    Base received 26 EXP.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Sebax
    "Demon?" Base was brushed by a fleeing reveler shrieking what he asked at the top of their lungs. He was surely dumbstruck when Krowley called him to look for the cause of the grand royal exodus, since he had no idea where to start, given the confusion. All the same, he felt honored to be included in the masked personage's group, as more than a few of the newer people to him seemed to regard him as some sort of leader, which he had guessed loosely back on the previous world. "As much as I like the new weaponry, I think I might need something that'll cover me entirely." Base said to himself as he struggled with the decision to change to his Unbound keyblade or stick with the Ferris Gear. In the end he opted to not switch, wanting to try out the colorful circus keyblade he'd acquired first after the original Kingdom Key. "Where to start?" He asked his group.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    OMG! I have a readership! No joke, I jumped when I saw someone commented because of the sheer positivity I received from the surmise. I'd like to thank you for reading, since, admiteddly, I forgot all about this story and the fact it's mostly finishe; the end, anyway. What I like about this story is, it started out as one scene (One that will happen later on) and then it started to get longer and now it's really starting to feel like a full story. : D If you think this is a "masterpiece" of fanfiction (I nearly fainted then when I read that. xD), I humbly suggest my other work: Based Forward, as it is written in a similar vein with a different inspiration. Also, a particular thanks for the grammar suggestions; I'll see what I can fix, but unfortunately, I'm not on as much as I used to be very recently. x.x Oh well, here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy this as well. :3
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Written Works
  6. Sebax
    I know there are a fair amount of people saying their farewells to Master Chief as a result of the Xbox One. Even though I do not personally play Halo, I think the fact of the exodus reflects what is seen here so far: People would cut ties with a Xbox One exclusive, no matter how tearfully and regretfully. I must confess, the only Xbox console I have ever played and enjoyed at the same time would have to be the original Xbox, and that was a long time ago with a different scope of what was entertaining. As much as I have anticipated the arrival of III, I'd live without out like I'd lived without DDD (Even though I really want DDD), but I did purchase a PSP and DS system pretty much for the sole purpose of the KH franchise. So Nintendo can get me to do that, but not Microsoft.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Sebax
    Bidoof continued to scurry around the inside of the lobby with a frightened rush, knocking chairs aside and making a racket as the sole Pokémon left uncaught. Nurse Joy hopped up from behind the counter and landed back over on the other side with a fierce, deadly look and a Pokéball in hand. “Behave yourself!” She shouted at the pacing Bidoof, and momentarily lost her demeanor. “Oh man… I sound like one of my sisters.” She said out loud, embarrassed by the fact before snapping out of it to throw the Pokéball towards the sitting area. In a flash of energy, Avril the Audino appeared with a fixed expression of determined spunk. “Avril, use Heal Bell before taking on that Bidoof!” Nurse Joy commanded, and with a single movement, every Pokémon in the room, save for the foe, Bidoof, was cured fully.

    It soon became apparent, however, the Bidoof likely did not enjoy being left out, as it hit Avril with a tackle, no longer confused by its displacement. “Alright, Avril, we’ll have to capture this thing to set it to ease, so weaken it up with a fire punch!” Nurse Joy commanded and Avril obliged as her small fists lit up with an orange flame that didn’t seem to harm her as she dealt Bidoof a blow with one solid punch. As Bidoof staggered back, it was evident that it had been burned. It winced with pain, but readied another attack, as it dealt another tackle at Avril. “Avril, use After you; you can take another hit, but we don’t want the Bidoof to take any more damage than it will a little longer with that burn.” Nodding its head seriously, Avril allowed Bidoof another tackle, before the small fuzzy quadruped double back with its burn. “Alright, time to catch this thing and end this!” Nurse Joy threw another Pokéball at Bidoof, who was then converted into energy and was taken into the Pokéball. Nurse Joy clenched her jaw as she watched first one shake, then two, and breathed a sigh of relief on the third that was quickly followed by a click. She walked over the way where the Pokéball laid on the ground and picked it up. “Thanks, Avril. Here’s a berry.” Nurse Joy smiled as she handed her Audino a berry that would fully rejuvenate it. “Thank you all, actually.” Nurse Joy nodded her head at all the students.

    Meanwhile, Cyprus was just getting off a phone call with a very worried expression. “I’m afraid there’s an issue with the road to the dorms. A swarm of Weedle. They are being dealt with before they can breed, and hopefully also before they evolve. Still, we cannot risk anyone being poisoned, so I am afraid we will have to stay in the square for tonight.”

    “Oh, you’re free to sleep in the Pokémon Center, Professor.” Chimed in Joy.

    “Erm, thank you, Nurse; I was about to ask.” He looked towards the busted door. “However, there is the issue of-” WHAM!As he spoke, a metal screen fell from the top of the door frame and fell to the bottom of the frame as Nurse Joy pocketed a small device back into her blouse pocket. “Well then, never mind.”

    “Right this way, guys.” Nurse Joy casually beckoned to the others down a hallway to the left of the counter. “There are rooms numbered one through six, go ahead and pick one. I’ll help with anything you might need. But generally, good night.”


    Pick a room and end your day. Not ending your day by June 19th, 2013 will result in a half a strike, per the rules.

    Also, sorry it isn't formatted. I wanted to get this in as soon as possible before I had to leave for a rehearsal.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sebax
    I'm sorry if I come off as contrary, but while I do not totally debunk the logic of your doubt, it's been highly evident that other games hire sound-a-likes, whether the original voice actor is alive or not, but Kingdom Hearts gets the original voice actor when possible. An exception I can think of would have to be most of Pridelands. The usually used sound-alikes for Simba and Timon were used, while Scar was somebody new to replace Jeremy Irons, I think. All the same, one has to admit, the point that Hercules in KH I was a soundalike, then in KH II, Sean Astin. As video games become as prestigious as movies/television, the appeal as work increases.

    Plus, if you were to say: "Hey, Ewan, we want you to be Obi-won again for a big project that will last in memory, not just another shameless Computer animated sequel", you'd probably be stopped at Obi-won. xD
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Sebax
  10. Sebax

    True, but (most) of the actors from the more recent trilogy are still around and still sound like they did when they did the movies. I dunno. I'd be just as happy to run into Han Solo and hear Harrison Ford, as I would to see and hear Ewan MgGregor in a Kingdom Hearts game. Fan service could go either way, because even though it can be claimed that the original trilogy is more popular, the validity is somewhat cloudy do to it being more a dividing factor in a irrreverant fan-feud over which is better.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Sebax
    Catching event has been closed. Since Flood posted for Joshua, and I know how he's been having technical problems lately keeping him from posting, I'll cut him some slack with Melody.

    Everyone who has posted has received the Pokemon that they caught and were assigned. Expect a post to go here somewhere over the course of tomorrow. Check the Skype chat for such an update when it occurs. Gonna aim for no later than 4 O'Clock in the Afternoon.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax
    I dig using one character from the series in a trio of bad'uns, and Nequa is a classic Witch with a captial B, but Aux is my pick. He has potentially some good inside him, especially if you read the prologue. I like a character that has redeemable qualties or seems likely to be redeemed in someway.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  13. Sebax
    It was all in a blink of the eye. One second he was in that dingy room, the next he was staring a masked boy in a hula skirt with a rather dark color pallet. He was towards the middle, crowded by over a dozen other Keyblade wielders in a capacious royal ballroom. On instinct, he motioned for his Keyblade, and in a flash, it was in his hand. Something about it though, didn't feel right. Knowing he'd have to be swift in his actions, Base dug into his messenger bag at his side and searched in the bag with focus on one particular item; a key chain token that looked like a clock connected to a small red chain with white arrows pointing up to the clip. He withdrew the Kingdom Key in a flash of light and followed a similar motion as before, but this time unclipping the small tri-circled token keychain from one of his blue jean belt loops and attaching the red chain to the same spot before performing the swiping motion that brought the Ferris Gear into play. He admired the new blade with a particularly discerning taste.

    "Hey, look at that Yen Sid; I finally earned one for myself." He chuckled, greatly liking the new weapon. "Told you I could." He wasn't speaking to anyone in attendance, but rather much just speaking out loud in a quiet fashion. He took a look at the others. Many of them were girls, and he had up til then only seen one girl wield a Keyblade, so he wondered if some of them were. There was a girl with long pink hair and big bambi eyes, a tomboyish looking girl with a sort of quartz or some other mineral pendent necklace, a sultry young girl with black hair and... red eyes(?), a misty eyed girl with pale skin and white hair to match, and a rather intimidating looking specimen with black hair in a sort of pigtail fashion. For the males he had yet to have seen before, there was a varying age group. There was a mysterious looking young man with a rad odd appearance coupled with a cape, a very pale young man with yellow eyes and reddish, blackish hair, a boy with spiky blue hair, two young men with brown hair (Except one's was darker and the other had more vibrantly blue eyes), young was very young (Maybe around 11 or 12) with white hair and seemed tough skinned despite his size, and the last boy had noticeably red hair with a headband around the hairline. He glanced over at the girl with the pink hair.

    "Umm... Hi. I'm Sebastian Noble. Not sure if now is the time for formalities, but I do know the last time I wound up somewhere with new people who I just suddenly appeared in front of, it took awhile to learn names. The one in the blue suit is Krowley, the white haired guy over there is Beuce, and the older gentleman with the Viking aura is Shapur. You are?"

    OOC: In order of being mentioned: girls: Flora, Ananta, Xero, Luna, and Karina; boys: Steel, Etrius, Kel, Aden, Glen, Eon, and Raisor. Also, I know this isn't an EXP Writer moment.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Sebax

    Wii Fit Trainer is really no different than Mr. Game and Watch if you think about it. Game and Watch was a collection of little games around a similar style with absolutely no central plot, and, believe or not, Wii Fit actually is very much a game and has its own collection of novel characters as a result. Of course, there was that cheeky little anthropomorphic Wii board that picked on how skinny I was (internally weeping for past insecurities; okay, so it didn't "pick on" me) and the male trainer. I can see why they went with the Female Trainer, or at least attempt to guess:

    1. Add another female to the roster as there has been a noticeable increase in female gamers over the course of time.
    2. Male would be too obvious. Honestly. Big, buff dude with a gentle voice and he's fighting? At least the Female trainer was Jillian Michaels-esque and aggressive about the workouts (I preferred choosing her over the guy for that)
    Or maybe they do have the male in there too. There's very little I know about new content and the game in general. I just really want to play it. I played the original poorly because I sucked at fighting games as a kid (Kirby and Link were the only characters I could play well), I played Melee like it was my religion when that was popular and I kicked major and I got to play Brawl when it was released and promoted at Game Stop machines, so I've always enjoyed the series.
    On the other hand, to be honest, only two reasons I enjoyed the Wii were two legit games: Wii Fit and Melee. I didn't even have a Wii; my Uncle and Aunt do. Wii Sports is cool, but not really a legit game in my book; it's marketing and demo material.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Sebax

    Considering there won't be as much of a push for a post-Xehanort story line sequel, looking at this data, I'm going to play KH III very... very... slooooowwwllllllleeeeeeee...

    Oh but I do hope they include Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, and Agrabah; they don't give enough to those worlds. Before anyone posts on this: yes, I am kidding. As fun as those worlds are, there are worlds I still want to see and I want to see very few returns to already known worlds. I also hope the improve the Gummi Ship mini games to be sort of a mix of the last two console games; the theatricality of KH II, the interactive environments, and goddammit, I want to build a gummi ship with PS4 The Sims level creativity. Just think though, if the worlds are roughly the same size as they were in previous games, just think how many worlds could go into KH III! But if there's a tutorial/lengthy intro like in KH II: Skip option after one playthrough is needed; I haven't played through KH II in years because the tutorial is sooooo effin' long.

    Towards the end, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Axel, and Mickey fall into a massive pool of darkness. And as they slowly fall towards the center, where they will be crushed by the sheer soul crushing emptiness, they all grab hands.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Sebax
    Woohoo and Nuuuuu all at the same time. I never caught the release year anywhere, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was one or the fact it should be obvious since games take so long to make and this one /looks/ to be early in development; I was in absolute ecstasy over the graphics and sheer existence of this, so numbers kind of were trivial matters. xD Not to mention I kept shaking my head and laughing, once my mind was done processing the trailer, in order to get a hold of myself.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Sebax
    Oh no... going back through the posts and I think to myself: The new KH game is coming out on an entirely new system. The PS3 was awesome, even from the get go, but games like Assassin's Creed and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune froze all the time because they were early games for the system. Imagine KH where it freezes like that. ;~; I never had that problem before with any of the games, so this notion seems troubling.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Sebax
    View attachment 36194

    View attachment 36195

    I wanted to know what Goofy and Donald would look like with new Graphics, and I wasn't disappointed.

    IS THIS FOR REAL?? Bah. Won't happen/catch on/sell; any or all of those three.
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Sebax
    The KHSOS Skype chat was turned into a gaggle of squealing fangirls last night; me included. That is not exaggeration... I /squealed/; I was forced into such excitement that I lost it. Hero of Time came in and said "KH III was announced at E3" and we lost it. It was beautiful, and I'll never forget it. x3

    As to the likelihood that Simple and Clean and Sanctuary will not be recycled and that a new song will be done, I hope so as well. At the same time, I really hope it is Utada. But I had to look back at something here: I thought Sanctuary was used more than Simple and Clean. KH I: SC; KH II: Sanctuary; KH RE: CoM: SC; 365/2: Sanctuary; BBS: SC. Huh. I was wrong.

    Also, this was on the HOT PAGE of REDDIT (FREAKIN' REDDIT, PEOPLE! They've been really occupied with r/atheism, the NSA and the failure of the Xbox One to realize anything else happening, and then this shows up; granted, it has something to do with Xbox Failure, but just slightly.) View attachment 36193
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Sebax
    Pictures will tell my story thus far sufficiently enough:
    View attachment 36166 View attachment 36167 View attachment 36168 View attachment 36169 View attachment 36170 View attachment 36171 View attachment 36172 View attachment 36173 View attachment 36174 View attachment 36175 View attachment 36180 View attachment 36176 View attachment 36177 View attachment 36178 View attachment 36179

    I am currently in Fuschia City, preparing both to go into the Safari zone for little more than to fetch the Teeth and Surf, and to go into the gym to get my 7th badge. As you can see, I acquired the Rainbow and Marsh badges, but what you cannot see is that I beat the Fighting gym (Not really much purpose except for the EXP) and taught my Flyer, Ace the Spearow, Fly.

    I haven't lost a single battle since Cerulean City when I lost against my rival. I suppose that owes to the high levels of Charmion and Ben and a bit of moveset strategy.

    Location: Fushcia City
    HM Slaves:
    Cutter the Meowth- Level 10 Terrain
    Ace the Spearow- Level 15 Flying
    Audine the Gloom- Level 24 Misc. (Sweet Scent)
    Lexi the Lapras- Level 25 Swimmer (Does not yet know SWIM; will very soon.)

    View attachment 36187 View attachment 36185 View attachment 36186 View attachment 36188
    Cutter(M) Ace(M) Audine(F) Lexi(F)

    Ben the Charizard- Level 51
    Charmion the Arcanine- Level 40
    Eiros the Growlithe- Level 22
    Bunsen the Flareon- Level 27

    View attachment 36184 View attachment 36182 View attachment 36181 View attachment 36183
    Ben(M) Charmion(M) Eiros(F) Bunsen(M)

    EDIT: 06/11/13
    Location: Viridian City

    I beat Blaine and got my Ponyta, Bernadette, last night. Today, I beat Giovanni one last time for the Earth Badge, and I am now headed to Victory Road to do some grinding so I can face the Elite Four.
    New Roster member:
    View attachment 36197

    Bernadette (F)

    EDIT: 06/12/13
    View attachment 36200
    Bernadette Evolved!
    Post by: Sebax, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground