Sean FugueLocation:Circle<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Predatory/Wanton<>OOC: Hey, CStar! Sean, carting the bulky bags without so much as a strain, saw before him a buffet of women of varying ages and sizes, and most of them were worth taking a second look at. One in particular caught his eye; a younger girl, who looked timid and mousy, but was obviously craving for attention as she scanned the crowd for someone to talk to. Sean, of course, could well try to make himself that person she'd want to talk to; better yet, Stratana's bag was fortunately unisex in its appearance. He just had to check if she was watching him before he started strutting over toward Aislin; Stratana was occupied, so Sean figured he was cleared for take off. Sean flexed his massive arms and walked firmly towards the girl. He placed himself just within her vision, trying to catch her eye with his form. He made it look like running into her would have been a happy accident for the both of them. SebastianLocation: Circle <>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Upset<> OOC: If I ever call Sebastian "Base", please ignore it; it's a force of habit. Sebastian sat on a bench in the circle as he nursed his head. In his hands, he held his affronter: a book that had flown right at him and hit him in the back of the head. Scanning the cover over a bit, he flipped into it and read a little bit of it aloud to himself; it was his usual way of reading, as he liked to use different voices and visualized better with audio. "Midnight snacking is a camper favorite; try not to let them get too carried away, because they will head for the Mess Hall in the middle of the night with the munchies; it's advised to keep concessions locked each night." He thought about this for a moment. 'It sounds like a guide to being a counselor...' He thought to himself as he scanned another page silently. Counselors had always been there when he was at camp, but Sebastian had never really figured on becoming one himself, despite this being his last year available as a camper. All these thoughts aside, Sebastian put his mind to the task of logically deducing the owner, and now that he thought about it, the tosser of the book. Quickly, he scanned all the faces, and there was but one older face that seemed to stand out. Not only had the elder man with the eyepatch seemed to have come to the camp just recently, but Sebastian also believed he had been close when the book had been heaved. Carefully thinking it through, Sebastian walked to Julius, holding out the book in his hands, secretly wishing he could keep it; but he felt he should give it back if it was needed. "Excuse me, Sir, is this yours?" Sebastian held out the tome to the older male, calling his attention to the book. Little did Sebastian realize that in doing so, he gave the book an unheard voice; a voice that was almost a whisper. The imaginary wispy whisper given in offering the book spoke the words "There is no escape for you... you are mine!" Sebastian imagined nor heard such voices, so his expression in offering the book was rather blank as he waited for a reply. StratanaLocation: Circle<>Clothes<>Song<>Mood: Bored <> OOC: Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, BORED! "UGH!" Stratana grunted as she crossed her arms under her chest, soaked in her own sweat and as uncomfortable as Hell. She desired no conversation, but sat on a recently vacated bench as Sebastian left it; she gave a little squeak of discontent and yawned, getting a mouthful of reeking Aria that caused her to cough. This caused her all the more towards the edge as she shrieked aloud, without care of who heard her; she was more concerned with who would smell her, because it felt like she'd taken a dive in the pool, and that she might soon drip with perspiration if matters were not handled soon. She almost wanted to check up on her bag, but she also didn't want to go in range of that boy who had them; something off putting for a woman to have an odor stronger than the guy being put off. So, she kept to herself and tried to remain isolated and away from any drafts towards the population.
Location:♫♫Clothes♫♫Song♫♫Mood: Melancholy, but content♫♫ OOC: Top Priority Editing :b Epic RP Banner for Sebastian by Dinny. "Ohhhhh, my God! It's way too hot in this death trap!" Were whines of anguish he kept hearing out of at least one mouth, yet Sebastian felt entirely comfortable the whole trip; even being dressed in a loose casual summer suit. The main crier was that Aria girl, Stratana, a walking sex pun in Sebastian's opinion. He had to admit, he did find her attractive, but having his heart broken so many times had told him girls like her were not the Princess in distress Sebastian yearned to save. To block out Stratana's moaning, which sounded strangely orgasmic by some mixed factor of heat or her melodious voice, Sebastian plugged his ears with ear buds and submitted wholly to his custom radio. This survived as his method until the ferry trip when his internet signal had all but vanished for his device, and just as he was just finished listening to Michael Buble's "Just haven't met you yet". Silently, he reflected on the lyrics. He was an incredibly sober young man, and in so, he rarely ever spoke unless the situation was necessary, or he felt overwhelmingly lonely. The lyrics spoke to him in the way that because he was retiring, not quite shy, he had trouble attracting members of the opposite sex; indeed, he really hadn't met her yet. The effect the seemingly optimistic tune had on him was somewhat depressing, but a hopeful one; perhaps this would be the summer when he met someone really worthwhile. They were off the bus and headed for the ferry, when he thought back and contemplated how he had curiously spotted one girl who had sunk to digging her head into the seat as she seemed to boil from within in a mostly black outfit on the bus, and gave her a thought Ex post facto. He had yet to see her face, but he had all the same wanted to help her. Still, what could he do? If it were cold rather than excessively hot, he could offer a jacket, but in hot climates, less layers were the cause for most people (Not him). Sebastian didn't quite feel like asking anyone to strip, no matter how well-meaning and unselfish the notion would have been intended, much not a girl he didn't know. All he could do was leap to the opportunity to get to the circle as fast as possible. He breathed deeply, his eyes calmly fixed on his surroundings. 'Soon'll be time to orient', he thought nonchalantly as he joined a group getting ready to head to the circle, grabbing his bag from the capacious compartment below the bus. StratanaLocation:♫♫Clothes♫♫Song♫♫Mood: Agitated ♫♫ OOC: Played for comic relief Stratana Aria peeled herself from the seat once the bus had stopped, and with her thigh muscles feeling like jelly, she pushed and shoved her way out; pushing and shoving no one but the stubborn seating of course, loathing their leathery uncomfortable feel. "Ewwww!" She murmured. Someone within her olfactory senses had been sweating profusely and gave off the worst smell; a sudden realized pressed Stratana into the unfortunate truth that that someone was her. More wanting than ever for fresh air, Stratana dry heaved, doubled over, as soon as she was on the dirt. "Disgusting! HERK!" She again couldn't suppress an attempt by her stomach to expel its contents, which it simply couldn't manage at this point. While everyone else was starting to gather and set off, Stratana had to stay behind while her stomach did double flips. She had played her violin on the bus and only stopped once the heat began to sicken her, causing her usually toned limbs to writhe with a jiggly consistency, even though her arms still appeared supple and firm; obviously it was more the nerves than actual change of mass, but Stratana was not exactly a biologist. The sensation made her feel bloated, which only added to her frustration in the heat, which in turn tripled when she realized she had left her violin on the bus, and her bag was still in the compartment, waiting to be- HERK! SPLAT! Her nerves had gotten the best of her and her stomach had gotten its way. Several hours locked in a moving oven tends to have that effect on those of a weak constitution. She wiped her face and groaned miserably. Sean FugueLocation:♫♫Clothes♫♫Song♫♫Mood: Pumped, and upon seeing Stratana, aroused♫♫ OOC: Please don't judge me; Sean's a bad boy. ;~; Sean Fugue bounded from seat to seat, using the tops of each and his massive hands to vault him forward, and in doing so he managed to reach the front of the bus without pausing or even so much as touching the bus floor. Once outside, ready for the ferry, he looked around, and found Stratana doubled over, facing away from him. This particularly caught his wandering eye, and not out of true concern for the distressed girl either; a lengthy, steamy bus ride had caused Stratana's notably short dress to stick to her indefinitely, and as a result, every curvature of her voluptuous form could be seen; Sean's view was doubled in the fact so was she. As much as he enjoyed the view, taking a prolonged viewing of "Rear in 3D" or maybe even "Cinemascope", he figured the ferry wouldn't wait forever. "Hey." He called out informally to Stratana to catch her attention. Quickly, she wiped away sour spittle from off her chin as she quickly whipped around, completely caught off guard. "Yes?" "You okay?" "Yeah, fi-" Stratana took in the bulk, that mass, that tone! She hadn't exactly fallen in love, but she certainly wouldn't argue against seeing this guy sometime soon. "Fine." She finished her sentenced a tad swooned. "You seem tired; want me to get your bag?" Sean feigned a gentlemanly demeanor. Truth enough, doing a nice thing is, in fact, doing a nice thing. However, the difference between a snake and a Gentleman comes in the motive. "Sure." Stratana returned, a little dumbfounded. Without another word, Sean popped into the luggage compartment and asked for Stratana to point out which one was her own. She complied, and he grabbed both his bag and hers with his prodigious grip, one in each hand. Each bag was certainly sizeable, and while some had been nearly crushed over the size and weight of their bags, Sean lugged one over each shoulder without qualms; he didn't even bother strapping the bags under his arms. Here, Stratana nearly fainted, but managed to join the others as Sean followed carelessly behind. From this interaction, he surmised Stratana looked as good in motion as she was stationary. ~~ Later that day, around 4. Sebastian, Sean, and Stratana made it to the campsite, and headed out with the others for the circle. Sean still effortlessly carried both his and Stratana's luggage as the group collected.
It seemed like everyone else was landing on the Highwire, and Base couldn't help but feel a little left out and snubbed. Begrudgingly, he again took to his glider. The glider ride, this time, was very much different than it had been before; the motorcycle felt more empowering and flew the air effortlessly. He spiraled straight up to the Highwire ledge where Dumbo was set, having to rising in altitude gradually. Upon reaching the ledge he kept his glider active, since an elephant sitting on little more than a plank of wood made him slightly unnerved. Base looked to the side, at the glider, and found the metallic stands had retracted up into the body. He noted that as he looked to the others with silent curiosity.
Sorry that I missed the opening day; excuses are irrelevant, but my reason is: SOMEBODY FORGOT TO PAY THE PHONE BILL! >,< Rawr. And of all the days too...;~; It should be turned on later today, but I can't post until later because I'm on a school computer with limited time. In the case that I do not post later, then my internet still wasn't turned back on. I'm going to read every post as well, and you'll know I read yours when I like it. I'm probably not going to do this every time, but it'll be so I can maintain a flawless bookmark in the story until I catch up. Shouldn't take too long. One last thing: Dinny's currently making a lot of things. One of those things further down on the list are the RP Banners for Stratana and Sean. Sebastian's is finished, and by Dinny; but I'll be including all three of my characters in my first post.
EDIT: I decided to make my own to give you a little more free time. I know you're super busy and you have a lot of other work just here in this shop, so it's the least I can do. {RP Banner} Order !! Size {Your choice} Image/s {Character} Text {Stratana; in High Tower Text, fully in this shade.} Orientation {vertical} Vision {At the bottom, where the wave goes up the most, try to fit in a dagger where the blade occupies most of the negative space and the hilt overlaps the positive space at the bottom, the tang and edge facing downward, away from Stratana. Also, if you could do what you did with Sebastian's RP Banner except with a Violin instead of a Guitar fretboard, that'd be great. :3 I'd like two version, but not to worry, nothing too drastically different: I want one version where the dagger blade is clean, and one where the same dagger is moderately soaked with blood. Both versions will be used if made. Try to make it as cheery-looking as possible, even with the knife at the bottom, to give it a nice stark contrast.} Shape {This} Other Specifications {I've run out of things to put in... hey! Look! Someone got kicked in the boingloins... the boingloins....someone got kicked in them.} {RP Banner} Order !! Size {Your choice} Image/s {Background; Character} Text {Sean; In Impact font, with this shade for a filler, and this shade for text outline; could you make the letters a little bit out of vertical alignment? e.g: "S" slightly is more left than "a", and "a" more to the right than bothe "e" and "n" which are centered.} Orientation {horizontal } Vision {Nothing too complicated here. Sean is already rendered, so just put him on the flag as far right as possible so that there's no sudden cut offs in the image of Sean. Have the text descending in the middle/wherever you see white in the flag; try to keep the letters off the green and orange.} Shape {This} Other Specifications {SOMETIMES YOU WANNA GO, WHERE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAAAA-AY-AMME!... Yeah, I got nuthin'.} Aaand, I already thanked you on Skype, but given the quality of work for Sebastian: Spoiler: Thank you Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
What does everyone think? A simple like will do. (Not to like monger, but I don't want to add spam to the thread ^^") I was feeling bored and creative, and so I thought to mix all my characters together with their desires, and thus share the "Love". :3 If you really feel the need to discuss it, I'm open to PM's. Looking forward to starting! I've been waiting a long time, it feels like. x3
I like to sing, I like to act, and I'm just an all-around lover of the arts; so that seeps into my actions. Recently, I've started doing youtube videos again, and I thought I'd start with a cover of a song very close to my heart: "When the Stars Go Blue". I'd like some CnC, please. :3 Also, this is where I'll be posting all future videos I make that I upload to youtube, if this thread garners some attention. Hope to see some input soon, because I'm very excited to be recording again. For this song, I provided both the instrumentals via an Acoustic Guitar with a CAPO on the 3rd fret, and the vocals as well, obviously. The chords were supplied by, at this specific location, here. Look to the video description on youtube for more information.
I do. c:
Okay, so technically, nothing from Highwire Frenzy has been dealt out, but I have enough evidence to say beyond a reasonable doubt exactly what is coming. Spoiler: Rewards for Highwire Frenzy 100 EXP, 250 Munny, and 2 Crowns.[1] By this mission being fundamentally completed, that should raise the given portion of Base's stats to be as such: 360 EXP, 700 Munny, and 5 Crowns Spoiler: Elementary, My Dear Krowley There's more. Etrius' stats read as such: Level 7 with exactly 300 EXP[2]; as I am going above this number (No, Ze, I'm not rubbing it in your face; you're a friend.) I can easily deduce that Base will hence be at least Level 7 as a directly result of the completion of said Highwire mission. Cue the terribly played mouse-sized violin. From this previous deduction, I can aduce that Base will procure at least one Level Up point. So, I am taking the liberty of requesting a Dexterity boost. If in the case I have actually levelled up twice by some marker between 300 and 360 I am yet unaware of, then I am also requesting a supplemental Stamina boost in said case and ONLY in said case that Base possibly levelled up twice. Due to discretion and respect, I have not included any changes that would be made by this boost in the resulting stats following. Spoiler: Notes on the video Also, there is the matter of my final video for this level. I've been saving it just in case, and I'd like to use it to get me just enough Crowns to purchase a boost of +3 HP. I have given the video below for your discretion and judgement. I apologize for a horribly executed Chorus. I love the tune of the Chorus, but I find it personally difficult to play. Other than that, I once again provided Instrumentals via Guitar along with my voice, taking the chords from this site. Other than apologies, the song I chose was "Baby of Mine" from "Dumbo", chosen so because Base is actually in Pachyderm Parade. xD As this song is worth 5 Crowns and 425 Munny[3], this should bring up Base's possessions to 10 Crowns and 1,125 Munny, considering the accuracy of all previous information given is correct. Spoiler: Video So, all in all, here is a brief summary of purchases: Dexterity Boost Base's stats will read: 6(+2) Strength, 7 Speed, and 11 Magic.[2] (The coding for this image is given here if anyone else wants it to spice up their claims.) Code: [IMG][/IMG] Spoiler: Other codes I even have other codes for other useful images to make posts a bit more piquant! They're in the spoilers directly below: Spoiler: Boosts Codes Power Code: [IMG][/IMG] Intelligence Code: [IMG][/IMG] Stamina Code: [IMG][/IMG] Spoiler: Items Codes Potion Code: [IMG][/IMG] Hi-Potion Code: [IMG][/IMG] Mega-Potion Code: [IMG][/IMG] Ether Code: [IMG][/IMG] Hi-Ether Code: [IMG][/IMG] Mega-Ether Code: [IMG][/IMG] Elixir Code: [IMG][/IMG] Mega-Elixir Code: [IMG][/IMG] Phoenix Down Code: [IMG][/IMG] Balloon Letter Code: [IMG][/IMG] +3 HP Boost Code: [IMG][/IMG] Base Stats will read: 23 HP.[2] All changes in stats are given here: Base: Level, 7(?); EXP, 360; Munny, 1,125; Crowns, from 10, down to 0; HP, 23; MP, 4; Strength, 6(+2); Speed, 7; Defense, 4(+2); Magic, 11; Max AP, 2/4(+2) [1] The mission specs given by Krowley. [2] Stats menu on the front page. [3] Musical Mission wiki page.
I would love for Pain to be Honoured, and you can be sure her repertoire will expand progressively, but just how quickly as compared to her possible trek toward Despaired? I cannot yet say. ;3 I was also wondering if Zed could actually be the Warden of Shivga, but if this is too much power, let me know.