truthfully i think you should remove it because my internet is a bout ti be shut off and i don't have any other way to get on sorry
lisyening to music and watching gundam wing
so wat'cha upto
she hasn't been on lately
sorry to hear that bro
i wonder where rosetta is
thats safd why i thought you liked her
nah just wait wat
*pulls out shotgun and shoots you in the heart* hows that for mattering
eh wat does it matter
yeah wait wat does that mean
hmph i have no intention of playing games the only i want is to be left alone *leaves*
-_- *thinks to self someones a lil grumpy*
wait so you saw through my roose the whole time
oh g'night........
wat was i talking about
uhhh yeah............
heh no problem anything for a friend
0_0 oh uhhh heheh well sorry bout my rep but yeah unfortunately yes
yeah wat else would a friend do in in anothers time of boredom