I am, quote by Mario and Luigi from Go-Karts: "THE WIENER!" End quote.
And I shall say: Me third.
Thanks, I appreciate it! And yeah, I could draw a Bahamut Squibble, for some reason my friends keep telling me to draw him to (probably because Bahamut rocks lol). I'll post it as soon as I draw him in there :)
Yeah I made a Roxas Squibble to and it actually came out really awesome (hairwise especially). But what you can do with a Squibble is change it so it looks like anything you want (a fairy, puppy, kitty, anime character, etc.) I love them to death, sorry if that sounds to pridful ehehehe... Oh and thank you khcrazy ^^
I envy your skillz. xD
I'm usuallly considered the good manered girl who's quiet and smart. But sometimes I can be a goofball, especially during presentations and outside of class. I like being social. Though I wish some people knew I was socialable, because I get the feeling a lot of people judge me before they actually know me and it's so annoying :/
You have to admit she's adorable right? X3 Anwyas I drew this the other day, and I'd really like to know what you all think. Personally, I liked my Roxas one better, but whatever. Now I do realize that that is a really weird looking Yuna. Why is that you ask? Because she's a Squibble, a fuzzy and adorable creature I created and love to death. I didn't put the fact that this was a Squibble in the title because for some reason, I get the feeling that people will think that sounds stupid and not even look at the picture. Which is something I find very annoying. Also, I was wondering if I should add her staff or an aeon Squibble into the background (Bahamut or Shiva). And yes, that is a halo above her head ^^ Comments appreciated, especially if you lived through reading all of that crap ^
If you're going to enter one at the moment I would say the first, unless of course you clean up the second one a little (as already mentioned).
Name: Xarat, Axart, Taxar (lol and then my weapon would be taxing you all) Title: The Destructive Dreamer Element: I'm a miniature Pickachu x3 (yes...that means electricity) Weapon: A whip that sends electric waves through it and shocks peoples...
Thanks! I was trying not to make it look like any kind of keyblade and make it my own weapon. How'd this remind you of Saix, the length??
Eh I posted that after you posted the second one...but just in case you were wondering I was referring to V1.
I wish I had a boyfriend as hot as the Teletubies. ................. Don't hold me against that comment.
I hate how it won't let you click on pages :( I win. Again.
Weird? I love the design for the background. The text is a little normal though, find something that better suites the overall theme of the sig. Also, I'm not sure Sora was the best choice, but that's only my opinion. Can't really say anthing else considering the fact that I fail at sig and avy making.
Really? Thanks! Actually it's Zemboia...for some reason I spelled it wrong twice 0.o
Wow, 4 gems. I didn't even notice until now. CtR is the Gem God. All hail to her Gemlyness.
T'was the point of the comment. ....for some reason I crave a taco. o.0
*refrains from tackling and throws a giant evil bloodthirsty kitty onto your head* I win.
You is Spamming. :P
Haha! I am zeh winneh zo fa!