lol. Awesome news man. It just took a hard drive wipe for you to find it XD lol Gotta wonder though, what were you doing wrong before? Also,...
lol Ultima weapon? The game isn't messed up? Congrats man lol
lol Nice XD I just finished the second visit of Land of the dragons. Almost there lol.
lol Meh, what the hell lol. I will try to embed it in a website or something XD
Did you know, the GBA version of Chain of memories is not as good as the ps2 remake? XD
lol i know, right? XD I might just download it XD
*tries again* Now we wait... Longest 40 seconds of my life. lol i was just strolling across the internet, found this: I...
Its not? What is it then?
[IMG] Its not working! D:
Eating vegies makes you weak.
lol Well, I was somebody XD You were asking me how deep I could get my voice, to sounds like somebody 6ft7in or something like that, then I told...
You were a voice actor and Jake was a voice actor. Oh, and so was I, Bal.... Balfus.... The horse guy XD
Hey, hows the credits doing?
Another two gyms down! Only one to go, challenge the elete, and then its all over. I might do another challenge, but I will find out when I get there lol. Darmanitan is level 43, Emboar is level 51 I added another pokemon, Litwick since its ghost/fire. Also, got another HM slave, Herdier. Current location is Dragon Spiral Tower :) Edit: [video=youtube;1s-pXLCqnHA][/video] Recorded just because lol. It lags when recording, so in this vid I read reeeeealy fast lol.
Oh my, Colby. It seems like forever since I have seen you lol. I thought you had left the site honestly. Good to see ya though. :) The program I...
Pretty well thanks, hows the mob hanging?
頭でオフ!笑 さて、自分自身を楽しむ
lol Good, good XD Now, I play Re: coded... 日本語で。ボスのような。 Hows that? lol