lol Sorry, I had no wifi. And since you told me not to text you, I couldn't text you to tell you I couldn't respond on khv XD And since I couldn't...
lol I see. If you still have it, would you by chance be able to direct me to a download? Or a name perhaps? lol. Anything would be appreciated...
If I may ask, what did you mean when you said the emulator was not very good? Was it slow? (on DSONP beta 6 I get about 5 frames per second XD On...
lol Yea, if it ever does XD I am sure it will bring the same feeling, provided it isn't on some other console that exists way in the future when...
lol Not much, mostly playing kh2FM, I used swap magic and got it running on my ps2. Also, hackery of my psp. I am loading it with emulators and...
Hey, how are you? :)
lol You asked for entertainment. Did I deliver? XD Now you may go AFK, because I am doing just that lol
Of coarse, you go AFK the moment I make an awesome joke XD
lol Oh god, I can only imagine XD Marly: Sora, take off your clothes. Sora: O.o What the fu- Marly:*knocks out sora* Five minutes later... Marly:...
lol I must say, they look good with a style swap, Sora and Marly
Thanks, I will probably try it after dinner lol. Currently I am working on wirelessly connecting a psp to my computer in case I lose the connector...
lol Nice. Have you figured out how to beat nmushroom number 5? The one in agrabah that heals itself lol. it makes a nice punching bag, but how do...
lol Well that sucks. Oh well, **** happens. Anywho, how are you my brotha from anatha motha? lol
lol Meaning you have nothing?
You want me to entertain you? I am afraid you have to buy me dinner first XD lol jk Some, yes. I have been watching tutorials on scripting and...
lol everything is XD I am also on critical rather than the much easier proud mode XD That might have something to do with it too lol
lol Yep. And then they all died from audio dysync XD
"Dirka? DIRKA?!?!? Do you know what happened to the last infidel that called me 'Dirka'!?!" Aladdin...
lol Will do XD I am in agrabah.
Elloh moto